*Every breath you take *Every move you make *Every bond you break *Every step you take *I'll be watchin' you Michiru replaced the violin and glanced at clock. Her evening routine. It was 6 pm. She had to get the track by 6:30. No problem. Haruka would be there until 8. There was a meet tonight. Michiru had been following the blonde for weeks now. Close, but far enough away that Haruka would not think she was being followed. Michiru's mind had been filled with visions of this woman since Sailor Pluto had come to her in her room, freeing her mind of the chains her parents had placed there. She had given up her family and all she had had so she could pursue this woman. The one who was her partner. The one who would help her save the world. Lately, Michiru had noticed that Haruka's concentration was wavering. She was distracted and uneasy. Michiru knew why. Sailor Uranus could feel her near, wanted to be awakened. But, Michiru would not force upon Haruka the choice that she herself had taken happily. Michiru knew what it was like to be forced into a mold. And if Haruka did not like the mold of a Sailor Senshi, then Michiru would not force her to fill it. Michiru headed down to the track. As she walked she thought back over the past 3 months. She had grown up a lot in that time. She had her own condo, was in charge of her finances, performed and managed to get accepted to the same high school that Haruka attended. Most people would call her fascination with Haruka an obsession. But, Michiru reasoned, she needed to watch Haruka in case the time came to awaken Uranus. Though, Michiru had been finding herself thinking of Haruka in less and less of a professional manner. More often than not, she found herself wondering what it would be like to be held by the track star... to be kissed in the morning... to sleep -- She cut that thought off right there. She had started to wonder about her preferences lately. She knew she had not loved Ichiru, but that was due to his age and their lack of common ground. Though... she did have little interest in men. She did not find her heart fluttering at the cute boys who crossed her path. She did not fantasize to their images. Just... Haruka. *Every single day *Every word you say *Every game you play *Every night you stay *I'll be watchin' you Michiru leaned against the fencing, watching Haruka run. She was the fastest, the strongest, the most beautiful. Michiru felt her face flush up. No. This couldn't be. Was she... falling for this woman? No. She didn't like women. Michiru chuckled. How silly. She looked over her shoulder and saw Elza warming up by a bench and decided to go chat with her before the meet. "Elza-san!" Michiru skipped over to her friend, smiling. Elza looked up and waved. "Michiru-san! You spend an awful lot of time here. You thinking of joining the team next year?" Michiru laughed. "I don't think so. I trip over my own feet." Elza stared at her. "Right. Michiru, you are the most graceful person I know! You never trip!" Michiru blushed. "I know. I just... no, I am here to watch you and all the other athletes. I really am not a good runner. I took dance and art lessons, not track. I admire the talent you all have." The coach called to Elza. The meet was starting. "I'll see you later, Michiru-san!" Elza ran off to join the others. Michiru went to sit in the bleachers, watching Haruka take her mark. She ran like the wind. Strong, clear, and fast. Michiru felt her heart flutter. She was falling for her. *Oh, can't you see *You belong to me *How my poor heart breaks *With every step you take The light went on in Haruka's condo. Michiru knew why. The dreams that had haunted her haunted Haruka as well. Four to five days a week Haruka would awake late in the night, dress and run. What she didn't seem to understand, Michiru thought, was that one could not outrun one's destiny. Michiru secretly hoped Haruka would accept the mission -- would aid her in the quest to find the Messiah of Silence. So far Michiru had little luck finding this Messiah. She had met with Sailor Pluto only once more, and that was how she found out about her calling, what she was to do. Though she had not spent much time looking. She watched Haruka mostly. She had transformed into Sailor Neptune several times already. She had been so scared the first time. But, she had vanquished the enemy. She yearned for a partner. She didn't feel whole without Sailor Uranus. If only there was some way of knowing for sure when the time was to come. The waiting was what really got to Michiru. She wanted to confide in Haruka. She wanted to help her to stop running. Give her direction and purpose. She wanted to make the sadness that she had seen in her bedroom at her father's mansion leave those green eyes. Michiru ducked lower in her bush across from Haruka's condo as the blonde exited the building and started her jog. Michiru followed at a slower pace, keeping her distance, always watching. The late nights got to her sometimes, but Michiru felt they were worth it if she got to see Haruka. And that time, lately, had been limited. She had more and more responsibility put on her now that she was performing. She knew how promising she was. At least her family had given her something. *Every move you make *Every vow you break *Every smile you fake *Every claim you stake *I'll be watchin' you Four days later, Michiru sat in front of the full length mirror in her living room. She drew the bow across the strings, practicing the new piece that had been composed for her specifically. The fingering was difficult, and Michiru's patience with herself was starting to wear thin. She valued the perfection she thought she had achieved with this instrument. As she played, her mind drifted. Once again she dwelled on the image of Haruka. She had decided that she would ask Elza to introduce them. Perhaps use the excuse of an art model to get Haruka alone with her. She didn't think Haruka would go for it, but she just might. There was no other reason or excuse she could think of to get Haruka away from the track or the mechanic shop. Michiru, distracted by her plotting, dragged the bow harshly along the violin strings, causing a very displeasing note to emerge from her. She flinched, sighed, and put the violin down. It was quiet and lonely for her. Michiru had been so used to her days being planned, to having the best tutors and being taken care of. She had just recently figured out how to cook. She had enrolled in some extracurricular classes on cooking and basic homemaking. Most of the girls in her classes would laugh at her. They had parents who equipped them to be women. Not her. She had been equipped to be an art piece. To have many children. And to run a house of servants. Michiru picked up the violin, took a breath and began again. This time concentrating on the notes, on her fingers, on the emotion placed in the piece. And this time, she completed it. Perfectly. *Since you've gone I been lost without a trace *I dream at night, I can only see your face *I look around but it's you I can't replace *I feel so cold and I long for your embrace *I keep cryin', baby, baby, please Haruka layed sprawled on the floor of the garage, clothed in her racing uniform. Michiru watched the yoma growl and approach the downed woman. Suddenly, a bright light. Michiru knew what it was. Her heart skipped a beat as Haruka reached up. She could just keep silent and Haruka would pick up the wand out of curiosity and the choice would be made. Michiru would no longer be alone. Instead she called out. She stopped her. And she pulled out her own wand, raised it above her head and called out the words to awaken Sailor Neptune. Haruka looked at her in stunned silence. Michiru ignored her, focusing on the beast. She attacked it, it attacked her. She was wounded, but she defeated it. And now she lay in Haruka's arms. Confessing her feelings, her happiness. Oh no, tears. She just looked up into Haruka's face, ignoring the searing pain in her arms. She wouldn't be able to play the violin for a while. All the pain from Haruka's harsh words at the track and on the cruise ship were forgotten. Michiru felt physical pain and anticipation. Would Haruka pick up the wand and join her? Would Haruka love her as she had begun to love Haruka? Would they be able to find the Messiah? The tears fell, forgotten. She felt Haruka's muscles bunch, felt herself being put down gently. And her breath caught. She would no longer be alone. ---- End Part 2 ----