Standard disclaimers apply. Most of these characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi, and I'm just borrowing them for a while. HEARTS OF DARKNESS PART VIII: FINAL REDEMPTION by Judson Chan The city of Tokyo was quiet, morning rush hour having passed and midday still a few hours away. Ryo stared up at the sky, absently noting the approaching storm clouds. He was sitting outside Rei's room while the cats were inside keeping busy. In other words, Luna was pacing around worriedly and Artemis was watching television. Ryo had laughed a bit when the white cat had reached up to tap the remote, to which Artemis had responded with a sour look. I have a bad feeling about this, Ryo thought. I just know that they're in danger somehow. Ami. . . "Hey Ryo," Artemis called out to him. "Come here, quickly!" Ryo went inside and stared at the television screen. There was no mistaking what was there. "A chimera? Now?" "Doesn't bode well, does it?" Artemis said glumly. Luna stayed silent, but her expression was clearly worried. Ryo understood. If a chimera was attacking now, then either Adamantite didn't feel the Scouts were a threat, or they had already been defeated. Neither possibility was encouraging. "Hello? Is anyone here?" A voice called from outside. Ryo and the guardians exchanged puzzled glances and went to check. They found a boy about Ryo's age with short brown hair standing in the courtyard. "I'm sorry," Ryo said. "The caretakers of this temple aren't here at the moment. Perhaps you could come back some other day. . ." "You're Ryo, aren't you?" the boy cut in. "Mako told me about you. My name's Shinozaki." He held out his hand, and Ryo took it, remembering now. "Yes, I'm Ryo, but how did you know I was here?" "Mako told me the Scouts were leaving from here, so I thought I might find some help." "Help?" Shinozaki opened his jacket to reveal his bokken. Ryo just stared at him. "You aren't serious. . ." "Yes I am. The Sailor Scouts are busy, and the police already has its hands full. We *have* to go help them." "But what can *we* do? We're just normal people!" Shinozaki shook his head. "I'm not going to let people get hurt. Even if we can't destroy those monsters, at least we can help save innocents." He smiled briefly. "Mako said she'd have a long talk with me when she comes back. I don't want her to yell at me for not doing anything. Are you with me?" Ryo hesitated a bit, then nodded reluctantly. Shinozaki grinned at him as the two boys and two cats ran down the steps, heading for the nearest chimera sighting. What the hell have I gotten myself into? Ryo mused sourly. Above them, the sky was completely hidden by storm clouds, casting an ominous gloom over the city of Tokyo. Selenite entered the throne room, from the back as usual. The dark lord was watching the images in Beryl's old crystal ball, and smiling appreciatively. "Good news, my lord?" Selenite asked, stepping onto the dais. "The people of Tokyo are so helpless without the Sailor Scouts," Adamantite gloated. "Their fear is almost palpable." Selenite nodded. "What shall we do with the Scouts, then?" "Leave them alone for the time being," Adamantite decided. "Once I have gathered enough energy to invade the Earth, I'll invite them to watch. They should find the show *very* interesting." "I suppose so. . ." Darkness. Complete and utter darkness. That was the first thing Sailor Moon saw when she awoke. Then, as her eyes adjusted themselves she could see the faint light coming from outside the barred door. She sat up and looked around her. She was in a small stone cell, like the ones found in old medieval prisons. There was a pile of straws against the wall and nothing else. The place smelled of stale, humid air. She could hear water dripping somewhere, and further off, the sound of wails. Sailor Moon stood up, relieved that she wasn't in any pain. She went over to the door and tried to see outside her cell. All she could tell, though, was that her cell opened on a long corridor, and that there were other cells at irregular intervals nearby. She turned around and slumped against the bars. This is all my fault, she thought. I should have never agreed to come here. We never even stood a chance! She recalled with crystal clarity the moment Selenite had overpowered her. She had almost felt every single nerve being shut down methodically and painlessly. Not even Beryl could have done that! And now she was trapped here, and she didn't know where her friends were, or where. . .Tuxedo Kamen was. . . The wails were clearer now, seeming to come from the floor below her. She shuddered at the sound. Agony and madness were evident in those wails, and she did not want to find out what had caused them. A beep snapped her back to reality. She looked down at her wrist, almost