No real author's notes this time . . . Just a really long, complicated "readme" file. And no, I don't own the Sailor Starlights or Princess Kakyuu or the Kinmoku Kingdom. They are all concepts originally created and copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi. But any other characters that appear in this story are my intellectual property . . . except for their names, which are more likely than not a sly nod toward some other animated series. *indicates emphasis* <> (er . . don't ask) ____________________________________________________________________ STARLIT LEGENDS - THE FALL OF THE KINMOKU KINGDOM PART THREE: SHADOW GALACTICA By Kotetsu _____________________________________________________________________ ONE YEAR LATER "Hurry up, would you?!" Yaten clicked her tongue impatiently and placed her hands on her hips, obviously annoyed. "I can hardly *walk* in these things," grumbled Seiya unhappily. She staggered forward, grabbing the equally clumsy Taiki's shoulder for support. Seiya had always hated heels, especially the decorative stiletto heels that the people of Kinmoku seemed to prefer for formal occasions. "Hey!" Taiki shrugged Seiya off her shoulder. "I can hardly walk myself, let alone with you trying to push me over!" Yaten tapped her toe impatiently. "I don't see what the big fuss is all about. You two do just fine *running around* in high-heeled boots during our Senshi training sessions," she chided. "Yeah, but . . . I'm Seiya. I'm not Sailor Star Fighter. I guess that just because I can do one thing as a Sailor Senshi, doesn't mean that . . . Oh, fudge!" Seiya wobbled and almost fell. "We're not going to make a good impression if we can't even stand up straight," sighed Taiki. "And this dress makes me feel . . . so . . . self-conscious." At that, Seiya managed to giggle without falling over. "Didn't anybody ever tell you - if you've got it, flaunt it?" Taiki blushed. "Yes, but . . ." Yaten swirled her hips provocatively. "I just can't get over how good I look in this," she said appraisingly. And she did look stunning in her shimmery gown with the low-cut bodice; long, slender legs peeking out from underneath the hem of her skirts; and the graceful way that she carried herself in her murderous heels. Although the other two were dressed in identical gowns, they only felt awkward and clumsy as long as they were wearing high heels. "Look, if I can't figure out how to walk in these things in the next five minutes, we are going to be late," Seiya muttered as she took another shaky step forward. "How many people are supposed to be there, anyway?" "Not a whole lot. Only a couple hundred. Most of the planet will be watching it on television," Taiki said as she hesitantly tried to walk forward. "And from what Anya's told me, we won't be taking any part in the ceremony. Only sitting in the front row with the Knights, watching." Yaten rolled her eyes. "Great. We get to sit still and be bored out of our minds for three whole hours. With the whole world watching us. Just wonderful." "Hey, aren't you happy that the Princess is finally going to be coronated?" "Sure. I'm happy for her. But I still think that the entire Coronation Ceremony is just a bit too long, boring, pompous, and old- fashioned for my taste." Seiya wobbled dangerously, swinging her arms to keep her balance. "Okay, I'm starting to get a little frustrated here . . ." "That's it. I've had it." Taiki stooped down, pulled her shoes off her feet, and straightened up again. "I can put these back on when we're seated. If we hurry, we should get there before the television cameras start rolling." "Excellent idea, my cerebral friend," Seiya quipped as she pulled off her own shoes. "Being barefoot never felt so good," she sighed with relief as she wiggled her toes on the bare ground. "Hmph." Yaten whirled around, heels clicking loudly in the deserted hallway. "If you don't practice, you'll never get it down," she chided. Then she began walking down the hall, swiveling her hips and clicking her heels. "How can she DO that?" Taiki muttered sourly as she clutched her shoes in her hand and scrambled to catch up with Yaten. Seiya followed, relishing the sound her bare feet made when they slapped against the tiled floor of the hall. As the three girls approached the doors to the old ceremonial hall in the center of the palace, A very hurried-looking Lady Lara rushed forward to greet them. "Where have you BEEN?!" she hissed as she grabbed Yaten's arm and began hauling her toward the doors. "It took us longer than we expected to get ready," Taiki explained calmly as she and Seiya followed Lady Lara through the imposing wooden doors. "We had difficulties dealing with the shoes." "Shoes . . . ? Hey, wait a minute . . . All right, you two, stop screwing around. PUT THOSE ON THIS INSTANT! That LAST thing that we need tonight is for anybody to get the impression that you are uncivilized, unmannered little brats!" Lady Lara rolled her eyes with exasperation. "Teenagers. Really." She yanked her hand away from Yaten's arm. "Report to the front row of the left side. The other Knights will seat you." Seiya muttered under her breath as she and the other girls strode down the crowded hall. "If I have to sit next to Lady Lara, I'm going to kill myself." "Watch your tone," Taiki said sharply. "This place is crawling with dignitaries. And most of them don't like you to begin with." The girls wove their way through a crowd of mingling government officials and diplomats. Seiya knew that many of them were not pleased about the presence of the three girls at this ceremony. In fact, most of them were displeased with the girls, period. It was one thing to entrust the fate of the Kinmoku kingdom to a group of young adolescent girls. It was another thing entirely if the girls in question had not been born into noble bloodlines. There was a constant undercurrent of fear among the people of Kinmoku; many expected Galaxia to strike at any moment. There was a great deal of pressure on the Sailor Starlights (as they had been dubbed by Anya and Kuno, who personally oversaw their training). The entire kingdom was investing their trust on the three nobodies who had suddenly entered the