------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book One, Chapter Two - "When Destiny Calls" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- It would take many, many years for me to accept my family's deaths, but the calm of the forest made me forget those worries...for awhile. I was a kid again, the way it should've been before everything was stolen from me. The terrors and responsibilities I carried were pushed behind in my mind for two of the seven years I spent in the forest. The only way I survived was by my two best friends; Seiya and Mina. "Catch me if you can!" Young Serena laughed as she skipped between the tall trees of the Tulb forest. She skidded to the left and hid behind a tall tree. She stifled her laughter as she heard someone scurry by. She began to go around the other way, but was stopped. "BOO!" Seiya yelled as he popped up. