Title: From Across The Room Part 7: The Pen 'Tis Mighty Indeed Rating: PG-13 Author: Alse E-mail: alsepang@hotmail.com Disclaimer: The truth is out there. AN: To all the readers who mailed and asked for more...THANK YOU very, very much for the warm comments. It was wonderful of you all. I'm very tired now...g'night...zzz...zzz ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* LATE NOVEMBER He saw her from across the room. "Hi, beautiful," Andrew murmured lovingly, dropping a tender kiss on his girlfriend's upturned face. "The prof blew a fuse after I accidentally blew up some stuff in the fume cupboard. Fortunately, no one was injured, except the fume cupboard, which is not fit for use at the moment...but let's not talk about that. Am I very late?" The pretty, brown-haired young woman laughed. "Not more so than usual. I haven't been bored, though. I've been reading this." She indicated the college newspaper she was reading. It was from the university in the next town. "This is the short-story competition I wanted to enter, the one open to all college undergraduates, whichever college they're from. I didn't win, but one of the winning entries is just so lovely and so sad." 'Ten to one it's a soppy love story,' decided Andrew. "Go on, Rita," he said encouragingly. "Well, it's actually a sad romantic story--" 'I *thought* so.' Andrew sighed mentally, but he smiled attentively at his girlfriend. "-- about a one-sided love, but it's beautifully written." Rita sighed deeply, her brown eyes misting over. "I really do think that this writer is amazingly brave. The man she loves could so easily find this. What's even stranger is that, well, the setting is remarkably like your parents' café. I can just imagine it! I really think that it's actually set there. Here, have a look. " Andrew took the paper and glanced at the third-prize entry Rita had pointed out to him. 'From Across The Room, by S. Taylor'. Hmmm. Now where had he come across the initial 'S' and the surname 'Taylor' before? To be sure, 'Taylor' was an exceedingly common family name, but there was something very familiar about that combination. He looked at the first line of the story. 'I saw him from across the room. It was Valentine's Day, the fourteenth day of February...' Andrew ran his eyes down the lines. If Rita had been looking up at her boyfriend, she would have seen his face darken with anger and his eyes narrow. Chocolate cupcake? Roses? Serena Taylor, that beautiful golden- haired girl who had worked at his parents' café over the summer. It had to be her. Andrew was furious. How could he have trusted her? Didn't that girl have any delicacy at all? She *knew* that it was a very private matter and yet she had used it for some dumb short-story competition! If Darien *ever* found out about this, he would know that Andrew had broken his trust-- Abruptly, Andrew's good-looking face blanched. It *couldn't* be! He went limp in his seat and lifted his eyes briefly, staring blankly ahead. "Coincidence...pure coincidence..." he mumbled under his breath. "It just can't be..." The names had been changed, but everything else was the same. However Andrew tried to convince himself, there was a harsh truth in the words, a truth that rang as-- well, as *true* as steel. The clincher, however, was in the second last part of the story. '...by the door, at the apartment where he lived, lay a card, a single, deep crimson rose, a package of chocolate cupcakes and a small gift, all hand-delivered...' Andrew smiled sadly. He remembered the day after she had left. His best friend had burst into the café, his face and eyes flashing with a light and life that had not been there for a long time. "Andrew! She remembers me! She's here, somewhere nearby!" the dark-haired young man's face was alight with happiness. He was going to find her; he was finally going to meet the girl he had dreamed of and loved for so long. Andrew sighed. His best friend had been overjoyed and had waited hopefully, but no more roses had come... Everything made sense now. Andrew remembered the day Serena had simply stood in the middle of the room, unmoving, her face white, big blue eyes wide and suddenly blank. He had had to steer her gently to the employees' lounge at the back, where he sat her down on the couch. Even then, she hadn't moved an inch and sat there silently for some time before she suddenly got up and reverted to normal, going back to her duties as if nothing had happened. He had not linked it to the sudden appearance of his best friend with a girl on his arm. Now Andrew understood. He understood the reason why she had suddenly lost so much of her laughter, and why her smiles had seemed so strained. She had become quieter, and lost a good deal of weight. Andrew had been worried, but she had not said anything and he was too tactful to enquire further. Besides, his best friend had developed a sudden womanising streak that was so incredibly out of character that Andrew spent most of his waking time trying to decipher what had made Darien turn from woman-avoider to Casanova overnight. Andrew rubbed a hand over his forehead somewhat wearily and turned back to the paper. The last few paragraphs were reflective, but there was an undercurrent of poignancy in the words. He could almost hear Serena's voice, weary and resigned, as he read on. 