Standard disclaimers apply. Most of these characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi, and I'm just borrowing them for a while. HEARTS OF DARKNESS PART IV: PAINFUL LOSS RE-LIVED by Judson Chan "Is everyone alright?" Luna asked, glancing around the room. All the girls were present, along with Artemis, Mamoru and Ryo. Rei's grandpa and Yuuichiro had gone out somewhere, so they had the entire temple to themselves. "Minako was able to find me in time, so I'm okay," Ami said. "My apartment's completely trashed," Makoto grumbled. "It seems the dark kingdom has discovered our everyday identities," Ami observed. "That puts a serious risk on our families and friends." "Maybe they won't think to do that," Usagi suggested hopefully. "That's a *really* big 'maybe'," Artemis replied. "We can't afford to let our guard down now, with stakes this high." Usagi sighed. "I guess you're right." "Still," Mamoru said, "the news isn't all bad." He told the others about the fight that afternoon and how Sailor Moon tricked the chimera. "I'm impressed, Usagi," Luna said. "Yeah, you actually didn't give a speech," Rei added sarcastically. Usagi gave her a sour look, but didn't say anything. "So, what do we do now?" Minako asked. Everyone sank back into their own thoughts. Usagi went over to Mamoru and laid her head on his chest. Being so close to him was soothing, and she definitely needed to be calm right now. "Rei, has the fire shown you anything?" Luna asked after a long silence. Rei hesitated slightly. "No. . .not really." "There's our biggest problem," Luna said. "We know almost nothing about the enemy, their methods, or their goals. All we can do right now is react." "Ami, can we use your computer to scan for any disturbances caused by the dark kingdom?" Ryo asked suddenly. "I've tried already," Ami replied. "Except during an attack, there were no abnormal energy signatures anywhere in the city, and we have no clues to use to predict those attacks." "How about further away?" Artemis asked. "Everything in a 100 mile radius is clear. My scanners can't go any further than that. . ." She paused. "Unless. . ." "Unless. . .?" Ami didn't answer. Instead, she took her computer from her school bag and started typing. The others watched, mystified, as she worked silently for several minutes. Then, her face fell. "What's the matter?" Makoto asked. Ami flushed slightly. "I just hacked into the broadcast satellite network above us. That gave the scanners enough range to scan the entire globe, but the results were negative. Nothing at all." "Well, there's nothing we can do, then," Minako said. "We'll just have to wait and see." "And pay close attention to those around you," Luna added. "We don't know if the dark kingdom will target your families, so we should play it safe." Everyone nodded, and got up to leave. "Why don't you stay over at my place for now, Mako?" Minako offered. "My parents are out of town, so it's no problem." "That's great! Thanks, Minako." "At least now, we have someone who can cook. . ." Artemis muttered. "I heard that, furball!" Artemis grinned and ran off before Minako could catch him. Meanwhile, Usagi turned to Mamoru, her eyes betraying her anxiety. "Mamo-chan. . ." "It's alright, Usako. Go home and look in on your family. We can go out some other time." "Thanks, my love." They kissed, and Mamoru watched Usagi leave the temple. Then, he went back inside, directly to Rei's room and knocked. The priestess was understandably surprised when she saw who was there. "Mamoru? What are you still doing here?" she asked. "We need to talk, Rei." Slightly perplexed, she opened the door wider and stepped aside. He went in and sat down on the floor, where she joined him. "So, what is it?" "You're hiding something," he accused bluntly. He kept his gaze steady when she started and the expected look of wariness appeared in her eyes. "What. . .what are you talking about?" she bluffed. He couldn't help but smile at her flustered expression. "You don't lie very well, do you?" "I-I'm not lying!" she stammered. "If you weren't, you'd be chasing me with a broom already. I know you just a bit too well by now." She stared at him for a long while, then lowered her eyes. "How did you know?" "I felt something wrong when Luna asked you about the fire." "Felt?" He nodded. "I've always had latent psychic powers. When I was younger, I couldn't do much about them. But