intergalactic headlines one year ago. If they failed to protect Kinmoku . . . "Ignore them," Yaten whispered acidly under her breath as several passing governors shot the girls dirty looks. "They're just jealous. They resent the fact that we're Sailor Senshi." Finally reaching the designated row, the girls were steered toward their seats by one of the Knights. "We're at the end of the row?" Seiya asked as the Knight pointed at her seat. "Yes. In case anything happens," she said coldly. Taiki plopped down next to Seiya, and slipped her shoes back on. "Do they really think that something is going to happen?" she pondered aloud as the Knight walked away. Yaten ignored Taiki's question, as she focused on scanning the crowd for familiar faces. "Would you just look at Kuno and Anya," she giggled, pointing down the row at the pair in question. The hulking, hairy Kuno was standing next to his seat, looking extremely uncomfortable in his splendid tuxedo. Anya stood next to him, lecturing him sternly about something or another as she adjusted his bowtie. Kuno noticed the girls staring at him, and shot them a icy glare. Quickly, the girls averted their eyes. "Did you get an eyeful of Lady Anya? I mean, wow," Seiya commented. "She looks . . . hot." "Yeah," agreed Yaten, even though there was a twinge of jealousy in her voice. Like the other Knights, Anya was wearing her formal green gown that left her shoulders and back bare. Her hair was done up in an elaborate coif, with carefully curled stray strands framing her face and neck. For once, she appeared to be wearing makeup. "Neither the Knights nor the guards look prepared for a combat situation," Taiki observed. "They sure have a lot of faith in us, don't they?" Yaten shook her head. "Anya said that security was going to be beefed up, remember? If anybody sounds an alarm, there are over three dozen guards who are supposed to be waiting just outside the hall." "Do you honestly think that a measly three dozen guards are going to stop Sailor Galaxia?" "No, but . . . It's for the best. At least the audience feels safe." Seiya stared at her hands in her lap. "Have you really given it any thought, though? What if Galaxia attacks us again? Maybe not tonight, but tomorrow night, or the night after that, or . . . Are we really ready to face her? After just a year of training?" "The last time Galaxia was spotted, she was all the way over in the Coronis system," Yaten stated, but even she sounded unsure of herself. "Besides, she wouldn't plan an attack tonight. It would be suicidal. The Princess has never been more heavily-guarded." "Heightened security doesn't matter," Taiki said solemnly. "That won't stop her. You know that." Seiya looked from one girl to the other, then shrugged. "Aw, why worry? I'm sorry that I brought it up. We should be enjoying tonight. And if Galaxia strikes, then we fight her. Just like we practiced. We've been training day in and day out for a year; if that's not enough, then . . . We'll just have to do our best. Right?" "We can't fail," Yaten said flatly. "If we fail . . ." Taiki began. "We *can't* fail," Yaten repeated. "We won't fail," Seiya said definitively. "Shhh! It's starting," Taiki whispered as the crowd around them hushed. The last few stragglers took their seats, and a solemn silence descended upon the hall. The Prime Minister rose from his seat and stood at the podium, resplendent in his ceremonial robes. He spoke at length about some long and boring subject that Seiya pretty much ignored completely. After he had finished speaking and the audience had applauded politely, the Prime Minister made a great show out of introducing the members of the Ruling Council that would be stepping aside after the ceremony was complete. Among them were Lady Anya and Lady Lara, who stood and bowed when the Prime Minister mentioned their names. "This is . . . so . . . boring . . ." Seiya muttered under her breath as the Prime Minister droned on and on. "Maybe the Princess will be here soon," Taiki whispered hopefully. No sooner had she uttered the words than the doors at the entrance to the hall swung inward, and a procession of elaborately- uniformed guards marched into the midst of the ceremony. Trailing behind the guards, Princess Kakyuu glided serenely down the center of the hall. She was wearing a dress that Seiya had never seen before, and she had to admit that it was quite lovely. A blue, white, and creamy orange bodice; silken skirts of ruby-red flower petals that trailed on the ground behind her as she walked; and gauzy over-sized sleeves of sheer pink material completed the outfit. The bodice completely covered the princess's breasts, but left her shoulders and collarbone completely bare. Her flaming red hair was tied into two circular odangos on each side of her head, and the long red tresses behind her ears flowed down her back and stopped just a few inches above the floor. A blue ribbon was tied around her neck in the shape of a butterfly; the extra lengths of the ribbon trailed down the front of her chest and ended just past her waist. Kakyuu kept her eyes focused on the guards straight in front of her, but as she passed the three girls she shifted her eyes ever so slightly. Seiya caught her eye and winked cheerfully. "Congratulations," she mouthed silently. In response, Kakyuu gave a tiny smile that lasted barely a second. Then she averted her eyes and continued her graceful glide toward the Prime Minister. "Not much for words anymore, is she?" Yaten murmured quietly. Ever since the night that Queen Maresuu had died, Kakyuu had become a different person. She was quiet, refined, and soft-spoken. Seiya had recognized early on that Kakyuu was attempting to become just like her late mother. She knew that Kakyuu rarely lost her composure anymore, and when she did, it was always in private and never in public. And she never became angry anymore. She might cry softly, she might act coldly toward a person who had displeased her, but she never threw the temper tantrums that she used to as a child. Admittedly, Seiya missed the old Princess Kakyuu. She had loved the daring, outspoken, vivacious girl who had been her best friend and confidant. But the new Kakyuu . . . < . . . I