not believing her ears. Her communicator! Of course! Now with hope back in her heart, she pressed the respond button. Sailor Mercury's voice was faint. "Is everyone all right?" "Mercury!" Sailor Moon cried. "Oh gods, I'm so glad you're okay!" "You didn't have to yell, Sailor Moon," Mars complained. "I'm a bit bruised, but I'll live," Jupiter reported. "I guess we're all here then," Venus said. "Wait, what about Tuxedo Kamen?" Sailor Moon asked, concerned again. "He doesn't have a communicator. Is he. . ." "He's fine, Sailor Moon," Mercury reassured her. "His cell is right across from mine. And he says his wounds are nothing to worry about." "Oh, good," she breathed a sigh of relief. At least, that was one thing off her mind. "Listen, guys, I'm really sorry to have gotten you in this mess. . ." "Stop saying that, Meatball Head!" Mars said, irritated. "We all agreed to come here. It's not your fault." "So, Mercury, have you found a way out of here?" Venus asked. "Unfortunately, no. The walls and bars are reinforced with negative energy. Our attacks can't function in here." "And the bars are too thick to break," Jupiter added. Sailor Moon felt her heart sink again. She held her hand up to her tiara. "MOON TIARA ACTION!" Nothing. "It's no use, Sailor Moon," Venus said. "I think we've all tried that. We have to think of something else." Sailor Moon leaned back against the wall. Think, girl, she told herself. Think! There's got to be a way out. I won't let my friends down again! In another cell, Sailor Mars was thinking the same thing. She, however, had more resources available to her than Sailor Moon. Closing her eyes, she entered her meditative state and reached out with her mind. Without the fire, it ws much slower and harder. She pushed her awareness outwards, briefly registering the presence of her friends before continuing further. Taking a chance, her spirit started seeping through the floor has well, trying to determine the cause of the screams. "Rei!? What are you doing here!?" The spirit voice was familiar. . .and furious. "Jadeite! We came to fight Adamantite, but we all got captured. . ." "Are you insane? Keep your mind away from here! You'll go mad if you come in contact with the souls trapped in these cells." Mars ignored that. "Do you know how we could get out of here?" He sighed. "I'm sorry, Rei. Those cells were designed for powerful entities. I doubt any of you have enough power to break out." "What about you? Where are you?" "I'll be alright. Nobody knows about me, anyways. Just don't come looking for me, Rei." Mars was about to reply, when she heard a faint sound. Returning to her body, she stifled a cry of surprise when she saw Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Mercury standing outside her open cell door. "How did you get out?" Even in the faint light, she could see Tuxedo Kamen's sheepish expression. "Apparently, the corridor isn't as well warded as our cells," he explained. "I. . .uh. . .summoned a rose with my hand outside the cell, and picked the lock with it." "Are you pulling my leg, Tux Boy?" "Believe him, Mars," Mercury said. "I saw him do it." Mars tried hard not to laugh as they moved on down the corridor, freeing the rest of their friends. Sailor Moon imediately embraced her beloved. "So, where do we go now?" Jupiter asked. "We're below the main structure of the palace," Mercury told them. "We'll need to find stairs that lead upwards. After that. . ." "Is there anything below us?" Mars asked. "Just more cells," Mercury answered. "The concentration of dark energy is higher down there, too." Mars stepped back a bit and thought about her situation. She was sure Jadeite was in the deeper levels of the palace. Once the others started moving, it wouldn't be hard for her to slip away. . . "Sailor Mars." She looked up at Tuxedo Kamen's face. "I think you should tell everyone about this," he suggested. The others all turned towards her. Mars glared at Tuxedo Kamen. "It's none of your business," she said fiercely. "Mars, if there's a problem, we'll help you," Jupiter said. "Yeah," Sailor Moon added, "we're friends right? Your problem is ours as well." She came over to Mars and hugged her. The raven-haired warrior tried to resist, but she could not refuse the affection and quiet reassurance she felt emanating from the smaller girl. For once, she dropped the façade that the two of them had built and nodded. "Jadeite's imprisoned below us," she told the others. "I plan on going to rescue him." She looked at them warily, expecting some kind of outburst. "That's a good idea, Mars," Mercury said. "Jadeite should know the layout of the palace, so he could guide us out of here." "Yeah, and it'll be nice to have someone else on our side," Venus added. Mars was incredulous. "You mean. . .you don't. . ." She