____________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Five ____________________________________________________________________________ Mamoru dashed out of the arcade, arms full of books. He looked left, then right for long blonde hair-but Usagi was nowhere to be seen. “Oh no,” he groaned, clutching his books closer to his chest, eyes disbelieving. “I lost her AGAIN? How many times can this happen to two people that ALWAYS crash into each other unexpectedly?!” he demanded, turning to the right. He headed in the general direction that the Odango always fled and began walking swiftly. After a minute, he realized that the fuming blonde had too much of a head-start on him and halted dead on the sidewalk. Mamoru rolled his eyes. “HOW exactly am I supposed to have her crash into me, if I'm BEHIND her?” he shouted. A few people stopped to stare. “Get a life people!” Mamoru snapped at them, beginning to walk again, eyes looking for an alley. Once more, he had to rely on his alter-ego, the heroically dashing Tuxedo Kamen. “I hope I don’t wear him out,” Mamoru muttered under his breath, finally spotting a likely-looking alley. He slipped into it, checking all the while for anyone who might have followed him. Nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief, juggling his books into one arm and reaching into his jacket for a rose. “That’s it buddy, nice and slow,” a voice said from out of the shadows. “Hand over your wallet! Or I’ll-do something really nasty! Yeah.” Mamoru gaped as a man emerged, wearing a black mask with off-center holes and a red and white track suit. It would have been hilarious, but for the large, wicked-looking knife aimed at his heart. [“I DON’T believe this!”] Mamoru bellowed mentally, eyes wide with disbelief. He was frantically trying to catch the love of his life and someone was trying to ROB him?! “Are you joking?” he asked weakly, eyes flickering from side to side for a weapon. He highly DOUBTED that his medical books would offer much protection. The man stared at him for a long moment, seeming dumbfounded. His eyes, behind the mask, looked bewildered. He suddenly waved his knife around wildly, gesturing at it with his free hand. “Does this LOOK like a joke? Jeez!” he muttered at Mamoru, seeming surprised. Obviously, he’d never had himself questioned while committing a mugging. “I NEED my wallet, thank you.” Mamoru scowled at the inept robber. [“Usagi’s already cost me an arm and a leg and I’m SURE there’s going to be a lot of future sucking-up for today’s insults.”] He mentally winced, wondering if his bank account would hold. In any case, his love was getting away-while Mamoru was being menaced by an inept mugger. He stared at the man for a long moment, feeling a little light-headed. “Have you done this before?” he inquired lightly, trying to annoy the mugger into doing something stupid. “What?” The mugger almost screamed, gaping at Mamoru, eyes stunned. “I said, give me your wallet! What’s that got to do with, if I’ve mugged someone before?!” “And I said no!” Mamoru roared at the man, annoyed as hell. “You can’t have my wallet and that’s final. So-hand over the knife” “EXCUSE ME?! Look here, buddy-“ the mugger began heatedly, stepping closer waving his knife around again in a menacing manner. He seemed extremely perplexed that he was trying to rob Mamoru-and had a KNIFE-and was getting absolutely NOWHERE! “NO, YOU look!” Mamoru snarled, stepping closer to the man. “I’ve been through HELL to kiss this girl and she’s getting away at this very moment! And I love her, even though she’s sending me bankrupt! So get the hell outta my way or I’ll knock you into next Sunday!” he threatened, eyes glinting menace and outrage. His dark eyes flickered from the knife, to the mugger’s eyes behind the mask, trying to assess whether the man would really attack him. “What?” The mugger gaped at him again, mind unable to process why the guy in the green jacket was being so uncooperative in the divestment of his hard-earned cash. “I just want your wallet!” he wailed desperately, knife wavering uncertainly. He was suddenly totally convinced that his would-be victim was some sort of raving lunatic! What sort of a guy goes on about kissing girls and going bankrupt when he was being respectfully mugged?! “I just want your wallet! Look-I have a knife!” he finished threateningly, pointing at his knife with his free hand. He looked up at Mamoru just in time, to see something flash out at his face. Mamoru rolled his eyes in exasperation. He had no TIME for this! Usagi was getting away. And this man would be free to try and mug another person, if left alone. “Nothing personal,” he said, swiftly grabbing a thick medical book from the pile. As the bungled robber looked up from gesturing at his knife, Mamoru let him have it. He bashed the man in the side of the face with a 600 page thick medical book. “Ooof!” the mugger groaned, dropping the knife. His eyes looked up blearily just as the book descended again-knocking him backwards. He landed on his butt, but scrambled up again, still clutching his knife and rather annoyed. He was about to open his mouth and blast the moron who had hit him, when to his stunned dismay, the guy in the jacket CONTINUED to berate him for daring to try and rob him when the love of his life was running away at that very moment. [“Is he CRAZY?!”] “How inconsiderate ARE you?” Mamoru said calmly, leveling his eyes at the mugger with quiet anger. If the man didn’t stop, one of them were going to get hurt. So the only thing Mamoru could DO, was convince the robber that he was nuts. Not TOO hard a job, since he’d recently been mad and was still absolutely crazy over a blonde. “I have the love of my LIFE to catch-who is currently running away at high speed from my slander-“ “Wha?” the mugger said weakly, brandishing the knife again. He yelped as the book descended with amazing speed, crushing his fingers. He immediately dropped the knife, too much in shock and amazement to even keep his grip on the handle. “Ouuuuch!” he yelled, snatching his burning fingers from his face and sticking them into the mouth-hole of his black mask. “Come on! Give a guy a break!” he whined at Mamoru. Mamoru stared grimly at him, kicking the knife away into the shadows of the alley. “If I ever catch you around here again, trying to mug someone, I’ll do more than bash you with my book. Mamoru finished ominously, letting the mugger see his furious eyes. [“Usagi’s probably HOME by now! I’m CURSED! Was ever a love so DOOMED?!”] he demanded, groaning mentally. Shaking his head, he stepped forward to tell the mugger to leave-if he knew what was good for him- But the man misunderstood and thought that his ‘victim’ was going to punch him or something. He gave a slight ‘eeep’ and scrambled backwards hastily, not seeing the garbage bins piled behind him precariously. His foot slipped on a piece of something slimy and he went flying backwards with a startled shout, twisted at a strange angle. Mamoru watched with open mouthed surprise as the mugger created something reminiscent of a bungled swan-dive into a heap of smelly garbage and bins. His legs went up in the air and then-he bashed his head on the side of a garbage bin full of rotting fruit. The mugger’s eyes promptly glazed over, as his head make a loud ‘thunking’ noise. He groaned weakly, then blacked out, nose bleeding. Mamoru gaped, staring down at the battered would-be mugger. He’d barely TOUCHED the man! “Unbelievable. You, my weird friend, need another line of work” He walked over slowly, then knelt and peeled up an eyelid. The mugger’e eyes were dazed, pupils dilated a little. But nothing more serious was wrong with him than sore fingers, a large bump on the side of the head and a nose-bleed. [“You’re going to wish you were dead when you wake up.”] Mamoru winced, knowing the SIZE of the migraine the mugger would have upon returning to consciousness. “Oh well.” He shook his head, getting to his feet swiftly. His blue eyes were still filled with disbelief-but over all, he wasn’t TOO stunned. Not after the weeks he’d gone through! Mamoru sighed deeply, then stalked past the man and further into the alley. What could he do but leave the man there? He utterly REFUSED to carry the mugger on his shoulder while chasing Usagi home and then drop him off at the police station afterwards! Life was weird enough! He pulled out a rose and transformed quickly, then, books still clutched under one arm, he leapt up onto the nearest roof. Tuxedo Kamen’s eyes still glittered with faint outrage and disbelief, as he bounded over the buildings swiftly in search of a certain blonde. “Of all the days to get mugged! I’ve never been held up in my life!” he muttered under his breath. Only association with Usagi had done this to him lately! Mamoru hesitated. “Well,” he murmured truthfully. “I get strange things happening around Sailor Moon, too. That clone was just-weird!” A smile curved his lips, as he raced along the roof-tops, wind stirring his cloak dramatically. “At least she WAS a clone. I really couldn’t have handled being in love with three girls!” Then, just as he was about to give up, he happened to look over the edge of his building and saw a blonde with odangos storming down the path below him. “Ah ha! There you are Usagi,” he grinned wickedly, sprinting ahead her and bounding over two buildings. Then he leapt down into an alley, de-transformed and-waited. As he heard her storming down the path, muttering to herself-he promptly stepped out into her path with all the bravery of a warrior stepping into the fray of a battle. His last thought was, [“Oh, this is going to hurt…”] ************************************************* "-And then, I'll boil him in oil! Yeah!" Usagi thought out loud, eyes narrowed evilly. She juggled her bags slightly in her hands, shifting the weight evenly to both sides of her body. Her eyes darkened as she thought about the conversation of 10 minutes ago. "That CREEP!" she yelled, shifting her bags again, impatiently. She stormed down the path, practically DARING someone to step into her path so that she could bowl them over. She was in a BAD mood! "I can’t believe I was actually thinking of a kiss from him! My dreams are forever ruined! And how DARE he say I’m an annoying little KID!" she screeched in fury and outrage. "And how dare he make me feel so strange whenever we’re near," she whispered. "I thought-maybe…for a moment. But then, he had to turn into a creep again!" Another thought occurred to her. "And WHAT was with that battle earlier? How dare the Dark Kingdom make a clone of meeeee!" her words ended in a plaintive wail. [“Maybe-they’re looking for energy as WELL as the Crystals?”] she thought, momentarily forgetting her rage at Chiba Mamoru. Unfortunately, her only coherent thought for the day-which would have had Ami in tears of joy-was interrupted as a large shape loomed up into her path. "Arrggggh!" Usagi shrieked, unable to stop her feet in time. She crashed-nose first-into the shape, which was equally soft and hard. "Uh!" the shape grunted in shock, revealing its designation as a human being. ["A human that is going to get a piece of my mind!"] Usagi thought as she fell forwards, the person under her. "Oh no!" she yelled as she went sprawling. The bags in her hands went flying in every direction, hastily abandoned as Usagi tried to grab a hold of the stablest thing in her tilting world-whoever she'd crashed into! They both hit the ground, arms and legs tangled, her nose in a muscled chest. [“Just GREAT! As if my day needed to get any worse!”] Usagi wailed mentally. Immediately, as they landed, her whole body began to tingle alarmingly. Her blue eyes widened in disbelief and shock. [“Oh no!”] she whispered mentally, horrified. [“It CAN’T be Mamoru! But who else makes me feel like this?”] Only Tuxedo Kamen-but that was another matter. "Is this going to be a habit or what, Odango Atama?" an annoyingly familiar voice said from beneath her. Warm breath wafted over her ear, making her shiver lightly. The chest under her face moved as Mamoru talked, making her abruptly conscious that she was laying full-length and totally plastered against his length on a busy sidewalk. Again. Usagi flushed as red as a tomato, her heart beginning to speed up alarmingly. She deliberately ignored the eyes that were close to her and stared at his chin as if it were the most fascinating thing in the entire world. Then she groaned and dropped her head, bashing it lightly against his chest. “This is not happening.” “Odango Atama?” Mamoru questioned, eyes wide. She’d just LAID her head back against his chest? In the middle of the sidewalk! His blue eyes narrowed assessingly. “IS there something fascinating with my chest or what? That’s the second time you’ve glommed to me,” he teased her, waiting for the explosion. "Creep. I am SO not talking to you!" Usagi muttered against his jacket desperately, recalling their earlier fight with clarity. [“Glommed?”] she questioned silently, determined not to scream back at him. It was what he WANTED! She squinted at the green before her eyes, wondering vaguely if he had any other jackets. Whenever she'd seen him, he's been wearing it. "Don't you ever wear anything else?!" she asked him sarcastically, raising her head to stare dizzily into his face. Usagi blinked at him, trying to focus her bemused thoughts. Landed on him, she had-but BOY Mamoru's chest was hard. ["Is he built like Superman or what?"] she thought. [“And do I CARE?”] She flushed brighter as she lay there, sort of enjoying the feeling of laying so close to his warmth. She was tingling all over! And his eyes had such a strange expression in them...Abruptly, Usagi felt a rush of attraction for Mamoru, that shocked her to the core. And she DID, in that moment, wish fervently that he’d kiss her. She hadn’t meant to look into his eyes! How had that happened? And now she was being drawn in-sinking fast. "How long are you gonna stick with me, Odango?" Mamoru drawled, as insultingly as possible, staring into blue eyes so similar to his own. Usagi's face was only a few centimeters away and she was STILL laying full length over him-on a busy street. NOT that he was complaining! At ALL! But they WERE in a compromising position in PUBLIC. He quickly looked around, glaring. People were staring at them, eyes wide. "Get a life people!" he bellowed at them, almost reaching for Usagi to pull her close protectively. THAT would have earned him a bashing akin to what he’d given the mugger-so he restrained himself with difficulty and aimed his frustration at the nosy crowd who had disturbed him and his beloved. His words and belligerent tone startled Usagi so much, that she sprang up from him like she'd been shot from a canon. Her blue eyes were wide and filled with horror and mortification. HOW had he managed to make her forget her resolutions not to give into him? "Arrrrggh! You utter creep! Can't you ever watch where you're going?!" she shrieked at him, eyes skittering around nervously at the growing crowd. [“WHY does he constantly embarrass me-and HOW exactly did he get AHEAD of me?! And why did I almost melt into a puddle of goo when he just looked at me?”] She stared at Mamoru hard, wondering-not for the first time-how they crashed into each other SO often. [“And I am NOT enjoying every moment!”] she told herself resolutely, flushing brightly in embarrassment. [“I am not attracted to hiiiiim!”] she finished in a mortified wail. Then she groaned. [“Who am I KIDDING?”] she yelled mentally. [“Of course I’m attracted to him! If we weren’t enemies, I’d have grabbed him days ago! You moron, Tsukino!”] People were gathering around the still prone form of Chiba Mamoru, who looked remarkable at ease on the ground. "YOU knocked ME down, Odango. AND you didn’t exactly seem to be in any hurry to leave." he said easily, casually getting to his feet. He stared down at her from his superior height, eyes knowing. [“Another score for Chiba,”] he gloated, looking at her burning cheeks. Usagi had laid on him ever since he knocked them over and she HADN’T moved! And he could have SWORN that she was waiting for a kiss just then. He groaned. [“AND WHY did I hesitate exactly? You MORON Chiba! You’ve been trying to kiss her for weeks!”] "Whaaaaaaat?" Usagi yelled at him. Her eyes widened in outrage and disbelief. [“He KNOWS?! I’ll-strangle him!”] she looked into his eyes, and sure enough, he was staring at her with a faintly mocking glance. She blinked, looking again and saw an expression akin to that which she had seen in her own eyes that morning in the bathroom mirror. [“He’s attracted to me too!”] Usagi didn’t know whether that STUNNING piece of information was welcomed or feared. She looked at him assessingly, trying to see into his soul. Unbelievable! Chiba Mamoru was attracted? To HER? She was SURE of it! Mamoru frowned, unable to stand the look his love was giving him. Almost as if-she KNEW he loved her! He pretended not to notice, looking around Usagi and the ground and abruptly remembering the missing bunny. “Where’s the giant silly bunny you had this morning?” he demanded casually, trying to sound nonchalant. [“Did she LOSE it?”] He groaned at the thought. Maybe she hadn’t like it after all? Something else occurred to him. His books! They’d had quite a battering that day, between the mugger and Usagi. Mamoru winced as he saw his medical books spread amongst Usagi’s shopping bags on the ground. [“Thank god, they’re not from the library.”] “It’s NOT silly, you creep! I LOVE that bunny! And Makoto took it home for me earlier, because I couldn’t carry everything!” she shrieked at him, outraged. [“Now he’s insulting my BUNNY?! I must have been crazy to think that he liked me! All we do is fight!”] Mamoru smiled mockingly, but inside, he was fiercely triumphant. [“All right! She LOVES the bunny! Score again for Chiba!”] He looked at Usagi again, frowning as he saw the scowl on her face. Her bottom lip was thrust out in an unhappy pout. "Hey, miss, are these your bags?" a woman asked politely, startling them both. Usagi quickly looked at the woman, then at the ground-where her bags had spilled open and were laying around everywhere. "Noooooooooo! My clothes! My shopping!" she wailed. Usagi looked up, leveling a fierce glare at Mamoru. HE was the source of ALL her problems! ALL of them! And like him or not-he was a jerk! "How does she DO that?" a man complained, backing away from the rest of the crowd, his hands over his ears. "My ears hurt!" "Impressive, Odango Atama," Mamoru said mockingly, crossing his arms. Aware of the crowd, he slipped