think . . . Yes. I love her too. > She did still love Princess Kakyuu. It had taken her almost a year to realize that, but it was true nevertheless. Underneath the unnatural calm that surrounded the Princess, she was still the same person. She was still warm and affectionate, and still had a spine of steel hidden behind her soft-spoken mannerisms. The way that she had taken charge of her kingdom and not allowed herself to be overwhelmed by fear of Sailor Galaxia proved that she was still daring and outgoing, if just a bit more restrained in public. Seiya knew that the Princess's present attitude had begun largely as a coping mechanism, an ineffective way of dealing with her mother's death. But over time, it had developed into something else . . . Kakyuu reached the podium as the rows of guards in front of her parted and filed to the sides of the hall. Kakyuu knelt in front of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister made a great show out of unveiling Kakyuu's crown. Identical to her mother's, it was a three-cornered black headpiece adorned with gold trimming, embedded with jewels, and adorned with clusters of olive blossoms. The crowd oohed and aahed. "Looks rather silly, if you ask me," muttered Yaten. Holding the crown reverently in his hands, the Prime Minister launched into another lofty and pompous speech. Seiya was glad to notice that hers weren't the only eyes glazing over in the crowd. Finally, the Prime Minister once again concluded his speech. "Kakyuu of the house of Olibidia, one thousand and second Princess of the Royal House of Kinmoku, will you accept the throne of our illustrious kingdom?" "I accept," said Kakyuu softly. "Then I crown thee," intoned the Prime Minister as he lowered the crown to her head, "And declare thee Queen Mother of the Kinmoku Kingdom." Kakyuu straightened up slowly, as the crown settled upon her head. Then she turned, faced the crowd, and bowed deeply. "Thank you," she said. The crowd broke into wild applause. Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki were the first to leap out of their seats, jumping up and down and cheering Kakyuu as she smiled and waved. Seconds later, the rest of the applauding crowd stood up and began vocally cheering at the Princess. Flushing slightly, Kakyuu grinned at the crowd and the television cameras. The hall thundered with clapping and cheering. The Princess was positively glowing. thought Seiya as she applauded enthusiastically. After nearly ten minutes, the cheering gradually died down. The crowd once again took their seats, and the applause died out. Giving one last glowing smile, Kakyuu swept herself up to the podium and stood beside the Prime Minister. "Do you have a few words for us, my Queen?" he asked. "Yes," said Kakyuu quickly. While she pulled the microphone down to her height, the Prime Minister sat down in his chair beside the podium. The hall fell silent. Kakyuu cleared her throat. The whole world was waiting for her to speak. And finally, she began. "I--" That was as far as she ever got. There was a flash of searing blue light, a sharp cracking sound, and a sudden gust of wind. The crowd broke into a roar of shock and surprise. A few even screamed. And, suddenly, a woman was standing in the center of the hall. A woman with short-cropped blond hair, a sky-blue skirt and blouse, thigh-high blue boots, a blue sailor collar, and golden bracelets on her wrists. There was not a single person in the crowd who didn't recognize her instantly for what she was. A Sailor Animate. And all hell broke loose. "No . . ." Kakyuu whispered, eyes widening with horror. "THEY'RE HERE!" Anya screamed as she and the other Knights leapt toward Kakyuu. "GUARDS! SUMMON THE GUARDS!!!" roared Kuno as he charged over the guests sitting in front of him and made a beeline for the Animate. The guards at the sides of the hall surged forward. Seiya leapt up from her chair and began screaming at the guards. "NO! DON'T GO NEAR HER!" But it was too late. The Animate grinned, licked her lips, and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her bracelets flashed. The guards surrounding her crumpled. The Knights advanced blindly upon the woman, only to meet the same fate in a blinding flash of golden light. Panic swept through the crowd as more and more people started screaming. The guests began surging toward the emergency exits at the sides of the halls. In their rush, they began trampling and slamming into each other. "They're getting this all on national television . . . " groaned Taiki. Yaten cracked her knuckles. Loudly. "You guys ready?" "Ready as we'll ever be." "Let's do it." "Right!" "Fighter Star Power, MAKE UP!" "Maker Star Power, MAKE UP!" "Healer Star Power, MAKE UP!" And from the podium, one final cry that resounded over the roar of the hysterical crowd: "Kinmoku Planet Power, MAKE UP!" * * * * * * Kuno leapt over the last row of seats and grabbed a sword from one of the fallen guards. It took him a moment to recognize the corpse. Barou. Damn. One of his better lieutenants. Beside him, Anya was unsheathing a sword from the body of another guard. "Think you can take her on while wearing a tux?" she teased. Kuno did not think that it was any time to be joking. He shrugged off his formal jacket and ripped off his bowtie. At least he could breathe, now. "I will defeat her," he growled resolutely. "Be careful," said Anya as she pulled off her heeled shoes. Kuno had the distinct impression that she was giving him a command. Kuno noticed out of the corner of his eye that his young charges were transforming. Good. He wouldn't need to stall for long. As the last members of the crowd streamed out the exits and the last of the guards crumpled at the Animate's feet, Kuno raised his sword and pointed it at the woman's chest. "You, there! Who are you, one who dares to threaten Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother of Kinmoku?" The Animate bowed. "Greetings. I am Sailor Theta, a servant of Her Royal Highness, the true Queen of the Galaxy, Sailor Galaxia." "An Animate," Anya sneered with contempt. "One who has defiled the sanctity of her Sailor Crystal. I will not enjoy fighting you. You are not a worthy opponent." Theta