SPIN THE BOTTLE By Princess Destiny [princessdestiny@hotmail.com] Chapter Twenty "Usagi?" someone whispered fearfully. Serenity turned her head slightly to see that Mars, Mercury and Jupiter were crouched close to her, eyes filled with horror and fear. Behind them were three strangers. A woman with blue hair, a man with glasses and brown hair and a young boy. The three looked just as horrified and as if they were in acute shock. They didn't seem to know what to do, but merely stood there, frozen statues. "Mars?" Serenity whispered back with difficulty, trying to swallow back the blood that had invaded her mouth. Mars shook her head, looking incredibly sad and bewildered. "No, Usagi- I'm Rei....Don't you remember me?" the girl asked, voice trembling. Her purple eyes were filling slowly with despair, as were those of Jupiter and Mercury. Serenity was perplexed, even through her incredible pain. ["Why do they call me Usagi, Endymion?"] she threw at him mentally. But still her tone was so weak that she was not sure he had heard her. Her love was dying even faster than her. In fact, they were both surprised that they had not already died... ["I-don't know...Serenity"] Endymion managed, eyes closing. ["Endymion?!"] Serenity cried out, involuntarily jerking against the blade of the sword. Pain ripped through her chest, blood flowing into her mouth. She fell into a couching fit that left her even weaker. She slumped against Endymion's chest, spent. "I'm alright, Serenity" he whispered just above her ear, breath weakly stirring the silver bangs at her temple. The bright blue symbol of earth began to fade upon his forehead and he knew that Serenity's beautiful golden crescent moon was fading also, as their lives spilled form them onto the floor of this strange place. He still didn't understand what they were doing there. Who the strangers were-and why Malachite was there. But somehow, he knew that this was earth. He could feel the strength of the planet beneath him. It was the only thing currently sustaining him-and his love. She didn't realize it, being so weak-but he was giving her energy just to keep her heart beating. "Usagi?" Shingo whispered, deathly afraid. His sister no longer looked like Usagi-but a stranger. A beautiful older stranger, who had shown amazing powers. But somewhere inside, he was sure his sister was there. Serenity slowly turned her head, still resting her cheek against Endymion's cold armor. She looked at the boy over her Senshi's shoulders and saw the fear and pain in his eyes. He was scared for HER...so, who was he? "Who is this Usagi?" she asked gently. Perhaps, she reminded him of someone he knew? Even as she knew she was dying, her gentle nature reached out to comfort a young boy, who seemed in such mental anguish. "You are!" Sailor Mars burst out, eyes blazing. She reached out and grasped Serenity's shoulder hard, making sure that she did not jolt the Princess and her wound. "Usagi! Don't you REMEMBER?!" these last words were almost screamed, seeming to come right from the soul. It touched Serenity, the way they were all staring at her longingly. As if she were this girl-Usagi. "But Mars...You know that I am Serenity" she said, rather bewildered. For a moment, her lashes dropped over her silver eyes, darkness swimming in. "USAGI! NO!" a voice cried out. A small weight hit the side of Serenity's body, jolting her slightly. She winced in agony and then managed to open her eyes and glanced down. It was Luna. The cat looked frantic, agonized-her small warm body pressing hungrily against Serenity's side as if she would never leave. "Luna" Serenity said softly, a smile curving her lips. Luna had always been there. "My dear friend and advisor" "Oh Serenity!" Luna cried out, tears running freely from her eyes. She rubbed her furry face against her Princess' bloody side. "Usagi" Serenity's eyes clouded as she heard her advisor say that girls name again. Even Luna had called her Usagi..."Who is Usagi?" she demanded slowly, trying to focus her thoughts. it was so hard though. So hard... "You are" Ikuko woman burst out, voice strangled with tears. Her eyes were blood-shot. "My daughter" ["My daughter..."] the woman's words echoed around Serenity and Endymion's heads like a bell-tone. Suddenly, everything around them disappeared in a bright silver light. When they could see again, they were standing side by side in the ruins of a palace-and standing before them