after I moved out of the orphanage, I started doing research on them, experimenting a bit. . ." "So how good are you?" Rei asked curiously. "Honestly? From what I've seen and heard from Usako, I'm almost at the same level as you are." "Trying to replace me?" she teased. "Oh, I'm sure Usako would love that," he countered lightly. "Now, why don't we get back to *you* and this little secret of yours?" Rei still seemed reluctant. "Why are *you* being so nosy all of a sudden?" Mamoru's expression became dead serious, and that unnerved her slightly. She had almost never seen him this intent before. "Usako's worried sick, Rei. Our souls are linked, and I can feel what she feels. She's scared of what might happen if the dark kingdom attacks one of you, or if they go after her family. I can't bear to let her suffer like this. If there's anything that I can do to end this, I need to know about it *now*." Rei faced her old friend with something akin to awe. . .and just a little envy. The burning intensity in his eyes, the passion in his voice. . .he cares about her so much, she thought wonderingly. I guess I really should tell him about my dreams. "Mamoru," she started, feeling at bit awkward. How's she going to tell him? "Do you. . .remember anything about your past?" "My past?" "I mean, back during the Silver Millenium, before Beryl attacked the Moon." He shook his head. "Not too much." "Do you remember what the four generals were like? Before Beryl got her hands on them?" "I haven't really thought about that." He leaned back, staring pensively at the ceiling. "My parents assigned the generals to be my personal guardians as soon as I was born. The conflicts with the dark kingdom had already started, and they feared for my safety. We became very good friends, even though I grew to hate them during training. . ." He smiled. "When I was young, I used to play tricks on them a lot. Kunzite was usually too stiff to enjoy them, but the others did. Nephrite even helped me trick everyone else sometimes, until he fell in love and forgot the rest of us. . ." "Who was the girl?" Mamoru's smile broadened. "Would you believe me if I said it was Naru?" Rei gave him a suspicious look. "Are you pulling my leg?" "I'm serious. Naru was one of Queen Serenity's maids, and the two of them fell in love on one of our visits to the Moon. Somehow Naru was reborn the same age as Usagi, but her love for Nephrite endured." "How about the other generals?" "Kunzite and Zoisite were in love with each other, but they kept it a secret. Zoisite wasn't too happy about the arrangement, but they couldn't afford to bring any negative attention to the Earth. It was bad enough that Beryl was using *our* soldiers to fight the other planets. . . As for Jadeite, he was alone most of the time. After Nephrite found Naru, he was the only one to actively study the arcane arts. I think he was a bit jealous of the others, since they had lovers and he didn't. . ." He broke off, his expression going from uncertainty to wide-eyed shock. He looked at Rei, and she nodded. "Ever since the dark kingdom reappeared, I've been dreaming about the time we first fell in love," she said. "At first, I couldn't see his face, but after today's meeting, I asked the fire and found out." "What do you think this means?" "I don't know," she answered, hugging her knees, a melancholy look on her face. "I don't even know if he's still alive, or if we're destined to love each other again. . ." I don't want to know that I've lost my chance at happiness, she completed silently. I've never seen her like this, Mamoru thought, staring at her. I guess even though she pretends to be self-sufficient, she does need someone, to love her as a woman. He went over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up questioningly. "Do you still have feelings for him?" he asked bluntly. She nodded slowly. "Yes. . ." "Then don't worry about what destiny says. You're one of the strongest, most determined people I've ever met. If you truly love him and want to be with him, then nothing can stop you. Believe in your heart, Rei. . ." Rei smiled at him, feeling much better. Problems really aren't so bad if you have someone to share them with, she decided. "Thanks, Tux Boy. Even cornier than usual, but it works." "No problem." He stood up. "Well, I should get going now." She stood up as well, and walked him to the door. After he left, she