easily into his much-hated-by-Usagi ‘jerk mode’. "Shut UP, you jerk!" Usagi muttered, dropping to her knees and hastily gathering what she could into her arms. “I don’t like him. I don’t want a kiss. He’s totally ruined my shopping and embarrassed me. I’m gonna kill him!” she muttered under her breath fervently. The crowd dispersed reluctantly, seeing that all entertainment had gone. "Er-you missed one," the kindly woman pointed out, blushing. Then, she hastily left with the others, leaving Mamoru and Usagi relatively alone on the sidewalk. "Missed one?" Usagi muttered, arms full of new clothes and knickknacks. “Missed what?” she added blankly, relieved that the crowd had gone and she could quickly escape Mamoru. As she had knelt there, it had become blindingly clear that her greatest annoyance had suddenly turned into her crush. Maybe even more than Tuxedo Kamen, And Usagi was frankly HORRIFIED. "I uh-think she meant this, Odango," Mamoru said, tone filled with mirth. He pointed down at his shiny shoes with one slender finger. He mentally braced himself for the coming explosion. Usagi followed his finger down to his shoe. There, half on his shoe and half on the sidewalk-was a brand new pair of lacy pink underpants! "ARRRRRRRGH!" she shrieked loudly. She hastily dropped everything that she'd gathered and crawled desperately towards Mamoru's shoes on her hands and knees. She snatched up the underpants and hid them behind her back, blue eyes wide with growing horror. ["Oh, my GOD! He's NEVER going to let me forget this one! NEVER!"] she wailed silently. She looked up at Mamoru's silent form and saw the smug expression in his eyes. [“I’m so embarrassed! Oh my GOD!”] "Well, well," Mamoru said finally, a grin beginning on his face. [“Hmm, can I use this for blackmail? Maybe I can trick her into a date?”] he mused silently, eyes on the hideously embarrassed girl. Every single DAY was a surprise with her! He’d NEVER be bored. "Don't you DARE say a word to a living soul!" Usagi bellowed up at him, face going as red as a tomato. She was so embarrassed that she wished she could sink into the sidewalk. It would have been BETTER if Mamoru was still her hated enemy, instead of a crush. And she’d be DAMNED if he’d EVER find out from her! "Would I do that?" Mamoru tilted his head to the side as she leapt to her feet, practically wading in the clothes that she had dropped. And she was STILL trying to hide the underpants behind her back! His grin grew malicious. "Oh, the possibilities!" he drawled. "I'm gonna KILL you, Chiba! I swear!" Usagi growled, taking refuge in anger. "This is all YOUR fault!" she shouted into his face, taking a step forward. Her feet became tangled in her clothes and she fell forward. Her arms shot out, trying to stop her fall. She wind-milled her arms frantically, trying to halt her decent. "Not agaiiiiiiin!" she wailed, disbelievingly. Mamoru sighed, then stepped forward and presented his chest to the blonde, who promptly smacked into it, face-first. His arms came up, grasping her about the waist to hold her firm. "This IS becoming a habit. You're a real klutz, you know that, Usagi?" he told her hair, staring down at the golden buns in bewilderment. One thing was sure, having her in his arms was both heaven and pure torture. Mamoru’s eyes narrowed on her head, facing lowering slightly. There was no one around. Maybe now would be the perfect time to kiss her… "Mpppmr," Usagi muttered against his shirt, arms skewed out to the side. Her fingers still clung desperately to the underpants in a death-hold. Tentatively, she rubbed her face against his shirt, closing her eyes for a moment. [“Hmm, he smells nice,”] she thought hazily. For a moment, she remembered the dream, but then remembered who HE was and jerked back before Mamoru could notice her preoccupation. He HAD. Mamoru's eyes gleamed with amusement and speculation, as the blonde tried to straighten, feet still tangled in her clothes. "What was that?" he asked, fingers splaying over her dress to span her waist easily. She really was a tiny thing. AND he was in love with her....Still. Mamoru's eyes went distant, not really seeing her any more. ["How did this happen? This isn't really possible. This is ODANGO ATAMA, Chiba! Remember? The girl you love to hate!"] He shook his head. "Tell that to my heart" he muttered. It was too late to have doubts this far into the game and Usagi was attracted to him TOO. It was just-sometimes for a moment, he wondered how it had happened. From enemies to something deeper-and it HADN’T been the love arrow’s fault either. It was something-inevitable. "Let me go, you creep," Usagi said through gritted teeth, face still buried in his chest. She’d tried to pull away, but Mamoru’s hands were tight around her waist, TOTALLY distracting her. She’d gotten about a centimeter, before being bounced back into his warm embrace. And she REALLY ought to be complaining, she realized belatedly, muttering at him again. Actually, her words came out garbled, but he got the general drift. Mamoru shrugged and released her. "Okay," he said easily. "Nooooot yeeeet!" Usagi shrieked, immediately falling backwards. [“He let me GO!”] she thought disbelievingly. She fell onto her bottom hard. "Oooh, that huuuuurt!" she whimpered, wincing at the pain. She lifted her eyes, glaring at Mamoru's expensive black slacks. "Creep," she muttered resentfully. "But-you said-" Mamoru began reasonably. "Shut up, Hentai!" Usagi shouted, waving a fist at him. She flushed to the roots of her hair as she realized that it was the same fist clutching the lacy underpants. And she had just practically waved them in Mamoru face-again! "Ugh!" she gasped, swiftly diving into the pile of clothes at her feet. As Mamoru watched in fascination, the blonde began hastily to thrust her clothes and other things into the bags, muttering all the while under her breath. "What was that, Odango?" "I wasn't talking to you! You jerk!" Usagi shouted at him, jumping to her feet. She held her bags protectively to her chest, glaring defensively. [“If he stays away from me, I can resist him!”] she thought with resolution. As long as he didn’t TOUCH her… Mamoru felt a pang in his heart, recognizing the embarrassment and horror in his love's eyes. He half-extended a hand to her, but she flinched away. "Don't touch me! Creep!" she told him, tossing her hair haughtily. Usagi turned her eyes on him in annoyance. [“That’s it, make him angry and he’ll yell and everything will go back to normal.”] Obviously, she was getting over the situation and her natural dislike was kicking back in. Well, that was fine with him! He wanted to-NEEDED to-talk to her...NOW! "Usagi-" If she got away, when would he crash into her again? She had School in the morning and he might miss her. Besides, he’d go NUTS if he had to wait another whole week to kiss her! "Oh, so you KNOW my name," she said crossly, glaring. She clutched her bags closer, a long blonde lock of hair stuck in with them. [“Keep him back! Ugh! He’s moving CLOSER!”] Usagi backed off warily, bags clutched between them. Her hair fell into her eyes more, but she ignored it, eyes on Mamoru. She never seemed to notice the hair in her eyes, but it made Mamoru itch to pick up the lock and replace it into the rest of her magnificent hair. And so it was. He'd just-never noticed or CARED before! "Sure I do, Odango-" he began, but she shrieked at him. "Odango?! Can't you ever just say Usagi?" Her face flushed this time with anger. [“What was I thinking? He can’t even say my name!”] "Look-" Mamoru tried again. He was really beginning to get annoyed. [“And why is she backing off whenever I try to get closer?”] She looked REALLY nervous. Mamoru’s expression lightened slightly. [“Am I getting to her again?”] he wondered, looking into her eyes. He saw extreme nervousness there, as well as another emotion barely hidden. Desperation. "No, look you jerk! Stay away from me!" She looked down at the over-filled bags of clothes and other shopping, her glare becoming more pronounced. "And stay away from my shopping!" She groaned under her breath. [“Brilliant Tsukino! Stay away from my shopping?! You ditz!”] she nibbled on her lower lip, eyeing him weirdly. [“What was I GOING to say exactly? ‘You’re making me nervous and I want a kiss, but we hate each other and you drive me nuts every time I see you?’ Sure.”] "YOU crashed into ME, klutz," Mamoru lied blithely, eyes mocking. He couldn't HELP it! Love her he might-but teasing her was too good an opportunity to give up! ["Ugh! WHAT am I doing?! I wanted to tell her how I feel-not insult and embarrass her!"] he mentally groaned in disbelief, then looked at the fuming blonde. His eyes fell to her small white teeth, which were AGAIN nibbling on her lower lip delectably. His heart sped up as he watched her, eyes darkening with longing. [“If she don’t stop that RIGHT NOW-we’re gonna need to be pried apart with a crow bar!”] "KLUTZ?!" she shrieked, recovering. [“See what I mean, he insulted me again! Arrggggh! That’s IT! I’m outta here!”] "If you'd just let me talk!" he roared at her, finally losing his temper. [“Jeez! Why didn’t I jump right into it when she was laying on me?”] he berated himself silently. Yes, it was true, Mamoru was a moron. And now, he’d just yelled at his lady-love! Usagi quailed, then straightened. "Don't shout at me, Chiba!" she bellowed back. [“How dare he! Who does he think he is, anyway?”] "Excuse me miss, do you need assistance?" a voice inquired from beside her. Usagi and Mamoru looked around, shocked to see that again they had drawn a large crowd. "ONLY in this town!" Mamoru muttered, anger fading away. He stared around pointedly, eyes cool. "I don't see that this is any of your business." "Yeah!" Usagi added, flushing brightly. She clutched her bags to her chest, embarrassed. Then, her eyes became suspiciously bright. "What am I saying?" She freed a hand and pointed it accusingly at Mamoru. "You can hold that creep while I make my escape!" she told the strange man. [“I have to get OUT of here! If Mamoru discovers that I LIKE him, all hell will break loose!”] "What?!" Mamoru gasped, eyes wide with surprise. ["That little minx! I don't believe she said that!"] "Right," the man said, advancing on Mamoru. Usagi flashed Mamoru a triumphant grin, then darted between the many people of the crowd and bolted away. Mamoru glared so fiercely at the approaching man that he faltered. "Thanks a lot," Mamoru gritted furiously, eyes bright with rage. He looked around at them all. "I MEAN that. Really," he added sarcastically. "Thank you VERY much for letting the love of my life get away!" "What?" The man gulped, eyes uncertain. "What gives you people the right to interfere with a guy and his girlfriend?!" Mamoru bellowed at them all. "Do you know how LONG I've been waiting to get her alone and talk to her? Huh?" Well-Usagi was ALMOST his girlfriend, so it wasn’t stretching the truth TOO much. And he’d be DAMNED if he’d let another guy near her! "Sorry, sorry!" The man backed away nervously, then melted into the crowd. "OH! A lovers tiff!" an enlightened woman exclaimed. "GIRLFRIEND!" her friend emphasized, looking around at the rest of the crowd. "Well, aren't you ALL ashamed?!" "EXCUSE ME! Can I please have a quite moment here?!" Mamoru shouted at them. The crowd of people took one look at Mamoru's face, then hastily scattered. What exactly WAS it with him and crowds? Was all of Juuban doomed to see his spectacular -embarrassing-performances while hunting a certain blonde girl? Mamoru took a deep breath and looked down the street to where the blonde had hastily exited. She was gone-again! "Why me?" he asked the sky, in genuine despair. "Is this some sort of cosmic joke?!" He reached up to grab handfuls of his luxurious black hair, yanking in frustration. "Ugh! I need to sleep!" he groaned, turning towards home. "Tonight" He muttered, eyes on the path. "Tonight, she won't get away! Not if I get her at home!" with this resolute though firmly in mind, he smiled. A wicked smile that would have had Usagi melting on the spot, if she had seen it. “You don’t have a chance, my sweet. Not one” he murmured, almost evilly. He was sure he would have felt sorry for his intended victim-if he hadn’t known that she would enjoy it thoroughly. Mamoru was POSITIVE that if he could get just ONE kiss…she’d never run away from him again. “Get a grip, Romeo. She might bash you to kingdom-come!” Mamoru reminded himself, rolling his eyes with exasperation. The war wasn’t won yet. Usagi was a resourceful girl. She took no crap from anyone, despite a huge heart. And she really had murderous intent when they fought. He shook his head and knelt down and collected his books, mind going over and over the scene. Yes, Usagi had DEFINITELY been aware of him. He was getting to her and BAD! If she felt the need to resort to trickery to get away from him, then she was getting desperate. “You AREN’T getting away, Usagi,” he said firmly, heading for home. He had many plans to make-and one of them was making Usagi admit her attraction for him! *********************************************** "Oooh! I am SOOOOO embarrassed! That jerk! That creep!" Usagi paused in her flight, looking behind her. Mamoru was nowhere in sight. So that kind man must have held him back! Usagi looked down at the bags in her arms, catching sight of pink and lace, her underpants! "That HENTAI!" she shouted angrily. "I am so never going to forgive him for this!" She moaned, head sinking dejectedly. “Oh god, I really wanted him to kiss me,” she groaned, feeling like beating her head against a wall for a while. “Am I crazy? He’s my worst enemy! But gods, his hair is dreamy…and that muscled chest I keep crashing into. Wow.” She paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself. “THIS IS STUPID!” she bellowed at the top of her voice. The blonde slowed to a walk as her house came into sight. "I'll just forget this and hope I NEVER bash into him again," she told herself, then groaned. "What are the chances of THAT? I crash into that creep every DAY!" She came to a halt at the edge of the drive, eyes wide. “What if he touches me again and I try to kiss HIM? Oh no!” The situation was getting really serious. “I-I CAN’T want him to kiss me that much. It’s not possible. We HATE each other!” The though shocked her greatly. [But I’m SURE of what I saw in his eyes. Positive that it was attraction. Not that I KNOW what it looks like…well now I do”] her feet lagged even more, trying to get in all her confusing thoughts before facing her family and facing a possible grilling. Mothers were very good at deciphering expressions. Especially love-sick ones on daughters faces. [“I do NOT love him!”] she shrieked mentally, glaring like a thundercloud. The front door opened as Usagi walked up the path in a daze, her mother sticking her head out. "Ah, Usagi. You're just in time for dinner. I was worried you were going to be late" “Almost,” Usagi muttered weakly. She forced a grin for her mother's benefit, yet was secretly still shocked. Pole-axed. [“I like Chiba Mamoru. At HUGE lot. UI never knew how gorgeous he was before, when we were fighting. Or how deep a blue his eyes were…Or the way his mouth looks so-”] Her expression slowly darkened. It was all HIS fault! ["I'll eat, get some sleep and then plan my revenge on that jerk! He went WAY too far this time!”] she thought, walking into the house. She plunked everything onto the couch, then collapsed next to the bags, exhausted. Usagi turned her head slightly to look at her companion-the giant bunny from the secret admirer. She LOVED that bunny, no matter who it had come from. It showed that someone knew what she loved and care enough to make a present of it! Usagi titled her head slightly to rest her head against the soft toy. [“Why does life have to be so complicated now?”] she wondered, staring blankly. And how was she supposed to get any sleep, knowing that she was attracted to a jerk like Mamoru? Did he even LIKE her as much as she liked HIM? And how was she to find out? [“Just stroll up and throw myself into his arms? ‘kiss me you moron!’. Yeah right, Usagi”] she berated herself, looking morose. Visions of herself throwing her body into his arms and lip-locking produced a silly grin on her mouth. She shook herself out of it, mentally slapping herself back to reality. The day she kissed Mamoru-was the day she danced the mamba in the nude! "Did you have fun, dear?" Ikuko asked cheerfully, walking over to stand near the couch. "Uh huh," Usagi muttered, thoughts still on Mamoru. She'd made a lucky escape from the jerk. He'd seemed determined to-talk to her. VERY determined. Usagi frowned. ["He didn’t-push me away though, did he?!"] she thought slowly back to the earlier scene. In fact, Mamoru had WRAPPED his arms about her! [“Oh my god!”] Usagi bolted into a sitting position. [“He MUST be really attracted to ME too! What do I do if he tries something? I’m blushing like an idiot every time he comes near me, as it is!”] The prospect was as exciting as it was frightening. Could his fighting have been hiding something else all this time? She HAD crashed into him an amazing time over the last two weeks. He seemed to be there at every turn. Could it have been on PURPOSE? Was he trying to get her attention-and did she feel flattered or furious? "You did a lot of shopping, Usagi," Ikuko noted, looking the bags over. She didn’t notice her daughter’s utterly stunned expression at all. She exclaimed and reached for something, plucking it from the bag. "Oh! How pretty!" "Pretty?" Usagi questioned, eyes closing wearily, thoughts tumbling over each other. ["What could she be talking about that she would find pretty?"] she groaned mentally. [“What am I SAYING?! This is my mother! ANYTHING I bought will be cute to her-”] Another thought hit her. [“What if HE sent the roses-no…”] She shook her head, sinking back. [“That jerk hasn’t got a romantic bone in his body!”] she hesitated. [“At least-I don’t THINK so.”] Usagi mused over this piece of information thoughtfully, nibbling on her bottom lip. The question WAS, was she willing to let Mamoru be romantic to her-or scream at him whenever he dared to insult her? He DID that an awful lot, after all and she had her pride. But now that she was aware that Mamoru was as attracted to her as she was to him-she could watch him very carefully. "No, no, dear," Ikuko said, interrupting Usagi’s deep thoughts, her voice amused. "I meant this!" Usagi opened her eyes, peering through her lashes. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she saw what Ikuko was exclaiming over. Not a dress, or even the pale pink ribbons that Usagi had bought impulsively for her hair. No-it had to be- "These lacy underpants are so cute!" "Arrrrgggggh!" ***************************************** Mamoru sighed as he opened his front door. He was so tired that he could have collapsed onto the floor and cheerfully slept there. The coffee had all worn off somewhere on the way home and now he was on what he called 'the downward spiral'. Utter bone weariness, in other words. "Need....sleep," he moaned, feet dragging. ["When did I sleep last?"] He tried to remember. Sometime, before the battle-and then on and off during the week. "Lets see, I was studying for that test, then the battle, then all-nighter, Mall, arcade, mugger....the Usagi crashes…" He groaned loudly, shouldering open the door to his bedroom. Mamoru made his way shakily towards his bed, then collapsed face-down. "Two WEEKS with hardly a wink," he muttered into his quilt. "I've got to get a new gig." But, as exhausted as he was, thoughts of the blonde fleeing from him spurred him on. Thoughts of her leaning against him and not fighting when he put his hands around her waist. Her startled eyes when she realized she’d been rubbing her face against his chest…The way she’d almost looked as if she’d been expecting him to kiss her. Eventually, after half an hour, his mind started to shut down. "Sleep now..." He yawned, turning over. Mamoru reached up to yank his pillow down and put his head onto it thankfully. "Get Blondie later." Yes....Being a superhero was hard. But getting the attention of a certain blonde in order to tell her his feelings was even harder! Especially when SHE was equally attracted and didn’t even REALIZE it! ["I’m cursed! Hmm-I wonder-if she likes roses?"] was Mamoru's last thought. ____________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Six ____________________________________________________________________________ "And THEN-everyone was staring at us! And this guy offered to hold Mamoru back, so I said yes!" Usagi recounted gleefully. She flushed guiltily, trying to squelch thoughts of Mamoru and kisses completely from her mind. It was bad enough that SHE knew about it, if LUNA did-she’d KILL Mamoru! Luna stared at her charge in disbelief and horror. "You DIDN'T!" The cat shook her head. [“Tell me she DIDN’T!”] Luna begged silently, embarrassed for her charge. The way she and Mamoru acted was just-unbelievable. One day, they were really going to kill each other. "I did!" Usagi giggled, clutching her pillow to her chest. Her eyes flickered to the side, teeth nibbling on her bottom lip. She could recall his deep blue eyes with NO problem at all. And it had never mattered before! [“Am I obsessed with my worst enemy?”] Usagi wondered, horrified. What could be worse than having a crush on a guy who might not even like her as much? Okay, so he might be attracted-but what if he never DID anything about it? How could she keep yelling, knowing that she really wanted to throw herself into his arms…and kiss him…or strangle him…whatever worked. It could be either, knowing their weird relationship. Rei and the others would NEVER believe it OR let Usagi forget it. Which was why, she’d die rather than every let them have the tiniest hint that she liked her worst enemy and dreamed of kisses-but she STILL DISLIKED him too! "Oh, Usagi! How could you?" Luna interrupted, voice profoundly disappointed. The cat shook her head, looking defeated. The blonde glared. "Hey! Just who's side are you ON anyway, Luna?" she demanded, outraged. She stared hard at her guardian. [“I might have a crush and want to kiss him-terribly-but he’s STILL the enemy! Luna should be on MY side, not the creep’s!”] she thought rebelliously. "I'm on no one's side! I'm here as your guardian and teacher and later when we find the Princess, as Royal Adviser!" Luna said haughtily, tilting her nose towards the roof. [“I pray to the gods, that it will be soon!”] "You mean-you're on HIS side?!" Usagi shrieked disbelievingly. [“I’m on my OWN!?”] "I didn't say that!" Luna yelled back. [“That ditz! Doesn’t she take anything seriously? What is it with her and that Chiba Mamoru that makes them rub each other the wrong way?”] "Usagi? Did I hear voices?" Ikuko opened the door quickly, scanning the room. She frowned when she saw only her daughter and her cat. Then, her eyes alighted on the window. "Did I hear Rei?" she questioned, walking quickly towards the window. She peered out carefully, noting the empty tree and deserted street below as if expecting to see the priestess there, dangling by her fingernails. "Rei?" Usagi questioned warily, she cast a look at the spluttering cat, who was valiantly trying not to choke. "No-why? It must have been the TV downstairs." Luna really had to be more careful! "I guess it must have been-but I could have sworn....Never mind, dear." Ikuko smiled at her daughter fondly. Then she leaned over and kissed Usagi on the forehead gently. "Don't stay up too much longer." "But it's Monday tomorrow, Mom!" Usagi wailed in protest. “These is my LAST hours of freedom before school!” her blue eyes narrowed. [“And away from that creep too. I just KNOW that I’m going to crash into him sometime tomorrow-and I have to be ready to resist all advances”] she groaned mentally. [“MY advances or HIS?!”] really, she couldn’t even trust herself to be around him anymore. All they needed was for just one person to find out about their ‘denying our attraction for all we’re worth, since we used to be enemies and all’ and everything would be doomed! A strangled gasp came from the floor. Luna took a deep breath and held it. [“That AIRHEAD! We’re fighting the Dark Kingdom for the lives of all on Earth-and she’s thinking about the hours before School?!”] Luna groaned, head drooping towards the floor in resignation. She raised a paw and covered her eyes, in a distinctly harassed manner. [“Maybe I can give her back and let Mercury be leader?”] Ikuko turned and Usagi looked at her innocently. "Monday. School. Hooooorible teachers and classes?" the blonde repeated promptingly, trying to keep her mother's attention from the red-faced cat. ["Wow,"] she thought admirably, looking quickly at her cat, then back to her Mother. ["Luna's holding her breath! How long can she keep that up?"] she frowned at her guardian, who had suddenly covered her eyes with her paw. [And what is she doing?”] Ikuko put a hands to her cheek, looking bewildered and authoritative. "Well then-turn the light off NOW, young lady! I thought it was Saturday for some reason, but this is worse." She shook her head, eyes tired. "I think I'll go to bed myself. All that cleaning today-goodnight, Usagi. Remember, lights out in five minutes." “Okay,” Usagi agreed sulkily. [“As IF I’m going to sleep with HIM on my mind now!”] When the door had closed, Luna let out her breath explosively. She collapsed onto the floor, panting and paws splayed out. "REI?!" she yowled in outrage. She panted again. "I do NOT sound like Rei! And WHY can’t you take School more seriously?" Usagi giggled, staring at her guardian with interest. She'd never seen a cat go red in the face before OR hold its breath for so long! "Are you okay, Luna?" she asked soliciticly, leaning over to study Luna’s face more closely. "Fine," Luna gasped, laying flat on the floor like a rag-doll. "Just dandy, Usagi!" "Dandy?" Usagi questioned, glancing at her cat askance. [“Is that even a word?”] "Goodnight, Usagi!" Luna replied firmly, closing her eyes and ignoring the blonde. Usagi really tired her out! "Goodnight, Luna," Usagi said in a sing-song voice, grinning. She jumped onto her bed, bouncing around lightly. "Goodnight John-b-" "Finish that and you die!" Luna screeched, leaping to her feet. She glared at a startled Usagi, then pointedly at the enormous bunny on the end of the bed. “I realize that you’re enamoured off the present by your secret admirer-but really! That’s where I sleep, Usagi!” Luna protested darkly. The bunny had usurped her position on the comfy bed-and she was NOT happy about it! “Oh come on, Luna” Usagi coaxed. “It’s just a stuffed toy-you can share the bed too!” “I will NOT-“ The cat broke off, sighing deeply. She ran across the room and leapt nimbly onto the window sill of Usagi’s bedroom. “When you’ve grown up, let me know. Until then, I’ll be at Ami’s” And then she was gone. Usagi stared silently at the window for a long moment, then turned her face towards the huge pink bunny at the end of her bed. “What was wrong with her?” she asked it, upset by Luna’s behavior. “She’s not jealous of a BUNNY…is she?” Of course, the bunny didn’t answer. But then, stuffed toys seldom did. ************************************ The moon was far in the sky when Mamoru's eyes opened. He glanced around into the darkness, totally bewildered for a moment. He felt the bed under him and knew where he was-but there was something he was forgetting. Something important..."Usagi!" he gasped, leaping up. It was time for action. It was now or never. He was going to go over to her place and ONE of them was going to admit their attraction! Mamoru's feet landed smoothly on the floor, but then he stumbled over something. He flailed through the dark, trying to find a hand-hold on something. His arm whacked against the wall painfully. Mamoru yelped, falling backwards with arms wind-milling. But with nothing to grab a-hold of, he kept on falling. The seasoned protector of all Tokyo and Sailor Moon-hit the floor hard, face-first. He groaned into the carpet, eyes adjusting slowly to the dark room. "This-is not a good start," he groaned. "Lets try that again." he muttered, getting painfully to his feet. Squinting through the night, he saw the light switch and flicked it on. Light flooded the room, hitting Mamoru's eyes painfully. He'd had SOME sleep, but was still tired. "I HAVE to see her though!" he said, trying to make his voice commanding enough for his body to obey. Apparently it worked, because as he made his way towards the kitchen and the coffee jug, a thrill of excitement began to make it's way through him. He was going to find Usagi and continue that conversation! And this time-NO witnesses. And either she was going to bash him into next week-or he’d finally get that much-deserved kiss. Mamoru groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "Where the hell does she LIVE?!" His one and ONLY card with Usagi’s address-pilfered from Motoki’s wallet-had been given to the florist, to deliver those roses and the giant bunny. “WHY didn’t I make a copy?!” he shouted. “I am a moron! What is this girl DOING to me? I used to be so rational!” Still, it remained that he was lacking one Tsukino Usagi’s home address. ****************************************** 20 minutes, a shower, a shave and a coffee later, Mamoru stood under the luminous light of the street lamps below his apartment. Somehow, his OWN phone book had eluded him, and after a few frantic moments, he had dashed out of the apartment, into the elevator and out into the night. "Let see," he muttered, grabbing the thick phone book. He opened it random, then began to flick through the pages with some urgency. "Tsukino-Tsukino...Ah ha!" His finger slid down the page slowly, from name to name. He knew BASICALLY where she lived, from remembering all their NUMEROUS encounters over the last few months. "Tsukino K and I. That LOOKS about the right area." He groaned. "I BETTER be right! I can just see myself jumping through a window and into a strangers house!" ["Oh yeah, Tuxedo Kamen would really take a beating. THINK of the embarrassment! Sorry Ma’am...I was looking for a young blonde girl, to tell her that I love her-but couldn't find her house!"] "Ah ha!" Mamoru shouted triumphantly, holding out the phone book into the light from the street lamp. The Tsukino's were the ONLY Tsukino's in the area! He quickly memorized the address. "Now I have you, Usagi. And we ARE going to have a LOOOOOONG talk!" He hesitated, looking thoughtful. “Or a looong kissing session. Whatever is good with her, of course.” His eyes narrowed. “And she WILL admit her attraction to me, if I have to kiss her senseless to get the confession!” Mamoru slammed the heavy pages of the book together, closing it-then threw it over his shoulder negligently. He vaguely heard the heavy thump on the sidewalk behind him, but ignored it, walking off into the night. Mamoru made a gesture quickly, pulling a rose from the thin air. In moments, he had transformed into Tuxedo Kamen. He pulled his cloak tight about his body, keeping to the shadows like some sort of assassin. It was corny-yes...But he was a man on a mission! You HAD to make allowances for that sort of thing-right? It never occurred to him to look at the time-not that a watch came with his expensive Tuxedo anyway-but if he HAD, he would have seen the hands of the clock just touching on 11:25...Long past the bedtime of a certain heroine of Tokyo. *********************************** Dying red roses dotted the room of Tsukino Usagi, but she didn’t have the heart to throw even one of them away. She was STILL trying to figure out who had sent her the roses and the giant bunny. And STILL trying to figure out what to do about Chiba Mamoru-her greatest enemy turned greatest crush. “But I have a HUGE crush on Tuxedo Kamen, too!” she wailed. “How can I love TWO guys?!” She gasped as she realized what she had said. “LOVE?!” she hissed in shock, falling backwards until her head hit the headboard painfully. For a long moment, her mouth gaped with shock, horror and finally-an extremely silly grin. “I LOVE him? It can’t be!” she gasped, heart beginning to thunder in her chest. Was it POSSIBLE? And if so-what on earth could she DO about it? She didn’t even know if Mamoru liked her back. Usagi absently glanced down to the end of the bed, where the bunny lay innocently. Luna had been gone an hour, while the blonde sat there on her bed, musing. And she hadn’t come back. “Oh ,well. Silly kitty. You could have shared,” Usagi giggled, wiggling around on her bed covers and trying to get comfortable. She was now in her nightdress, hair brushed and sprawled back against her headboard-courtesy of her shocked revelations. It was almost midnight, but she couldn’t sleep-not after the events of the day. Not after HIM. Mamoru had always filled her thoughts, but they were usually VERY uncomplimentary. “What am I going to do when I see him next?” she wondered in horror, a hand over her mouth. “He’ll know for sure! I just KNOOOOW it!” she wailed quietly. “He’ll look into my eyes and-” But it still remained that they fought like cats and dogs. If he liked her, then why had he continued to constantly taunt her? But she liked him and fought him too. Usagi groaned, clutching at her hair in frustration. “It’s stupid!” she moaned. How could she act horrible to him NOW? She was angry with him STILL for the underpants fiasco. Her eyes narrowed assessingly. Mamoru had well and truly gotten her. He’d NEVER ever let her live it down-like her or not. Usagi had no doubts that they’d taunt each other until time ended. It was bad enough that she constantly crashed into him-every single day-but to have a pair of her UNDERPANTS land on his shoe was…horrifying. And-and… “I’m actually starting to like him- a lot. And-I’m not so sure that I’m not falling in love with him either,” she whispered to herself sadly. She hated him and fought with him constantly-but she WAS attracted to him. Even she could admit it. And if she was truthful, then she knew that HE was attracted to her too. Maybe that was why they constantly crashed into each other? Usagi looked blankly at her wall. [“DO I LOVE him? I feel so weird when we’re close to each other-And I just want a kiss-“] Usagi glanced up as there came a slight sound from her window. Her mouth gaped open as she saw Tuxedo Kamen there, crouched easily on the sill of the open window. His dark blue eyes glittered strangely from behind the white half-mask, making her breath catch. Okay, so she was Sailor Moon and used to seeing this guy around...at fights. But-what on Earth was he doing on her window sill? He didn't know who she was...did he? And HOW could she face HIM after thinking about Mamoru all night?! Her second love was there now! [“I can’t handle them BOTH!”] she thought in horror. [“What if I have to CHOOSE between them?”] "Tuxedo Kamen?" she stammered, flushing brightly. She was clad only in a short pink nightdress, complete with bunny picture. And here was her dream hunk-well, one of them anyway. Usagi quickly pinched herself to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. "Ouch!" she yelped. Her eyes filled with dismay. [“Oh no! This is REAL! What am I going to dooooo?”] Tuxedo Kamen's mouth twitched slightly, then he leapt down from the sill to the floor. His shoes barely made a sound in the plush carpet, but Usagi threw a nervous look towards her door all the same. [“Oh, no you don’t, Usagi”] he thought grimly. [“I’ve gone through waaaay too much for you to bolt away again. ONE way or another I AM getting my kiss tonight!”] he spared the rest of the room a quick glance, noting with satisfaction, that his present sat at the end of her bed. Her BED! [“Woah. Slow down there, Chiba”] he told himself, planting both feet firmly to the floor. He’d come for a reason. Well, two. One was a kiss and the other was to tell Usagi that he loved her-oh and get HER to admit that she liked him! [“Okay, so three reasons.”] he muttered mentally, tone sour. "What are you doing here?" Usagi asked weakly, moving so that the bed was between them. She had a CRUSH, yes, but she wasn't stupid! This was a strange man in her room! One she loved-yes, but she barely knew him. And HE somehow had discovered that she was Sailor Moon. [“Did he-follow me from the battle that time?”] she wondered, biting her lip hard. Her blue eyes widened even more. [“What if he SAW Mamoru and me together? And me in his arms!?”] This thought sent her into a panic. She wasn’t ready to choose between them yet. Her blue eyes fell on the huge bunny, maybe she could use it as a weapon? But this was Tuxedo Kamen! How could she fight him?! Tuxedo Kamen straightened his vest, then both gloves, breathing deeply. Then he looked up at her, pinning her with his intent gaze. "NOW," he said, stalking around the bed towards her, "we can continued the conversation we were having when you so rudely ran away earlier. And THIS time, you aren't getting away, Usagi!" he told her harshly, more determined than he had ever been in his life. Everything would be resolved that night-for better or worse. AND, his angel