was cut off when Sailor Moon put her hand on the her friend's shoulder. "We all trust you, Mars," she said sweetly. "If you think he should be saved, then we'll help you." Mars brushed back a few tears, and nodded. Mercury began working on her computer again. "Alright," she said after a moment, "I think I've got a lock on him, based on the data I have stored from our previous fights. He should be two levels below here." The others followed as Mercury led them down the corridor. Sailor Mars brought up the rear, her heart beating fast with anticipation. We'll find you soon, Jadeite, she promised, sending the thought in his direction. You'll be free again. Naru looked around frantically, trying to keep the frightened crowd from trampling her. A moment ago, someone had yelled 'Monster,' and everyone had panicked. As she stood there in confusion, a large werewolf covered with armor plates approached her from behind, its feral eyes intent on its prey. It raised its paw, preparing to rend the helpless girl to pieces. . .and felt a sudden pain in the back of its knee. Shinozaki delivered a few more blows to the chimera's back. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ryo grab Naru's arm and run off with her. He quickly followed, leaving a furious werewolf howling at nothing. He rounded a corner and met up with the two of them, all three slightly out of breath. "Ryo? What are you doing here?" Naru asked. "Trying to help," he replied. "But I doubt we can keep this up much longer. Shinozaki nodded in agreement. He was getting really tired as well. The police had managed to kill a few of the chimeras, but more kept coming and coming, and they just couldn't keep up. Please hurry up, Mako, he prayed. Then they heard Luna call for them from somewhere down the street, and the boys started moving again. Naru stared wide-eyed at the talking cat, then cautiously followed them. "They're coming for you," the voice said calmly. "I know that!" Jadeite snapped. "Why can't that girl just listen to me!? They're putting themselves in too much danger!" "Then you should help them." "How?" Jadeite asked quickly. The ensuing silence was amused, almost mocking, as he suddenly remembered the answer himself. His spirit self smiled sheepishly. "Oh." "I think you're getting old, Jadeite," the voice observed. "Whatever," he muttered. Then, he gathered his thoughts about him and pronounced an incantation. Grabbing hold of the arcane energy surrounding him, he carefully constructed a mental barrier, pushing the wailing spirits away. The shadows around him began to writhe even more. The screams grew more shrill, and several of the more powerful wraiths launched their own psychic attacks. None of these, however, could penetrate the force field Jadeite had erected. The lost souls wailed in frustration as they were forced away. Soon, a corridor appeared before the crystal tomb, free of darkness. "Well done, old friend," the voice said. "Your powers have grown since we last spoke." "I was bored," he replied nonchalantly. Please hurry, Rei, he thought. I can't hold this thing forever. One floor above that, Sailor Mars suddenly yelled out. "Wait!" The Scouts stopped, Sailor Moon bumping into Tuxedo Kamen and falling on her rear end. For once, though, she didn't start crying. Mars concentrated, searching. "I can feel him," she said finally. "Follow me!" She ran up ahead of Mercury and took the lead, finding a flight of stairs quickly. They went down, then turned into a long corridor. "There doesn't seem to be any dark energy here," Mercury said, frowning. "He's blocking it off," Mars replied, still running. Her psychic senses revealed the spirits flitting about, but the shield kept them from affecting her. At the end of the dank hallway, she could see a faint glow. There he is, she thought. After so long, we can finally be together again! They reached the end of the corridor, and saw the large block of crystal chained to the wall. A blurred silhouette was visible, outlined by the glow of the crystal. Sailor Moon stepped forward, summoning her scepter. "MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" The wave of positive energy filled the crystal. As the Scouts watched tensely, it began to break, and finally shattered with a resounding CRACK! Mars ran in amidst the dust and rubble of the broken prison, and saw him. He's really there, she thought. Real flesh and blood, not just a dream or a spirit. Jadeite saw her as well, and gave her a radiant smile. He started walking towards her, but before he could take one stiff step, she had flung herself onto him. They stood there holding each other tightly, getting accustomed to the feeling of closeness. Then, he gently pushed her off. "We have more important business to take care of right now," he