smirked. "Brave words for such a foolish woman. I could kill both of you with a flick of my wrists. End the duel before it even starts. But where would be the fun in that? I promise you a sound and thorough DEFEAT," she snarled as the leapt toward Kuno, extending her clawed nails. Kuno was ready. He defended himself expertly with the sword. He danced backward; she lunged forward; again, he dodged; again, she lunged forward. The dance of the dueling partners continued until Kuno finally saw what the Sailor Senshi were planning to do as he glanced over Sailor Theta's shoulder. Casting her a coldly triumphant smile, he leapt out of the way of her claws. "COWARD!" she screamed as Kuno practically scrambled away from her. "What are you running from?! Are you SCARED?!" The Animate was so intent upon taunting Kuno that she did not notice what was going on behind her back, at the other end of the hall. "Star Sensitive INFERNO!" "Star Gentle UTERUS!" Blue lightning and violet rays hurtled across the hall and slammed into the Animate, enveloping her in a vortex of energy-draining pyrokinetics. She screamed and stumbled backward, caught completely off-guard. Hissing with rage, she whirled to face her assailants. Fighter, Maker, and Healer were gathered in a small cluster around Sailor Kinmoku. "Would you care to take on some *real* competition?" asked Fighter with a taunting smirk. Theta narrowed her eyes. "Really? All four of you together?" Then her eyes grew hard and cold. "How utterly foolish of you. How perfect." Inexplicably, she nodded her head. Healer's eyes widened as she suddenly knew . . . FELT . . . what was about to happen. But it was too late. The floor around the girls cracked and split open. Streams of dark energy shot out of the cracks, surrounding and enveloping the screaming girls and, abruptly the screams and black light vanished. The dust settled, and the hall fell silent. Anya's eyes widened with dawning horror. "Where did you send them?" she asked the Animate. "To meet my Queen. She's waited over a year for a chat with those four Sailor Senshi," Theta explained calmly as she raised her arms in front of her chest. "And as for you, man, you who distracted me . . . You will pay dearly for that. I will crush your Star Seed so that is never born again," she laughed as her bracelets flashed. "KUNO!" Anya screamed his name as she threw herself forward, reaching for his hand. Stunned, the burly guard stood his ground and never once even thought of moving. Anya grasped his large hand in hers, and pulled backward with all her might . . . but she was suddenly repelled, sent flying backward across the hall as liquid amber light surrounded the Captain of the Guards. Anya slammed into the nearest wall; after a moment, she began to slump forward limply. Kuno crumpled; Anya crumpled; and Kuno's Star Seed floated lazily into Sailor Theta's outstretched hand. "This is the fate that awaits those who challenge me," she said coldly as she crushed the Star Seed in her hand. The fragile crystal cracked, began bending inward . . . and finally shattered. Anya stumbled away from the wall that her body had slammed into, wiping blood from her mouth. "You . . . you bitch . . ." she growled as she lurched toward the Animate. Sailor Theta stood over Kuno's fallen body, clenching the shattered remains of his Star Seed in her fist. "Oh? And do you wish to challenge me too, now? You're such a fool. Did you not just see? Did not I just show you what happens to those who defy me?" Theta suddenly paused, looking thoughtful. "Or was he . . . a friend of yours? Yes, that must be it. I can see it in your eyes. Maybe even more than a friend? If that's the case, then it's only right for you to duel in his honor. But of course, you will lose." "I will not lose." Theta unclenched her hand, contemptuously wiping it clean on her skirts. "Very well. We will duel. Choose your weapon." Anya knelt down and picked up her sword. "I have chosen," she said coldly. Emotionlessly. Theta bent over and pulled the sword from Kuno's hand. "And so have I." She raised her sword and assumed a combat-ready stance. "Shall we begin?" * * * * * * "Welcome to my throne," Sailor Galaxia greeted the four very disoriented Senshi who suddenly popped into existence right in front of her. Sailor Kinmoku took an involuntary step backward as the Starlights scrambled in front of her, as if they were attempting to shield her from Galaxia's icy glare. "You're really her. Sailor Galaxia," Kinmoku gasped. "And you're the princess who defeated Stone Croco," Galaxia replied flatly. Kinmoku raised her chin defiantly. "I am no longer a princess. As of this moment, I am the Queen Mother of Kinmoku. And I am also a Sailor Senshi, one who shall defeat you." "Funny. How would it be possible for you to be either a princess or a queen, if your kingdom no longer existed?" "You can't destroy Kinmoku. Not if I defeat you first," Sailor Kinmoku challenged the Golden Queen. Galaxia cast her eyes contemptuously over the three Senshi in front of the princess. "And these are . . . your guardians? Yes, I heard about that. Artificially induced Sailor Crystals, but still just as genuine as the real thing. I was surprised that your mother planned this far ahead. It's unfortunate . . . some people just *can't* wait for nature to take its course." "That's an interesting statement, coming from someone who constantly spouts survivalist dogma," commented Maker icily. At that, Galaxia threw back her head and laughed. "You're right. This is nothing more than survival of the fittest, isn't it? And I am the most powerful Sailor Senshi in the galaxy. It's only fitting that I should be the one to collect all the Sailor Crystals and Star Seeds within the galaxy." "If the news reports are true," Fighter began slowly, "And you really *do* have the power to wipe out an entire world in a matter of minutes . . . then, why don't you?" "The Star Seeds of the Kinmoku Kingdom are still safe. I can still feel them," Healer added. "Are you toying with us, Galaxia?" "Yes. I want to make this as much fun as possible. For me." There was an unmistakable note of glee in her voice. "I have a proposition for you. There are four planets in