A Dangerous Affair C10b By: raq-Umali Umalific@hotmail.com Edited by: Jennifer T **** "What?" everyone's eyes focused on the two cousins. "You're kidding" "Impossible" "It just cant happen" Everyone looked at Darien for some approval or some type of answer. But all his entire mind could see and think of was this magnificent woman. He watched her as he kept his eyes focused on her movements and actions. Serena stood her ground and watched as he studied her. Darien raised his hand to halt all questions or remarks. "Everyone…. Let Andrew and Serena finish. I would like to see what they have come up with in their time of research". Serena smiled at Darien for his confidence and assured him through her telepathic mind that he would not be disappointed. Nodding in acceptance, he urged her to move on. "Thank you Darien", Andrew said as he began to explain the details of their theory. Everyone's attention was focused on both Andrew and Serena as they took turns explaining. From their search for Vlad and their disturbing encounter to their now newly found Serum, the tale was overwhelming. "You mean to say that you two have concocted a serum that would allow us to roam during broad daylight?" asked Rei-lee as she still played with the idea. "Yes" "I'm not sure I want to try this and risk my life walking out in the sun," said Michael as he looked on to the others than to Darien, who still had said nothing. "Yes, Serena… Andrew… How do you know this would work, I mean surely I wouldn't want Michael to set foot in broad day light and… and…. She thought of the words to say, but could not come down to saying it, "you know",... whispered Mina as Michael held her around her shoulders. "I too said the same thing." Responded Serena with surety "I would not allow Andrew to administer the serum to Darien without knowing if it worked or not" "So we tested it" ended Andrew. "SO you mean to tell me, you found a vampire that was willing to be used as a guinea pig," said Kyle who remained quiet till now. "and allowed you to give him the serum" said Nathan as he eyed Lita who gave him a faint smile. "Then crazy enough to walk into daylight?" "YES!" simultaneously Andrew and Serena answered. "How about you girls?" asked Zen "What do you think of all this, since your fully knowledgeable of potions and serums" "WE stand behind Serena" smiled Stephanie "WE feel her actions are not to harm you but to help you" "Better your life and existence" said Haley. "and indeed it is possible for you to walk by day" ended Ami as she eyed Zen. Who she had taken a liking to. "Our ancestors have accounted many times of having encountered draculians that roam by day" interrupted Lita. "I don't know about this," said Rei as she stood to walk towards her brother. "Darien, you've said nothing, what is your say in this". Darien was indeed quiet, contemplating whether or not to believe his love or to call the idea obscurity. He would just love the idea of being able to walk with Serena and have picnics with her in broad day. Just the thought of it made his curdling veins run warm. He stroked his chin as he thought of something reasonable to say without offending others. "I for one will not say that it is impossible. For I have read that book many times myself…. Jealous of Vlad's daily rituals. But I will not deny the fact that I think its possibly impossible… I do believe in Serena and Andrew, that they will do nothing to harm us." Darien stood and made his way towards Serena without breaking eye contact. "I trust them with my life, especially Serena." Darien snaked one of his large hand behind Serena's head pulling her towards him, urging a possessive kiss. Breaking the smoldering kiss, Serena blushed a bit. She loved the passionate and possessive man he was but again he always found the most awkward time to play teensome. After breaking the kiss his eyes traveled to her thankful eyes, and found more. The love she held for him, it was undenyingly for him and only him. No betrayal in her eyes, nor would there ever be. "SO if they say they have tested this serum then let them prove their words". Darien turned and gave each a sweeping look of acceptance. "Serena, Andrew, you said that you had tested this serum out. Who did you test it on and what were the effects?" questioned Darien as he made his way back to his seat. Regal, and very poised he crossed his leg as he listened to all. "The effects where nothing harmful" "None the less there were some effects that were not suppose to happen" said Michael. "Yes… but.." said Andrew as he was cut off by Serena. "Andrew I think its time to bring our guest in" Andrew nodded and left to open the door to the