said. "We'll get reacquainted later, alright?" She nodded, blinking away a few tears, and they joined the others still standing in the corridor. "I'm glad you two are back together," Sailor Moon said, hugging Sailor Mars. She winked at Jadeite. "Good luck staying alive." "Thanks, Sailor Moon," he answered. "Now, we should get out of here before my shield fails." They started walking away. "You'll want to find Adamantite, I assume?" he asked. Sailor Moon nodded. "Alright, we'll go to the throne room then. I'll explain some of what's been going on here on the way up. . ." "I don't believe this!" Adamantite roared, slamming his fist on the arm of his throne. The crystal ball before him showed a young man fending off one of his chimeras with a wooden sword, while another led the frightened bystanders away. "It seems the humans are more resourceful than you thought, my lord," Selenite noted quietly. Adamantite calmed down with some difficulty. "No matter," he said, his voice cold again. "They are simply a nuisance. Our plan has not been compromised." "That's what you think, Adamantite!" The doors to the throne room flew off their hinges, landing with a dull thud and still smoking. Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter came in, followed by the other Scouts, Tuxedo Kamen, and Jadeite. "I see you have escaped," Adamantite said calmly. "I expected as much from those who destroyed Beryl." His gaze fell upon the former general. "Jadeite? Have you betrayed me as well?" Jadeite spat. "I was never loyal to you to begin with." He materialised a crystal sword in his right hand. "And now, we'll send you off to see Beryl!" Adamantite smiled. He put his gloved hand on the orb next to him, and black flames began dancing around his body. The energy rippled out from him, washing over the Sailor Scouts and their allies. "What was that?" Venus asked. "I can't move!" Jupiter cried in alarm. The others tried to move as well, but they were all paralyzed by some outside force. "That," Adamantite said, "is a token of my power. I was going to let you watch me conquer the Earth, but you've shown yourselves much too annoying. Selenite, kill them. . .slowly." Selenite nodded and walked towards the Sailor Scouts, his partisan appearing in his hand. He stopped in front of Sailor Moon. "Shall I kill you first," he asked, "or shall I let you see them die?" "Let my friends go!" Sailor Moon yelled. She started to struggle again, but Adamantite's hold was still active. The general's weapon hovered inches in front of her. "Stop this Selenite," Venus said suddenly. "You're not evil." "What are you talking about?" Mars asked incredulously. Selenite didn't respond. "You have too much honour in you, Selenite," Venus continued. "You're different from those other generals. Whatever your reasons for helping Adamantite, it isn't because you're evil." "And you think that's a good enough reason to bet your life on?" Selenite asked, his voice taking on a strange tone again, almost as if he were looking for a specific answer. "No," Venus said quietly, so that Adamantite couldn't hear, "that's not all. I knew it when I looked into your eyes. I can't explain it now, but I trust my feelings. You aren't evil." Selenite looked at her for a long time, and she returned his gaze steadily. Then, he smiled, an unexpectedly warm smile. "Thank you, Venus," he said, and turning around, he flung his weapon at Adamantite. The razor sharp partisan struck the crystal orb, and with a loud explosion, all the energy held within it was released. Screams and roars were heard as youmas and chimeras still within the palace disappeared, deprived of the energy that created them. The Sailor Scouts felt the hold on them disappear as well. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Adamantite shouted, fuming. The flames in his eyes flared up brightly. "You didn't think that you could control me, did you? Ten thousand years is quite enough time for me to break a spell. I come from a strong family, after all." Adamantite glared at him, then ran off into the shadows behind his throne. "Jadeite, take the Scouts after him," Selenite said. "Try to catch him before he can start laying traps. I need some time to talk to Sailor Moon." "Anything you say," Jadeite answered. The others, except Venus, looked at Selenite suspiciously. "Don't worry, we can trust him. He's the one who's been helping me all along." The Scouts glanced at the blond general in surprise, then one by one they nodded slowly and followed him towards the back of the room. Tuxedo Kamen stayed behind with Sailor Moon and Selenite. Sailor Moon stared intently at Selenite's face. Now that Venus had mentioned it, she could see the honour and goodness in his eyes as well, and the pain and regret at the deeper levels. But there