Femme Fatale - C6 January 18, 01 By: raq-UMALI umalific@hotmail.com "So what are you guys doing this weekend" asked Michael to the rest of the men. "Nothing.. But I thought I would invite you guys to this party that my brother is having" "Brother.your younger brother" "Yeah.girls." "Nathan, your brother just got into college" said Zen "Yeah SO?" "That means young college girls idiot" said Jayson "and what of it?" "Nathan.. I think Ill pass" said Kyle. "Me too" said Jayson "Me three" said Mike "Oh come on guys." "hey give me a slice of that pizza will ya" said Mike completely ignoring Nathan. "SO what do you guys think Mr. Barkley wanted Darien for?" asked Kyle taking a bite out of his pizza. "I don't know, maybe a new project" said Mike "Gosh I would love to be in his shoes having that girl as my assistant" said Zen as he looked on towards the entrance of the restaurant. Darien smiled largely as he opened the glass door for Serena. The ride to the restaurant was surely relaxing. He was glad to have her there, she was definetly lightening his mood. Serena walked in looking around, making herself familiar with the area. Looking at people and just scanning the place before putting her high guards at somewhat of at ease. Darien walked in behind her and found his friends staring admirable towards them. Putting his hand on Serena's back he motioned for her towards the men staring. "Serena lets go over there. I want you to meet some other Co-leagues of ours" he smiled largely at her at she looked up to meet his gaze. "Did you guys see that?" asked Michael "I did" said Zen "what?" said Nathan "I did too" said Kyle "Why. I think Dr. Chiba is being too nice to this new assistant of his" Jayson "Since when did he start bringing his assistant to have lunch with us" Serena made her way towards the men and presentally smiled. Darien followed closely behind her as he introduced Serena to the group. "Hi guys. I see you've already ordered" smiled Darien "Well we couldn't wait for you" said Jayson "We were hungry". Eyes fell on Serena as she awaited for Darien's introductions. "Darien, will you be introducing me or shall I introduce myself" smiled Serena. "Yeah DARIEN..." said Michael noticing that she was on a first name basis with Darien not at all what his usual 'call me Dr. Chiba'. "I'm sorry.. Gentlemen may I introduce to you Miss. Serena Tsukino my newest assistant." arched Darien's brow as he notices all men's agitation. "This man over here is Dr. Michael Jacobs he's in charge of the chemical lab department". Michael stood to greet Serena as he met her handshake half way. "Its nice to meet you" said Serena as she formally shook his hand. "Its nice to 'meet' you and you can call me Michael" he smiled as he sees Darien roll his eyes. "This man over here is Dr. Kyle Manning, he is in charge of our computer science department." Darien motioned. "Nice to meet you" "Same here.. Please call me Kyle" "Thank you" "moving on." smiled Darien "this man here is Mr. Nathan Garrison, he is charge of our weapons/armoury department." "Nice to meet you" "Same here.. please call me Nate" "Will do" she said pleasantly "This man here is Dr. Jayson Preston, he is charge of our genetics department" "Nice to meet you" "Its nice to meet you.. call me Jayson" he smiled as he sat back down. "Last but not least, this man here is Mr. Zen Adams, he is in charge of our linguistic department" "nice to meet you" smiled Zen as he stood to shake her hand "you can call me Zen" he said happily. "Well, its nice to meet you all.. and please call me Serena" she said sweetly. She had all about the guys in the palm of her hands, all rapt up in her presence they were unaware of how silly they looked. "Why don't you guys join us" said Mike as he stood to get a seat for Serena only Darien had already beaten him to it. "Thank you Darien". Darien pushed the seat forward and allowed her to get comfortable. "Your welcome Serena" he stated while he took his blazer off and hanging it behind his seat. Serena as she sat comfortably. "Now which pizza would you like?" asked Darien as he made himself comfortable searching the table for plates and utencils. "Um.. I think Ill pass on the pizza and have some salad from the bar." Serena stood from the table smoothly. The guys all stood in unison as respect for the lady. "Guys.. RELAX!" she motioned for them to sit down "I'm a big girl" she smiled largely as she left the table leaving the men watching as she made her way to the front. Devouring