had nowhere to run this time! [“Perfect”] She gaped at him, giving a startled shriek as he reached her side. Before he could blink, Usagi dove over the bed lithely. She hit the wall, then fell into a crouch at the ready. The bunny tumbled from the bed, falling like a rock and then bouncing to a stop at Tuxedo Kamen’s feet. She watched with astonishment, as he paused and then picked up the bunny to replace on the bed. ["Conversation?!"] she thought in panic and confusion. ["WHAT conversation? And WHY is he trying to grab me?!"] Tuxedo Kamen sighed, moving around the bed again swiftly. [“Why is she making this so HARD? Even disguised, she manages to avoid me!”] he thought in exasperation. [“Unbelievable!”] Usagi immediately jumped into the center of the bed, knee's slightly bent to run. The bunny launched off the bed and smacked into the wall with a sickening thud, making Usagi wince. She pointed at him shakily with her index finger, eyes accusing. "You-stay right there, mister!" she commanded. Tuxedo Kamen came to a halt, staring at her with exasperation. "Mmm?" "I don't KNOW what you're doing in my room! I don't want to know-really. I wouldn't mind in the DAY! Because I think you're really dreamy and all-" She broke off her words hurriedly, flushing. [“Ohmygod! I almost blurted out that I loved him!”] She went on, forcing her red face back to its normal color. "But I'm in my NIGHTIE!" she finished with a wail. Usagi tried futilely to pull down her short nightdress at the front and the back, merely succeeding in making the top slide off of one slender shoulder. "Ugh!" she yelled, hurriedly pulling it up...which caused it to move up on the bottom. [“I’m so embarrassed!”] she wailed silently, face turning the color of a tomato. Tuxedo Kamen was rewarded with an amazing view of Tsukino Usagi's lacy white undies and smooth stomach before the blonde wailed and threw herself down on the bed flat. [“Oh my god!”] He gaped, eyes glazing over. "Don't LOOK!" she shrieked, face flaming. She could never remember being so embarrassed in all her life. [“He’s worse than Mamoru! HE’S never seen me in my underwear and nightie!”] For Mamoru though, it was like being confronted-and blinded-by a golden shield. Her beauty and innocence dazzled him and he SWORE the vision of a half-naked Usagi was going to be burnt into his retinas permanently! "Umm…" He trailed off, blinking. "I didn't see a thing," he lied smoothly. [“Yeah right.”] "Really?" Usagi replied, looking up hopefully. [“I hope he didn’t, I hope he didn’t”] she chanted silently. She’d just utterly DIE, if he’d seen her undies! Two guys in ONE day was just…unbelievable! Tuxedo averted his gaze. He was SURE the golden-haired girl had no idea that from her prone position, he had quite a good view of the back of her long legs and a hint of her underpants. ["Hentai!"] he berated himself. ["You came here for a reason! NOT a perve! OH wait-I DID come for a kiss so…Shut up, Chiba."] He summoned a smile, for her benefit. "Sure," he lied again, gritting his teeth. This had not been his intention. He looked back involuntarily, almost drawn. Yep, her undies were still in plain view. Was she trying to give him a heart attack?! "Okay." Usagi fell silent, looking up at him, hands folded into her chest protectively. She gazed at him with wide eyes, still flushing slightly. Then, she frowned. "Okay! I know what this is!" she stated triumphantly. [“I’ve GOT it! This is a dream! I KNEW I had to be asleep. THIS could never happen in real life!”] Usagi groaned mentally. [“Not after the weird weeks I’VE been having!”] "What would that be?" he asked cautiously, suspicious about the bright look in her eyes. [“This doesn’t sound right. What is she up to now?”] The girl jumped to her feet, a hand thrust into the air triumphantly. "This is a dream!" she shouted, grinning. "Yes, it has to be!" To Tuxedo Kamen's shock, Usagi jumped from the bed, landing at his side. She then proceeded to stalk around him, studying him as if he were a side of beef. "Umm, Usagi-?" he began. [“Oh god! She’s parading around me in her nightie!”] He steeled himself firmly, standing like stone. [“Don’t grab her, DON’T grab her!”] he chanted to himself, shutting his eyes tight. "Hmm?" she muttered, bending in close to poke his side. Tuxedo Kamen’s eyes shot opened in shock. He squirmed uncomfortably, aware that a half-naked girl was standing terribly close to him-and he had to pretend not to notice! "Can we talk?" He looked at her weakly. [“And maybe kiss? I’ve been patient for two weeks, after all.”] "About what?" she asked, coming around to his face. She peered into his eyes, trying to see behind the mask. "You know, I've had this dream before," she offered shyly. [“But he should know that-right?”] "What?" he gasped, startled out of his serious train of thought. Usagi dreamed about him? Uh, Tuxedo Kamen? He felt like a bucket of water had been thrown over him. She liked another guy! HIM! He didn’t know whether to do the victory dance or fall down to his knees and wail like a little kid. "Yes. Waaaay back a few months. You were there and we were going to go for a chocolate fudge sundae-" she began. Tuxedo Kamen's mouth fell open in shock, eyes astonished. ["Taking her for a chocolate sundae!? That's it?"] He frowned to himself, mouth turned down. ["This really isn't very flattering! Here I am, a caped dashing figure, hero to the Senshi and all that...and Usagi...dreams of me and chocolate?"] Of course, that last thought took him down another path and he had to mentally slap himself back to the present. [“On second thought…”] "And then you were taking off your mask." Her eyes grew indignant, her chest swelling with indignation. Again, Tuxedo had to gallantly avert his eyes before the distressed damsel. [“If she keeps doing that-restraint be damned! I’ll kiss her senseless before she can blink!”] Once more, the hero had to steel himself, to stop his arms for grabbing for the scantily-clad delicacy. [“Life is so cruel!”] "-Luna BIT me! And I woke up!" she finished, eyes flashing with anger. She looked at him appealingly. "I almost found out! It was SO unfair, Tuxedo Kamen!" "Luna bit you? I always thought she was such a nice cat." He looked at her askance. "Oh, she IS...sometimes. And such a nag, though," Usagi rattled on, reaching up to adjust his tie. He let her, feeling the delicate fingers brush over the skin of his throat enticingly. "You should hear her about my homework." She frowned, biting her lip. "I swear she and miss Haruna must cook this up between them-" "Hear her about homework?" Tuxedo Kamen murmured, staring at the blonde in bewilderment and worry. ["Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting?"] he asked himself. Was it possible his love was a little-nuts? Not that HE hadn’t been over the last two weeks… "Yes," she replied absently, patting his tie in satisfaction. "You know, I really did a good job imagining you. I never realized I remembered you in such detail." Her mouth turned down slightly. She ALSO remembered a certain GORGEOUS college student in every little detail also. So, what did it mean? "What?" he asked, bewildered the more. Then he remembered. ["Oh right."] His eyes rolled skyward. ["I'm a 'DREAM'."] He looked at her, smiling slightly. "What was that about Luna and-Miss Haruna?" he prompted her, when she was silent in thought. His proclamations of love could wait till another time-he just wanted to hear her voice. And maybe grab a kiss or two a bit later. She had such a beautiful voice, his Usagi. ["Well,"] he amended silently. ["SOON to be my Usagi."] "You should hear it, Tuxedo Kamen. Nag, nag, nag. Sort of like a mom I guess." Usagi resumed pacing around him, looking for every detail. She disappeared behind him. Tuxedo Kamen stood still, waiting for her to return. But she didn't. He was about to turn and see what she was doing, when he felt a startling warmth encompass his back and shoulders. His eyes went wide with shock. ["Is she doing what I think she's doing!?"] he asked himself incredulously. [“Oh my god! I’m NOT supposed to touch her and she-“] "Mmm, warm," Usagi purred, moving closer to his back. His cloak was wonderful! Long and warm and velvety. Usagi rubbed her face over it, as she had always wanted to do. Thank the gods it was a dream-or she'd have died of embarrassment! Dream Tuxedo Kamen's were just fine though. "Did I tell you-well, not YOU because this is a dream-that I love your cloak?" "Really?" came the rather strangled sounding reply. Usagi frowned at the cloaked back, hugging closer to his broad shoulders with her small hands. ["Why does he sound so funny?"] "Say something-sexy!" she commanded. The body under her stiffened into a rod, making her start in surprise and release him. ["What's wrong? I CAN control this dream-right?"] "Something...sexy?" Tuxedo Kamen repeated, incredulously. He coughed, spun around to face her and smiled. His eyes were suspiciously bright though, she noted. "Sexy-right," he muttered. "Anything at all," Usagi prompted eagerly. "Do that-" She flapped her hands around expressively. "You know, that deep voice you do! The way you say-Sailor Moon..." "SAILOR MOON?!" he roared. The name of the other girl that he loved on Usagi’s lips was all too much for Tuxedo Kamen. His nerves were two raw at that moment- Usagi skittered back, eyes growing to the size of marbles. She blinked at him nervously. ["Sailor Moon? How would she know-oh wait..."] He mentally slapped himself. ["Duh, Chiba! You're dressed as Tuxedo Kamen! EVERYONE knows that he-ME and she have a...thing."] He coughed again, plastering a smile on his mouth. Usagi slowly relaxed, still looking nervous. "Are dreams supposed to yell at you?" she wondered aloud. "Of course," Tuxedo Kamen said hastily. "You can't control ALL dreams. Right? Remember Luna biting you and the chocolate sundae?" "Right." She smiled, waiting expectantly. "Right," he muttered. His smile turned charming, irresistible. He knew it was, because he's tried it on any number of women-just to get away from them! "Sailor Moon," he drawled in a sexy tone. Usagi immediately squealed in delight, clasping her hands before her chest, eyes glittering happily. [“Oh! This is so romantic! Why can’t Mamoru be like this?”] Tuxedo could have sworn he almost saw love-hearts in her eyes. ["Could it be that Usagi LOVES Tuxedo Kamen?"] The thought made him jealous-as ridiculous as it sounded. It was HIM, after all. Sort of. "Say it again! And-with some sentence! Make it romantic!" she ordered, gleefully. Tuxedo Kamen merely stared at her for a long moment, wondering if his love had eaten one to many sweets that day. He mentally shrugged, stepped up close and swept the scantily-clad girl into his arms. He stared down into her wide eyes romantically, lips curved into a seductive smile. And all the while, his mind was screaming frantically at him. ["She's fourteen! She's fourteen!"] He paused, wincing. ["And almost naked! Cool it, Chiba!"] "Yes?" Usagi prompted, giggling. Her eyes were like stars. "Sailor Moon," he said smokily. He tried to recall all he knew about Sailor Moon, in order to make this as romantic as possible for Usagi. Though he had NO clue as to why she wanted to hear him say this about another girl. Maybe-Usagi WANTED to be Sailor Moon? His smile widened wickedly. "Your eyes are like the deepest ocean, as radiant as the stars-Your hair is like the finest spun gold, even the..." He stopped dead, staring at the girl he held so close to his chest. "...odango's," he finished weakly. "What? Oh no! Rei must be interfering with my dreams!" Usagi said frantically, covering her face with her hands. She groaned loudly. "I HATE that name! Take it back, Tuxedo Kamen!" she wailed. "Take-Right," he mumbled, eyes glazed. ["Odangos?"] He looked at her hard, eyes focusing. For the first time, he looked at his love closely. ["The same eyes, the same hair, same clumsiness...It can’t be. Just wishful thinking huh, Chiba? If the two girls you’re obsessed with turned out to be the one…"] "Tuxedo Kamen?" Usagi peeked out from between her fingers worriedly. He'd been silent for so long. What had happened to the speech? "Are you okay? I mean-am I waking up or something?" Her eyes were serious and distressed. "Is the dream about to end? There's so much I wanted to ask you...to do." "To do?" He questioned, snapping out of it. ["Nah. She can't be thinking what I'M thinking about! Mind out of the gutter."] His eyes rolled heavenward for the second time in exasperation. "She's jail-bait!" "Excuse me," Usagi interrupted, eyes interested. "WHAT did you say?" Tuxedo Kamen's eyes flew to Usagi's swiftly, filled with horror. ["I said that out loud?"] He gasped, "Umm..." He cast around his head for something to say. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind at all. "I SAID, do you-like fishing? We could go get some bait...and go...to the lake..." he finished weakly. ["Was that as lame as I think it sounded?"] Usagi stared at him incredulously, straightening. He released her reluctantly, stepping back. His angel placed her hands haughtily on her hips and glared-rather endearingly. "WHAT? FISHING?! Are you crazy, Tuxedo Kamen? Yuck!" she said, watching him as if he were nuts. "Of course," he replied, searching for a way to cover his mistake. ["I'm REALLY sticking my foot into this one!"] He thought of something and a sly smile curved his lips. He stared intently into her eyes. "But I LIKE fishing, you see. And you wanted to know me, right?" "Of course." Usagi's glare melted into a love-struck look. "Okay, as weird as your-idea of romantic is...I accept it." She fluttered her lashes at him. "Fishing it is." "Now?" he asked her, heart sinking. "Of course! It's a dream...right?" She stood there, waiting. "Well?" she prompted. "Well?" Tuxedo Kamen looked at her, wondering what she was waiting for. She blushed. "I uh, can't go fishing in a nightie. Since this is a dream-I can change my clothes or you can. Just umm, wave your magic wand!" She giggled at the private joke. "Or cane," she added. Tuxedo Kamen realized he was in big trouble right then. Big. He had been in Usagi's room for-an indeterminable amount of time. Talking with her in her nightdress. And she had been...cuddling him. ["She'll either die of embarrassment or kill me when she realizes it wasn't a dream,"] he muttered internally. ["DO SOMETHING, CHIBA!"] "Hello?" Usagi waved a hand in front of his eyes. She was beginning to suspect something. [“He’s acting really weird.”] That did it. He had no choice. Mamoru took a deep mental breath. It was up to the big-guns now! And it was FINALLY, irreversibly, the PERFECT time for him to kiss her! There was no escaping this time and he’s waited SO LONG! "Lets fish another time-er dream, Usagi," he drawled. Before she could blink, he'd swept her into his arms again, lowered his head, and captured her soft lips in a soul-searing kiss. [“Finally…”] he breathed. ["Oh, my god!"] Usagi gasped inside, mind immediately falling into chaos. All thoughts fled as he deepened the kiss. She went limp in his arms, overwhelmed by the electricity spinning wildly through her body. [“So this is what it’s like to be kissed…”] Her thoughts dribbled off at that point. Tuxedo Kamen pulled back eventually, holding her limp body close. And VERY reluctantly! He’d waited two whole weeks for that kiss and BOY was it worth it! [“I don’t want to leave her,”] he realized, looking down at his love. Usagi's eyes were closed, cheeks flushed and her lips swollen. She was panting as heavily as HE was from the mind-blowing kiss. Immediately, he realized a strategic-and swift as lightening-retreat was in order. He WAS in a young girl’s bedroom in the middle of the night AND he’d gotten what he came for. Tuxedo Kamen grinned in triumph. "Till the next...dream, my darling!" he announced dramatically. Quickly, he spun with her in his arms, picked her up and lay her on her bed. He released her, backed away and then ran for the window before she could open her eyes. If she realized that it wasn’t a dream-she’d kill him for sure! "Farewell," he whispered, feeling strangely elated, yet like an idiot. With swirling cloak about him, Tuxedo Kamen dove out the window, landing smoothly. With a last look up at Usagi's window, he disappeared into the night. [“YES!”] ____________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Seven ____________________________________________________________________________ Somewhat unfortunately, Luna was coming home from Ami's house after cooling down and saw the departing hero. At first, she was stunned, then furious. She ran up to the window, scrambled her way up the tree branches and into her charge’s room. "USAGI! Tsukino Usagi! You tell me what is going on, immediately!" she bellowed. Usagi opened her eyes, gasping in shock at the furious look in her guardian's eyes. "What?! What?" she questioned, confused. She was still in rapture from the AMAZING-yet somehow weird-dream. Usagi’s dreamy expression slowly faded into sadness. [“I wonder what Mamoru’s kiss would be like?”] she thought in depression. One of the men she loved had just kissed her-and it had been beyond wonderful. But Usagi just wasn’t sure if the RIGHT guy had given her her very first kiss. "HIM! That man!" Luna screeched indignantly, checking over her charge closely. Her red eyes narrowed on Usagi's swollen lips. "HE KISSED you? I'll kill him! The cad!" "What?" Usagi's head reeled under the onslaught. "Who-he kissed-how do you-?" Her thoughts were bewildered as her cat continued to glare at her murderously. [“How did she know about my dream?! And does she know about the ones with Mamoru? Oh no!”] "I saw him leaving! Coming brazenly out of your window. I can't leave you alone for a second, Usagi. I thought you knew better than to have a grown man in your room at night! What did he touch-" "Arrgghhh!" the blonde yelled, clapping her hands over her ears. Her cheeks flamed. "He didn't touch anything! Only a kiss....I swear!" Usagi stopped dead, the color draining abruptly from her face. [“She SAW him? Oh. My. God.”] Luna was startled to see her charge’s eyes go impossibly wide, cheeks like alabaster. "Usagi?" "You...SAW....Tuxedo Kamen...leaving my room?" the blonde asked weakly. "Am I still asleep?" She bit her lip. "TELL me I'm still dreaming!" "YOU most certainly are NOT!" Luna bellowed. "You had that man in here and....He KISSED you? USAGI!" "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" Usagi screeched. [“Tuxedo Kamen was REALLY here? And he KISSED me! OH MY GOD!”] Her head reeled in supreme shock. Another thought occurred