the Kinmoku Kingdom. And there are four Sailor Senshi in front of me. Very well. You shall fight me. Every time that one of you is defeated, your corresponding planet will be destroyed. And when all four of you are down, you will surrender your Sailor Crystals to me. I think that's a fair fight, don't you?" "Do we have to approach you one-by-one, or can we fight together?" asked Sailor Kinmoku suspiciously. Galaxia shrugged. "You may fight together, if you wish. It doesn't matter. The four of you combined will not be able to defeat me." Fighter turned her head and addressed Sailor Kinmoku. "We don't have a choice, anyway." Kinmoku cast her eyes downward and spoke in a soft whisper. "Hmm. That's right . . . Fine. When I count to three, I want you to jump out of the way and try to flank her. I'll zap her enough to make her angry. If all goes well, she'll try to attack me in return. Then I want you to attack her. All three of you, at the same time. If she gets caught in the crossfire, she'll be vulnerable. Expend all the energy that you can; I'll move in for the kill. Understand?" "Yes." "Right." "Understood." Sailor Kinmoku once again raised her chin and locked eyes with Sailor Galaxia. "We accept your challenge," she proclaimed loudly. Then, without giving Galaxia a moment to respond, she held out her hands in front of her. "OnetwoTHREE!!" The Starlights leapt away from their princess as she cried out, "KINMOKU FUSION TEMPEST!" A hurricane of red flowers whirled toward Sailor Galaxia, who widened her eyes in surprise as the flowers surrounded her. "Pitiful," she snarled as she waved the flowers away with a flick of her wrist. "Is that the best you can do? I'm disappointed. But then again, your Sailor Crystal will make a perfect addition to my collection." Galaxia thrust herself forward, threw her arms in front of her, and hurtled toward the ruby-haired Senshi as her bracelets flashed. "DIE!" she screamed. "Star Serious LASER!" "Star Gentle UTERUS!" "Star Sensitive INFERNO!" Sailor Kinmoku dodged the golden beams that shot from Galaxia's bracelets, leaping gracefully into the air and landing a few feet behind the spot where she had previously been standing. As for Galaxia, the combined strength of the Starlight's attacks had stopped her in her tracks. But that was about the extent of the damage. Forced to halt her relentless charge forward, Galaxia had merely stood her ground, absorbing the attacks with a bored expression on her face. Most of the dancing lightning, whirling pyrokinetics, and flashing rays didn't even appear to touch her body. Fighter's eyes widened with horror. "Impossible . . ." Galaxia slowly turned her head to face Fighter, a smile forming on her lips. "Do you . . . wish to have a taste of your own medicine?" She held out a hand in front of her, and a glowing ball of electric blue energy began to form, hovering above her palm. "You're as good as dead, anyway." Fighter stood her ground. Her feet were spread apart, her fists clenched into balls of rage, and her upper lip curled back in a snarl. "I haven't been defeated yet!" she spat at Galaxia. Galaxia didn't even respond to Fighter's last words. She smiled maliciously, flicked her wrist, and sent to ball of light hurtling toward the defiant Senshi. Blue light slammed into Fighter's body, and she screamed. Suddenly, there was a lot of blood. Blue light raced around Fighter's body, piercing her flesh and creating crimson-colored gashes in her skin. Her screams of pain died out in a matter of seconds. Her knees buckled underneath her. Her back arched, the muscles drawn taught by nerves in the throes of agonizing pain. The blood didn't stop coming; it began flowing in rivulets down Fighter's Sailor fuku. The light raced around her; tearing through her body, ripping her apart and draining her energy with every drop of blood spilled. "FIGHTER!!!" Sailor Kinmoku screamed hoarsely as the first tears began to blur her vision. As quickly as it had started, it was all over. The light vanished. Fighter's body seemed to collapse weakly upon itself. She slumped forward, and finally crumpled to the ground. Her body hit the floor with a dull thud. Silence enveloped Galaxia's dimension. Three comrades stood in a frozen tableau, staring at the fallen Senshi. Galaxia stood in the center of them, grinning triumphantly. Finally, a voice broke the silence. "You . . . witch . . ." It was Sailor Star Healer. Galaxia turned to face the petite Senshi. "Oh. You just felt it, didn't you? The death of her guardian planet. The screams of the dying make lovely music, don't they? It's a symphony of pain, death, and suffering, the likes of which can only be heard by a few individuals in the galaxy. You should consider yourself privileged, to be able to hear such beautiful music." Sailor Kinmoku looked from one to the other as tears of hopelessness slid down her cheeks. It took every ounce of her willpower to keep her voice calm and level. "Healer, is that true? Did she already destroy the Colony?" "Yes. I don't know how she did it, but . . . yes." Maker shook her head slowly. "No . . . No, that can't be right . . . She's here, with us . . . She can't be in two places at once . . ." Galaxia turned again, this time facing Sailor Star Maker. "You still doubt my strength? I can summon powers from a great distance, powers the likes of which you can hardly begin to imagine. Perhaps a demonstration will lay your doubts to rest." "NO!" Sailor Kinmoku screamed again. But it was too late. Galaxia hurled another ball of energy at Maker. She screamed as it slammed into her; droplets of blood flew into the air as her body was systematically torn apart by slashing beams of light. In a matter of seconds, Maker had collapsed. Healer pressed her hands to her ears. "No, please . . . make it stop . . . the whole Colony is screaming . . . make it stop . . . " "My pleasure," Galaxia smirked. A flash of blue light. A splatter of blood. A dull thud as a third body hit the ground. And then, silence. * * * * * * Anya lunged forward with her sword, avoiding the bodies littering the floor without even consciously thinking about it. Theta danced backward and parried her thrust. From the sudden widening of Theta's