her as she strode, watching her movements more fluidly among the customers. "woooo.weeeeeee.." "Boy Dr. Chiba your one lucky guy" "Why don't we every get assistants like her" "Cause what Dr. Chiba wants, Dr. Chiba gets" marked Kyle. Darien just smiled as he placed a pizza on his plate. Indeed he was a lucky man, beautiful, smart and lives with him. He smiled at the thought but felt he should leave that hidden till later. "Darien would you like a salad?" asked Serena from her place in line. "No that's okay Serena" he said as he watch her features very dearly. "She's gorgeous" said Kyle. "Ditto" smiled Darien. "So Dr... what about her intelligence" asked Nathan. "Wait till you hear her back ground" he smiled, really proud of himself for acquiring such an assistant. Serena carefully placed lettuce on her plate and stacked away other condiments to make her perfect salad. The bell rang towards the front and instinctively she looked up. Her eyes sharpened to find a two familiar hit-man. 'WOLF' she thought 'I don't think so. Not while I'm here' she said walking casually to the group of men engrossed in their conversation. "Where is that man?" thought the short but casual man entering the restaurant vicinity. While the other followed from behind "His car is outside". "Ah..there he is". Making their way towards a table and sat quietly pretending to read the menu. "Too many people around him but he's still readily available to be killed" Serena sat down casually as the others seemed to stop their conversation as she approached. "Oh don't mind me." smiled Serena as she sat next to Darien. Placing her purse on the floor she casually looked up to find her enemy to be watching. Serena pretended to be at ease as she carefully ate her salad. "I was having problems getting the STC model in testing mode" said Kyle "What's the problem" asked Darien curious to why this has not been dealt with. "Well. when we made connections to the A wire to bring forth power to the left duct it didn't work" "left duct? Kyle that doesn't sound right. I've read the blue prints on that and your suppose to re-route the micro-conduit to provide un- interfered power to the main valves not the left duct." Said Darien a little alarmed that they didn't catch that. "Darien.. That was the first mistake.. It didn't work" "What do you mean it didn't work?. from both of our calculations it should hover enough power" said Darien as he looked towards Michael "Sorry this isn't in my department" he said. "Darien.. I know we made precise calculations and indeed I thought it would of given enough power to highten the motor. but it didn't work." "Have you tried re-routing from the top down so that the semi- conductors help generate power" "We have but the fiber optics that have been installed have been blowing and heating to an overwhelming rate. If it is on for longer than 20 minutes it melts. Some areas also generate more power than others causing it to be unbalanced." "It seems that you need a line conditioner" said Serena as she placed her fork down and wiped her mouth softly. Darien glanced at the girl as she made movements that seem so earthy, the others too averted a little surprised. "A line conditioner?" asked Kyle. "Yes, it seems that the problem your having is trying to keep power to your robot and you are unable to do that due to the instability of your optics. It overheats and melts within minutes" said Serena as Kyle nodded. "well if you placed line conditioners within each connecting power line and conduit charges it should help" "Yes. I see.the device will filter electric power and help reduce overheating" said Darien. Serena nodded then once more spoke. "It should also help suppress power surges, acting as a buffer between the power line and the machines power source." Said Serena as the Darien and the others watched her amusingly. "It should also help regulate the quality of power to ensure that the electrical flow is constant thus giving you power at all areas". The men stared in silence as she smiled. Surprised they guys mouth gaped and eyes bugged. "Your perfectly right" smiled Darien as he stared at Serena's bright features. "Serena were you speaking English just now?" asked Michael being a chemist he was lost in her description. Darien smiled largely, surely her skills which she has shown perfectly was going to come in handy. "Michael I'm sure if we spoke about your new project in California on water purification you would understand that the ion exchanges are rather high. Giving the water that is some what tainted with too much blue isotopes. But if you look at the kinetics of it all you would realize that the rates of change in concentration of reactants should occur only if you add enough red isotopes leveling the degree of the blue. Hence giving you a purified and softer water treatment." Darien chuckled slightly as he watched the others features. Indeed Serena has proven herself, more than he ever thought. His conversations now were not going to be lost in his assistants minds when he asked or probed for opinions. "Serena.." Said Darien waiting for her to comment. "hmmm" "Your hired!" he pitched the most handsome smiled. Causing Serena to flush a bit. "Serena. by any chance did you major in chemistry?" asked Michael. "A degree in Chemistry, Cognitive Science and a masters in Computer Science from the world renown MIT" boasted Darien proud of his 'girl'. "Ghaaa.lie.. Where they hell did they find you?" asked Kyle "Do they have any more of you where you came from" asked Michael. Serena giggled at the comment as she slightly turning her face still keeping an eye on her rival. "Will you all excuse me" said Darien as he stood "natures calls" Serena watched as Darien made his way towards the restrooms. Her eyes averted towards the two men as he watched Darien walked off without his group of friends, she eyes narrowed to sharp shards as her rivals face turned up with a grin. Whispering something to the other, the other man stood and exited out the door. 'hmm.. yes go wait in the car' she said to herself. "Will you men excuse me for a sec" said Serena as she stood. Serena casually walked towards the restrooms. In front of her was two doors one on the left was the women's, the one on the right was the men's room and happy to see that their was another small room beside it where pay phones were set. Serena first stayed to were she would get a full view to whom was approaching. Once she set sites on her man, Serena held her back against the wall facing the men's door.. Hearing steps, she waited as she lifted her skirt a ways to reach between her legs around her mid thighs. Feeling the garter belt she unsnapped her little but very leathal weapon. Relaxing a little she waited as the footsteps became more defined. Serena sighed as she sees the man in front of her wanting to enter the men's room. 'I don't think so' thought Serena as she lunged grabbing the man's back collar. He lost his footing surprised he slightly fell back. Serena took this opportunity to wrap her left arm around his neck as she slammed him towards the other side of the wall. 'ouf' grumbled the man. "why are you here?" firmly she tightened her hold. The man wriggled and tried to move against Serena. "I wouldn't do that" said Serena as she held the revolver against his side. The man stopped feeling the shadow of her weapon. "Who are you?" asked the man. "answer my question.. Why are you here?" "I was just having lunch" "LIAR" spat Serena thankful that the business had slowed. She held more force to her weapon as she asked once more. "What. are.. You. doing. here?" "Like I said I was having lunch" he said. Serena's patience was growing to a thread. "Lunch huh.." she whispered as she leaned forward with her shoulder providing more pressure towards the man. "Don't get any ideas" she whispered as she jagged the gun to cause a painful indentation on his side. Slowly releasing her arm around his neck, Serena took her free hand and pulled the spider pin from her hair. Still holding the pistol firmly, she bit the tip of the pin with the front of her teeth. Pulling a black cap exposing a pin like needle. A test squeeze, the needle-point set free a black tear shape liquid. "Come on I can sue you for assault" said the man wondering what she was doing. Within instant just as he was to say another he felt a needle like prick by his neck. "What the hell are you doing?". Serena pushed herself off from the man and stepped back a ways a bit. "Don't think I'm stupid" she spat watching him carefully as she set her revolver on the fold of her waist skirt hidden to anyone who would come. The man touched his neck to where the needle pain was coming from. A throbbing pain came when he grazed it. "What did you do?" asked the man "Don't play games with me Mr...WOLF" she said with a grim smile. His eyes widen as he focused on the woman that knew his identity. "WHO.who. are you and.what did you do to me?" he asked still holding his neck. Just then Darien opened the door to the men's room. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked as he looked at Serena than to the man. "Oh I was just using the phone and then making small talk with this man" she said. Darien looked at the man a little suspiciously as she measured him as being ruffed looking. "Ready to go back?" she asked. "Sure" he said as he waited for her and they began to walk away. "VENOM" said Serena as she turned. Darien too turned with interest of her venom outburts. "What????" asked the man "You asked what type of defense a 'BLACK WIDOW' has. their poisonous "VENOM" emphasizing on the word venom. "It is a black widows favorite defense. Mr. Wolf.." she smiled greatly as she sees his features darken and horrid. Serena turned back as Darien now stared at her suspiciously. Serena smiled to Darien and started to walk away when she heard a faint whisper. "VIXEN!". Smiling honorable she walked with Darien towards the men until she remembered. 'oh shit' . She needed to dispose of him as well. "Darien. Ill be back I need to use the restroom". Smiling sweetly Darien nodded and returned with his friends. Slowly Serena made her way back towards the restrooms remembering their was a door for emergency exist. Carefully eyeing the door before opening she was happy to hear that their were no alarms. 'Now where is he' she thought as she look around to the cars that were parked. Her eyes quickly spotted the man in a blue Crown Victoria sitting impatiently. 'hmm..' thought Serena. Serena looked around and walked queitly towards the furthest car to her left. Along the wall it was the only one hidden. Lifting her skirt again, to reach towards her garter belt. She removed a small knife like instrument. "What's taking him so long, he should of finished by now" the man murmured through his clenched teeth. His eyes sparked some type of curiosity as he see's a blond woman walking towards him. Looking at her with interest, his eyes focused on her legs that strutted almost rythmatically. "What do we have here?" coming out of the car he was prepared to flirt a little seeing that it was no harm while waiting for his friend. Serena saw the man and measured him slightly as he came out of his car. Her eyes became a flirtatious glare and her womanly instincts became hightened. She watched the man cross his arms and leaned back against the door of the car. His eyes still focused on her. "excuse me sir" she batted. "How may I help you?" "Umm.." said Serena "Can I ask you for a hand in changing my tire?" she almost coo-d "Well, lets see what do I get for the job" he smiled. Serena cringed at the site of his teeth. Yellow and grungy dark. "How about I make payment after its done" she responded. Getting an eyebrow of an interest from the man. "Sounds good, direct my lady" he said. Serena began to walk towards a green auto seeing that it was the closest to being hidden. Her hips swayed and indeed the man was interested all right. "Here.. she said" pointing at the deflated tire and leaning on the door frame. He bent down to look and as he did so, Serena made her move. With her fore arm she pulled her arm back towards her body and released a full-blown hit on the spine of his neck. Falling forward, his eyes went blank and darkness. Falling forward the man did not move. Sighing she kneeled in front of him as she fringed with her hair as she grasped for another pin. This was the way Serena liked to kill, silently. No blood no pain just quiet eternal sleep. "Where is Serena?" asked Michael. "Here I am". Smiling and collective she made her way towards the group who had just finished up the last slice. "I need to get going" stood Kyle "I've got a few things to finish before I leave tonight" "Yeah me too" "and I need to still show Serena around" smiled Darien. "Oh sure rub it in" mumbled Michael. One by one they started to decend outside the restaurant. It had been a few minutes since she had ridden of the man behind the restaurant and had been 25 for the wolf. 'he should be asleep' thought Serena as Darien opened her door. "thank you" "Your welcome". Darien's smile was bright and Serena's as well. This was definetly an assignment she was enjoying much. Siren's were heard and an ambulance and a fire truck made their way towards the resturant. "I wonder what happened?" he asked silently as he drove out of the parking lot. "someone probably fainted" responded Serena with a slight smile. Stay tune for Chapter 7 Umalific@hotmail.com