SPIN THE BOTTLE By Princess Destiny [princessdestiny@hotmail.com] Chapter Fourteen Luna ran frantically down the sidewalk, looking neither left nor right. Her eyes were still impossibly wide from the revelation of minutes ago. ["How could I have been so blind? So stupid!"] she seethed with anger-directed entirely at herself. Her paws flashed over the pavement as she ran faster than she ever had in her life-towards the Crown Game Center. A minute of frantic running later, she finally reached her destination. She halted, gasping, with head lowered for a moment. Luna's red eyes rose and briefly her golden crescent moon glowed. The glass sliding doors to the arcade opened immediately, admitting the cat into the darkness. She headed straight for the Sailor V video game and leapt up onto the control panel. "Computer-contact me with Central Command! This is urgent!" she cried at it, body filled with anxiety. "Confirm name and password" an expressionless voice asked from the video game. The screen glowed at her, waiting. "This is Luna-password...Kittynap" she said, pausing slightly over the ridiculous password which her contact at Central had suggested. The screen glowed brighter and then another voice spoke. A male. "This is Central, Luna. What do you have to report?" the voice inquired, with a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Control, we've made a big blunder that I don't know how we can recover from!" she almost shouted at the screen. "Calm down, Luna and tell me what happened" the voice ordered. "I've found the Princess!" Luna said urgently. "She was right under our noses-I can't believe how stupid I was not to see it before!" "You've found the Princess?!" he exclaimed in shock. "Are you sure, Luna?" "Positive, Control! She's the ditzy blonde girl that we made leader of the Sailor Senshi!" Luna said with exasperation and disbelief. After all this time, sleeping in the same room, being a guardian to her and instructing Sailor Moon-Luna had discovered that they'd made a BIG mistake and made their Princess a warrior. "I can't believe it! All this time looking for the Princess and she was the first Senshi we found!" she thumped a paw down hard on the controls, filled with rage and desperation. "Tsukino Usagi? Sailor Moon?" he said with incredulity. 'The girl you said was so clumsy and lazy is actually our Princess?" he paused. "Are you POSITIVE? This has to be a mistake" "I'm POSITIVE, Control!" Luna spat impatiently. "And not only THAT-I've also found Prince Endymion!" "The Prince TOO?" he was again startled. "How....tell me everything!" he commanded. Luan sighed, sat down on the controls and tried to think back over the night's events. The whole picture wasn't clear though. She just couldn't see how locking Usagi and Mamoru in a room to scream at each other had started a chain reaction. "All right" she said, more calm now that she had relayed the shattering news. Slowly, she began to recount the conversation she had heard from above-stairs. Control was silent for a long time, after he heard Luna's story. "How could we have missed it?" he wondered aloud, berating himself, as Luna had done earlier. "Luna-do you...remember anything more?" "What do you mean?" she asked, frowning lightly. "Specifically tonight?" "Why-yes" Luna said, taken-aback. "As a matter of fact, I didn't recognize her as the Princess until her moon symbol and his began to glow...then I suddenly began remembering Princess Serenity and her fiancée the Prince of Earth. It was a blank before that. Almost as if her birthright triggered my own memories" "It's strange that you should say that Luna" he murmured thoughtfully. "I too tonight began to remember the past more clearly. But not knowing what this Tsukino Usagi looked like, I could not connect her with my memories of the past" "It's very important" Luan lowered her head, sighing deeply. "We can't tell her! Not only that, the other Senshi will never believe the girl they think so ditzy is their beloved Princess" "No, you're right. If what you say is true, the Usagi has no idea what her slow transformation into Serenity means. Nor would Mamoru. It's best if we keep an eye on her, but say nothing" "But we have to guard her!" Luna cried out in frustration. "I've made the heir to the Silver Millennium, the crown PRINCESS a warrior. What if she had been killed during a battle? What if it could still happen. How do I have the others guard her without telling them?" "We'll think of something, Luna. Be calm" he soothed. "Control, can you come here?" she asked anxiously. "I need help with this" "I'm afraid that I cannot, just yet, Luna" he replied regretfully. "I've just located a girl that I believe to be sailor Venus. She has no idea that she is a Senshi and is untrained. The Princes already has three guardians, as well as you. This is important also" "I know" she sighed. "Luna out" The screen went dark again, leaving