stayed there, leaning against the doorway, enjoying her newfound sense of peace. Then she glanced at the clock. "OH GODS, SUPPER'S GONNA BE LATE!!" "Would you care to explain yourself, General?" Peridot cringed with fear as lord Adamantite's baleful gaze burned into his soul. The supreme ruler of the dark kingdom sat on his throne, absently toying with a crystal shard. Only his eyes betrayed the fury he felt at the moment. "M-my lord," Peridot stammered, "I-I never expected the Sailor brats to be so strong! They shouldn't have been able to defeat my warriors alone!" "But they did, General. Perhaps my trust in you was misplaced?" "I beg of you, my lord, give me another chance. I swear I will not fail you again!" Adamantite continued to glare at Peridot, who was cowering to the point that he was almost curled up on himself. The dark lord snorted in contempt and waved his hand dismissively. "You may leave, General, but mark my words. On your next mission, you will bring back their heads, or I will have *yours*." Peridot whimpered, and quickly backed out of the throne room. "You seem to be going soft, my lord," Selenite observed from behind the throne. "Watch your tongue, Selenite!" Adamantite snapped. "Peridot is going around wasting precious troops against the Sailor Scouts. My patience is wearing thin, and not even *you* can survive my wrath." "I suppose not. . ." The next day. . . "Man, I'm exhausted!" Usagi said, stifling yet another yawn. Strangely, the street was almost deserted, as if some feeling of impending disaster kept the people away. If that was the case, though, Usagi was too tired to notice. "No kidding!" Naru replied. "You nodded off three times today. If Miss Sakurada didn't have a date tonight, you'd be in detention for sure!" "I've just had so much to do these days. . ." Usagi sighed. Three major attacks in three days, not even Beryl was that bad, she thought. "Does this have anything to do with that guy you call 'Mamo-chan'?" Naru asked, eyes sparkling. "What? Oh, no, it's not him," Usagi answered quickly. It'd be nice if it *were* just him, her mind added. Naru giggled knowingly, and was about to pursue the idea further when a scream froze the words in her throat. Further down the street, a chimera had appeared, and it was heading directly towards Usagi. This one was vaguely catlike, with a horn on its snout and tentacles instead of arms. It screeched when it saw the two girls and started running. "Aww, another monster? Why me again?" Naru wailed. "Come on, Naru!" Usagi shouted, grabbing her friend and dragging her into a side alley. They ran to the end and turned, only to find themselves trapped in a dead end. It's all my fault, Usagi thought despairingly, slumping against a wall. Naru's in danger because of me. . . She looked at her friend who was nervously watching the corner where they came from. A high-pitched scream could be heard, getting closer and closer. . . Well, I guess I have no choice, Usagi thought. Standing in the middle of the alley, she raised her brooch. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE UP!" Naru watched, stunned, as her best friend transformed into Sailor Moon in a flurry of ribbons. "No way. . ." she whispered. Sailor Moon smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Naru. I'll protect you. Now try to find someplace to hide. That thing's only after me, so you'll be safe if it doesn't see you." Naru nodded and went behind a dumpster at the end of the alley, just as the chimera sprang into view. Sailor Moon struck her pose. "Listen up, sleazebag! You can come after me all you want, but I will not allow you to put my friends in danger. For love and justice, I am the pretty sailor-suited soldier Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I'LL PUNISH YOU!" The chimera had started charging halfway through the speech, and Sailor Moon jumped just in time to avoid its tentacles. She landed behind it and kicked it in the back. Unfortunately, the beast was too strong even for Sailor Moon's enhanced strength. It whirled and lashed out with its tentacles. Sailor Moon ducked under the first one, but the second one was aimed low and swept her off her feet. She landed on the ground with the chimera's tentacles coiling around her neck. "Sailor Moon!" Naru screamed. Sailor Moon barely heard her. She was barely even conscious at the moment, as the chimera's grip tightened