library. Eyes were on him as he stepped out to motion for someone. Before entering, Andrew half smiled and introduced the newcomer. "WE had said that we had initiated a test on a vampire and as proof, I had brought him back with me. May I introduce to you Ivan Vandeli" Andrew stepped aside and came forth was Ivan. Nothing underlined Darien's face as Ivan entered. Only trying to sense his true nature, if he was to harm anyone or if he was fake. Sure enough, Ivan is authentically real, vampire and all. All stared and said nothing as the known guest appeared center stage. Ivan walked with sheer confidence. His eyes traveled to others as he searched for the Prince for his approval. Finding the jetty ebony black hair man sitting nobly on his chair. Stopping next to Serena he spoke. "Prince, It is an honor" he motioned as he bowed respectfully to the man. "Indeed it is" said Darien "Please tell us more of my Serena's and Andrew's theory" "Your highness, the serum is as Miss Serena and Mr. Andrew speak of it. It will give you and the others the chance to taste life at day". Sighs were heard throughout the room as they kept their minds clear to what they are hearing. "tell me, what happened when you were given this serum?" asked Darien "I was given the serum then rested for a few. After a few days, I had seen the sun for the first time in my 5000 year old life. "Were they're any effects that would make you regret your decision to taking the serum" "There was only one setback" said Serena "Well I wouldn't call it a setback" responded Andrew. "and what would that be?" asked Rei and the others as their attention was back on Serena and Andrew. "With all do respect your highness…." gaining the attention that was directed towards Serena and Andrew. Darien watched the new comer waiting for permission to speak. Getting the full nod and approval he went on. "Our life is nothing more than sheer terror to ones eyes. Living by day grows old as you very well might know. I for one have always wanted more, curious to know what lies over the horizon. To know what goes on during the day….but we all know the old saying 'Curiousity killed the Cat'". Smirks and a few snorts was heard as the light remark broke the heavy ice. "And I have seen many that ended like that cat. What I'm trying to say is, the little setback would not have changed my decision to testing this serum. I have been living the day as it was given. Like a new life, I explore the new territories and feed at night.. Even if this was just temporary……. I would of taken it, if for living normal, even for just one day". Darien was moved by his words. Indeed their had been countless days where he had wished to live normally and to taste the life of mortals by day. Darien grew excited to sample the serum and experience the ideal taste of life he had always wanted to. But a question came to mind. "Mr. Vandeli, I am a bit curious. What made you test this serum out even though their were no guarantees?". Darien looked at the man curiously. "I mean if the serum did not work and you walked into the sun, you would of died instantly. Did you not care?" "Your highness, I was at the end of my rope. We live night by night, experiencing all that our cruel life of immortality has to offer. We see all that humans endure each time a new plague or a new war comes and goes. I am tired, it is all old game to me. I did not care wether I died in the smoldering hot sun or not… I wanted a change." "I see…thank you for coming Mr. Vandeli. I am sure you have eased up some minds in this room. Now…… I have made my own decision" stood Darien and turned to see everyone "I will not allow any of you to take this serum until I have myself come out of this alive" retorts and negative responses were heard. Serena smiled largely to her mate. Raising his hand he spoke "I trust my Serena and I trust Andrew, I know they will not harm us in any way. If they say they have come up with a potion of some sort to make our life a bit eventful then living by night. Then I will be the one to test to ease all your minds. NOW… would anyone either one of you care to share this minor or little setback" "Lets just say I turned a bit green" "GREEN????" turned Darien towards Serena and Andrew as they slightly grinned. "Umm.. eh .. he" blushed Serena. Stay Tune for chapter 11……… Email is good for the soul, especially an authors. I'm beginning to think that no one is reading this. Please let me know how you like it, I actually thought of discontinuing the story. I would like to thank gin for talking me into completing my stories, rosy who emails me much, maria… thanks for the pep talk yesterday. I needed it. ~ raq