Luna in pitch black, but for the light shining from the moon outside. She leapt down from the console, tail dropping wearily. ["How could I have made such a mistake?"] she wondered, leaving the arcade and heading back home. Usagi would be safe enough for now, with Tuxedo Kamen close by and the house filled with family. But what happened when Usagi had to go to school? Or left the house? Or-had to go into battle. She shuddered, picturing the silver-haired girl laying injured. Queen Serenity's daughter. Luna groaned, walking slowly along the sidewalk, eyes unseeing. "What have we done?" "What do we DO, Mamoru! I can't hide this!" Usagi wailed at him, eyes tearing up. It wasn't that she hated the newest addition to her body-just that she had no idea what it meant and why it was THERE. "Calm down, Odango" he sighed at her, frowning into the mirror. He turned his face left and right, wondering if his hair would be sufficient to cover the blue symbol. "And don't call me that, creep!" she yelled. She paled, threw a hasty look at her closed bedroom door and swallowed hard. ["I hope that didn't wake dad again"] she winced. Her father was just LOOKING for an opportunity to bash Mamoru unconscious! ["Over my dead body!"] she shouted mentally, eyes narrowing. The blue burned for a moment, mind filled with flames. No one hurt Mamoru! Well-only HER! "Stop shouting, Odango! You'll wake the whole house" Mamoru said absently. Then he froze and turned slowly to look into her stunned eyes. "You er-didn't say that out loud, did you?" he asked rather weakly. Usagi shook her head, mouth gaping. ["Mamoru? Can you hear me?"] she thought towards him tentatively, half afraid that he would hear her. He groaned, covering his face with his hands. Mamoru shook his head slowly, as if in disbelief. "Yes" he said, resigned. He removed his hands and looked at her with incredulity and then weary acceptance. "I heard you, Usagi" "How-?" she began, then paused, looking over his shoulder towards her dresser mirror. She stared hard at the glowing golden crescent moon on her forehead. "Never mind! I know how!" she seethed, lifting a finger to point accusingly at her reflection in the mirror. "THIS did it! The Princess' memories! AND the moon broach" her eyes fell down to the offending broach, laying precariously on the edge of the dresser corner. "None of this happened until we had that vision of the Princess when you touched the broach!" "Don't blame the Princess" he warned her quietly, eyes glinting. He sighed, expression calming. "We just deal with this, like everything else that happened tonight" "But WHY?" Usagi said urgently, nibbling on her bottom lip. She watched him as he frowned deeply, lost in thought. ["What is he thinking about so hard?"] she wondered, momentarily forgetting their mind-link. "I was thinking what this-" he pointed a finger at her forehead, then gently traced it around the crescent moon. "Has to do with the Princess-and why are we linked? And why will we die if we don't stay together?" he finished in frustration. Usagi shrugged her shoulders lightly, uncertain. She was as much in the dark as the handsome guy standing in front of her. Her eyes involuntarily fell to his naked chest, tracing over the muscles with hungry eyes. He really was beautiful....and she REALLY wanted to run her hands over his chest! She groaned. ["How like me to be thinking about running my hands over Mamoru's chest and kissing him senseless, when we're in deep trouble"] she thought incredulously. ["Please, don't let the situation stop you"] Mamoru suddenly drawled at her. Usagi's eyes jerked up, widening with horror and embarrassment. ["The bond! Arrgggh! He heard me"] ["Can still hear you"] he thought back at her, eyes burning into hers. He stepped closer, presenting his chest to her. ["Run your hands over my chest and kiss me senseless, please"] he said silkily, lowering his head until their lips were a breath away. She swallowed, face blushing furiously. "Er-well, that is...shouldn't we be trying to figure this out?" she stammered, gazing into his eyes. ["She's really beautiful when she blushes"] Mamoru thought, lips curving into a smile. "Thank you" she blushed brighter. He started slightly in surprise, then smiled wider. "This is going to take some getting used to" he murmured, reaching out to wrap his arms about her waist tightly. Usagi was drawn up close to his body, chest to chest with a half-naked Mamoru. Her blood began to burn in her veins, excitement coiling in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes fell to his lips and before she knew it, she'd leaned up on her tippy-toes and closed the space between their lips. Vaguely, she remembered that the last time they kissed, they had a vision of the Princess-but really didn't care. All she could feel was his warmth, his intoxicating scent...his tongue lightly brushing against hers. She was sinking beneath