"A Dangerous Affair C7" January 9, 2001 By: Umali Umalific@hotmail.com Sorry for the absence… Chapter 7 – My Identity It had been three days since Serena found her true identity. 'A Wiccan' from the most noble creatures in time. The book that was given to her by her mother was her history and the box held the same emblem that encased on the books cover. From her families history, their suffrage to the wedding of her mother it was a book lost in time. It spoke many things about her heritage and there she sifted through what was true and what was not. It was mere lies as to have everyone believe that all witches were all bad. For the truth witches were derived for natures goodwill. Their life's envisionment of free spirits and the wondrous mysteries of the earth were captivating. Witches are just as mortals live their life to the fullest, they take their existence in this world as special and sacred. They not take advantage of their surroundings and make sure they only take what is needed in this world and the next. Their powers and spiritualism derived for good not for the evil that everyone assumes. Acquiring powers to heal and spells to protect not to usually to harm nor to kill as they are portrayed. At times they are summoned to end a life but only if another was threatened. The ones that are mainly described throughout many tales in histories time, are the no gooders that gave them all a bad name. Black witches were ones that thrive on being the ruler and practice black magic. Most bore black or tainted hair, darkened skin and red blemishes that give them hideous complexions. Greed and dark evil thrived on their blood oppose to the light flowed through the white witches. As for Serena and her heritage, her family lived as wholesome white witches. It is to no wonder that her family weather male or female had the purest sun streaked hair and the fairest of skin. Serena's outlook in life was a little more different than days before. Her spirit was still dim but yet a little light ticked its way back to her body. Reading on, her book held many secrets and many wiccan spells as well. From her weeks reading, her eyes were strained. But she wanted more knowledge of her new found blood. She visited the Mystical Book shop many other times and each time she was given a new book to learn of her history. The following week, Serena grew more interested in the magik of it all and asked her new found friends/sisters to help summon her original white wiccan blood. Thus the ceremonial circle was done and hindered the nature's call. Of true good in wiccan blood they summoned the witch of peace for her assistance. Through her guidance Serena's purest though faint blood was summoned and the feeling of rebirth completely enraptured her whole body. Now Possessing what little wiccan blood she had she was now able to do the simplest spells of healing and protecting. Though weak her spells with the backing of her new found sisters, full blood wiccan's Lita, Ami, Miko, Haley and Stephanie it was stronger than anyone one pure wiccan. Thus not as pure, Serena is unable to call to any spells of immortality. During the weeks that had passed, Serena missed Darien as expected, the two no matter what they were if wiccan, mortal or draculian they were still soul mates. She had read that numerous times as her mother had written it to be understood. As she laid down to rest her eyes still wandered to the other book that lay on top of her night-stand. Picking it up, she made herself comfortable. Leaning back she started to rummage through the pages again. Sifting though chapters and reading ones that had Dalien confessing his love for Selena to others. 'use your knowledge of his love' rang in her mind as she read a passage of a paragraph. "Is this how he really feels?" she asked herself quietly. Then as quick as her mind is to wander she heard a knock on her door. "Come in" said Serena as she watch her cousin enter. "MINA!….. do you know what time it is… Its pass midnight" said Serena to her worried cousin. Having Mina say nothing and her stressend features made her worry "Mina what's the matter?" she asked as she got out of bed to be face with her cousin. "Serena, you have to help me…." Cried Mina "Help you….what?" "Andrew….gone…..Michael….…." "Andrew…..Michael…..gone????…." "NO! others….." "Others who….. Mina I don't understand you" she said as she held on to Mina's shoulders to calm her. "These women…took Andrew and…..and…..Michael went to help him… and …and…." "Mina who took Andrew?… What women?" "Serena, woman… EMI….……vampires!" she whispered. "EMI! Vampires!