RIVALS - Chapter 11 R.UMALI umalific@hotmail.com November 22, 2000 ********************************************************************* "OH my GOD!" said Rei "Did I just hear that correctly?" "Hey Rei, what's Serena's last name?" asked Nathan "OH SHIT!" said Michael as he stared at Darien and Serena who was making their way to the table. He then looked at Mina who was watching him. He noticed her move mouthing the words "NOW YOU UNDERSTAND.. I TOLD YOU!". He then looked at Andrew whom was also staring at Darien contemplating his move. Mr. Kina smiled in delight as he watched Darien stopped dead in his tracks. 'Darien meet your match' he thought quietly. Darien shook his head as if he didn't hear right. He turned around finding Serena smiling at him. "Serena" he asked carefully "What's your family name?" Darien held his breath as he waited for her to answer. "Tsukino" she said softly. Darien's jaw dropped and at the moment was left speechless. They stood there for a good moment as Serena tried to read his features. "Miss Serena Tsukino will you please come up" said Mr. Sison. Serena smiled at Darien, softly squeezing his hand as she whispered "Ill be back". He was still in shock as to who she was. 'Serena Tsukino' he thought as he watched her move about through the crowds towards Mr. Sison. "I don't believe it" said Rei "Serena!" "This is not good!" stated Michael still watching Darien whom was now by himself. Darien after getting over the initial shock stood straight and regained his composure. He was indeed upset that the person they all have been looking for was underneath their nose. Turning he looked at Michael while he walked back to his table. Michael stared at Darien with questions, mainly if he was okay and what he saw was hurt, steel, cold then shut! His cold jekyl and hyde features now came to play. As he sat he spoke no words, now what was before a stare of longing for his angel was now a stare of challenge. 'This is not good' thought Michael as he watched Darien sweat beads of anger 'not good at all'. "this is not good" said Andrew to Lita as the others listened to Serena speak. Andrew had been watching Darien the whole time in concern. Concern for not only his best friend but also Serena herself. Lita quickly glanced at Darien and shook her head slowly. During Serena's speech Darien held his sharp sapphire eyes on Serena, he stared at her with icily cold features, his muscels tensed at her words. He was angry, angry that he can allow himself to have been overcome by a mere woman. Admitingly he was unprepared for this, he was indeed knock off the track by her heavenly presence. In his angering mind, the devil unleashed itself and whispered words of offense to Darien. 'She played your game and like a sucker on a stick you allowed yourself to be entranced by her bewitching beauty. She made of fool of you! How did you like dancing with your RIVAL?" He cringed at that question and felt anger seething through his veins as she spoke word from word. Michael, Nathan, Rei and Zen watched their boss tense and stare coldly at Serena. Michael glanced at Rei,Rei was scared. 'Please' said Rei 'please don't let him do anything irrational'. She looked across the way and found Mina's gaze along with Andrew and Litas. They looked with concern in their eyes. "I don't like the way he looks," said Andrew "Ive seen that look before and I never liked it"" he said to his fiancée. 'Darien don't go on doing anything dumb' he thought as Lita squeezes his shoulder. "Will find a way to patch things up," she said. Staring at her bitterly he thought 'two can play at this game'. The applause came and soon enough Serena was being smoldered by guest that congratulated her. Shaking hands with almost everyone. Serena was tired and the evening did really wore her out all that she wanted to do now was retreat back to the balcony and have another playful conversation with Darien. As she made her way from table to table she came upon her friends. "Congratulations Serena" said Lita hugging her friend "Do you feel any different?" "No" she smiled "Not really" "Guys" said Serena to her assistants "Mr. Kina had asked me to tell you to introduce me to some of his personal clients" "Oh yeah, sure Serena" said Mina standing up with Ami and Jayson. "Molly, Mr. Kina needed to ask you something" "Oh okay, Ill meet up with you guys later" "and we will be walking around" said Andrew to his fiancée. "Okay will see you guys later". Either meeting them for the first time or having had known them already Serena said hello and kindly shook their hands. In the meantime Andrew and Lita found their way to the Chiba table. There was a still and uneasy ness at the table. The Chiba assistants were well aware of Dariens Jekyl and Hyde routine and didn't speak for he might turn on them. "Hey guys" said Andrew to the others before clashing sights with Darien. "Hi Andrew" said Mike "Hi Lita" "Why so glum?" asked Andrew trying to make small talk. Darien on the other hand was fuming with his best friend. He knew that Serena was the big secret and he kept it from him. 