was something else there too, and it still eluded her. "Well?" she asked. "I'd like to ask a favor of you." Selenite reached inside his uniform and took out a small silver bracelet. It was exquisitely made, and studded with various gems. "I need you to destroy this." Sailor Moon looked up from the bracelet in surprise. "But why?" Selenite smiled sadly. "This is the first Heart of Darkness ever created," he explained, "and the most powerful one as well. I was still young then, and I fell into its trap. Because of that, I've done some dreadful things. I thought I'd broken its hold once, but it reclaimed me and pulled me back into darkness. I don't know how long I can keep resisting it. . . Only the Illusion Silver Crystal can truly destroy it." Sailor Moon's eyes had grown wide during his story. She pulled her mind back to the present and nodded. "I'll help you," she promised. "Are you sure, Sailor Moon?" Tuxedo Kamen asked. "Using the Silver Crystal is dangerous." "I'm sure, my love," she replied, "and I think you'll soon see why. . ." She opened her brooch and detached the Silver Crystal from it. Her fuku flowed into her Moon Princess gown as she raised the Crystal over her head. The throne room was illuminated for the first time ever as the pure radiance of the Silver Crystal flooded it. The crescent moon on Serenity's forehead shone brightly, and the Crystal responded immediately. A beam of white light shot out from it to hit the bracelet. There was an inhuman howl, as swirling darkness wrapped around it, trying to block off the light. Serenity concentrated harder, trying to call forth even more power without losing control. Seeing his princess struggling, Tuxedo Kamen transformed into Prince Endymion and put his hands on her shoulders, giving her his strength through their eternal bond. The shadows around the bracelet closed in further on itself, unable to endure the mighty assault. The shrieking grew in pitch and volume, echoing eerily off the walls. "Anytime now. . ." Serenity said through clenched teeth, looking at Selenite expectantly. He nodded and closed his eyes. His uniform disappeared to be replaced by loose-fitting black clothes and heavy leather boots. Silver greaves and cuffs encircled his limbs, and a shirt of scale mail appeared over his upper body, tied at the waist with a wide leather belt. The markings on the partisan began to glow, and a silver crescent moon appeared on his forehead. Endymion could only stare wide-eyed as the transformation took place. Serenity, on the other hand, was smiling happily despite the effort of controlling the Silver Crystal. "Welcome back, brother. . ." she said softly. "It's great to see you too, little sister," Prince Athan answered, smiling as well. The silver crescent started to shine as he turned his gaze upon the bracelet. "MOON COSMIC POWER!" Serenity and Athan both shouted. With two minds directing it, the power of the Illusion Silver Crystal surged through the beam in a great torrent, smashing the bracelet's defenses. The malevolent spirit of the Heart of Darkness let out a final, agonized scream as it faded into nothingness. Then, silence fell upon the room once more. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion powered back down into Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen. Sailor Moon was breathing heavily and leaning on her beloved, but she was still smiling. Prince Athan took a step forward, and she ran into his arms, crying tears of joy. "I'm so glad we don't have to fight you anymore. . ." she whispered. Athan didn't say anything, but just stroked her long hair tenderly. He looked at Tuxedo Kamen, whose mask did nothing to hide the conflicting emotions in his mind. "Jealous?" Athan asked, smiling slightly. "Of course not," Tuxedo Kamen replied, lying through his teeth. Athan chuckled and let go of Sailor Moon. "Don't worry about me," he said, a bit of regret creeping into his voice. "I have no reason to step between the two of you. Once this is over, I'll leave you alone." "What?" Sailor Moon asked. "But why?" "We'll talk later," Athan promised. "Now, why don't we go chase down our friends? We've got a little score to settle with Adamantite." "How much. . .further. . .is it?" Mars asked, panting. The four Scouts and the former general were still running along the dark hallways of the crystal palace. A section of the ceiling cracked and fell towards them, but Venus casually blasted it to dust. "Not too far," Jadeite replied. "I'm beginning to think Adamantite never leaves that throne room of his. If Mercury's computer is right, that last turn he took is leading him to a dead end." "Good," Venus said. They ran on for another minute or so, and sure enough, there was Adamantite, staring at the walls before him. They were now in a large