inexorably and a feral grin appeared on its face. Then, a rose struck the beast, paralyzing it. Tuxedo Kamen landed next to Sailor Moon and jabbed his cane hard at the chimera's throat, causing it to loosen its hold. He quickly picked up Sailor Moon and jumped back. "Are you alright, Sailor Moon?" he asked worriedly. Sailor Moon took a while to get her breath back. "I'll be alright. Thanks for saving my life again, Tuxedo Kamen." He smiled. "Anytime, Sailor Moon. Now why don't you call the others?" "No time," she replied, seeing the chimera rising and preparing to charge. "I have to keep it from noticing Naru." "Naru's here!?" Tuxedo Kamen exclaimed. Sailor Moon nodded, stepping forward to face the chimera. She raised her hand and whispered the words 'Moon Tiara'. Her tiara came off and started glowing in her hand, but she did not throw it. As the beast charged, intending to impale her with its horn, she dashed forward as well, ignoring Tuxedo Kamen's warning. At the last instant, she stepped aside, holding out her hand. The glowing tiara opened a large gash at the creature's side as its momentum carried it past Sailor Moon. It turned around, screeching furiously, only to see Sailor Moon already spinning her scepter. "MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" Sailor Moon sat down, panting hard as the dust slowly settled. Tuxedo Kamen and Naru both came over to her. "Are you alright?" Tuxedo Kamen asked. "Yeah, just tired," she replied. "That took a lot out of me." "You were great, Usagi!" Naru told her. Tuxedo Kamen's head came up sharply in surprise. "I'm just lucky I didn't trip on something." Sailor Moon turned to Tuxedo Kamen. "Sorry, Mamo-chan, but I had to transform in front of her," she said contritely. Tuxedo Kamen glanced at Naru, then detransformed and held Sailor Moon tightly. "Don't worry about it, Usako. You did what you had to." Sailor Moon nodded, and detransformed as well. The three of them got out of the alley. "Maybe I should walk you girls home," Mamoru suggested. Usagi was about to agree, but Naru shook her head. "Usagi, remember what your father says." Usagi looked disappointed. "Oh, yeah. . ." "What's the matter?" Mamoru asked. "My Dad always gives these speeches about how I'm too young to date, how I should wait until I'm mature enough to know what love is before dating, and on and on. He'll have a fit if he sees you with me." "Oh. . ." "Don't worry, Mamo-chan. We'll be fine by ourselves." He didn't look quite convinced. "If you say so. But promise me, if you're ever attacked again, call your friends. I don't want you risking your life alone like that." "I will, Mamo-chan." He leaned down and kissed her, and then headed for his own apartment. Usagi watched him walk away, her eyes sparkling. Someday, my love, she promised. Someday we will be together, with no fighting, no dark kingdom, nothing to stand in our way. . . Rei sat down wearily in front of the fire. It was evening already. Her grandpa had gone to bed, and all her chores were done. Now she could finally get down to some Sailor business, and hopefully Yuuichiro would hold off on playing long enough for her to get something done. She shook off her fatigue and cleared her mind, as she so often did. The flames roared in response as her psyche poured itself into their embrace. Her body completely still, Rei reached out with her mind. Even as the fire was fueled by wood, her will was fueled by the power of the flame, allowing her to reach out into the distance, searching for signs that Ami's computer might have missed. * * * "Rei. . ." Rei tensed up in surprise. The spirit she encountered was familiar somehow, but she knew of no one who could reach her like this, while she was communing with the fire. "Rei, can you hear me?" The mental voice was so familiar. She was sure she had heard it recently, but couldn't quite place it. Then, it dawned on her. "Jadeite? You're still alive?" She could feel his spirit smiling. "I'm glad you remembered." "How did you reach me?" "Magic. Even with my body encased in crystal, I can still cast a few spells. We really need to talk, Rei." "That we do. What's going on with the dark kingdom? They were never this active before." "There's a new commander in charge. His name's Adamantite. He's planning on destroying you Scouts, and his trap is already set. . ." Rei tensed up again. "A trap?" "Yes. He sent his henchman Peridot to