Sailor Moon is copyright 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi. North American Rights for Sailor Moon are owned by D.I.C. Rating: PG-13 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Life ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Part II - Unravelings Chapter I - Bitter Sorrow ^ ^ ^ At the temple ^ ^ ^ Four girls sat in a room in a circle. A head of blue hair faced a raven-haired girl. A girl with brown tresses faced a blonde. Water against Fire. Lightning against Love. The first two liked to discuss serious things. The other two were the more flippant ones. It seemed that this was their position whenever they were together. But it wasn't right. They wished it was different. But what could they do? There was nothing . . . no one to change it. They had all noticed the changes that occurred in Usagi. She was so serious and distant now. If ever she talked to them, it was senshi business or homework. Not that there was any senshi business anymore. She did her homework now!! Another thing they could not get over. Now granted, she was no genius. But from 30s and fails to a B student. Anyone would consider that pretty damn good!! She was a better fighter. She might not be able to beat Makoto in hand-to-hand combat, but she would certainly be able to hold her own for a while. She wasn't ditzy anymore. It wasn't so much that she had turned into a graceful swan overnight. It was more like: she carried herself differently. She carried herself in a way that would make it hard to believe she was ever a klutz. Maybe it was an air of indifference that people mistook for confidence. But there was one specific thing that worried Rei. Rei had once tried to probe Usagi's mind to learn about the newfound changes in her. But Usagi had managed to block the attempt, and Rei couldn't get in. What's more, Usagi had known what Rei was doing. She had given Rei a just-give-it-up-this-is- so-stupid-and-it's-pissing-me-off look. Rei was surprised to say the least. She had gone into each of the senshi's minds at one point or another - with good reason. None of them had even seemed to suspect or notice. Rei didn't even know that Usagi had physic abilities. Now that she knew, she wondered when Usagi had discovered them and how she had developed them, without a teacher. Or did she have a teacher? Tonight, like almost every other night, they gathered together to have fun, but ended up talking about Usagi. "I'd just really like to know where she goes after school," said Makoto, taking a cookie from the plate that lay in the middle of the circle. Minako nodded. "And what she does there." At one point, all of them had thought that there was a chance that Usagi was on drugs because the symptoms were all there. Depression. Seclusion. Isolation. Moodiness. But they had eventually dismissed the thought due to the fact that she was doing well in . . . in everything. "I'm sure it's not anything bad," said Ami. "I know," Makoto said. "But, really, what could she be doing for hours after school?" They had attempted following her, but always got lost because she took the bus in a business district, which meant there were always crowds. "I don't know," admitted Rei, chewing on her own cookie. "But we really should find out. I mean, we ARE still her guard and protectors and stuff, right? And we still care about her even if she doesn't about us." The end came out very bitter. Rei had naturally taken Usagi's change of personality the hardest. They were best friends. She couldn't believe that it had all happened and she hadn't noticed the extremity until it was done and irreversible. Minako put a hand on Rei's shoulder. Silence reigned. There would always be sudden outbursts of sadness or anger towards Usagi's switch. They all felt a certain degree of betrayal. More so, they felt guilt. They knew that she had changed because of what they had said and did to her from the time Mamoru broke up with her to the night when they had all sided against her. They knew that Usagi had never fully recovered from that night, had never fully forgiven them. And they knew that the blame lay on their shoulders. The night that Usagi had kicked Luna out, Luna had gone to Artemis and Minako on the verge of tears. They had told her that Usagi was just upset and didn't mean anything, but Luna had a nagging feeling . . . She decided to let Usagi have her space for a while. A week later, she had returned and had sneaked in through Usagi's window towards sunset. Usagi wasn't home; Shingo was in his room, playing video games, Luna assumed; and Kenji was nowhere to be found. She walked into the living room and heard Ikuko on the phone. "Hai, he's alright . . . We're not