……" Serena was surprised "Where did they take him???" shook Serena getting no response she had to be harsh with her. "Mina" said Serena a bit firm "You have to be strong and tell me where Michael went to look for them or we will never see Andrew again you hear me" she pressed firmly to the weeping Mina. Mina nodded and responded breathing loudly. "Michael said he was going to go home first and….but I don't know where that is" "Never mind I know where they're going.." Serena ran to her door and called for her governess. She peaked out the door and greeted her. "Mrs. Charles go downstairs and have Mr. Quinely saddle my horse and quickly" she yelled. Serena ran to her closet to change while Mina sat on the bed crying. A moment later Mrs. Charles entered and noticed Mina crying and hugged the shaking girl. "What is the matter Miss Mina?" "Mrs. Charles, stay with Mina and do not let her out. Until I return.." "Yes Miss… but where are you going?" "I have no time to explain" she said as she grabbed the book and ran down the stairs. "Lets go Vixen" she yelled as she disappeared through the night. Serena rode like the wind on her white stallion. Muscular and purely bread the horse was more than capable for nightly races. Serena's black velvet hood covered her head as she went against the wind. Urging her horse to a frenzy she thank her father for taking lessons. Vixen ran faster than her heart desire as her master called for more. Maneuvering the horse smoothly avoiding any debris she was in a race for time and safety for her cousin. During the ride, she desired the presence of her sisters for help. She used her menial powers of telepathy that she had learned and called upon her sisters. "EMI?????? What the hell are you doing here" said the master of the home as he came down the large marble stairs. "EMI…" said Rei as she began to growl in anger. "Why…love.. don't you miss me?" she asked cunningly to the handsome man. "Get out of here Emi you weren't invited", Never once liking the girl, Rei stared daggers to the want to be beauty queen. "don't excite yourself Emi, we are nothing", Darien coolly retortedas he notices Michael sprint in and do a full halt. "Darien, they have Andrew". Darien's features went grim as he turned his body to the girl. The un invited guest, held her green eyes steady as she looked on to Darien. Her features were shadowed with adolescent intentions. She flipped her green hair to her back as she smiled. The others presence were made, Darien's confidants held themselves ready for battle with the nymphomaniac vampires. "Emi.. where is he?" asked Darien as he looked on with little fascination to the vamp. "Darien… you are looking quite handsome… more handsome than ever", Admired Emi as she swept through Darien's hard body. "EMI! Answer my question" "Oh him… the handsome man… my girls wanted him…" "Emi… he has been marked" seethed Darien as he was getting annoyed. She was playing with fire to turn the other cheek with his mark and not to mention her presence in his home. "I was wondering…why the prince of darkness have marked such a handsome man?" "That is none of your concern", cut Michael as he too stared at the woman. "Oh.. can't I just have one…." Cooing to Darien as she began to move slightly towards him. "Emi call your pack NOW!..and bring him forth", Darien's deep irritated voice echoed through the castle walls. Emi summoned her pack and in no time entered holding Andrew within their grasps. Frightened and scared, Andrew looked on and was surprised to find Darien speaking to the evil vamps that held him captive. "Darien… Michael…" said Andrew "your…a Vampi…re too" he said whisperingly and tiredly. "Andrew… you will not be harmed" said Darien firmly before returning his eyes to the green haired annoyance. "release him Emi" "Why should I? He is of fun", Emi smiled as she caressed Andrew's features. "Emi, I bestowed his safety… release him.." "Bestowed…I tell you what Darie-love… I will release him if you spend an evening with me", Emi swayed, her sultry movements defined and strictly towards Darien. "THE HELL HE WILL!". Everyone's eyes averted to the door that was left open through Michael's entrance. "Serena…….." The others looked on as she walked in. She strolled in walking pass Emi's little pack of young girls and did nothing as they growled. Staying on her guard, she kept her eyes on Emi as she neared her and Darien. Green eyes clashing with blue, they shot deathly stares as she came closer. 'Boy she was a real sight for sore eyes' thought Darien as he watch his beautiful woman come closer. His eyes wandered and his mind flushed at the sight of her engorged breast tightly seen through her corset. "who might you be?" asked Emi "Why……don't you know I am Lord Langtry's mistress" said Serena without a though surprising Darien and the others. "Oh?" questioned Emi as she looked on to Darien. Serena felt a little smile crawling to her face as Emi studied Darien's longing for Serena. Only confirming what was true. "Hi baby" smiled Serena as she turned to Darien feeling Emi's gaze. Serena stepped towards the first step. 