was Queen Serenity. "Mother!" Serenity cried out, running towards the Queen. She threw herself into her mother's arms and held her tightly, feeling a steady heart-beat against her chest. Queen Serenity's arms closed warmly about her daughter, but her eyes as she met Endymion's were filled with a great sadness. "Serenity- Endymion...you must listen to me" she said urgently. "My time is short in this place" "Where are we, Queen Serenity?" Endymion asked, bewildered. Hadn't they been somewhere else a moment before? Somewhere with-people crying over them? The Queen's beautiful face crumpled slightly. "We-are in the ruins of the Moon Kingdom" she admitted hesitantly. "The ruins?" the Princess said, bewildered. "But-" "Serenity, please listen very carefully" Queen Serenity said gently, but with a sense of urgently that sent waves of unease through her daughter and her prince. "Something has happened that was too early and it has thrown off all of time" she looked up into their eyes, just as the golden crescent moon on her forehead began to blaze with light. "Come with me now, to the final days of the Silver Millennium..." "Oh my god!" Ikuko screamed, lunging past the girls. She fell to her knees beside Serenity, who was slumped limply over the armor of Prince Endymion-blood pooling over the carpet beneath and all around them. In seconds, Ikuko's blue dress was staining brown from the hem up, but she never noticed. "Usagi. My Usagi" she whispered, hands fluttering helplessly over her daughter's body. "Is she alive?" Rei whispered, voice breaking. Her eyes were large pools of purple pain and horror. Shingo clung to his dad, eyes glazed with shock. What they had witnessed in the last half hour had been more horrific than he could ever have imagined in his worst nightmares. ["Usagi..."] he thought fearfully, eyes sweeping over the barely-recognizable form of his sister. She looked beautiful, even covered in blood, a strange dress, older and...possibly dead. So beautiful. Like an angel. Sailor Mercury crawled closer to Ikuko and inserted her arm between the woman and the Princess. She tentatively picked up one slender wrist belonging to Serenity and held her breath. She felt a faint pulse. very faint-but there. Mercury's breath exploded out so fast and loud that everyone jerked in shock. "Is she-" Jupiter said, eyes shadowing with grief. "She's breathing" Mercury reported, reaching up a gloved hand to wipe the sweaty bangs back from her eyes. next, she reached for Endymion's wrist. He too was still alive, but his pulse was even slower than the Princess. "Endymion is also-but barely" the blue-haired girl shook her head, pulling her arm back into her lap and gazing solemnly at Serenity's profile. "Can you take that sword out? It looks so..." Motoki choked, hiding Reika's face into his shoulder. It was all his fault. They'd led that- woman right to their friends. And now Usagi was laying dying. Mamoru too. "It's my fault" he whispered, shutting his eyes in grief. "It's not your fault, Motoki. Or Reika's. It's Zoisite's and Malachite's" Rei said harshly. She crawled close to Ikuko and touched a hand lightly to the sharp blade protruding from Serenity's back. it looked so ugly there, against the purity of the dress. And she still didn't understand what was going on. How could the Princess and Prince have transformed into those clothes? And-why did they still look like Usagi and Mamoru. "I feel your pain grand-daughter" Grandpa boomed from behind them all. He had stood there at the back with Yuuchiro, not wanting to interfere with such a delicate moment. But now, he felt that he must speak. "Grandpa?" Rei said hopefully, eyes turning to look back at him. ["Maybe he knows what's going on?"] she thought desperately. "No" he shook his head, reading the question in her eyes. "I can't say what has happened, Rei" Grandpa shook his shoulders, looking grim. "I've never felt such power between these two. Never" "I know" Rei whispered, turning back to Serenity. She reached out to touch a long lock of silver hair, trailing into the blood and over the Prince's body like a cloak. Her fingers dipped into a pool of blood and pulled out a handful of silver-red hair. She cradled it gently. ]"Usagi. Come back to us"] Rei thought, sending out her words as strongly as she knew how. "Don't leave us" "Don't leave us" Ami and Makoto repeated, as if urged. Rei's eyelashes closed over her purple eyes to hide the