sure . . . We hope so . . . Iie, the doctors aren't sure . . . It was bad . . . He would love to have you visit, you know that . . ." She sighed. "Not good. Shingo hasn't really been communicating with anyone anymore . . . um-hm . . . Well, I think it has something to do with Usagi . . . She's taken it the hardest. She barely eats anymore. She spends a lot of time outside the house . . . I think it's because she's so upset, that Shingo's upset . . . We weren't hurt as badly as Kenji. We're fine really . . . I suppose . . . Makes sense . . . I don't know. It's more than that . . . Well, ever since the accident, she's changed . . . I guess it could just be my motherly instinct going into over-drive . . ." She laughed. "Yes, well, we'll look forward to it . . . You, too . . . Okay . . . Okay . . . Give him my love . . . Domo arigatou . . . Ja." And then she hung up the phone. Luna stood, rooted to her spot behind the couch. The words echoed through her head. 'Hospital. Accident. It was bad. Barely eats. Taken it the hardest. Changed. Upset. Hurt . . . as badly as Kenji.' Then, Luna's eyes widened as she remembered. 'You don't know everything! You weren't even here the whole day!' Luna ran back to Usagi's room, practically leaped through the window, and raced towards the jinja, where she knew all the girls were. When she got there, tears had already made their way down her face. As fast as she could, she explained everything she had overheard. She had to repeat several things several times because it was hard to understand her through her crying and shortness of breath. But finally the story came through. The girls were quiet. Finally, Luna managed to look up, from where she had been crying into Artemis and her front legs. Ami sat with a stunned expression on her face, mouth open, shame written all over her face. Makoto looked horrified, probably remembering her own parents' unfortunate deaths. Minako's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Rei had her back to Luna, facing the window and looking through it. Luna was sure her shoulders were shaking. Luna began speaking again. "I don't know if you all ever noticed, but because I lived there I know." Five pairs of eyes looked at her. "Usagi was rather close to her family. It was just her nature to be. She talked to them openly about everything. Even to Shingo. Most people only see the fights with Shingo, the lecturing of her mom, and the over-protectiveness of her father. But there was a lot more to that family. Think of how Usagi feels for each of you. It applies to her family as well." Luna took a breath. "If her father _was_ in an accident and it was bad, it would explain why she's been so upset lately." She glanced at all of them. "If she was in the accident, it would also explain why she was so weak that night." Ami immediately started crying and let her face hang down into her hands. She only whispered, "Oh, God, Usagi! Gomen! Gomen!" Makoto's sobbing grew stronger. Minako remained still as a statue. Her eyes growing wide in realization of what that meant; tears poured down her face, unchecked. Rei once again turned to gaze out the window, in shame. 'Usa. What have we done? What have _I_ done?' They had attempted to apologize, but to no avail. Usagi refused to take any phone calls. She always told her mother to tell them that she would call back once she was done with her homework, unless it was Naru or Kai. She avoided them throughout the day at school. She always found a way to slip through their grasp or she simply ignored them. When the attacks had occurred, she would come, do her thing, and then disappear without a word. She pulled a 'Tuxedo Kamen', as the senshi referred to it. Finally, they gave up, frustrated, saddened, and guilty. Over time, they had sworn to never drift apart. This small circle of senshi knew that they had to stick together. The only good that came out of the horrible event was that it had brought them closer together. Usagi - along with Fate - had been the one to bring the senshi together in the first place. Now, without meaning to, she brought them closer than any of them had ever thought possible. But now, she was gone. And they weren't sure if they would ever get her back. ~ ~ ~ End ~ ~ ~ Author's Notes: Well, here's part II. I finally intro-ed the senshi. It'll start rolling in the second chapter. I PROMISE! Stay w/ me, kay? I hope this answered some of the questions you have about Usagi's dad. By the time part I ended, her dad was fine. I'll get into that again, don't worry. THANKS again to all those people who emailed me with suggestions, ideas, and criticism. It's greatly appreciated. Keep it coming! Thanks for reading! HoNeY 4/28/00