'Darien may I have a kiss' she asked telepathically as she blocked others from the thought. Darien surprised but complied with her wishes and smiled. "Good evening my love", Darien enveloped her within his arms and kissed her lightly. Serena's and Darien's eyes fell to a wholesome gaze as they departed from their first kiss in weeks. The warmth was still there and the fire fiercely burned. Emi noticed Serena as a mortal from her scent and wickedly smiled. "So…..you are his new prey.. You mortal fool" smiled Emi. "Shame on you Darien for playing with your food" "Emi… I suggest you leave", Rei was happy to see her brother and Serena together again. "EMI! Leave before I force you to leave", Darien was angrily being tested by the woman. Holding Serena possessively he cursed them to leave. "Fine… I will leave but what of your handsome man over here" she asked as she walked over towards Andrew being held by her pack. "Let him go" said Serena as she released herself from Darien's embrace. "Oh…little Mistress here speaks…and what might you mortal do?" she asked laughingly. "I'm warning you", Serena walked towards Emi as she kept her eyes in deep contact with hers. "Warning…HA! you cannot lay a hand on me you are of no match to my strength. "Darien if you don't want you little mistress unharmed I suggest you pull her back and take my bargain". Darien held confused, 'what was Serena doing and the more what was he to do, fight her pack which could get real ugly or give into her evening'. Serena alone could not withstand Emi's power, for her mere punch could turn deadly. "He will not take your bargain if you were the last Vamp on this earth.." she stared violently at the green hared vampire. "Don't underestimate me" said Serena as she began to repeat a spell binding chant in her mind. 'Millennia to the winds, the purest of my heritage light, I invoke thee to give me strength to fight' chanted Serena as she became a haze of light. Her eyes turned of a deadly gray as she turned deepening her eyes as she stared upon Emi. Serena's body glowed and her eyes piercing. Emi gasped and moved back a ways before shielding herself behind one of her young servants. Darien and the others watched as Serena looked on to the scared Emi. Darien held his breath seeing a whirlwind of white light wrapping around Serena's body. "You are not MORTAL" yelled Emi. "You are absolutely right" said Serena as her sight deepened to the deepest shade of gray. "you and you" said Emi to two women in her pack "get her". Just as Michael and the others were ready to help. Five other hooded figures entered the castle. "Let her be". The others looked on to the figures as they wondered whom these mysterious women were. Lita, Ami, Stephanie, Haley and Miko removed their cloaks to reveal their identities. The odds were even between the two. Andrew stared in disbelief as he watch his cousin invoked her powers. "Our sister calls", Miko stood behind Serena, giving her strength. The six held their stance with the evil ward. "Release that man Emi or you shall be challenged with your survival skills". Serena held her stare firmly as she waited for the pacs response.. Darien was speechless, the little mortal he thought to be his woman was unfolding to have unknown powers. Emi was of rage, she had never been defeated, especially with a girl with the likes of her. With one move Emi lifted her hand to hold Andrew by his neck. The others eyes watched as Andrew made a rough painful sound. Serena's temper was growing to an end to see her cousin painfully being tormented was torturing her soul as well. "Thy rite to protect and the rite to live, let him be protected by my will" chanted Serena as she released a power summoned by her spell. Andrew's body was engulfed with a sardonyx color silencing his pain as he could not feel any. Emi's eyes held fury as her tighter grip did nothing to her catch. She threw his body with one movement, landing roughly against the cold wall. Michael quickly ran to Andrew feeling for a pulse. He looked on to Darien and nodded. Telepathically Serena sent a message to Darien. 'My love this will pain you, please avoid the light'. Darien nodded and sent the message to his servants. They stayed waiting to watch Serena weave her magik. "you should never hurt one that is under your strength. You shall pay for that" Serena held her hands out above her waist. "I call to thee, who I can be one, I call upon the goddess of Sun". Darien realized how painful this would be when Serena called upon the goddess of sun. He told his men to disappear, taking his sister by hand he too ran for the confines of darkened shelter. The others waited till Serena's rite of power was invoked and then began their own chanting spells. 