'some best friend' said his devilish id 'he knew and didn't tell you'. "Why didn't you tell me?" said Darien bitterly. Gaining Andrew's and the others attention he waited for an answer. "you call yourself a best friend when you know that 'she'" he said following Serena's profile "was important information. And you" he said staring at Rei "I suppose you knew too" "No….." said Rei "I'm as surprised as you are". Darien ignored her and just stared angrily at Andrew. "Dare," said Michael trying to calm him down, Darien raised his hands in the notion of not wanting to hear it. "Darien" said Andrew as he got his attention. "You know dam well the promised I made to Lita. I for one don't break promises to anyone lead alone my wife to be" he said strongly as both stared without fright. "and as far as Rei Darien" said Lita "she had no knowledge of Serena either. The other girls and Jayson were sworn to secrecy once they found out. So don't go on getting mad at her". Darien's eyes still steady watched Lita as she spoke her words. Mad as he was he knew that only one girl would not fright at his stare and that was Lita. "Oh lets go see Darien and the guys," said Serena looking at the table. "Um… Serena I don't think that's a good idea at the moment" said Mina looking at Michael who stared at her with warning. "Don't be silly" said Serena "No Serena, we really don't need to go there right now," said Ami taking the hint from Lita. "Wait why not" "Serena, I don't think your too welcome there right now" said Jayson as he stared at Rei with disappointing eyes "lead alone me" he gulped. "You guys are being Silly, of course they want us there" said Serena as she pulled the girls.. "SE..re…na.. We..cant" said the girls as they were pulled to the table and now come face to face with Darien himself. "Hey guys" said Serena smilingly to everyone. Darien's eyes moved from Andrew to Serena. The girls that stood behind saw the fire in his eyes and knew that this was not going to be good. They gulped and quickly shied deeper behind Serena not wanting to burn by his gaze. "Why hello Miss. TSU….KINO" said Darien icily and bitterness written all over. Serena noticed the sarcasm in her name, looked at the others for some type of hint as to why he was suddenly angry towards her. "hello Darien" she said as she stared into his eyes and felt herself burn by the flames. "Darien is something wrong?" she asked curiously. "Miss. Tsukino I don't think you understand our position here" Darien glared "Quite frankly I didn't know whom this person was that would take Mr. Kina's place as he retired. Lead alone a person with such great professional character even existed. I couldn't believe all the rumors I have heard during the process," he said. "Rumors, what rumors," said Serena looking at the others than back at Darien. Darien smiled evilly. "You know the ones that state that you're a high profit maker and this and that" he said nonchalantly "I certainly didn't believe that a person can have such great qualities to make such deals with high ranking companies". Andrew knew where this was going and interrupted. "Darien" said Andrew "She's not like that" he glared intensely. Serena glanced at Andrew as he and Darien stared. Lita placed a comforting hand on Serena's back preparing her for Darien's remarks. "Why Andrew, how would you know? Unless…" Darien remarked "oh..no.. you wouldn't after all not after your fiancée being her best friend". "DARIEN hold up!" said Michael "Stay out of this Michael" glared Darien. "Dam you Darien," said Andrew with anger and annoyance written all over his face. Lita too was becoming enraged by Darien's un-witty comments. "Well like I was saying" he said turning back to Serena "I didn't find a person that fit your description" he said bitterly smiling "now I know how you manage to closed such deals with great companies" he said giving her a sweeping look. Looking at her from her shapely figure, she gasps to what his accusations were. "MR. CHIBA" said Serena annoyed "just what are you trying to say?" "Say, ha." Said Darien taking a drink from his glass "I think you know what I meant Miss. Tsukino. Maybe I also need to patch a deal with you" he grinned and winked to her surprised figure. The others who have stayed silent throughout this whole held their breaths to what he had said. "DARIEN" said Andrew and Michael snapping. "How dare