expression in them-one of cool calculation. "How did Zoisite come to be here?" she asked slowly, a strange inflection in her voice. Her fingers continued to caress Serenity's long gently. Mercury and Jupiter immediately stiffened as the air crackled with some strange power-and it was coming from Rei. It was Motoki who answered, voice filled with horror and guilt. "We came over here to see how Usagi was going. And that-woman followed us. We didn't realize until we'd arrived here. She wanted-" his voice broke off. "She said that she wanted a Rainbow Crystal" "It came out of me and-something began to happen, but then Jupiter hit me with a bolt of lightening and I changed back" Reika went on, voice hollow. She turned her face towards Endymion. "And then HE came down- and we knew it was Mamoru...but he acted so different..." "We know the rest" Kenji said grimly, still holding onto Shingo. He honesty didn't know what to do. His life had turned upside down in only a few days. Keeping boys away from his little girl, he could handle. Work he could handle. But superhero's? Princes? Evil beings from another dimension? No... Mercury reached past Rei to once again feel Serenity and then Endymion's pulses. "They're still there" she told everyone, taking a deep breath. She frowned at the Princess and Prince in perplexing. ["If the bodies die, will the Princess' soul be transferred to one of the Senshi's bodies?"] she thought, then almost slapped herself for the horrible things going though her head. ["Usagi is my FRIEND!"] she screamed at herself. "Mercury" Rei said gently, forcefully removing the Senshi's gloved hand from about Endymion's wrist. Mercury had been squeezing so hard that the Prince had winced, even unconscious. "Sorry" Mercury whispered faintly. "Isn't there ANYTHING you can DO?" Ikuko suddenly screamed at them all, eyes wild. She held up hand covered in bright red blood. "She's DYING!" "What can we DO exactly? Huh" Jupiter yelled back at the woman, green eyes blazing. She was close to snapping. And wanted nothing more than to destroy something. Her eyes fell upon the gaping hole in the wall, where Zoisite and Malachite had disappeared. "NO!" Mercury's hand shot out once again, clamping in astonishing grip about the stronger girl's upper arm. "You STAY here with me" she hissed urgently. "Revenge later, JUPITER" she emphasized. "Our first loyalty is to the Princess" "She's right" Luna whispered, raising her head from where she had been buried against the Princess' side. Her whiskers and face were covered in blood. It looked as if Luna had been crying tears of blood. "The PRINCESS?!" Kenji thundered, outraged. "What about my daughter? She's IN there! it might be that Princess' spirit, but it's Usagi's BODY!" "Right" Rei murmured, hands tightening around Serenity's lock of hair painfully. ["There must be some way..."] Suddenly, her skin began to crawl weirdly. She felt a tingling all over, as if covered with ants and gasped with surprise. She heard other gasps from the other girls and turned her head to see the other Senshi with their eyes wide and writhing about on the floor. "What-" Rei began, but was abruptly consumed in a searing wave of heat and power. Everything in her vision disappeared to be replaced with a haze of red fire... Mercury screamed as her vision was covered up by a haze of blue fire, writhing about her body. The last thing that she saw was everyone's horrified eyes... Jupiter held her breath as everything disappeared into green waves of fire, consuming her. ["Am I dying?"] she wondered, feeling a brief satisfaction. Perhaps she would join Usagi. "Arrgggggggh!" all three screamed simultaneously, as a wave of power shot through their bodies from their toes to their head. Then-it was just gone. Their vision cleared and they were laying face-down on the carpet. "Good lord!" Grandpa exclaimed, sounding...completely poleaxed. "Rei?" "I'm-fine" Rei grunted into the carpet, wondering if it were true. She mentally checked herself before moving and realized that she felt- amazing! ["What?!"] she gasped to herself, shooting up into a kneeling position. Her long hair fell over her shoulders to pool around her knees and hands and that was when she saw it. "Arrgggh!" She shrieked, purple eyes going wide with shock. "MY HAIR!" "YOUR HAIR! WHAT ABOUT MINE?!" Jupiter screeched back. Rei spun to look at Jupiter, who was also kneeling and holding a ponytail of-long PINK hair! Not bright pink, but still...a definite light shade of browny pink. Like a cherry-blossom in spring. Rei pointed, gaping. "Your-and mine...