to her, making her pale again. [“What about Mamoru? I ENJOYED Tuxedo Kamen’s kiss! HOW can I like two guys?!”] Luna flew off of the bed, landing ungracefully with paws in the air. [“Not again!”] She tried to focus her dizzy eyes, seeing nothing but pink. [“Pink?”] the cat thought, frowning. She blinked-and then stared up into the hated face of her nemesis…the pink bunny. The door burst open. The two looked up, Usagi with mouth still open and Luna upside down beside the enormous bunny. Kenji stood there, a broom held menacingly out, eyes alert and glasses askew on his nose. Ikuko and Shingo stood behind him, staring blearily about for the danger. "Where is he?" Kenji roared, jumping into the room. He whipped the broom left, then right, menacingly. "Who?" Usagi asked innocently, covering her red cheeks with her hands. ["How did he know Tuxedo Kamen was here?!"] she thought frantically. [“He’ll kill him! Wait-I’LL kill him! He tricked me!”] she thought furiously. "The intruder!" Kenji replied, broom drooping to the floor. He looked about in bewilderment. "There's-no on here, Usagi," he added in a strangled voice. "Why did you scream young lady?" Ikuko demanded, taking charge. "I uh-had a nightmare?" the blonde offered. She turned her eyes away to hide the rage. Shingo rolled his eyes, snickered and went back to his room. [“Ditz.”] "Usagi," Ikuko growled. She sighed, frowned, took her husband by the arm and led him out of the room. Just before the door closed, she looked at her daughter. "We'll talk in the morning, Usagi!" Then Usagi and Luna were alone again. The cat was still prostrated on the floor, stunned. "Thank god, I thought Daddy knew!" Usagi gasped, falling to the floor beside her cat. Then her eyes widened. She picked Luna up, shaking her frantically. "Did you mean it? You saw Tuxedo Kamen leaving my room?" She HAD to be sure! Luna clawed her way free, eyes dazed. "Yes! And I'm shocked, let me tell you!" "You and me BOTH, Luna!" Usagi muttered, feeling nauseous. "I thought it was a dream!" Oh gods, the things she had said to him! She paled. Made him DO! She buried her head into her hands and felt like the Earth ought to swallow her up. "I-hugged him!" She paled even more. [“I LET him kiss me. And-and-I think I love Mamoru! Oh god, what am I going to do? I enjoyed it!”] "Hugged? Dream?" Luna looked at her charge with horror. "You mean, you didn't know it was really him? You thought it was a dream?" "Yes." The mutter came from beneath Usagi's hands. "I want to die, I swear. I'll never fight again-WAIT A MINUTE!" She threw herself to he feet, eyes blazing. ["He said my name! My real name. He knows who I am! Arrgghhhhh!"] She was abruptly frightened. She’d been right, before the weird thought that it was all a dream had hit her. He DID know she was Sailor Moon. But HOW? [“No wait-he never once referred to ME as Sailor Moon…and he seemed so surprised when I asked him to call me by her name. He DOESN’T know!”] She didn’t know whether to cheer or cry. He HADN’T kissed her because she was Sailor Moon-he’d kissed her because she was Usagi. "What? What?" Luna asked frantically, feeling as if she had missed something momentous. [“Usagi looks shell-shocked.”] "He doesn't know I'm Sailor Moon though. I'm sure of it," Usagi replied, staring at nothing. "Which leaves-how IS it that he knows ME? And what was he doing here?" She stood there, frozen. [“DID he see me de-transform after that battle with the clone? Or has he known for awhile?”] And more bewildering, [“Why did he come here tonight? And what did he really want?”] "That's what I want to know," Luna gritted. She wanted to say more, but Usagi suddenly got an absolutely stunned look in her eyes. Without a word, she padded to the light-switch, turned it off, then headed for bed. Luna sat there as Usagi pulled the covers up and made not a sound. "Usagi?" "Tired, Luna," Usagi muttered. "Need sleep. School." She desperately tried to keep from shrieking in fury and disbelief at her revelation. There was only one explanation that she could think of. And it both excited and frightened her with the intensity. "All right," Luna sighed. She blinked, jumped onto the bed and closed her own eyes. [“What was that all about?”] In the darkness, Usagi's eyes were wide open. She was in utter shock and the only way she had discovered Tuxedo Kamen’s true identity was by remembering his very first words. ["We can continue the conversation we were having when you so rudely ran away earlier. And THIS time, you aren't getting away, Usagi!"] The ONLY person that she had fought with that day, and walked away from no less…had been Chiba Mamoru. ["No,"] she thought. ["It can't be!"] Her most hated enemy and her greatest crush were one and the same. Chiba Mamoru…was Tuxedo Kamen? Her eyes narrowed. ["And he DOESN'T know I'm Sailor Moon,"] she thought evilly. ["How dare he not tell me who he was! How dare he let me say all those things? How dare he…kiss me?"] She shook her head disbelivingly. The kiss had been-wonderful. Nothing could describe it and maybe later, she could think about it and enjoy it. But for now. "I think a certain college student is going to get a surprise visit from a certain super-heroine." Usagi was FIT to strangle a certain college student. [“I’m going to MURDER him for this stunt! EVEN though I KNOW now that both of the guys I love are the same person.”] Usagi felt exhilaration and rage. Mamoru HAD finally kissed her. But he had TRICKED her! And that was unforgivable. NOT only that-he’d hidden from her that he was Tuxedo Kamen. Somehow. [“So it was really Mamoru saving me all those months. Holding me close. Arguing with me and making my life hell!”] Her mind seethed with rage. She must have made some small sound of fury, because the black cat at the end of Usagi’s bed stirred and raised her head inquiringly. "What was that, Usagi?" Luna mumbled, bordering on sleep. "Nothing, Luna," Usagi whispered, thinking hard. There were plans to make. Okay, so now SHE knew that Tuxedo Kamen was Mamoru. But he-wasn’t aware that the girl he constantly rescued in battle as Sailor Moon was HER. So, in point of fact-Usagi had the upper hand. "Nothing at all." She smiled into the darkness-a very un-Usagi-like smile. And inside, she felt a barrage of emotions. Mischief, anger, excitement and fear. ********************************* The morning dawned bright and warm, shining its light through a cat-sized crack in the pink curtains and directly onto the blonde’s sleeping face. But, as usual, despite the glory of the day a certain Tsukino did NOT rise. Luna’s eyes opened slowly. She glanced at the clock, noted that her charge still had an hour before her alarm went off and then promptly closed her eyes again. She sighed peacefully, mind starting to drift back into sleep. Then suddenly-the alarm on the bedside table started ringing. It had the effect of a blazing claxon. The cat leapt straight up into the air, screeching in shock. “Mrrooooooooooowl!” Luna shrieked, clinging to the closest stable object in her trajectory-the light globe. Her razor-sharp claws dug firmly into the pink plastic, keeping her suspended upside down from the ceiling. Usagi’s eyes opened quickly, immediately alert. Unlike MOST mornings, this one was special. She had plans for a certain guy named Chiba Mamoru. And BOY was he going to pay for the night before’s embarrassment. She seethed quietly as she stared at the clock, ignoring the alarm for the moment. The numbers flashed 7:00 at her. A fresh start! [“Right. Now to work out a plan.”] The blonde threw back the sheets, leaping out of bed enthusiastically. “Ha! Today is the day, Chiba!” she shouted, thrusting a hand triumphantly into the air above her head, a wicked smile on her pretty face. It faded as she thought of the actual meeting. It required her to be cool, calm and collected and ABSOLUTELY NO thoughts of kisses! “Oh dear. This is going to be harder than I thought,” she whispered. Usagi stared around the room, befuddled. Then she reached out to turn off the alarm. [“Where is Luna?”] she wondered in surprise. The cat had been there when she went to sleep! “Oh well, she must still be angry about the bunny.” To placate Luna, the stuffed animal had remained on the floor at the end of the bed. Usagi shrugged, then walked purposefully to her bedroom door. She turned the knob, wrenched the door open-and startled the hell out of her brother. “Arrggggggh!” Shingo shouted, falling flat on his face at her feet. A jug of water flew from his grip, splashing all over his prone form and the carpet in the hall. Usagi stood there with hands on her hips, glaring. No doubt, her lovely brother had been about to sneak into her room and throw the water over her while she slept! Her face turned slowly red with anger. “Just WHAT do you think that you are DOING, Shingo?” she demanded furiously. [“As if I don’t have ENOUGH troubles with a super hero and an annoying jerk rolled into one!”] “Umm-“ Shingo groaned, then got to his knees. He stared up at his sister in surprise, then down at his wet clothes in chagrin. ["She was AWAKE?!"] he thought incredulously. ["Now I KNOW that the world has ended!"] “You were going to throw that on me-right?” she asked sweetly, eyes burning in to his. “Admit it and I might go easy on you!” He flushed with embarrassment, hastily scooped up the jug and raced down the hall at top speed. ‘You can’t prove a thing!” he shouted back gleefully, disappearing down the stairs. “Huh!” Usagi muttered, feeling the wet carpet squish under her feet. “It MUST be April Fools Day. He pulls this stunt every year.” She grinned triumphantly. “BUT! Unlike other years, Tsukino Usagi has foiled his plan!” She walked down the hall to the bathroom, then stepped inside and locked it behind her. Usagi went to the mirror and looked a her face critically. “Does this look like a devious face?” she asked her reflection. “I must be crazy to be up this early and for THIS reason!” She groaned. “Fight or flight-right Usagi? Mamoru went too far this last week. He made me embarrassed! He made me want a kiss! And he DID kiss me, parading around my room in that totally dreamy get-up. Arrgggh! That’s it, he’s toast when I see him!” ************************** After she had finished her shower, Usagi walked back down the hall to her room, keeping a wary eye out for Shingo. His plans had been interrupted, so it was entirely possible that he would try another trick. And she’d be ready for him! And since she was in a towel, the brat was likely to snatch it off of her and run away! [“Little brothers are the WORST! Who invented them anyway?”] she asked herself as she cautiously walked into her room. Blue eyes narrowed in thought, as her mind went back to planning her revenge. [“Maybe I should have drawn up a game-plan? I want even KNOW when he’s going to crash into me!”] “Usagi! Close the door!” a voice hissed from somewhere. Usagi looked around in confusion, vaguely recognizing the annoyed voice as that of her cat guardian. “Luna?” The blonde said uncertainly, closing the door behind her. She leaned back against it, eyes flickering around the room hastily. “Where are you?!” “Up here! Get me DOWN!” Luna screeched from above. Usagi’s eyes went upwards, eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline as she finally saw Luna. The cat was hanging upside down-from the light-globe, claws dug frantically into the plastic. [“I wonder if I CAN get her claws out of that plastic,”] Usagi thought, a giggle threatening to fight past her mouth. “Er-how did that happen, Luna?” the blonde asked as she walked until she was standing right under the infuriated cat. “Never mind that! Get me down now!” Luna yelled, fur bristling. “Okay, okay!” Usagi smiled cheekily at her guardian. She looked around, spotted her chair and then reached out for it with one hand while keeping her towel around her wet body with the other. “This is turning out to be a really interesting day,” Usagi noted, climbing up onto the chair. “Hang on a second Luna-umm…No pun intended,” she added hastily, when the cat gave her an evil look. Usagi quickly tightened the towel around her, then reached up for the black cat. As soon as she had a hold about Luna’s tense body, the cat let go. “Oh, thank Serenity!” Luna breathed in relief, clinging to Usagi’s shoulder tightly. She buried her face into Usagi’s hair. “Are-you okay, Luna?” Usagi asked gently, patting her shoulder. “I’m fine! No thanks to you, you ditz!” the cat yowled into Usagi’s ear, greatly offended. She tensed, jumping from Usagi onto the bed. Usagi watched Luna carefully, not knowing what she had done that time. [“What NOW? I have plans to make! She can’t still be angry about the bunny.”] “What are you doing up this early anyway?” Luna questioned, trying to smooth down her ruffled fur with her small tongue. “Let me get this straight,” Usagi said, incredulity in her voice. “You’re angry BECAUSE I got up early?” “No-yes-I was you-…Never mind, Usagi. I’m happy for you.” Luna trailed off in resignation. It escaped her, really, how to explain how she became stuck to the roof for ten minutes while her charge had a shower. “Thank you, Luna.” Usagi beamed, skipping over to the closet. She yanked the doors open, reaching for her school uniform. “I’m happy for me, too.” [“For an ENTIRELY different reason!”] she thought gleefully, slipping the clothes on. Dressing for battle. Chiba Mamoru wouldn’t know what hit him “Be careful when you go downstairs. In fact, avoid your parents all together,” Luna advised from her position on the bed. Usagi frowned at her, then picked up her brush to fix her long hair. “Why?” she asked curiously. She took particular care to wind the buns tightly and elegantly. One had to look one’s best for a war-right? At least it wasn’t against a Youma. Usagi groaned, dropping the brush with a clatter onto her dressing table. [“No, just an utterly gorgeous older guy! Waaaaaay easier to fight than anything Zoisite could throw at me!”] she thought sarcastically. “If you're getting up early had THIS effect on me, think of your poor mother!” Luna groaned, covering her eyes with a paw. Usagi turned to glare at her guardian indignantly. “Very funny, Luna! Ha, ha,” she sniffed. Then the anger faded and she excitement set back in. She was a girl on a mission-well, a Senshi really. And a certain guy was going to get a HUGE shock! “Revenge will be sweet,” she murmured, lashes falling over her eyes to hide their expression from Luna. Without meaning to, she smiled in triumph. [“You’re going DOWN, Chiba!”] “What are you grinning about?” Luna said suspiciously. Her red eyes widened in horror. “Oh no! Not the April Fools thing again!” The cat looked around nervously. “Last year you-“ “No, no. I’d totally forgotten-really!” Usagi giggled, waving a hand at her cat dismissively. “I’m just-happy to be up early! And get revenge on that jerk,” she finished the last words under her breath, grinning like a maniac. “Uh huh,” Luna said, tone dry. [“The day that Usagi is happy to be up early is-the end of the world!”] This thought made the cat glance at the blonde suspiciously. “Are you up to something?” “Meeeee?” Usagi replied, sounding offended. She grabbed her broach from the bedside table, flicked at her fringe to make it fall into place and then turned for the door. “Nah! Really! Bye, Luna!” she called out, racing to the door. Before Luna could get out another word, the door was opened, the blonde dashing out quickly. Red eyes narrowed. “She IS up to something! I KNOW it!” the cat told no one in particular. She sighed, head drooping. “Exactly who picked me for this job anyway? That ditz is the leader of the Sailor Senshi?” *********************************** ["We can continued the conversation we were having when you so rudely ran away earlier. And THIS time, you aren't getting away, Usagi!"] The words still rang clearly in her head. Really, she wondered why she hadn’t picked up on them earlier. But the very LAST thing she had expected to see on her window sill was the cloaked form of the hero of Tokyo! As far as she knew of the guy, Tuxedo Kamen did NOT frequent the windows of the girls in Tokyo. “He’d better NOT!” she gritted out, walking even slower. The thought of Tuxedo Kamen covered with love-sick girls just made her-see red! Because he was Mamoru-and she had dibs on him…sort of. He liked her and she liked him. And despite the fact that they loathed each other also, she’d scratch the eyes out of any girl he even winked at! [“Then, I’ll bash him into next Sunday!”] she promised ominously. And what her even MORE furious was the fact that she STILL wanted to kiss him! Was the world going to hell around her ears? When had her crush turned out to be her worst enemy? “What exactly is SANE around here?” she muttered, staring at the ground. She watched each and every crack in the sidewalk absently, wondering if she’d bash into ‘you know who’. Logic demanded that she stare intently at the ground, no matter HOW dumb it looked, because she only EVER crashed into that jerk when she wasn’t expecting it. Usagi slapped a hand to her forehead, feeling the moron. “Since when am I logical exactly?” she demanded aloud. “That’s Ami’s forte!” She was just so-angry! But excited at the same time, which was bewildering. She was excited about-bashing into Mamoru? Would wonders never cease? “How am I ever going to look at him the same way?” she whispered. She took another step and then-crash! She hit a solid object hard-yet not as hard as usual, merely because she had been walking. “Arrgggh!” she cried, reaching out to cling to whatever she had hit. Her fingers dug into a soft material and a muscled body beneath. A person then. She didn’t look up, but merely closed her eyes and-reached out with her mind. She felt, excitement, annoyance, a strange thrill of electricity-it HAD to be Mamoru. [“Oh no. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I completely forgot how strange he makes me feel when he touches meeee!”] she wailed silently in panic. “Great going, Odango,” an annoying voice drawled from above her. Mamoru was smiling like a wolf who had captured his prey. After the kiss of the night before, he’d been unbelievably anxious to see her again-and maybe sneak in another one? [“Good morning, my Odango Atama,”] he thought, looking down at her golden hair. Usagi felt his hands close smoothly around her waist and flushed, hiding her face hastily in his chest. She felt him stiffen in surprise at her act and swiftly pulled back from him. [“Ugh! Why do I keep DOING that?”] SHE knew that he was Tuxedo Kamen, but HE had no idea that she knew! So she had to act-normal. And what was exactly normal for them anyway? The amount of times that she’d found herself plastered along him entire length was-incalculable. She took a deep breath-then let him have it. “Jerk! Can’t you watch where you’re going?” she shouted at him, faces centimeters apart. His breath wafted over her face, making Usagi blink in surprise. They were really close. In fact, his hands were still firmly around her waist. She looked at his lips tentatively, remembering the wonderful feeling she’s experienced when he’d kissed her the night before. And she wanted it again-desperately! But revenge first. Usagi took a second to enjoy and define the strange emotions his touch sent through her-then she yanked her body away, glaring furiously. “CREEP!” she shrieked, as if genuinely enraged. “Hentai!” Mamoru let go of the blonde’s waist rather reluctantly. He looked down into Usagi’s fuming face and had to hide a grin. [“She doesn’t have a clue that it was me last night!”] he thought with relief. Surely if she HAD known, she’d have slapped him silly-or at least ACCUSED him…Wait a second! “HENTAI?!” he roared at her, leaning forward to tower menacingly over her slight form. She had insulted him in public-not that there was anyone around. Mamoru swift turned his head to look left and then right, scanning for possible witnesses. “What exactly do you MEAN, hentai? Odango, you are dreaming if you think that any guy in his right mind would WANT to touch you willingly!” He told her scathingly. Immediately, he realized his mistake as he saw her face go red with rage. [“Oh no.”] He mentally slapped himself, groaning with disbelief. [“Way to insult your love, you idiot!”] “WHAT WAS THAT, YOU JERK?!” she shrieked at him, fists clenching at her sides. She gave him an evil look from beneath her golden lashes. [“Oh, is he going to REGRET that one! Especially when I KNOW he likes to kiss me! Why else would he have paraded into my bedroom as Tuxedo Kamen and kissed my lights out?”] She still had one over on him, knowing what she did about him. And after School, Mr. Chiba was going to get a visit from a beautiful Sailor Solider! [“He’s gone TOO far this time. How dare he make me feel unwanted?!”] she growled silently to herself, eyes flaming. She was torn between wanting to grab him by that green jacket of his and hauling him close for a kiss-and punching that smug expression off his gorgeous face. “You heard me,” Mamoru said mockingly, eyes staring down into hers. Once more, they were so close that they were practically in each other’s faces, shoes touching. They’d ALWAYS invaded each other’s personal space, without realizing. Automatically, it seemed. The rules were different with their fighting-but this time it was different. He could feel the tension in the air and knew it was from their changed feelings…Usagi couldn’t possibly deny what they felt when they were that close. They could practically feel each other’s thundering heart beats. [“How can you deny this, Usagi? How can you stand this close to me and argue and not even want to feel my lips against yours?’] he wondered, looking deeply into her eyes and trying to retain his superior smile. All he wanted was to take her into his arms. “You are such-a-“ She waved a fist under his nose, then blinked at him, startled. [“Oh noooooo!”] They were so CLOSE! She could feel it acutely, more than any other time. It had never bothered her before-but NOW it did! She disliked him-right? She wanted revenge-right? [“I was supposed to keep my distance and I practically throw myself into his face?”] She was horrified! Even if he WAS Tuxedo Kamen and the most romantic guy around. HOW could he and Mamoru be the same person? Usagi bit at her bottom lip nervously, staring back into his eyes. They had been silent for a few seconds, just-staring at each other. And it was disconcerting. “I uh-“ Usagi stammered, eyes drawn into his. She mentally slapped herself, took a steadying breath and leaned closer into him. When their lips were almost touching, she spoke. “You are a total creep, jerk-and generally MEAN person! Get outta my face, Chiba!” She winced at the almost physically pain of restraining herself from kissing him, when they were that close. But he HAD to learn that she meant business! She was Sailor Moon and no one messed with her love life! Even her love… [“I am SOOOOO pathetic! Just smack him over the head or something and get the revenge over with!”] she whined mentally. [“Then we can get to the kissing part.”] “You’re in MINE, Tsukino,” her told her mildly, trying to steady his thundering heart. His love’s lips were only a breath away! And he couldn’t do a thing! [“Arrggggggh! What are you doing to me, Odango?”] he demanded silently. He blinked at her, then smiled slowly when he realized that he had been silent for too long. They both had! “You’re-early?” he asked, looking down at his watch. The blonde was actually almost an hour early for school. That, in itself, was strange enough. Could it BE, that his love was up to something? Usagi blinked back at him, surprised that he had even noticed. “Umm-yeah?” She frowned at him, leaning back slightly to see his face better. “Sooooooo?” she demanded, drawing out the word in suspicion. She just KNEW that he was going to say something to make her steamed! He always did. She waited with expectancy and resignation as Mamoru opened his mouth-and signed his death-warrant. “Amazing!” he shouted theatrically. He reached out a hand and laid his hand against the smooth skin of her forehead. “Hmm, you don’t have a temperature…” Usagi’s eyes closed involuntarily beneath his arm hand, lashes brushing against his palm. Electricity filled her whole body at his touch. It felt so good-Her lashes swung up, eyes meeting his surprised gaze. Obviously, he wondered why she had closed her eyes. Usagi jerked her face back from him, glaring fiercely. NOW she was really angry! Was he trying to make her turn against herself? [“What does that creep think he’s DOING, touching me like that!”] Her thoughts were in chaos. “Don’t TOUCH me!” she hissed angrily, terribly frightened and angry. The way he made her feel was scary. Just a touch-and she wanted to stay with him forever. But she would NOT! He was Chiba Mamoru-her enemy…and she still had her revenge to get! “NEVER touch me! I can’t STAND you!” “Violent much, Odango,” Mamoru muttered at her, eyebrows rising with incredulity. Her reaction had been extreme to say the least. [“Maybe too extreme. She looked-scared of me.”] He stared at her hard. Was she frightened of him? The thought made his skin crawl. His love-not only hating him, but scared of him too. [“I feel ill. I had NO idea that she hated me so much,”] he thought, feeling dizzy. Meanwhile, Usagi was staring at him with horror. [“Did I just SAY that? Oh my god! I didn’t mean to-he must think that I totally LOATH him!”] Her mind was in chaos. She felt sick to the stomach. Sure, it was Mamoru, but-he was also the guy she thought that she loved. And she had just told him that- “Mamoru?” she began timidly, “I didn’t-“ “You’re going to be late,” he told her curtly, turning his face away from hers. He stood there, stiff as a board, determined not to look at her. Usagi stared at him silently, actually close to tears. [“What have I done?”] she asked herself. And WHY did it matter? Surely she didn’t care about him THAT much? [“Do I?”] Abruptly, Mamoru turned back towards her. He reached out quickly, fingers curling about Usagi’s slender jaw. Before she could blink, he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. She tasted sweet, like flowers. Her lips were soft and even though he felt her stiffen beneath his fingers, she didn’t pull away. After a moment, he pulled back and studied her face. Usagi’s eyes were blank. Not a good sign. Or maybe-it WAS. Had he stunned her? He’d sure stunned himself! “There. I’m sure you’re sufficiently revolted, Odango Atama, and I really don’t care!” he told her coldly. His eyes glinted angrily. “Be assured that Chiba Mamoru will NEVER touch you again,” he added curtly, then strode past her and down the street. He never looked back, afraid of what she might say or do. [“Chiba, you are an IDIOT! You’ve well and truly blown it!”] Usagi stood there, totally stunned. Her mind was blank and felt like goo. “Oh. My god,” she breathed. “Mamoru just kissed me-in public! MAMORU!” She couldn’t believe it. What was he thinking? As Tuxedo Kamen, he’d thought that he had anonymity-but if he’d actually dared to kiss her as himself. He DID care about her! “Wait, wait,” she breathed, trying to think. “What did he say?!” [“Chiba Mamoru will NEVER touch you again.”] “Oh no! I mean-yes! I mean-oh god! This isn’t happening.” Usagi felt like sinking to the ground and crying. He’d done it as a PUNISHMENT! To show her how much he really hated her! It was a goodbye kiss-but with anger and hate and loathing in it. She touched her lips tentatively with her fingers, wincing. “But it was so sweet. Not at all like last night’s kiss,” she whispered. Usagi started her slow walk again towards School. There was so much to think of-but this much was a surety-Mamoru HATED her! “Well, that’s FINE with me!” she announced in a trembling tone. It would make the revenge so much easier that afternoon. Now, all she had to do was get through the entire School day without her friends knowing anything was wrong… ____________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Eight ____________________________________________________________________________ “Idiot! Fool! Jerk!” Mamoru berated himself all the way back to his apartment. He had purposefully exited it this morning, hoping to crash into a certain blonde girl. Which he HAD. But with disastrous results. “I KISSED her? Am I CRAZY? What she must think of me now?” he groaned as he stepped into the building’s lift. He pressed the button for his floor, then promptly turned and bashed his head against the metal wall. He did it three times before realizing that he might look an idiot if anyone else got into the lift from another floor. “I am the jerk she thinks I am! HOW could I have kissed her? And said THAT to her? She must think that I HATE her!” he shouted loudly. The doors to the lift opened silently. Mamoru moved out into the hall, making his way down to his door. He got the keys from his pocket, then opened the door. “Creep I am,” he muttered darkly, slamming the door thunderously behind him. [“Neighbors be damned! I have a crisis of the heart here!”] He shook his head, throwing himself onto his plush couch. “I am a fool. Fortunes fool. This has been a disaster from start to go.” Mamoru felt like the lowest life-form on the planet. Notably had he kissed the girl and practically told her that he hated her-he had told her that he’d NEVER TOUCH HER AGAIN! “Arrrrrrrrgh!” Mamoru roared. “I can never touch her again? Am I CRAZY?! I am in LOVE with that Odango Atama!” His words thundered around the apartment, actually echoing. All in all, it sounded VERY impressive. “I’m HAPPY for you! Now, shut up, Chiba!” a man shouted from the other side of Mamoru’s kitchen wall. Mamoru blinked, then grinned sheepishly. “Sorry Mr. Tenchi!” he shouted back. [“I really didn’t want the neighbors to know that.” ] He winced silently as he sat there, gazing at his feet blankly. He had college to go to-but just couldn’t summon the strength. His mind was in chaos. “I’ll never see her again, after this stunt,” he whispered, heart clenching. Usagi must hate him now, more than ever. He’d-practically jumped her…again. But that was different. She’d thought he was a dream AND Tuxedo Kamen. “Waaaaaaait a minute.” Mamoru sat straighter in the couch, eyes glinting wickedly. “I said that MAMORU would never touch her again.” “Ah ha!” he yelled, rubbing his hands together and grinning like a maniac. “I can touch her as Tuxedo Kamen!” His grin slowly faded as he thought about that. “But-how? If she thought that it was a dream-then I have to start all over again!” He groaned quietly. “HOW exactly do I do that? Okay, next fight we have I just go up and-kiss her?” He smiled at the thought, remembering her lips. He’d kissed her tenderly-despite the intended hate behind it and he’s kissed her passionately. Now, how to convince Usagi to kiss him again? He could always pay her another visit as Tuxedo Kamen-but she might get suspicious. Mamoru shook his head. “I just can’t think today. I’ll study for a few hours and then go for a sleep,” he decided. Of course, working was easier said than done with the Odango on his mind as well…Maybe an idea would come to him that afternoon. Abruptly, he remembered that night and stopped dead-the club! He’d promised Motoki! [“OH no.”] he groaned silently. [“So this means-that I have to leave Usagi until tomorrow instead? I’m going to go nuts!”] If Mamoru bailed on Motoki once more-he’d been threatened with bodily harm. He sighed deeply. If only he could tell Motoki that he’s already FOUND the girl he wanted-instead of being dragged around clubs in search for his ‘one and only’ “It’s not like Usagi is GOING anywhere” he muttered, resigned. Meanwhile, he’d go home and try and get some rest. *********************************************** Usagi sat, eyes blank and staring at nothing. The bell was about to go, announcing the end of classes for the day-and she still didn’t have a plan. [“What am I going to do exactly? Just go up to his door as Sailor Moon and knock? And where does he LIVE exactly?”] And did she really, truly still want revenge? Or was she fooling herself and just wanted to see him. Plain and simple-she was still in shock. And her feelings had escalated for him. Now that she had been kissed passionately and kissed bitter-sweet, she wanted to know what it was like to be kissed by Mamoru…in love. Usagi sat there, unblinking. [“I must be in love with him, for him to get to me this much. I even still want revenge. Despite the fact that he’s kissed me and obviously likes me-he’s treated me horribly”] And once again, she was sent into anger. This guy confused her way more than any other ever had! [“Why did he have to kiss me?”] she thought despairingly. Things could have gone on how they were, if he hadn’t kissed her-twice. Now that she knew he was Tuxedo Kamen, how was she to act around him in battle? How could she possibly ignore those strong arms that wrapped about her every rescue and not remember the kisses? “Earth to Usagi!” Makoto said cheerfully. She waved a hand under the blonde’s eyes. [“Boy, Usagi looks really depressed. I wonder what’s up,”] the brunette thought, staring hard. If some guy had hurt her…! Usagi turned her head to look at her Makoto, who was leaning back in her chair casually. “Mmm?” she murmured. Her blue eyes looked at Makoto blearily. She felt, almost numb. “You look-upset,” Makoto noted curiously. “What gives, Usagi? Who’s the guy?” “GUY?!” Usagi shouted, stunned. HOW did Makoto DO that? She always seemed to know when anyone was thinking about a guy. But this one she COULDN’T know about! Not ever. “Usagi! Quite time please! You can yell all you like when the bell goes!” Miss Haruna shouted angrily from the front of the class room. “Sorry, Miss H!” Usagi blushed, turning her eyes back to the book that she was supposed to be reading for English class. A lot of good that did-when she couldn’t even keep her thoughts from a pair of beautiful deep blue eyes and a passionate kiss. The look on Mamoru’s face after he’s kissed her was burnt into her brain. Despair. She was sure of it. “Busted,” Makoto sighed. “So-who is he?” ”Oh, that annoying jerk, Mamoru,” Usagi muttered absently. “I bashed into him this morning and he’s been annoying me all day! What a creep!” She giggled forcedly, unaware of how pale she looked to her friend. “Poor Usagi,” Ami said sympathetically from behind. “You shouldn’t let him get to you.” “I can’t help it! I just-HATE that guy so much!” Usagi gritted her teeth around the lie. It wasn’t true, she didn’t HATE him. Just…loved him…and hated him. Since he was Tuxedo Kamen and all, she really had a crush too. Usagi sighed deeply. Why did life have to be so hard? And complicated too? The bell went just then and everyone got up to leave. “Want to go to the arcade with us, Ami?” Makoto asked. “Arcade?” Usagi muttered under her breath. She’d completely forgotten that she asked Makoto to go there with her today! [“But-I have to go forward with my plan NOW! He might come back tonight and I’m not prepared!”] Usagi thought frantically. He wouldn’t touch her, she knew. OR kiss her. So she had to get HIS attention. And if it was as Sailor Moon, then so be it. “No, I can’t. Sorry guys, but I’m only ten chapters ahead with my book,” Ami said anxiously. “I-umm…can’t go either, sorry,” Usagi murmured. Her eyes flickered nervously to the side, teeth nibbling on her lip absently. [“Mamoru-why did you have to kiss me?”] she thought again, tears filling her eyes briefly. She blinked them back before her friend’s could see and faced them with a brave smile. The two girls looked at her, astonished. “You’re giving up Motoki and games?” Makoto said incredulously. “I have to go home and-clean my room!” Usagi blurted out. She DID really-but that was NOT where she was going. Come to think of it, it sounded a good idea. If Tuxedo Kamen happened to come to her room again, she didn’t want any underwear lying around! “Mom will blow a gasket if I don’t do it today!” she wailed convincingly. Motoki wasn’t an issue anymore. Not really. He seemed like a distant memory. Ami shook her head, grinning. “I have to go guys!” She left them at the school front gates, heading towards the library. Makoto and Usagi turned in the other direction, walking slowly. “It’s a shame, I was looking forward to it,” Makoto said unhappily. “I’ll tell you what, Makoto,” Usagi replied gently. “Why don’t I come for a short while and then go home?” Her friend’s unhappiness wasn’t worth her ‘revenge’ on Mamoru. The possible love of her life. The brunette smiled brightly. “That would be great, Usagi!” Usagi smiled. Her friend was really lonely sometimes. Makoto lived alone after all. And what was more important than friends? She frowned darkly. Getting revenge on a certain annoying jerk for the night before and that morning-then kisses and making up! [“But I can wait-for a while,”] she thought, sighing internally. After all, she and Mamoru had been enemies for months. He wasn’t going anywhere and neither was she. Usagi and Makoto made their way to the arcade, chatting the whole time. Makoto was excited about a new recipe she had invented for chocolate cookies. Just before they reached