eyes, Anya could tell that she was surprised by the skill of Anya's attack. "You just might prove yourself to be a worthy opponent after all," Theta complimented as she switched to an offensive stance. "I'm impressed." "My goal is not to impress you," Anya growled as she narrowly avoided Theta's sword. Kuno's sword. Kuno's sword in Sailor Theta's hand. Anya hated being on the defensive. Throwing herself forward, she lunged toward Sailor Theta. Again. And again. And again. Anya watched Theta's face carefully as she continued her ruthless assault. Fear flickered across the Animate's face as she momentarily lost her composure, overwhelmed by the speed of Anya's attacks. Anger swam in her eyes. With one final blow, Anya smashed Kuno's sword out of Sailor Theta's hand and sent it clattering across the floor of the hall. As Theta's eyes widened in shock, Anya thrust her leg upward in a powerful kick. There was a satisfying smack as her foot made contact with the Animate's stomach, and the evil woman fell backward with an indignant cry of pain and outrage. Sailor Theta landed on her rump and remained there, bending over slightly, holding her stomach, and wincing with pain. Anya stepped forward and pointed her sword at the Animate's throat. "If you surrender, I promise that I will end this quickly. It's more than you deserve, anyway." Theta snarled. "I will not be defeated by the likes of you, a woman who holds nought but a measly Star Seed." Slowly, painfully, she raised her golden bracelets --- Anya kicked her again, this time in the chest. She could feel ribs crack. The Animate screamed in pain and doubled over. "Better to have a Star Seed than to have nothing at all. And you're far too slow to try that trick on me. You were a fool to ever challenge me to a duel on fair terms. It's your own damn fault that you're in the position that you are now." Theta's body trembled with pain. She raised her head and squinted at Anya's face. "Mercy . . ." she begged weakly as blood dribbled out the side of her mouth. Anya drew her sword back. "This is for Kuno," she said as she swung downward. Sailor Theta's head rolled across the floor as her decapitated body slumped into an undignified heap. Alone in the great hall, Anya wiped the bloody sword on her formal gown. She knew that she was ruining her dress, but she didn't care. she pondered wryly. Anya quickly suppressed her swelling feelings of joy. It was at that moment her empathic senses felt the first Colony being destroyed. * * * * * * Galaxia finally turned away from Healer's body and faced the last remaining Sailor Senshi. "Sailor Kinmoku. Will you surrender your Sailor Crystal to me, or will we have to do things the hard way?" Sailor Kinmoku clenched her teeth together, forcing herself to maintain her composure. If she started crying, then it would all be over. "I will not surrender," she said evenly. "Have it your way," Galaxia shrugged as she hurtled a final ball of light toward Sailor Kinmoku. The pain was incredible. Sailor Kinmoku sucked in her breath as the light slammed into her and the world dissolved in a blaze of searing blue brilliance. It felt as though a thousand knives were slashing into her flesh. She could feel her energy draining out of her body. Suddenly, her legs felt like lead. She was weary, bleeding, and wracked with pain. Her legs could no longer hold her up . . . she began to sink to her knees . . . But although her mind screamed in protest, her body could no longer remain upright. As Sailor Kinmoku finally collapsed to the ground, she could already hear the screams of the people on her dying planet. * * * * * * Anya knelt next to Kuno's body, pulling him close to her so that his head rested on her lap. "The Colonies have all been destroyed," she whispered softly to him. "That means that we're next, right? They've failed. Kuno . . . Kuno, I'm so sorry . . . After all that work, all that training, all that wishing and praying and hoping . . . it was all for nothing . . . You and I, and those three girls, and the princess, and the Queen, and everybody . . . in the end, we all amount to nothing . . ." She could feel it, beginning on the opposite hemisphere of the planet of Kinmoku. A wave of lightning that would circle the globe, ripping the Star Seeds of any person that it touched. Within a matter of seconds, it would pass through the royal palace. "Maybe someday, Kuno . . . Maybe someday, there will be Sailor Senshi on a distant world that will be able to defeat Sailor Galaxia. I just wish . . . I wish that we could have stopped her . . ." She bent her torso forward, bringing herself close to his body. "At least I won't have to miss you for very long," she murmured fondly as she caressed his face. When Anya Cerise Wil Galune died moments later, she was embracing the body of Kuno Saotomei. * * * * * * < . . . warm light . . . it feels good . . . > <> <> <> Kakyuu opened her eyes and looked around dreamily. She was no longer in her Senshi fuku. Instead, she was wearing the same robes that she had been wearing when she was crowned Queen Mother of Kinmoku. The world was nothing but warm white light. It surrounded her body, penetrating her weary flesh and infusing her with a curious sort of strength. If she didn't know better, she could have sworn that she had just heard the voices of the Sailor Starlights inside her head. "Are you the Queen of Kinmoku?" Kakyuu shook her head. "No. No, I'm not the Queen of Kinmoku. There is no more Kinmoku Kingdom. Galaxia has destroyed it. Because I couldn't defend my kingdom, I don't deserve to be called a Queen." "Fair enough. But you are still a Sailor Senshi, and still of the royal blood of Kinmoku. If you will not be a Queen, then you will be a Princess forever. And as a royal Princess of Kinmoku, you have the responsibility to see that your people are avenged." Kakyuu squinted her eyes, trying to see who was speaking to her. She could barely make out the shape of a woman . . . with long, flowing hair . . . and . . . odangos? Odangos on top of her head? "Who are you?" she asked. An ethereal finger pressed lightly Kakyuu's lips. "Hush. Don't ask silly questions. We don't have much time together. I have a new mission for you." "A