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" she shouted, flinging back her hair. "You have purple hair, Rei. And you Makoto have pink and me-" Mercury cast her eyes upwards expectantly. "Hmm-it's a little darker blue" she mused. "What is going ON here?" Ikuko yelled, eyes impossibly wide. "And what-" Shingo began. But he was cut off as something exceedingly bright exploded to their left. They all looked that way in time to see Serenity and Endymion's body's quickly consumed by a silver and golden light. It intermeshed in a beautiful display of color from their toes to their heads and consumed the two. They disappeared from sight for a moment-and when the light abruptly was gone...Usagi and Mamoru lay there. Everyone gaped, too stunned to move. Usagi was in her bunny pj's, Mamoru half-naked and in his black slacks. The sword was gone from Usagi's back, all the blood had disappeared and, the two looked as if they were peacefully sleeping. The golden crescent moon and bright blue earth symbol burnt steadily on their foreheads. Usagi against looked only fourteen and Mamoru 19. Rei's eyes went quickly to Usagi's chest, pressed against Mamoru's tightly as she lay above him. They appeared to be breathing normally and completely unharmed. "Usagi?" Rei whispered disbelievingly, half- reaching out a hand for her friend. Usagi's eyes opened slowly. At first, all she saw was a naked chest beneath her nose. Familiar. She raised her head and gazed up at the sleeping face of Mamoru. Not Endymion. ["Mamoru?"] she asked mentally, feeling slight fear. What if he hadn't returned with her. ["USAGI!"] Rei shrieked mentally, overjoyed. ["I can hear your voice again!"] ["So can I"] Mamoru winced, then opened his eyes. He looked up at everyone's stunned expressions. "We're all right" he told them. Everyone was still frozen. "You're-okay?" Mercury asked tentatively, eyes skimming over Usagi and then Mamoru. "What HAPPENED?" Ikuko shouted, sounding hysterical. "Mom" Usagi whispered, reaching out a hand. It was quickly clung to by Ikuko. "The Silver Crystal healed us" she carefully leant back onto her legs and revealed the front of her bunny pj's. There was her golden broach, the silver crystal nestled into the center of it. "Serenity!" Luna whispered, eyes shooting up to Usagi's. "Only the Moon Princess can touch the Crystal! You remembered!" she cried out gladly, eyes filling with tears. "What?" Rei said in a hushed tone. "I don't understand" "Oh Rei-I saw my Mother-" Usagi began, then broke off as she looked up into Ikuko's shattered gaze. "The Princess' Mother, Queen Serenity" she amended. "No-you said YOUR Mother" Jupiter said slowly, eyes narrowing. "Just what is going on here? One moment, you're dying and the next-everything is okay?" she spat out, eyes filling with tears. Usagi's eyes went to Jupiter's pink hair and then Rei's. She smiled gently. "Just how I remembered you all" she told them, carefully pulling her hand from Ikuko's strangle-hold. She got off of Mamoru and knelt beside him as he did the same. Their hands reached unconsciously for each other's and fingers entwined. "It's-hard to explain...Luna?" she appealed to her guardian, silver eyes bewildered. Clearly, Usagi was still in shell shock from whatever revelations Queen Serenity had revealed. "I've been lying to you all" Luna said heavily, closing her red eyes so that they wouldn't see the guilt in their depths. "When I first found Usagi-I truly thought that she was a Senshi. Such power I sensed-and the potential..." the cat trailed off, opening her eyes. "But she wasn't meant to be" "She-not?" Jupiter said disbelievingly, staring at Usagi. "She's not?" Rei and Mercury echoed, equally shocked. "No" Luna went on, looking very guilty and stunned. "You see, when you were reborn...that is...you're not human any of you. Not really. When the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, Queen Serenity sent her daughter, her fiancée, her Senshi and I and Artemis a thousand years into the future. In case Beryl should ever escape her dimension again" "I think that I see where this is going" Grandpa nodded, eyes a little wild. "I don't" Yuuchiro said, perplexed. "You've lost me" Shingo added, still clinging to his dad. Constantly, his eyes swung back to his sister, hardly believing