the arcade, Usagi was suddenly inspired. She looked sideways at her friend. “Makoto, you know guys right?” she asked nervously. She froze where she was, determined not to go another step. [“What if Mamoru is IN there? I didn’t think of that!”] she thought worriedly. Fear and excitement filled her at the prospect. “Sure I do.” Makoto grinned widely. “Why?” “Well, can you tell me what it means if a guys does one thing and says another?” Usagi said quietly, wondering. “Oh, like what? Give me an example. It COULD mean a lot of things,” Makoto replied knowledgeably. “Say, if he kissed you as though he liked you-but then told you he hated you with words and his eyes? And that-you always fought, but really wanted to be with him?” Usagi broke off, realizing that if Makoto put two and two together just then, she’d figure out just WHO she was being referred to. [“I really AM a blonde ditz!”] She groaned, waiting with anxiety. “Deep,” breathed Makoto. She stopped dead, facing Usagi urgently. “Did some guy do this to YOU?” she demanded. “No, no” Usagi said hastily, waving her hand with incredulity. “Meeeee? Come on, Makoto!” she added, giggling. Actually, it sounded quite a nervous giggle, but Makoto never noticed. “It was on a movie last night-” The brunette HADN’T realized! Usagi felt like jumping with joy. [“What a close call!”] “I missed it?!” Makoto shouted, looking at her friend in disbelief. “I LIVE for romantic movies. Darn!” “Romantic?” Usagi inquired timidly. [“Is she saying what I think she’s saying? WAS I right? He does love-like me?”] she waited with baited breath for her friend to either dash her hopes or resolve them. “Sure!” Makoto smiled dreamily. “His actions can’t lie to her. If his words are negative, but his kiss sweet, it means that he secretly likes her and is hiding it! In fact, it SOUNDS as if he LOVES her!” “Whaaat?” Usagi shrieked, startled. This was NOT what she had expected to hear. “Are you sure? What about his eyes! I thought that eyes couldn’t lie!” she said urgently to the startled brunette. [“Loves me? Is she SURE? I thought that he might like me-but love?”] Her hands twisted about each other nervously, nails digging into the palms. “Well, technically he COULD hide his feelings in his eyes, if he was desperate enough for her not to know. I suppose. It depends on WHY he’d want to hide them,” Makoto explained, turning again to head to the arcade. She halted right before the glass sliding doors. They slid open to admit the two girls, but Makoto never moved. “Didn’t you see the end?” “I missed it,” Usagi muttered, flushing. [“Could Makoto be right? Does this mean that Mamoru secretly LOVES me?”] And did this fact make her ecstatic or frightened? Love? She’d never really thought of it that much-let alone with her worst enemy. “Bummer there, Usagi.” Makoto shook her head in disappointment. The two girls entered the arcade, immediately spotting Motoki with a new girl. And no Mamoru! Usagi breathed a deep sigh of relief. She studied the blonde girl with Motoki closely. She seemed very young and awkward around him. [“She has a crush!”] Usagi saw with amazement, wincing. Had SHE been that flushed around Motoki those months before Mamoru? The girl was wearing an apron and flushing with embarrassment. Her hair was strangely and covered with soap-suds. “What happened to her?” Usagi wondered, staring at the mess the girl was in. Even her clothes were soaking with water. Makoto got up on her tippy-toes and glanced behind the counter to the kitchen. “Oh. I see. The new girl exploded the dishwasher-somehow,” Makoto giggled. “Exploded? CAN they?” Usagi wondered in surprise. She’d heard of dishwashers, though even her own mother preferred to use her own two hands. “What’s her name?” “Rebecca. Motoki hired her on as a favor to a friend. She’s really trying I hear. Oh, well.” Makoto headed over to the counter, eyeing Motoki seriously. He looked up as the brunette approached. “Makoto! And Usagi, too,” he exclaimed, peering behind the larger form of Makoto to Usagi, who was trailing behind listlessly. “I’m sorry about this girls-” he began. “Oh, don’t worry,” Makoto said dismissively. Her eyes hardened into determination. “In fact, Usagi can we do this another day?” She turned to look at the blonde. “Motoki and Rebecca really need a hand here.” “Oh, you don’t have to-” Motoki started, looking startled and grateful. “No problem.” “That’d be great, Makoto,” Motoki said, looking relieved. “Reika, a few friends and I are going out to a club tonight-and I can’t leave the place like this!” “Sure. Go ahead,” Usagi replied, backing off. Inside, she was jumping with joy. This was just the excuse that she had been looking for! [“Perfect!”] Now she could see Mamoru! And she could plan on the way over to his place! [“Do I kiss him or bash him for my embarrassment?”] Usagi frowned darkly. [“AND for possibly hiding the fact that he loves me behind horrible teasing!”] “I’ll call you later, Usagi!” Makoto called, reaching out for a cloth. She quickly headed behind the counter with a tearful Rebecca in tow. “Bye, Usagi,” Motoki added absently, following them. Usagi stood watching them for a long moment, hesitant. Her nature demanded that she go and help Motoki and Makoto, but she really wanted to see Mamoru! Seconds later, she turned and bolted from the arcade, grinning evilly. Love had won out! [“Like I ever thought it WOULDN’T? I HAVE to see him after what Makoto said!”] she thought in excitement. A thrill went through her as she dashed down the sidewalk. Then abruptly, Usagi halted. She slapped a hand against her forehead, groaning. “Idiot! Where are you GOING?” she yelled at herself. “You don’t even know where he lives!” ********************************* 20 minutes later, Tsukino Usagi was again bolting determinedly down the sidewalk, a piece of paper clutched in her slender fingers. She’s found a phone booth and ripped the page with Mamoru’s address from the book. Revenge might have been best served cold, but Usagi needed to do it NOW-while she was till hyped and angry! And reeeaaaally wanting to kiss him again to feel if it was as mind-blowing as she remembered… “Now is good,” she told herself, practically flying down the sidewalk. She blinked, then slowed to a more sedate pace as she realized that people were staring. [“I really have to watch that speed,”] she thought to herself nervously. As a Senshi, her speed had increased greatly and sometimes-like when she was late for school-she used it without thinking. NOW was not a good time for one of the other Senshi to catch her and berate her. Like Rei. [“Umm-I’m up early Rei, to get revenge and possibly lots of kisses from a guy I formally hated and now love-sort of.”] Usagi made her way across town to the richer side, glancing frequently at the piece of paper in her hands. She stopped in front of a tall apartment building, gaping at the impressive sight. “THIS is where he lives? HERE?!” she shouted in shock. Mamoru must have been LOADED! “Absolutely loaded!” she repeated loudly, closing her mouth. She hesitated, staring in awe up at the obviously expensive apartments “Does he-live alone?” Usagi wondered, faltering. If she was just going to charge up there, she could run into his parents, or a girlfriend- “Nah! He never mentioned a girlfriend!” Usagi told herself, scowling fiercely. The thought of him having a girlfriend made her feel furious-and sort of homicidal, too! Any girl that touched HER guy-well, maybe ONE day her guy-was going to get her butt kicked to kingdom-come! “Enough talk. It’s time for Senshi action! Less jealousy and er-kissing and more of the ‘I’m gonna get you, you creep’,” Usagi announced quietly. She looked left and then right, then dashed across the street. She dodged past the front entrance-where she could see a security guard inside-and went around the back, where there were dozens of cars parked. She scanned the rows with interest. “I wonder which HIS is?” she said, frowning. But she couldn’t see an old beat up car that would belong to Mamoru. ALL of them looked really expensive! Especially the red Ferrari down the back. Usagi LOVED Ferraris! “Okay-now where can I transform?” she wondered, looking around. “I-suppose that I could sort of crouch down and do it? Or against the building?” Usagi looked towards the back of the lot, where the cars were clustered. Maybe one would be unlocked? She crept along the rows of cars until she spotted an unlocked car. “Ah ha!” She whispered, reaching out for the handle. Her fingers closed around the handle and she lifted it slowly-then an blaring alarm went off right in her ears. “Arrrggggggggh!” Usagi shrieked, letting go of the handle. She fell backwards, arms wind-milling frantically. As she fell against the car behind her, it’s alarm went off too! “Arrgggggggh!” she shrieked again, falling flat on her fat in shock. Usagi heard the sound of running feet and hastily got to her knees. She glanced under the car to see two pairs of shiny black shoes rushing towards the two cars she had set the alarms off in. “No, no! Baaaaaad!” Usagi moaned. She hastily began to crawl away, heading back further in the car park. She rounded two cars at the end, then got to her feet. She glance through a window and saw two security guards standing next to her two vacated cars. They were looking around suspiciously. Suddenly, it hit Usagi what she could do. “Huh! They’re not in the lobby anymore!” she hissed, happily. Usagi kept low, hastily making her way along the line of cars until she reached the building. Then, she dashed around to the front and in through the front doors. She stopped in the lobby, then spotted the lift. “Right!” she screeched, bolting for it. The guards could return at any moment! Usagi pressed the button and as soon as it opened, she scrambled inside quickly. Once inside, she was stumped. “What nooooow?" she wailed, confused and scared. She glanced around the walls, the at the roof. No cameras! “Weird!” She said. “But hey-now I can transform!” Usagi touched her broach lightly. “Moon Prism Power!” ******************************** Mamoru’s eyes closed sleepily. He yawned loudly and then leaned back in the couch, sinking into the warm depths. He was so tired from lack of sleep the night before. After his er-exciting escapade to Usagi’s house and then the disaster afterwards with her not taking him seriously! Okay, so he kissed her-and this morning too. [“I am STILL in denial,”] he realized tiredly. [“This morning did NOT happen. I did not kiss Usagi as Mamoru, in the middle of a sidewalk, in broad daylight. I also did NOT practically tell her that she's lower than dirt and I loath her.”] “Sure, Mamoru,” he scoffed to himself, eyes still closed. “And you’re King of the Universe!” A king, who’d be going out to a club that night with Reika and Motoki! [“Why exactly did I agree to that?”] he wondered hazily. Suddenly, from outside there came a huge clamor as a car alarm went off. Moments later, another went off too. Mamoru’s eyes opened tiredly. His car was down there-but he was just so sleepy! “Just-don’t scratch the paint job,” he muttered to the unknown thief. His Ferrari, his lovely EXPENSIVE car was down there-but he really couldn’t give a damn. “Too tired.” He yawned again as his mind began to drift. His eyes lid shut, mind closing down. He wondered if he’d dream of his Princess-or the Odango. ***************************** “I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I just can’t,” Sailor Moon moaned from inside the lift. The doors were open-and trying to CLOSE. But the heroine of all Tokyo had a red boot planted firmly, so that the doors couldn’t close an inch. Her head peeked around the edge of the sliding doors, looking left and then right for people. If someone were to see Sailor Moon walking along the halls casually-there would be reporters there before she could blink! “I just-go in there and…umm-do SOMETHING revenge-like and get out! Right?” she told herself. [“And NO kissing! He doesn’t know it’s YOU.”] She removed her boot, quickly skipping out of the way as the lift doors lid shut. She was left alone in a deserted hall, confused as hell. “What was the number again? Seven?” she asked herself, reaching for her pocket. Then she remember that she was transformed. “Ugh! I forgot!” she wailed. [“You’re the leader of the Senshi, you ditz! THINK of something!”] Sailor Moon clapped a hand over her mouth swiftly. “No wailing, Moon!” she berated herself sternly. “It’s number 7.” She walked along the hall, cautiously examining each door until she reached 7. “So-this is his place,” she said, looking the door over. It was a good door as far as doors went-and she new perfectly well that she was just stalling. “I umm-knock?” she wondered. Was it against the law to break into a hero’s apartment? He WAS Tuxedo Kamen as well as Mamoru-as SHE was a heroine! So-it was okay-right? “Hmm…” she muttered, reaching out with a gloved hand for the door knob. She turned it slightly and gasped. “Of course it’s locked, you ditz!” she groaned, releasing the door knob. “NOW WHAT?” she whispered fiercely. There were only a few options. Find another room and get onto the balcony, then to Mamoru’s or-“I could pick the lock?” she said gleefully. Sailor Moon patted her Fuku down lightly, searching for anything that she could use. But there was nothing-unless she took one of her buns down? But then-She would look terrible! And Sailor Moon wanted to look PERFECT for her visit to Mamoru. Revenge was going to be sweet-and fashionable! “Ah ha. I’ve GOT it!” she gasped. Sailor Moon made a reaching motion in the air. A small pink pen fell into the palm of her gloved hand and she regarded it with glee. “Luna pen! Turn me into a-cat burglar!” she whispered. The lights consumed her, transforming her. Sailor Moon blinked as she lights disappeared and looked down at herself. “Ugh!” She gaped at her costume. She was clad in skin-tight black leather! It covered her from her feet, to her neck, complete with black lace-up boots, a whip and a little pouch full of things. “Ugh!” she gasped again. “I said CAT BURGLAR! Not CAT WOMAN!” she almost shrieked. Usagi clapped a hand over her mouth and backed closer to Mamoru’s front door, eyes skittering around nervously. The Luna pen had obviously gotten it wrong and changed Usagi into a combination of cat woman and cat burglar. [“If Mamoru sees me in this get-up, I’ll know for SURE of what he feels…Nah! As if I’m going to let him have this one over me!”] “Oh well-lets see what’s in here,” Usagi muttered, opening the small pouch. She rummaged around until she felt a long thin piece of metal. Pulling it out, she examined it critically, but obviously her disguise was working, for she knew this was what was used to pick a lock. Usagi turned back to face the door, bending over to see the lock better. In seconds flat, she had picked the lock successfully. “Yes!” she whispered triumphantly as the knob turned under her fingers and Mamoru’s front door swung open smoothly. “Okay, Luna Pen-turn me back into Sailor Moon,” she hissed, deeply afraid that Mamoru would come running and see her in that get-up. She’d NEVER hear the end of it! Never! Light suffused her again and when she looked down, she saw the familiar skirt and body-suit of her Sailor Fuku. Sailor Moon quickly threw the Luna Pen back into her sub-space pocket, carefully closed the door and locked it behind her. She rested her back against the door, scanning the hall nervously. The hall led to a larger room, which she could vaguely see. “Come on. You went to all this trouble, so-go get revenge, Moon,” she told herself fiercely. Of course, she didn’t KNOW what revenge she was going to get or in what form. “Just wing it!” she muttered in exasperation. She carefully laced a boot a step ahead, then another as she silently crept down the hall. She reached the end and peered around the corner into the large room. The lounge room. And BOY was he loaded! Her eyes widened as she noted all the newest technology. TV, VCR, Computer, Stereo-expensive-looking couches…Mamoru… Sailor Moon did a double-take. Mamoru was slumped full-length out on his couch, sleeping peacefully. She studied him quietly for a long moment, noting the tired bruising under his eyes. He looked very tired. “Well, at least he’s HOME. But what about his parents?” she said aloud, scanning the room. From what she could see, there were only his things. She made her way cautiously over to the table near the large kitchen and looked. College Books. Sailor Moon looked into the kitchen briefly. There was a coffee jar, a used cup and a plate in the sink. He was very tidy then. Unless he had a maid… [“A MAID?”] Sailor Moon seethed in jealousy. [“He’s so rich he can afford a maid? Ooooh! When I’m his girl, he’s going to send her over to MY house-”] She broke of this thought, staring at the coffee pot in acute horror. [“WHEN I’M HIS GIRL?!”] she shrieked mentally, feeling like banging her head on the wall for a few days. When exactly had she decided that she’d be Mamoru’s girl? Somewhere between ‘get revenge on the creep’ and ‘get a kiss in, too’, she’d started thinking of herself as his future girlfriend. Sailor Moon grimaced, almost in pain. When would she ever get her priorities straight? [“I mean, here I AM in his APARTMENT, as Sailor Moon-and wanting some sort of revenge for past humiliations-and can only think of being his girlfriend? Ugh! I AM an airhead!”] she groaned mentally. Mamoru made a sound and she spun around, hand going to her throat in fear. She stared hard at him, watching his chest rise and fall under the black T-shirt. [“Boy, he looks good though!”] she thought, grinning broadly and walking over to stand near the end of the couch. She had a good view of his face if he woke up. She let her eyes trail over his body admirably. He was lightly muscled, but she had known that already. Tuxedo Kamen was built like superman and she’d been held against that body whenever he rescued her from a Youma. He was tall, his feet almost hanging over the edge of the couch near her legs. His hair was dark, like a raven’s wing and a lock fell into his eyes, making her itch to brush it back. [“Face it, Moon,”] she told herself, sighing deeply. [“He’s absolutely GORGEOUS! And you want him all to yourself!”] Then, she frowned darkly. [“But he’s MAMORU! Get a grip. We fight like we hate each other, we yell, we crash-we kiss…”] She hesitated, then walked away from him. Sailor Moon checked out the rest of the apartment, sighing with envy. As she came back to Mamoru’s side, she had realized a few things. One, he was loaded. REALLY loaded. Two, there were no