mission?" "There is one way, and only one way, to defeat Sailor Galaxia. There is a weapon that is capable of destroying her. It is the Light of Hope, an ancient relic that used to belong to the most powerful Sailor Senshi in the galaxy - the legendary Sailor Senshi that sealed Chaos. You must find the Light of Hope, and use it to defeat Galaxia." "But where should I look?" "I cannot say." "How can I accept this mission? I can't escape from Galaxia. She's about to kill me. There's no way." "Galaxia's dimension is twisted, and it will be difficult for you to leave her realm. But it can be done. If you combine your powers with your guardian Senshi, then it can be done." "Galaxia won't be happy about that. She'll hunt me down." "Then you must be careful that she does not find you." Kakyuu's mind began racing. "We . . the Sailor Senshi and I . . . will need to separate ourselves. Galaxia will be angry, but she won't waste time dealing with multiple moving targets. If I can search without the aid of my guardian Senshi, it will at least buy me some time. For a moment, Kakyuu had the distinct impression that the faceless woman was pleased. "You will make an excellent leader someday," she said. "But are you sure that you can do this alone, without the support and companionship of your guardian Senshi?" "No. No, I'm not sure. But . . . I can't feel it right now, but I know that I'm injured. Badly. I can run, but I won't be able to fight anybody or anything for a long time. If the Senshi are attacked by one of Galaxia's minions, I will just be a burden. I can't do that to them. I can't burden them like that. I have no other choice, do I?" "Very well. It is your right to make this decision. But I cannot guarantee that your guardian Senshi will agree with your judgement in this matter." Kakyuu bowed, because she felt that it was the only appropriate thing to do. "Thank you," she whispered softly as the woman faded before her eyes. When she raised her head out of her bow, she was once again standing in front of Sailor Galaxia. She was back in her Sailor fuku, and her body was covered in bleeding gashes. But strangely, her pain and weariness seemed to have vanished. Galaxia was visibly startled. "Oh, my. The little Princess managed to stand up again. How remarkable. But unfortunately, also quite pointless. Your kingdom is gone, Sailor Kinmoku. There's nothing left for you to defend, and there's nowhere left for you to run. You might as well surrender, and save yourself any unnecessary pain. It was part of our deal, anyway." "We'll never give up!" Kakyuu cried out defiantly as she planted her feet firmly on the ground. Quickly, she surveyed the bodies of the Starlights. Out cold, but not dead. Galaxia had been waiting until all four of them were defeated before she was going to steal their Sailor Crystals. "Fighter! Healer! Maker! Get up - We have to get out of here!" Galaxia threw back her head and laughed. "Escape from MY realm? Nobody has ever escaped from my dimension before!" Slowly, Fighter began pushing herself upright. "P-Princess? Did you call?" she asked as she stood up, an expression of bewilderment on her face. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" Maker inquired pragmatically as she stumbled toward Sailor Kinmoku, wincing with pain but obviously trying not to show it. "My head feels like it was hit by a ton of bricks," grumbled Healer as stood upright. "Wonderful. I'm going to have a headache for weeks." Galaxia narrowed her eyes, staring icily at Sailor Kinmoku. "You didn't." Sailor Kinmoku smiled as her Senshi gathered around her. "I did." It was the most vindictively satisfying thought that Sailor Kinmoku had for years. But she quickly shook her head, pushing the pleasant thought aside. It was time to focus on the task at hand. "Listen," she said as the Starlights surrounded her. "I know that you're hurt, and badly, but we absolutely need to have enough energy to pull off one last miracle. If we can engage in a Sailor Teleport, then we can get out of here." Galaxia laughed again. "Sailor Teleport?! It will never work. You will never be able to access any location that you choose to teleport to, not from within this twisted space. It's impossible." "Not if . . . Not if we don't try to teleport to any specific location . . ." Maker began slowly. Fighter nodded. "Right. It's just like we practiced during all those training sessions . . . only we can't visualize any particular arrival point." "Wait a minute. What if we end up in the vacuum of space, or in the center of a black hole or something?" Healer asked. "What then?!" "We're not any more dead than we are if we stay here," Fighter shrugged as she reached for Maker's and Kinmoku's hands. "Princess, do we really have a new mission?" Sailor Kinmoku's eyes grew mournful. "Yes, but . . . I have to go alone . . . I cannot let you come with me." "WHAT?!?!" "I can't explain right now. But . . . But I do have some last orders for you. Don't give up hope. Don't let Galaxia find you. Just run, and stay alive. That's the most important thing right now. And I promise that you and I will find each other again, someday." The four Sailor Senshi were now standing in a circle, holding hands. Sailor Kinmoku passed her eyes over her three guardians, trying to quell the nervous twitching in her stomach. They looked confused, lost, bewildered, and . . . hurt. Very hurt by her words. But as much as she wanted to, she could not afford time to comfort them. She sensed that Galaxia was about to catch on to their plan. "Are you ready?" she asked the Sailor Starlights. "We're ready," Fighter responded. "You're joking," Galaxia snarled. But she suddenly tensed her body, and began to raise her arms in front of her chest. "I'll finish you off before you get a chance to start your suicidal --- " "SAILOR . . . . . . . . TELEPORT!" Four voices cried out in unison, and four columns of light illuminated Galaxia's realm. Red, blue, violet, and green. And before an enraged and startled Sailor Galaxia could even activate her bracelets, the Sailor Senshi had vanished. That was Sailor Kinmoku's last thought as she ripped her hands away from Fighter and Healer, and soared across the cosmos in