find out your identities, and then. . ." * * * Yuuichiro was heading towards the meditation room. He'd hoped that Rei would be finished by now, and that they could talk. He stopped abruptly as he turned the corner. There, standing in front of the door to the great fire, were a pair of monsters. The smaller one was a female with white skin in a lion tamer's outfit. She held a whip in one hand and wore a deliacte crystal crown. The hulking beast behind her resembled an armadillo with the head of a horse. It stood there motionless, as if awaiting orders. "W-what the hell. . .?" The female turned at the sound of his voice and raised her free hand. Her lips curled in a savage grin as a bolt of energy flew towards Yuuichiro. He jumped back out of the way, just as Rei opened her eyes. "Minako. . ." she whispered, still a bit shocked. Then she saw the pair at her door, and quickly pulled out her wand. "MARS POWER, MAKE UP!" The youma snarled and came into the room, followed by the chimera. "Well, well. It's nice to finally meet you, Sailor Mars." "What do you want?" "General Peridot knew you were most likely to be trouble, so he told us to keep an eye on you. It seems he was right." Mars glared at her. "Do you *really* think you can stop us? I know your plans now, and we'll deal with the dark kingdom once and for all!" "Not if you die here! Chimera, attack!" The crown on the youma's head flashed, and the eyes of the chimera lit up. It sprang over its mistress and landed in front of Sailor Mars, claws raised. Mars jumped aside, calling out her attack. "FIRE SOUL!" The stream of fire struck the chimera's arm and dissipated harmlessly. It roared and charged her again, tearing through the floorboards as Mars jumped out of the way. Maybe if I aim for the face, she thought. As the chimera turned around, she prepared to hurl fire again. Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her foot and pull her down. She glanced behind her and saw the youma's whip binding her right ankle. "Now you die, Sailor brat!" the monster screamed triumphantly, even as the chimera raised its arm to strike. CRASH! The crystal crown shattered in a hundred pieces. The youma whirled around angrily to see Yuuichiro holding his smashed guitar, ready to strike again. "You pathetic human!" The youma extended her hand again and shot out another energy bolt. Mars screamed as Yuuichiro was slammed into the wall, his clothes smoking and torn. The youma turned around to finish Sailor Mars, and saw the chimera approaching her menacingly. "What are you doing? Kill her!" The beast ignored her and continued advancing, claws outstretched. The youma's energy bolts did no damage to the chimera, and soon the two of them were locked in a deadly wrestling match, oblivious to their original mission. In his apartment, Mamoru suddenly felt a jolt of psychic energy, like something momentous was about to happen. That wasn't Usako, he thought. It felt more like. . .Rei! He dropped his pencil and ran to the phone, then began digging in his pockets. Taking out a piece of paper, he dialed the first number he saw. "Hello?" "Minako? It's me, Mamoru." "Mamoru?" She sounded surprised. "What is it?" "Rei's in danger. Call the others and go to the temple, quickly! Trust me!" Without waiting for an answer, he hung up and transformed into Tuxedo Kamen. Running out onto his balcony, he leapt onto a nearby roof, and disappeared into the night. "Yuuichiro! Answer me!" Rei knelt next to her fallen friend, urgently shaking him by the shoulders. His eyes slowly opened. "Rei?" "I'm here, Yuuichiro. Don't worry, we'll get you to a hospital, everything will be alright. . ." "I'm glad you're safe, Rei. . ." He coughed. ". . .and. . .I always knew. . .you were special." "Shhh, don't talk," she told him. She caressed his face with a trembling hand, parting his unkempt hair to look into those clear blue eyes of his that she never saw, and that she feared she will never see again. "One last thing, Rei," he said, his voice weak but firm. "Promise me, you'll keep going. Don't let me drag you down. Promise me." "I promise," she whispered, and then she bent her head and kissed him, letting their bodies communicate their feelings without words. When she pulled away, his eyes were closed. "At least," he said almost inaudibly, "this time, I can die in your arms. . ." "NO!!! YUUICHIRO!" She collapsed atop him, crying out in