a tidal wave of sensation. Mamoru groaned into her mouth, fingers slipping beneath the top of Usagi's bunny pj's, seeking the warmth of her silky skin. He traced his fingers along the elastic of her pants slowly, enjoying the feeling. She smelt so sweet, like roses...or was it him? ["I want her so much..."] he thought with dismay and excitement. She was only fourteen! ["Want me?"] Usagi thought back vaguely, perplexed. ["You already have me...and kissing me...and..."] her thoughts trailed off into pleasure as he deepened the kiss abruptly. ["I wish this would never end"] she thought dreamily. ["So do I"] he groaned back, pulling her in closer to his body. He half- glanced up at the ceiling light with annoyance, wishing he could turn it off. Then something hit him and he jerked back from Usagi swiftly, their lips tearing apart. She gaped at him, eyes glazed over and bewildered. ["What? What did I do?"] she thought to him, stunned and hurt by his withdrawal. Mamoru immediately reached out for her, pulling her into his arms comfortingly. "Nothing, Usagi. Nothing at all. You were...perfect" he frowned over her head. "I just remembered that we left my apartment all alone and defenseless before a room-full of drunken Collage students" Usagi's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no!" she gasped, then broke into laughter. "They probably all passed out on the floor" she whispered hysterically at him, eyes filling with helpless tears at the vision of dozens of teens laying at weird angels all over Mamoru's expensive apartment. "It's no funny" Mamoru protested. "My god! My wallet is there! Ugh!" he broke away from her again, glaring at nothing. It wasn't that he didn't trust the people from his Collage...right? ["Suuuuure, Chiba! Keep telling yourself that! I bet the alcohol died up a while back and they were looking for more"] "They like getting drunk that much?" Usagi said, in surprise. She couldn't picture it at all. The drinks that she'd had earlier had given her a dreamy feeling-but nothing that she'd like to repeat. "We have to go there" Mamoru suddenly exclaimed, thumping a fist into the palm of his other hand with impatience. Usagi's mouth fell open. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and noted that it was three in the morning. "GO THERE?!" she almost shrieked at him, startled at the time. ["Are you nuts? I'm in my pj's and you half naked and you want to Go to your apartment?!"] He winced at her mental shrieking and crossed his arms, looking at her determinedly. "Right, Odango" "Don't call me that" she gritted at him through her teeth, extremely displeased. "Can't you go alone?" she asked hopefully. "Only if you want us both dead" he pointed out, eyes rolling. Once again, the ditz had arisen out of his angel. She glare furiously at him, tempted to thump him over the head with something hard. ["Annoying jerk"] she thought resentfully, knowing that he'd hear. She pouted for a moment, then gave in. "Fine, but turn your back while I change" Mamoru grinned at her slyly, very pleased that Usagi hadn't ordered him out into the corridor. ["Maybe I have a chance with her after all. Maybe when she's older"] he mused, pleased. ["Older?"] she thought back at him, perplexed again. The way he thought sometimes was bewildering. "Never mind" he muttered, embarrassed. "Er-do you need to change? What I mean is, when you transform, you don't need to be wearing anything at all?" he looked at her challengingly as she flushed brightly. "Mamoru, hentai!" she hissed, then nodded, still glaring at him. "We go transformed then?" she inquired, then nodded as she answered her own question. "Of course we do. But what about these?" she pointed up at her forehead significantly. Mamoru stared at her, then rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I completely forgot, for a moment" he groaned. Usagi smiled at him impishly. "Now who's the ditz?" she teased lightly. ["Just transform, Odango"] he growled at her playfully, hands itching to yank her into his arms and give her a thorough kissing. "Right!" she saluted and walked over to the dresser for her broach. "Moon Prism Power, Make up!" she cried out. Nothing happened. Usagi and Mamoru both stared at each other, then at the broach. She shook it impatiently, frowning. "It is broken? Did you break it?" she accused, staring up at Mamoru threateningly. "Don't be stupid, Odango Atama" he said, stalking forward to look at the broach intently. He reached out a hand tentatively, paused and then bravely touched the broach. Nothing happened. No vision, no power...nothing. "I can't transform?" Usagi breathed incredulously. She tried again, this time filled with panic. "Moon Prism Power, Make up! Moon Prism Power, Make up!" But it was no use. Either the broach was broken...or somehow, something was interfering. She looked up at Mamoru with anxiety and fear. ["I can't become Sailor Moon"]