pictures of family anywhere, which might mean anything. Three, he lived completely alone so she was safe to do whatever it was that was vengeful. And lastly-she studied his face, grinning-Mamoru was so cuuuuuuute when he was asleep! “But I don’t have time for that,” she told herself. Sailor Moon leant over the couch, then reached out and lightly tapped Mamoru on the cheek. “Wakey, wakey, Mamoru,” she said sweetly. Obviously, her revenge would have to come in the form of a dream. She frowned. Like he’d pretended to be with HER! [“Then kisses-maybe.”] She hesitated over that last thought. Mamoru groaned in his sleep, but otherwise remained comatose. Sailor Moon studied him fondly for a second-then anger flooded her. Here, she’d come for SOME sort of confrontation-and he SLEPT through it! “Wake UP, you jerk!” she screeched at him, annoyed. Immediately, Mamoru’s lashes shot up, his dark eyes alert. He saw Sailor Moon and his mind went into chaos. “What are you doing here? Am I still asleep?” he asked her, frowning in befuddlement. Sailor Moon smiled innocently at him, straightening. “You sure are. Were you dreaming about me?” she asked, hiding the curiosity. [“Let it have been me, let it have been me!”] “No-someone else,” he muttered, confused. Sailor Moon’s smile faded swiftly, fury darkening her eyes. She glared, but said nothing. [“Some other GIRL?! I’m gonna kill him! Wait-no, I don’t care! Yes I do! WHO IS SHE?!”] she finished with a shattering mental bellow. Outwardly she composed herself-seeing that the revenge part was looking more appealing by the minute. He deserved it! “Oh, well this is another dream! I am the Pretty Sailor Suited Soldier, Sailor Moon!” “I know,” he said, squinting at her blearily. [“Wow, what a vivid dream. But what happened to the Princess? I seem to remember talking to her-and then…Sailor Moon?”] Sailor Moon noted that he looked really-harassed and tired. Her heart melted for a moment-but then she wondered WHY he was so tired. [“It’s because he was gallivanting around town at all hours, pretending to be a dream to an innocent school girl!”] She glared at him again, inwardly seething. So far, so good. He was buying the ‘dream’ thing. [“But if he mentions that other girl again, I’m going to beat him into a bloody pulp!”] she swore vengefully. “I like it when you do that hand thing. You know-I fight for justice?” he told her, eyes unfocused. Sailor Moon stared at him. “Boy, you really ARE out of it,” she muttered under her breath. But still, if he wanted to see her ‘moves’ to retain the ‘dream’…”All right! I fight for love and justice-” “And the American way?” Mamoru added, grinning. He looked marginally more awake. “Do you MIND?” Sailor Moon yelled, with her hands still frozen over her head. He had thrown her way off with his joking. Who’d have thought that Chiba Mamoru HAD a sense of humor? [“And why does he have to use it NOW of all times?”] She groaned at the irony of it all. He was doing exactly what SHE had done, when thinking that he was a dream. And he’d probably do anything he’d always wanted to do to Sailor Moon. She flushed brightly. [“Tuxedo Kamen had a thing for Sailor Moon-right? I’m sure he did.”] “It’s MY dream. So you have to do what I say-right?” he drawled lazily, eyes wide awake. [“This is getting interesting,”] he thought, looking her over slowly, from head to toe. His blue eyes lingered on her amazingly long slender legs. Love Usagi he might-but Sailor Moon was any guys dream. Especially in THAT get up! Sailor Moon swallowed nervously. He was wide AWAKE. She just hoped that she didn’t begin to sweat! “Right,” she said brightly, dropping her arms. “So what did you want to do with me?” she asked innocently. She dug a toe into the thick plush carpet and squirmed nervously. [“I can’t believe I just said that! What if he wants kisses?!”] She flushed again. [“And WHY do I keep thinking of kisses?! Stop blushing, Moon!”] She tried to regain control of her racing pulse and betraying cheeks. If she was a dream, then she wouldn’t be fazed by anything he asked. Her eyes glanced up sideways, trying to see his expression. She was rewarded with a wicked grin that sent chills all over her body. His eyes were full of strange emotions as he looked her over from head to toe-slowly. “What a loaded question, Moon,” he said silkily. Mamoru swung his legs over the couch and got to his feet smoothly. [“What do I want to do with Sailor Moon-in my dreams…In my apartment ALONE?”] A pained expression crossed his face for a moment. He wanted to do to Sailor Moon-what he wanted and had done with Usagi. Kiss her thoroughly! He loved them both, after all. The girl he used to hate and the girl he always saved. Both had qualities of innocence and fire and strength that had drawn him to them. How was he finally going to choose between them? [“Think about that later, Chiba!”] he berated himself, grinning lasciviously at his ‘victim’. Sailor Moon stepped back, slightly afraid and annoyed. [“I’m losing control here! He’s awake and thinking-I don’t know what! I have to get out of here. Never mind the revenge! He looks like he’d like to…”] She was beginning to realize that she had made a fatal error. Mr. Chiba was DANGEROUS! And he was-her blue eyes widened as he approached and she continued to back away-STALKING her! [“Arrrgggggh! He’s stalking me! What do I dooooo?”] “What’s the hurry?” Mamoru asked her silkily, eyes eating her up. Sailor Moon was all his and he could do anything to her in his dreams without fearing repercussions from Usagi or the real Moon. Maybe he could resolve in his mind which girl he really felt more for, too. The look in his eyes finally registered on her and Sailor Moon flushed to the roots of her hair. [“Hentai! He’s thinking-Arrrrrggggggh! I have to get out of here before he kisses me again! If he does, I’m doomed!”] she wailed silently. Then her back touched a wall. Sailor Moon’s eyes went wide as Mamoru continued to stalk her, stopping a mere foot away. He was so close that she could see the flecks of silver in the deep blue of his eyes. Her skin began to tingle everywhere, breath coming in short gasps. Her eyes opened with in shock as he raised a hand, as if to touch her face, and then paused a few centimeters away. “I want-” he began to say, voice low and sexy. “I want-a kiss, Sailor Moon,” he finished in a whispered, breath moving warmly across he face. He moved even closer, a hand half-extended to touch her. He hesitated, feeling the warmth of the skin of her face, even from a few centimeters away. [“She’s warm?”] he wondered silently. Were dreams THAT vivid? Sailor Moon watched him with wide eyes, plastered against the wall of Mamoru’s Lounge Room nervously. [“Oh no,”] she thought anxiously, mind in chaos. [“He wants THAT?!”] Her thoughts darkened. [“What, the kiss this morning wasn’t good enough for you?! Creep!”] she thought furiously. Okay, so he didn’t KNOW that Usagi and Sailor Moon were the same person- [“Wait a minute! Mamoru has a CRUSH on Sailor Moon too?”] she thought incredulously. But it was true, she could see all the emotions in his eyes. Chiba Mamoru had a thing for Sailor Moon. She winced. [“Wait until he finds out it’s me-then it’s back to business as usual. The jerk and the Odango. Yeah right! Nothing will be the same anymore. Especially not after today!”] “A kiss?” she stammered nervously. Her tongue flicked out to wet her dry lips and his eyes followed the movement swiftly, going dark with some emotion. [“Dangerous! I’m in danger-Oooooh, it was a bad idea to come here! Help!”] she yelled silently. “Well-you see…” she began, ready to launch into her ‘why not to kiss Sailor Moon’ speech. But Mamoru apparently had other ideas! And truth be told, she was eagerly awaiting his kiss! The one he’d given her this morning and last night were-amazing. Sailor Moon’s lashes drooped, covering her eyes and their expression. [“Oh stuff it. Kiss away!”] she urged him silently. There were plenty of other times to get revenge and things, but his kisses had driven her to distraction. He was Mamoru, but he was Tuxedo Kamen too. And she had ENJOYED Tuxedo Kamen’s kiss. [“But what about this morning? He hates me-remember? He said he’d never kiss me again,”] she thought, sighing. And she-came for revenge-didn’t she? [“What do I really want?”] she wondered, feeling a pain in her heart. [“I like Mamoru and I liked his kisses. And I love-I think-Tuxedo Kamen and his kissed melt me…But Mamoru hates Usagi now and likes Sailor Moon. Oh what a mess!”] She looked up at him appealingly, lost. [“Should I let him? Maybe I should fight?”] “A kiss, beautiful one,” Mamoru said huskily, eyes on her lips. He moved even closer, their eyes locking. [“I LIKE this dream!”] he thought, slightly bewildered. He couldn’t really say that he had ever had just a vivid dream of Sailor Moon. But who was he to fight it? Sailor Moon flushed, melting. [“He thinks I’m beautiful-eeeep!”] Mamoru swept Sailor Moon into his arms, leaning her back like they did in all those romantic movies. He looked deeply into her eyes, lips moving closer- ["Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"] Sailor Moon thought frantically, heart thundering. This wasn't meant to happen! How was she supposed to know that Tuxedo Kamen AKA Mamoru was so hot on Sailor Moon? And entertained thoughts of kissing her senseless, by the look in his eyes. Just as his lips were about to touch hers…he paused, looking slightly bewildered. "What?" Sailor Moon glanced at him, startled. ["What, no kiss?"] she thought with disappointment. What was he WAITING for? "This is a dream…right?" he asked, uncertain. There was a doubt in his eyes, which made Sailor Moon abruptly nervous. If Mamoru was to discover that she was Usagi and out for revenge… "Yes. A wonderful dream." She looked limpidly into his eyes. He was thinking too much! ["How do I distract him?"] She looked sideways, from her bent-back position, looking for something. Anything to stop him from realizing. ["The TV remote?"] Sailor Moon rolled her eyes. ["Yeah, like that will work! On ME maybe…But he CAN’T kiss me! Or I’ll never be able to leave!"] "Then-" Mamoru stared deeply into her eyes, suspicion in their depths. "Why aren't I dreaming of the Princess?" he demanded. That fact had been bothering him for the last few minutes. He always dreamed of the Princess. "Princess?!" she shrieked loudly. [“The MOON Princess?!”] Sailor Moon was so startled by his words, that her arms involuntarily flailed out. A fist contacted with Mamoru's nose and immediately she was released. "Ow, damn it!" he shouted in pain. [“Are dreams supposed to hurt?”] "Arrgghhh!" Sailor Moon shrieked as she fell backwards, wind-milling her arms wildly. [“He threw me away! Ugh!”] Belatedly, Mamoru realized that he had practically thrown his dream-girl away like a dirty rag...and reached for her. But he missed. [“Damn.”] "Ooof!" Sailor Moon groaned, as she hit the carpet hard, her head bashing on the ground. For a moment she was dazed. Then, from beneath her lashes, she saw a dark shape falling towards her. She focused, just in time to see Mamoru toppling over, wind-milling as she had been moments before. And before she could move, he'd landed on her full-length. Her head hit the floor again, Mamoru's knocking into hers. "OUCH!" they yelled at the same time, in acute pain. ["Okay, this is weird,"] Sailor Moon thought, recovering first. She winced at the pain, but was equally distracted by the guy laying on her. It was a nice heaviness really. And she felt warmth and tingles everywhere. NOW she REALLY wanted a kiss! Mamoru was similarly affected, staring into deep blue eyes so close to his own. Their faces were centimeters apart, breath wafting over each others faces enticingly. ["Oh boy."] Then it hit him. This was a dream-right? And only THIS sort of situation could have happened in a dream. Okay, a college-guy's dream. A super-heroine in a VERY mini skirt, laying under him. ["What the heck!"] he thought. He lowered his head the remaining few centimeters like a swooping eagle and kissed her deeply. Sailor Moon saw it coming and tried to avoid it, but somehow he kissed her anyway. ["Wait! Wait!"] she cried mentally, as his lips moved in on hers hungrily. As they touched hers though, the thoughts of protest melted away. ["What-was I saying? Oh wow!"] Her thoughts dribbled off, her being filled with rainbow lights. There was an electric feeling everywhere he touched her-and his lips… Mamoru deepened the kiss hungrily, never having experienced such a vivid dream. The body beneath him was warm and he felt strange all over. Like an electric shock. But pleasant. "Mmm..." he murmured, releasing her lips. He immediately trailed them over her right cheek and now to her soft neck, breathing in her scent. She smelt of flowers and sunlight. Familiar somehow. Sailor Moon's eyelids fluttered closed helplessly as the man assaulted her senses. Every kiss burnt into her. She'd never felt so alive, or wanted...Or in danger. Abruptly, her lids flashed open, eyes wide. ["This is MAMORU here! He said he-well he acted like he hated me this morning! And I came for revenge, nor kisses!"] she wailed mentally. Sailor Moon pushed at his broad shoulders with her gloved hands. "No." "Yes," he muttered, kissing his way down her neck. For a moment, she forgot what she was doing. "No! Off, Mamoru!" "My dream," he said, raising his head and looking into her eyes. His were bright and filled with strange emotions that she could not define. [“If I can’t kiss Usagi again, I’ll kiss the other girl I love”] Still-he was confused as to why she was fighting him. "My game!" she gritted, shoving roughly at his shoulders. She'd be damned if she let herself be at the mercy of her greatest enemy-and her greatest crush. [“Ooooh, this is weird!”] she groaned mentally. She wanted kisses and now she was trying to stop him. She was REALLY confused right now! "What?" he said, bewildered. Yet, he rolled off of her, laying there and watching as she scrambled to her knees. Both were panting heavily, Sailor Moon's eyes glazed. "You like…games. Right, Mamoru?" she gasped out, fanning herself with her hand. He frowned at her, recovering from the kiss faster than her. In fact, there was a strange light in his eyes that she couldn't define. "Of course," he drawled. [“What is she getting at? Oh! THOSE games!”] He narrowed his eyes at her, enlightened. "Umm…" Sailor Moon looked around frantically. Why had she mentioned games exactly? NOW what? [“But I’m terrible at games! Ask Ami!”] "What did you have in mind?" he asked seductively, reaching for her. Sailor Moon scrambled away hastily, dancing out of his reach. "No, no! Not THOSE games, hentai!" she shouted. Mamoru's eyebrows came together, suspicion in his eyes. "Not THOSE games? It's MY dream, Sailor Moon!" He glared stubbornly, wondering why his dream was resisting his advances. [“Am I doomed to have NO women fall into my arms? I practically told Usagi I hate her and Sailor Moon has no idea that I even like her!”] Oh yes, his life sucked big time. And he wasn’t the chick magnet he always thought he’d be with a great car and a really expensive apartment and dashing good looks… "So it is," Sailor Moon replied nervously, eyes shifting left and right. {“I HAVE to get out, before he tries to kiss me again!”] Mamoru got to his feet, stalking towards her like some large cat. "Come here," he ordered her. [“I’ll be DAMNED if my dream won’t let me kiss her! What sort of a jinx would that be?!”] "Why?" she hedged innocently, very aware that he wanted to kiss her again. ["If he does that-I'm a goner!"] she yelled silently. Sailor Moon bit her lip, wishing for divine intervention. It came, but not in the way she could have expected. A knock came at the door, just as Mamoru reached out to take her arm. Both of them froze, startled. They looked at each other, then the door, then at each other again. Sailor Moon's face was shocked and chagrined, Mamoru's suspicious and bewildered. "I didn't dream up an interruption!" he shouted incredulously, ignoring the door and grabbing for Sailor Moon. This time, she couldn't avoid him. "Eeep!" she cried as she was dragged unceremoniously into Mamoru's arms for the third-no, forth-time in two days. It was becoming a habit. ["I'm beginning to suspect that dashing tuxedo is only part of the romance that this guys feels! He's really into the sweeping a girl of her feet thing,"] Sailor Moon thought happily. Mamoru leaned in to kiss her again, when the knocking came at the door. "Huh?" he asked, confused. When his head turned away, Sailor Moon looked around frantically. Her eyes fell on the lamp, sitting on a table near the couch. She looked at it sideways, then at Mamoru. She sighed, reached for it...and slammed it against the back of his head. Mamoru fell like a rock and her with him. She scrambled free just before he pinned her again and caught him. Sailor Moon lowered him to the floor carefully and anxiously checked his head. It wasn't bleeding, but a lump was already forming. "I'm sorry, Mamo-Chan!" she said guiltily. Then she clapped a hand over her mouth, not believing what she had just said. "I'm giving him an affectionate name now? Oh no!" She glared accusingly at the unconscious man, whacking him on the chest, hard. "You jerk! You're making me fall for you-Arrgghhhhh! I already haaaave!" she shrieked loudly through her gloved hands in shock. Mamoru stirred, wincing even in his unconscious state. "Mamoru?" a familiar voice called from outside the apartment. Sailor Moon glanced up in horror. "It's Motoki! Oh no!" She looked down at the comatose Mamoru, then at the door. Sailor Moon hesitated, then leaned over and kissed Mamoru gently on the lips, savoring the feel and taste. Mamoru smelt like roses. Strange that she never noticed before. "I'm sorry! You-shouldn't have kissed me!" she whispered, stroking his cheek lightly with a gloved finger. This wasn’t how she’d intended their meeting to go. Nothing he’d done compared to THIS! She’d knocked him unconscious! The sound of a key in the lock was enough to get her moving. She raced swiftly towards the balcony, the way she had come. Sailor Moon closed the sliding glass door quickly, ran to railing and leaped over the edge. For a moment, she felt fear as she dropped eight stories, but surprisingly, she landed on her feet with only a slight stumble. Without another look, she ran off into the night, wondering where she had gone wrong…and if Mamoru needed a hospital. To Be Continued... ________________________________________________________________________ Go on to the next Part! Princess Destiny