that she was really alive. "The Senshi were reborn through mortal families, but their souls remained intact. I could have given you your planet wands and if you hadn't had the soul's of the Senshi in you, they would never have worked" Luna said, trying to make them understand. Slowly, understanding dawned in Ikuko's eyes. She gazed at Luna in some horror and disbelief. "Are you saying-that Usagi ISN'T really my daughter?" "Mom" Usagi whispered, looking anguished. "You know that you are-" "No-let Luna answer" Ikuko demanded, throwing a haunted look at her 'daughter'. "Essentially-no" Luna admitted with a heavy heart. "Yes, you birthed her-but you had nothing to do with her appearance. Usagi and the Senshi AND Mamoru look exactly as they did on the Moon Kingdom 1000 years ago. The changed hair color included" she added, looking pointedly at Rei's deep purple locks. "You'll also receive increased powers and-possibly even start to age faster" "WHAT?!" The girls exclaimed, gaping. "But wait-" Mercury said, frowning. She still looked extremely confused. "You SAID that Usagi wasn't meant to be a Senshi-so who WAS she?" Usagi smiled gently at everyone, as their eyes went automatically to her to seek the answers. "You haven't guessed?" she said clearly. "I'm the Princess" "You're-" Rei gasped out, choking over the word. Now, everything made complete sense! "You weren't haunted at all! The Princess' soul was trying to get free!" "Yes" Luna nodded, failing to see that the three Tsukino's had gone very still. "Usagi IS the Princess Serenity. Apparently, when Mamoru touched the Moon locket, he inadvertently freed Serenity and Endymion's souls into his and Usagi's bodies. Confused, the Princess and Prince emerged whenever they were together or their was danger" "Sailor Venus is really the leader of the Senshi" Mamoru said quietly, fingers tightening about Usagi's. "But we don't know her" Mercury said with dismay. "I think that everyone is MISSING the big picture here" Shingo announced, pulling away from his dad. He got to his feet and glared around at each other. "Usagi might be a reincarnated Princess from 1000 years ago, and so are you guys-but that doesn't change that you were ALL human girls born here in Juuban! Usagi is STILL my sister!" he breathed out urgently. "The blonde ditz!" he pointed at Usagi, who watched him with wide startled eyes. Suddenly, before anyone could speak, he threw himself bodily at her. Usagi caught him up close and held his head against her shoulder tightly. "Shingo" she said delicately, breathing into his ear. "You're my brother too, no matter who I was" s he told him, closing her eyes and resting her face against his soft brown hair. "And you're alive!" he sobbed at her. Suddenly, there was a mad scramble as everyone also threw themselves at Usagi and Mamoru in a large group hug. "You're right, Shingo" Ikuko said, sniffing. She held her daughter from the back, grip gentle yet desperate. "She's my daughter. Not matter what" "And we'll all stay together, no matter what" Jupiter added tearfully, unabashedly kissing Mamoru soundly on the cheek and hugging the life out of him. Everyone was crying and clinging to everyone else, all trying to talk at once. Mamoru held onto Usagi's fingers tighter. ["We stay together now"] he whispered to Rei and Usagi. He cast his blue eyes over the other two Senshi. ["I have a feeling that they will soon be joining us"] Rei stiffened, arm freezing about Shingo's shoulders. She slowly looked up at Mamoru, purple eyes wide. ["That means that they have to die- right?"] ["I can't let that happen"] Usagi said solemnly, making it sound like an oath. "Even to protect me" she finished aloud. "Protect you" Kenji repeated. His abruptly straightened his glasses, looking determined. "Right! everyone up!" he ordered them, jumping to his feet. A dozen pairs of tearful and happy eyes stared at him as if he were mad. "UP PEOPLE!" he bellowed at them, gesturing wildly over their heads with his arms. "Huh?" Ikuko muttered, wondering what on earth her husband was up to. "Look!" Kenji said in exasperation, reaching down to yank Mercury up to her feet by one arm. he did the same to Shingo. "This Zoisite person knows where we live. They know what Usagi LOOKS like. We have to LEAVE now!" "He's right!" Grandpa exclaimed, jumping to his feet. He hit Yuuchiro on the back with his cane demandingly. "Up boy!" "Kenji is right. If Zoisite knows where we