a streak of ruby-red light. * * * * * * Floating silently in the infinite void of deep space, four lifeless balls of rock orbited a small yellow star. The star was young, and would burn brilliantly for eons into the future. But in the end, the billions of years of health and prosperity ahead of the star amounted to nothing. There was no life for it to nourish, no civilizations to worship it, no more reason for it to continue giving precious heat and light to the planets that orbited it. And because there was nobody left in the system to weep for the dead, the star mourned silently. It was the only thing that it could do. The star mourned, but continued to burn. And it waited, suspended in the vacuum of space - waited, for many, many years, before life returned to its system and the people of Kinmoku once again began to rebuild their civilization. But that's too far ahead in our story to worry about. For the moment, all the star could do was weep silently and continue to shine, an eternal beacon for any wanderers that might someday wish to return to their home . . . * * * * * * Sailor Star Fighter blinked as she surveyed her surroundings, mind whirling with confusion. "Where are we?!" she asked, an edge of panic in her voice. "Space," Maker answered calmly. "Look," Healer indicated as she brought her arm in a graceful arc around her body. "It's some sort of bubble." The three Sailor Starlights were indeed huddled together inside a transparent bubble, floating serenely in the empty void of deep space. In the distance, stars twinkled invitingly. "There's air in here?" asked Fighter thickly. "Yes. And pressure too, apparently," Maker answered patiently. "Someone Up There must really be looking out for us," Healer commented with a strange smile on her lips. "How else do you explain it?" " 'We are but children of the cosmos, and family always looks out for one another,' " quoted Maker. "An anonymous poet from the classical age of Kinmoku literature." Fighter pulled her knees up to her chest. "Kinmoku is gone," she said quietly. "Yes. We know." "Then we've failed," Fighter concluded woefully. Healer shook her head. "No. We haven't failed. We're still here together, and we're still alive. And we can still fight Galaxia. We will fight Galaxia again. And someday, we are going to defeat her." Despite herself, Fighter actually began to smile. "Somehow, I get the impression that you're hungry for revenge." "Oh yes. Of course." "You always were the bitchy one," Maker said flatly. Healer bowed. "Why thank you." Maker narrowed her eyes. "I can't believe you two. How can you be joking at a time like this?!" "If you want to know the honest truth," began Fighter slowly, "It's because if I don't joke about it . . . If I let myself really start thinking about . . . about what just happened . . . about everybody who died . . . about everybody who's gone . . ." Her voice broke, and she struggled to maintain her composure. "I think . . . That I'm going to have a nervous breakdown . . ." "Get a hold of yourself," Healer snapped. "This is no time for mourning. We can do that later. Right now we need to figure out what to do next. We need to get moving before Galaxia can pinpoint our location again." "Search for the Princess, stay alive, and run from Galaxia. That's easier said than done," muttered Fighter, her voice once again level. "Where should we start?" "The nearest system to Kinmoku that has not yet been touched by Galaxia is the Jurai kingdom," stated Maker. "It's as good a place as any to start our mission." "Should we teleport there?" At the very thought of another teleport, Fighter felt her stomach grown queasy. "Of course. There's no other way to get there from here . . . wherever 'here' is . . . But not for a while. I hardly have any energy left myself," said Healer as she suppressed a yawn. "There's no way that we can pull off another Sailor Teleport. We need sleep first." Maker raised an eyebrow. "Um, sleep?" "Yes, sleep. Do you have any better ideas?" Maker rolled her eyes. "No, I suppose not." "Then it's settled." Healer flopped her head into Maker's chest. "Hold still - you make a good pillow," she commanded bossily. Maker sighed with resignation, then leaned against the wall of the strange bubble and closed her eyes. "You're lucky that I'm too tired to punch you," she muttered to Healer. But Sailor Star Healer was already fast asleep, breathing quietly and evenly. Fighter leaned against the other side of the bubble, opposite Maker. She stared at her companions as she pondered their peculiarities. They were both covered in bloody wounds, and both must have been in incredible pain. Just like Fighter was at that very moment. But none of three of them were willing to admit to the pain . . . just that they were tired, and nothing more . . . Fighter closed her eyes, but couldn't get rid of the images that danced beneath her eyelids. Kuno. Anya. Queen Maresuu. The Knights, the guards, and the servants that she had befriended in the palace. Her older brothers. Her father. Jena. Her mother . . . Unbidden, a tear slid down Fighter's cheek. She opened her eyes again, and stared at Maker and Healer. "Do you think that we'll ever find Princess Kakyuu again, or is she gone forever, too?" Fighter asked her companions. But she received no response - they were both fast asleep. And despite everything, Fighter's face broke into a wide grin. "At least I'll always have you guys, right? Like you said, Maker, we're just children of the cosmos now. Shooting stars without a home and without a destination. I guess that all we have is each other, right?" It wasn't the most pleasant thought in the world, but it was a strangely comforting thought nevertheless. Fighter sighed with contentment as she slumped back against the skin of the bubble and closed her eyes again. Fighter's thoughts slipped away as she fell into a deep sleep. Nearly two thousand light years away from the tiny rural planet called Earth, three weary wanderers slept as they drifted lazily through space. Guided by the hand of Fate and the energy of their own eternally shining Sailor Crystals, the three were heading toward an adventure and a destiny beyond their wildest imaginations. THE END