'I used to think that I would have a happy-ever-after, that I would fall in love, and that the person I loved would love me in return. I know I'm not the first to suffer heartbreak-- millions before me have, and millions after me will-- and the time for dying of a broken heart is long gone. I must be strong. I have to be strong. I know I'll get over him-- no, I know I *must* get over him. 'But what if I don't want to? 'What if you love someone so much that you'd rather live with a shattered heart-- or a heart that he breaks every time you see him with another-- than live without your love for him? 'What if you love someone so deeply that he becomes a part of you-- not just your heart, but also your soul? How can you bear to tear out part of your soul? 'What if you don't want to get over him, because losing your love for him would leave you incomplete? That to do so would mean losing a part of you forever, a part of which the losing cannot be borne because you can no longer imagine life without it? 'What if your love for that person transcends everything, even your own pain, but particularly your own pain, so that you would choose to live with that love for him, because life without it would be unbearable? 'Like every girl who's ever been born, I've had my own dreams of love, long before I had my first crush, my first infatuation, before I cried over a boy. It's just-- I didn't imagine-- I never thought-- it never crossed my mind-- that some day, I'd find out that this is what it means by love unrequited. 'I've thought everything over and it's clear in my mind. I know where he is and I know how to find him. I know that I can tell him the truth if I choose, but I won't. I won't. I've sent him the last message he will ever receive from the 'dream girl' from years back. It's his birthday card. If I lie and tell him to find another because I love someone else, I would hurt him. I know what it's like to have shattered dreams and I can't do that to him. I've decided simply never to send him anything again. That way, he'll never be able to find me. 'Time takes the edge off memories, dulls them, heals wounds...I know that in time, he'll forget completely. That's the best thing that could happen. Then some day, he'll meet someone who will fulfil every requirement of his dream girl- someone whom he'll really fall in love with and who will love him-- and perhaps he'll find her when he sees her across the room... as I saw him.' Rita raised her head when she heard Andrew taking the Heavenly Father's name in vain. "Oh, my God-- oh, my God-- oh, my God--" "Andrew?" Rita waved her hand in front of him, breaking his blank stare at the paper. "I thought you wouldn't really like it, but that was unexpected." Andrew gestured helplessly. "Oh, my God--" It was all he seemed capable of saying. It was Rita's turn to sound encouraging. "Yes, dear. Go on." Andrew seemed to pull himself together. He passed a hand across his eyes. "It's Darien's girl, Rita." He proceeded to break his best friend's trust for the second time, telling Rita everything he knew-- the whole story from Andrew's point of view. Then he told Rita what he intended to do. "Are you sure of this?" Rita asked anxiously. She had met Andrew's best friend before. He was a tall, dark man who was undeniably handsome and charming, but who remained silent for most purposes. Rita was a little afraid of him and sometimes wondered how her cheerful, friendly and open Andrew could have become best friends with this quiet and secretive individual. Andrew looked down at S. Taylor's short story again. In his hands, he held the happiness of his best friend and of a very sweet girl. Even if she wasn't the dream girl-- and the chances of that were nil-- he was going to make his best friend give her a chance. His best friend was too lonely and too cooped up, and Andrew didn't like the idea of Casanova emerging again. The Casanova persona had disappeared together with the sudden appearance of the 'dream girl' and Andrew had been more than relieved. Serena would be wonderful for him. "Yes, I'm sure." Andrew's face was determined. "I still have those employment records down at the café and I think we might be able to trace her from there if we can't find her at her college. Will you come with me, Rita?" He would need a woman's touch for this. Andrew was a wise man and he knew that when it comes to the matters of the heart, there are times when it may well be that men are truly from Mars, and women, from Venus. (c) 2001 Copyright original storyline by Alsepang Japan defiantly continues to refuse to correct history texts which whitewash its brutal military past and its harsh occupation of Korea, Taiwan and China. * A scowling Alse starts up her rocket launcher and programmes it to target errant history text writers in Japan and even more errant Japanese government officials who let the books go!!! *