empty stockroom. Light was coming in from a small covered opening in the ceiling, just enough for them to see. "That's enough, Adamantite," Jadeite shouted. "We're going to end this right here." Adamantite snarled at him and raised his arm. A ball of dark energy impacted on Jadeite's energy shield, forcing him back a few steps. "SUPREME THUNDER!" "SHABON SPRAY!" A stream of electrified bubbles splashed onto Adamantite from his left, staggering him but unable to pierce his armor. He retaliated with a blast of shadows at Sailor Jupiter, who nimbly dodged aside. The dark lord turned, ducked under a crescent beam, and charged Sailor Mars. She raised her arms in defense, but he simply grabbed them and slammed her into the wall. She groaned in pain as negative energy flowed from Adamantite into her. "Rei!" Jadeite yelled. His crystal sword cut a deep gash in Adamantite's breastplate. The dark lord released Sailor Mars and sent a bolt of energy at Jadeite, who raised his shield again. Before he could press the attack, Jupiter kicked him in the small of the back where his armor didn't quite cover. He grunted and was about to counterattack when thick mist suddenly surrounded him. "FIRE SOUL BIRD!" The bird of flame struck Adamantite in the chest, heating his armor but doing very little damage. With a roar, he flung energy out in all directions, grimly satisfied at hearing several groans of pain. "Fools!" he shouted. "Did you think you could defeat me so easily? My plan might be ruined, but you will all die here! I am invincible!" "I suppose so. . ." Athan agreed impassively from behind him. Adamantite's eyes widened in shock. He stared down at the blade sticking out of his stomach, and grunted when Athan pulled it out. He collapsed on one knee, clutching the gaping, bloodless wound. "You're evil schemes end here, Adamantite," Sailor Moon said from the doorway. "I won't allow you to hurt those we love anymore. Neither you nor the dark kingdom will ever threaten the Earth again!" She walked in to stand in front of him, her scepter ready. Tuxedo Kamen, Prince Athan and the other Scouts fanned out on either side of her. This is it, she thought. It'll finally be over. "SHABON SPRAY FREEZING! "FIRE SOUL BIRD!" "SUPREME THUNDER DRAGON!" "CRESCENT BEAM SHOWER!" The four attacks combined into a cloud of swirling rainbow energy in front of them. Adamantite desperately poured his power into a shield against it. "SHINING ROSE BOMBER!" "SHADOW LANCE!" The golden rose and Athan's shadow javelin entered the blazing energy, forming it into a perfect sphere. "For love and justice, your reign of terror ends here, Adamantite. MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" Sailor Moon's attack slammed into the sphere and combined with it, sending the whole flying towards Adamantite. His shield disintegrated instantly and the shifting rainbow energy enveloped him, burning away his armor as well. "NOOOOOOO!" The dark lord's voice rose in a scream as the power of love started consuming his body and black soul. After a few seconds, there was nothing left of him, not even ashes. "We. . .we won!" Sailor Moon shouted. She ran into Tuxedo Kamen's arms. "We did it, Mamo-chan!" The others looked on, smiling. Sailor Mars unconsciously moved closer to Jadeite, and Sailor Venus cast a covert glance in Athan's direction. The mood was suddenly broken, however, when the walls and ceiling started to shake with a low rumbling sound. "We've got to get out of here!" Mercury shouted. "Without Adamantite's power, this palace will crumble!" "Should we teleport?" Jupiter asked. "No time!" Athan replied. He raised his fist, rapidly gathering dark energy within it. Pointing to a wall, he released a stream of shadows that blasted through the thick crystal. "Come on!" Everyone ran through the hole as pieces of stone and crystal broke off from the palace, crashing all around them. The storms outside have stopped, leaving the area as calm as the rest of the Arctic. The Sailor Scouts and their allies stopped atop a nearby hill, watching as the crystal palace caved in on itself and collapsed into a heap of shiny debris. "I guess this is the end of the dark kingdom, huh?" Mars said. "Yes. . ." Athan agreed slowly. His dark eyes sparkled, reflecting the light of the newly revealed sun. "I've finally atoned for my crimes. . ." he said to himself. Tuxedo Kamen had wrapped his arms around Sailor Moon at some point, and now she pulled them closer together. The feeling of peace that washed over her at that moment was one of the greatest things she had ever felt. Yes. . .it *is* over now, she mused. I. . .all of us can just be normal people again. And with that thought in her mind, she led the others away from the site of their latest triumph, ready to return home. To be concluded. . .