you…" started Lita angering her every nerve. "DARIEN" said Rei "That's not necessary" stated Mina as she looked at Michael trying to get him to intervene. Serena thought carefully as she stared at Darien with anger stirring. She was indeed mad for the accusations that she would make herself a whore. Through the years she dealt with cave men behavior like his and fought for her right place in this company. She was trained to be skilled in the business world and she strived to be one of the best and no man not even Mr. Darien CHIBA will she allow to strip her from her dignity. After gaining her voice to speak up she raised her hand halting all comments to Darien. Darien stared at her with every bit of victory and interest, waiting for her to comment on his statements. "Well" smiled Serena as the others watched her "It seems that Mr. CHIBA knows me real well," said Serena, walking closely making her swaying movements more distinguished. As she stood in front of him she smiled. Leaning over to Darien slowly and seductively fully knowing all to well of her low heart shape cleavage was at a birds eye view. "Is this what you were referring too" she said as she softly caressed his chin, without any hesitation. The others stared in disbelief as Serena initiated her attack. Serena knew she couldn't let down so easy, it wasn't in her to give up. She couldn't let herself be intimidated by him nor anyone. She had worked too dam hard to get where she's at and be dammed if she let him rip it away from her. Darien although quite composed held himself to not look at her swaying body, indeed it was working he can feel it but he couldn't let her win. "Is this what your used to Mr. Chiba" she cooed. "You know" she whispered hovering closely above his face "I….would never succumb myself to stoop down to your level, even if it was worth billions and billions of dollars" she huskily stated. Serena stared flatly eyeing him with the same if not more amount of fire as his. The girls and guys eyes bulged to Serena's bravery, no one ever stood up to Darien that way. He usually had the last say in everything. Andrew smiled, indeed Darien's met his match. 'take your own medicine DARIEN CHIBA' he thought bitterly about his best friend. As if that wasn't enough to leave Darien surprised and speechless, never had he ever encountered any woman that had enough courage to stand up to him. At most the woman would step back once he had insulted them but Serena was different. She wasn't afraid of him nor any of his antics. Serena knew she wouldn't let him get the best of what he's started not after what he had said. "and besides" she breathed heavily hovering over his lips and licking her own. "Un-like your 'whores', It takes more than a contract and your mere smile to get me in bed" she said as she winked at him. Serena stood up and smiled leaving Darien flustered. He stared at her, beads of sweat trailed down his temples as he followed her movements. "I'm not like your average woman, Mr. CHIBA" she said flatly "I will not be called a whore and be stripped of my dignity by anyone. Lead alone 'YOU'" she said lastly before walking away with a crashing victory at hand. Serena got much satisfaction at this but she wasn't done. Slowly she turned around and caught every ones eyes. "and Darien those rumors, they're nothing but true, a successful history you should watch out for" she said smiling and pausing just for a moment "GAME, SET, MATCH!" she ended with a sly grin before walking away. Serena smiled to herself for she knew all to well that she's hit every nerve in his body. Darien stared silently as Serena went about her ways. The guy's eyes in shock and girls mouths dropped at the sight of Serena's departing back. To be continued………… Chapter 12.. WHAT??? 1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star or 5????? Email me Thanks to all that have emailed me… * TAKAKO-CHAN – hows school * Sailormoon01618 for the rating! ;) * ROSE.. hope you like this one and stop going through my notes! Don't tell anyone about Sieya K shhhh…. * MING – my biggest critic.. how did I do this time? * LARISSA K – Sorry I had to be mean again and leave you guys hanging. But I couldn't help it. * VAL – Tadaaa!!!!! * ELIZABETH – How did this one do..love it hate it?? * ROSIE – Do I get a bravo for this one too??? * Mr. TURTLE – I do get pointless but will you kill me if I don't have a reason? ;) ? TASHIA – EVIL I know I know…sorry… hahahaha Love the emails guys…keep them coming.. Know that I read them a few times before I write. They get me pepped up. OH yeah, Im doing a POLL… EMAIL me and tell me which is your favorite character.. Of course Serena and Darien silly, but other characters that I should pay attention too. Oh yeah.