the familiar agony of lost love that has plagued her for two lifetimes. For those final words had unlocked her memories, finally showing her who she had been mourning when she had fallen in love with Jadeite. At that moment, the other Scouts and Tuxedo Kamen burst into the hallway. They stared in shock at Sailor Mars sobbing over Yuuichiro's lifeless body, while the youma and the chimera still fought each other in the meditation room. Sailor Moon moved to kneel beside her friend, and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm very sorry, Rei," she said. "I know how much he meant to you. We'll all miss him very much." Perhaps unconsciously, she had used the exact same words Prince Endymion had. Sailor Mars straightened and stood up. "Thank you, Sailor Moon," she said, and turned to look inside the room. The youma had finally managed to kill the chimera with several bolts in its face, and was trying to catch its breath. "She's mine," Mars said, anger rising within her. Sailor Moon nodded and stepped back, allowing Mars to face the youma alone. "Well Sailor Mars, why don't we finish up what we started?" the youma said, beginning to gather energy. "Yes, why don't we?" Sailor Mars dropped into a slight crouch, ready to fight. "You have taken away someone very precious to me, monster, and that I cannot forgive. In the name of Mars, I WILL DESTROY YOU!" She felt the power rushing through her veins, filling every inch of her body with burning heat. Beside her, the sacred fire surged and reached out to her with a line of fire. She calmly accepted it, letting the dancing flames envelop her body, adding their power to her own. The youma yelled and flung a barrage of energy at Sailor Mars, only to have it deflected by the shield of fire. Sailor Mars regarded her enemy calmly until the youma broke off the attack, its energy spent. Then, she raised her arm, and the flames streamed upwards to gather in her palm. "FIRE SOUL. . .BIRD!" Her arm snapped forward. From her pointed finger emerged a brilliant creature of fire. Spreading its burning wings, the bird flew straight towards the youma, and engulfed it in an inferno of vengeful heat. Then it disappeared, leaving only a pile of ash on the floor. "Sailor Mars, are you alright?" Mercury asked. "I'll be fine," she replied. She was kneeling next to Yuuichiro, stroking his hair. "He gave his life to save mine. The least we can do is give him a proper burial, but I don't know how to contact his family. . ." "He sacrificed himself for you?" Venus asked, an odd tone in her voice. Mars raised her head in alarm, remembering what Jadeite had told her. She was about to speak when Venus interrupted her. "You treat him like dirt and he still died for you?" Her voice was becoming hysterical, and the other Scouts all stared at her. "Venus. . ." Sailor Moon started to say. "Why!? Why did he do that for an stuck-up, stubborn bitch like you? Why do all of you have someone to love, and I don't? Why!?" "That's going too far, Venus. . ." Jupiter reached out to grab her friend's arm. Venus jerked away and, to everyone's horror, raised her hand to attack. "CRESCENT CUTTER!" The crescents of her attack had turned black, and instead of becoming a beam, they separated and flew forward. One blasted the wall next to the Scouts, showering them with pieces of plaster. The other one hit Jupiter squarely in the face, sending her crashing into the other wall. "Jupiter!" Sailor Moon screamed as they gathered around their fallen friend. Sailor Venus had disappeared. "We have to get her to a hospital!" Mercury said. "*We* have more important things to do," Mars declared. The others looked at her in shock. She turned to Tuxedo Kamen. "Can you take care of her, please?" He nodded, and she addressed the two other Scouts. "We have to catch Venus before she can hurt anybody else. I'll explain on the way." They both nodded reluctantly. Tuxedo Kamen watched as the three girls leapt into the night after their friend. Be careful, Usako, he called out silently, and somehow he knew she heard him. Please, Gods, let them overcome this obstacle safely. He stayed there for only a short moment, and then went to call an ambulance. To be continued. . . AUTHOR'S NOTES: So, how was it? What'll happen to Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus? Stay right there, and I'll show you in the next part. o_O Again, any comments are welcome at