'WE call to thee, we are one, we call upon the goddess of Sun" they chanted in unison as their palms turned towards Serena…. Reflecting the power towards her. Emi and the other women stepped back. A focused of purified light emulated through Serena's hands. As the chant grew louder and more clear, her hands glowed to the suns original rays. Emi's eyes narrowed and widen as she clearly see's the stinging ray. Piercing screams echoed through the castle as the ray began to glow brighter. In unison the six women opened their eyes as they witness the melting and burning state of Emi and her pack. Within seconds time, Emi and her pack was of no more. Chanted Serena called back the power and the light within her grasp dither to nothing. Sensing no bright light and Emi's piercing scream gone Darien moved towards the crowd. They huddled next to Andrew as he laid unconscious. Serena and her sisters surrounded his silent figure and chanted their healing spell. "Round and round this Esbat site, Power build to work our rite. Pass thy light of healing tool make his body good as new", Serena's body flowed of green light hindered from within, surrounding Andrew. Within time his body was blessed with the spell and thus the green light returned to Serena's body. Andrew stirred and opened his eyes. Making contact with Serena his eyes teared and immediately he stood up giving his cousin a large embrace. "Serena…" he cried as he hugged her "thank you…" he sobbed a little more before he noticed others around. Especially Darien and his men, Andrew stood a back as he watched all suspiciously. "you…" he said "you are all vampires" frightened "Serena, they are all vampires" "Andrew, calm down please" said Serena as she watched her cousin frantically shaking. "Andrew we will not harm you" pressed Darien as he moved closer. Andrew stepped back as he moved towards the dining table. Looking around he found knives that were set for dinner. "Step back" he warned as he picked up a knife for protection. Darien came behind Serena and laid a hand over her shoulder. Looking up, she smiled as she found her soul within the eyes of her mate. "Serena come over here" said Andrew breaking Serena's and Darien's intimate moment. Serena sighed as she beckoned another light. "Pearl of light to hither strength, soothed this mortal and his anger to dissipate". The other women closed their eyes lending power to Serena. Within seconds time, a pearl of light brought it self fourth engulfing Andrew. His eyes flickered in peace as he let go of the knife he held. "Serena…what…." he questioned, surprised and unbelieving the power his cousin possessed. Everyone's eyes focused on Serena as she smiled largely at her cousin. "shhh…you need rest Andrew, I will explain in the morning", Serena gave a telepathic message to Lita. 'Lita please take him to my home, I need to speak to Darien'. Lita and the girls smiled wickedly to Serena before nodding. "Andrew, these are my friends." Serena gestured as she neared him "They will take you to my house." "Your house?" "Yes Mina waits for you there" she soothed "She is worried". Andrew nodded and slowly left with the others. Once out of the castle doors, Serena turned around to the many questioning eyes. "WHAT was that?" asked Rei coming closer. Serena finds Darien to be in mixed emotions. His eyes were heavy and lost such as hers. With his eyes, he asked for an explanation. Rei-lee sensed her stare as she sees Darien intent on watching her with questioning eyes. "What are you?" asked Michael to Serena. "Jayson, Michael can you please help me with the fire in the library.. and Zen, Kyle Nathan please make sure there are no other un knowing pack we are unaware of" she said as they nodded leaving Darien and Serena to stand by themselves. Alone, Serena and Darien did not move. They held their stare not wanting to remove themselves, afraid one would vanish in an instant. Serena made her way closer to Darien and even still she held her eyes to stay affixed. "Darien" she said as she caressed the side of his face. Darien till then did not move nor said a word. His stare spoke in volumes as he felt Serena's touch. With his mind at an endless happiness he brought his hand to cover hers, still caressing his face he intimately took her hand. Laying a smoldering butterfly kiss on the backside of her hand then turned to view her writs. Kissing softly, Serena exhaled "my love" she said getting Darien's attention. Darien stared at her in disbelief that she was here and just called him her love. "Serena.." "Shhh… lets talk shall we" she smiled as she pulled Darien up the stairs to his chambers. Stay tune for chapter 8…………. Thanks for reading.. I do have to say that I know for known fact that there are true Wiccans out there… and as far as Im concerned this is fiction. Please don't let anything I wrote offend any of you. Email all comments to umalific@hotmail.com