live, then she can come back anytime" Mamoru said, getting to his feet gracefully and pulling up Usagi after him. Everyone else reluctantly got to their feet, seeming automatically to look at Mamoru for orders. He grimaced slightly at them. He was a Prince-but one who didn't fully remember his past! "Gather anything that you can carry-we have to leave NOW" "NOW?" Ikuko said in dismay, staring about the ruins of her once- beautiful house. "I suppose you're right" she looked at the Senshi and Mamoru. "Go up to Usagi's room and put on anything warm you can fit into. Mamoru, put back on your shirt and jacket. Shingo you go to your room and grab a coat and some shoes. Grandpa and Yuuchiro come with Kenji and I-we'll find something for you to wear" "I doubt it" Grandpa smiled up at her from his diminutive height. He seemed very approving of the battle plan. "Umm-is the bond still working?" Rei asked Usagi tentatively, as the girls followed Mamoru up to Usagi's room hurriedly. "Yes" Usagi said slowly, thinking hard. "My Mother-that is, Queen Serenity said that the more I become the Princess, the less the bond will become. We will always be able to hear each other's thoughts though" she finished impishly, trying to break the tense atmosphere. She really didn't want to think about how close she and Endymion had come to death-or what her Mother had told them in that world where she existed in the ruins of the Moon Palace. ["Be careful Serenity"] ["I will Mother"] Usagi whispered mentally, hoping that her Mother could hear. She'd have to talk with her mom later. Ikuko. She looked so-devastated to learn that Usagi wasn't her real daughter... ["Later, my love"] Mamoru murmured silently, urging Usagi forward with a hand in the base of her spine. The girls all rushed to Usagi's wardrobe and grabbed up what warm clothes they could. "Blankets too" Mercury muttered, hastily rushing to Usagi's bed to tear off the covers. Makoto did the same with Mamoru's make-shift bed, shuffling a pink coat on one arm. "Good, you're ready girls. Lets go" Ikuko called from the doorway. Usagi sighed and threw a blue coat over her pj's, then slipped her school shoes on. She double-checked that the Moon Broach was still on her chest and then they all excited the room. Kenji, Motoki, Reika, Yuuchiro and Shingo were already gathered in the front hall, looking nervous. "Let me check first" Jupiter advised, slipping up to the front door. She wrenched the knob open and glanced outside, at the ready to attack. The ruins of the window and wall from the lounge were all over the front lawn, but there was no sight of Zoisite or Malachite anywhere. "It's clear" she told them in a hushed voice, leading the way. "To the Temple?" Grandpa asked Kenji inquiringly. Kenji shook his head, then glanced at Mamoru almost reluctantly. "It might not be safe to go back to ANY of our houses. Who knows how long Zoisite was following Motoki and Reika?" Mamoru said shortly. His deep blue eyes glinted strangely in the sunlight. "Drive us to the nearest real-estate agency. I can find us a large secluded house somewhere and pay for it with cash" "You're rich?" Ikuko said, surprised. Mamoru smiled wryly. "Very" he ran a hand through his dark hair in distraction. "Lets go" They all piled into Grandpa, Motoki and the Tsukino's cars, slowly moving down the street like a funeral procession. Usagi looked out of her passenger window sadly, stroking Luna's head gently. Her house was in ruins, as was her life. In just a few days, everything had been destroyed. But she had also found love and an incredible bond with her friends. Her parents also. Everything would work out. ["I know it will"] ["We'll start afresh"] Mamoru murmured mentally to her, arm going abut her slender shoulders. She leant her face against his chest and saw Rei do the same on Mamoru's other side. ["This isn't the end Usagi"] the priestess said solemnly, staring directly into Usagi's silver eyes. "This is the beginning. And we still have Zoisite to battle" she finished aloud. "And Malachite" Jupiter murmured from the front seat, next to Kenji. "And Beryl too" Mamoru said, voice cold as ice. "We mustn't forget HER" Usagi's fingers curled into Mamoru's Tuxedo jacket, eyes turning into chips of silver ice. ["Oh no"] she thought purposefully, memories of the pain and despair that the evil Queen had left in her wake, filling her mind's eye. ["We mustn't forget Beryl at all..."] The End