-->PLEASE READ THIS<-- This story is a SERIES. That means there are more chapters that come before this one. You can start with these chapters, but I will promise you will be confused. The series in order goes as follows; Don't Let Me Go: Broken Promises Don't Let Me Go: Insanity Don't Let Me Go: Roses Don't Let Me Go: Apparition Don't Let Me Go: Debauchery Don't Let Me Go: Analogous Don't Let Me Go: Barrage Don't Let Me Go: Crystallization And next week the first chapter of Don't Let Me Go: Eternity will be out ^^ I hope this doesn't make everyone go screaming and not read my fic ::sniff:: I promise the first couple of Main titles are not that long ^^ ______________________________________________ Endymion, King of Earth. Oh man, that title takes some getting used to. I spent so many years preparing for this moment, but I’m still not ready. How does Usako do it? She looks so regal, every inch the Queen. I look in the mirror and plain old Chiba Mamoru staring back at me. Then she turns and looks at me, and in her eyes I see myself so differently. Keep the title, the throne - hell, keep the whole world. When I look in her eyes, when I see the love there, I have more than man could ever hope for. What would I do without my Usako? I pray that I’ll never find out. -Endymion, King of Earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Crystallization Chapter: 3 By: Bethany and Patch Rated: PG 13? Editor: Meara Email: Bethany212@aol.com and Patchkhan1@hotmail.com Email us! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We have to do it Mamo-chan, there's no other way." "No. It's not going to happen, not now. It's too soon." "But Mamo-chan, you've seen the situation, you know it's been bad, but now, the tides might be turning to our favor. If anything, we should do this as soon as possible." The royal couple stood in one of the conference rooms of the palace, Setsuna an audience to their argument. "Your Majesty," the Senshi said quietly, causing the other two to turn to her. "Which one?" Mamoru quipped, causing Usagi to giggle, breaking some of the tension in the room. Setsuna allowed herself a small smile before continuing. "I know it is not in my place to say anything, but I agree with my Queen. This is the time to use this opportunity. It would be to our advantage. Some of the rebels have already allied themselves to us, while others are still unsure of whose side to take. If we use this opportunity to have you two make a public appearance, the result might be quite beneficial to our cause." "Setsuna-san's right, Mamo-chan," Usagi said, turning back to face him. "Don't you see? The people need us. They need to see us, to be reassured that we're not out to harm them in any way. They're all so confused right now with so much happening, it's a wonder things aren't much worse." "I think everything's as bad as it can be," Mamoru muttered, rubbing a hand over his face. He stared at one of the walls, his mind furiously turning. It was such a great risk, there was no reason to doubt that. To go out into the public, where no one knew who was the enemy and who wasn't... it was a chance he really did *not* want to take. He did not want to risk the life of his beloved Usagi. His gaze shifted to the graceful figure she made beside him, her blue eyes questioning as she waited for him to speak. There was so much hope in them that he was amazed. She really wanted to do this, he realized. That she wanted the best for everyone in Crystal Tokyo, even after the way the citizens had treated them... it was amazing. He was filled with so much pride and love for her - Mamoru didn't want to risk her life, to lose a part of his soul just because of making one mistake. Going out to make a public appearance currently being at the top of the "mistakes" list. But he was being selfish also, he thought. He needed to consider what was best for the people, not himself. It was too late turn back now and he couldn't ignore the present matter at hand. The people needed them, needed comfort and security. What would come in the future would come and he would deal with it then... whether it be with Usagi or without. Usagi noticed his face lose its pallor and she felt a slight sinking feeling. He wasn't going to agree, she thought. But he had to! They needed to make things right, to show some kind of semblance of order. But he was afraid for her and she could clearly see that in his eyes and that emotion --fear for her-- touched the deepest part of her. He didn't want anything to happen to her and he would do every- thing in his power to keep her safe, that much was obvious but the matter at hand demanded their attention. "Mamo-chan?" she asked quietly. He turned his head to look down at her and their eyes met. Steadily they gazed at each other, a world of understanding passing between them. "We'll do it," he said finally, still holding Usagi's gaze. "I will go inform the other Senshi," Setsuna said and left the room, knowing that the two needed a moment's privacy. As the door closed, Usagi exhaled slowly. She hadn't even realized she was holding her breath. "Thank you Mamo-chan, you'll see that this is all for the best." "I know it is," he replied. He lifted his hand and caressed the side of her face with the back of his hand. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, enjoying the soft touch. "I love you Usako," he said, now cupping her cheek. "After all that we've been through, if anything happened to you now..." "Shh." She silenced him by placing two fingers on his mouth. "I won't let anything happen. I don't want to leave you." "Demo-" "I will always be by your side," she said, not letting him speak. Usagi leaned up and replaced her fingers with her lips, chasing his fears and worries away with a kiss... for the present time being. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is everything ready?" "Hai." "Are the guards posted at their stations?" "Hai." "Is the area secure?" "Hai." "Do we have enough reinforcements?" "Hai." "Is Usako ready?" "Uh..." here Minako finally faltered. Mamoru raised his eyebrow at that response. All the Senshi stood in front of him, answering his last minute questions with affirmatives... except for this one. "Where is she?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Right here, Love," Usagi walked up to them, her eyes twinkling. "You didn't think I'd back out at the last minute did you?" she asked teasingly. "You are unpredictable, what am I to assume?" She whacked him lightly on the arm and then turned to her friends. "So, is everyone ready for this?" "As ready as never," Minako replied cheerfully. Everyone looked at her blankly until Rei shoved her with her hip. "Baka, it's as ready as ever... not never!" "Ever, never, they sound the same to me," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Everyone shook their heads in disbelief. Some things really never change. "We should go," Haruka said. "The people are waiting for us." The King, Queen and Senshi were to make their appearance on one of the formal balconies of the palace. The balcony faced an outside area that could hold a huge number of people, which is exactly what was needed. The Senshi walked out first, lining the sides so that the two rulers could stand in the middle. As Usagi walked with her arm tucked in Mamoru's she looked out and her eyes widened a little. There were so many people. All anxious to hear what they had to say. She began to feel slightly dizzy but shook herself mentally. Now was not the time to get a case of stage fright. A few of the people cheered and it was a reassuring sound to everyone on the balcony, to know that there were some who believed in them, trusted them. The noise died down and Usagi cleared her throat. Oh Kami, here goes nothing, she thought. Mamoru squeezed her hand encouragingly and she gained some confidence from that. Everything would work out, it really would. Usagi looked up at Mamoru, smiling happily. I love you, she mouthed and he gave her a tender smile in return. Suddenly their moment was interrupted by a loud voice from behind them. They whirled around to face the owner. Minako gasped beside Usagi. "He's that man from the other day..." she whispered. "Who?" Usagi demanded. But before Minako could reply, he spoke for them. "Your Majesty," he nodded toward Usagi, his lips curling up into a sneering smile. "I believe the pleasure of finally meeting you is all mine. My name is Haruhiro and I have a request to beseech of you." His arms were crossed and everyone on the balcony watched him warily. "And what would this request be?" Usagi asked, her gut knotting in fear. The man had an evil look in his eye and she knew his intentions would lead to disaster. "Why, for you to die of course," and with lightening speed he had pulled out a gun hidden under his crossed arms and had fired it at Usagi. Mamoru didn't think, just acted and pushed Usagi out of the way... and himself... over the first floor balcony. The Senshi jumped on Haruhiro but Setsuna ran over to the railing, her heart beating wildly. "No!" she screamed. Mamoru held Usagi tightly as they fell, her screams drowned out by the crowd's screams. Mother Earth, he prayed, his eyes closing, I beg of you, calling upon my powers, our bond, save us now. Usagi saw the ground looming up to them and shut her eyes, hoping for a miracle. And miraculously, it happened then. The trees planted directly under the balcony creaked and groaned as their trunks and branches were bent forward, catching the falling couple, and making their fall to the ground less painful as they crashed through the leaves. The two landed with a thud onto the ground, Mamoru taking most of the impact as Usagi landed on him and then rolled off of him. They lay still for a moment as the world came to a painful halt. Then a scream of denial broke the silence from the balcony above and then someone saw the King stir. Instantly all eight Senshi jumped from the balcony, landing in a crouching position and then straightening up, tall and fierce. They surrounded Mamoru and Usagi as they held back the crowd. Mamoru slowly got up to his elbows and saw Usagi lying a foot away from him, on her side, her back to him. "Usako," he breathed, and then scrambled over to her. All over, her dress was ripped, blood coming from various cuts. He didn't want to think about how many different places he was seeing blood coming from. Oh Kami, no no no, this wasn't happening! ...Just a few hours ago she was reassuring him she would always be there... "Usako... you can't go back on your promise!" -end chapter 3 Haruhiro means shrewd, aggressive, business nature, intent on personal gain. I think it fits, don't you? ;) Ah ha! Cliff hanger! well.. until you get to the next chapter ^^; Four chapters out this week! YAY! Completely on accident because I messed the template up last week ^^;; Next week starts Don't Let Me Go: Eternity - the LAST set of chapters!! There is light at the end of this tunnel! I promise this is the last time I do a story over 15 chapters long ... -_-;; As always, huge thanks to our editor - Meara! Without her you would see spelling, grammer and other sorts of mistakes galore ::^^:: HUGE thanks to all who email us, and as Patch says "Coughs and colds to those who don't" **insert evil laugh** Bethany212@aol.com and Patchkhan1@hotmail.com Email us!! <3 Bethany and Patch http:://anime.at/bethsere http://www.geocities.com/Palla_Palla_Play_House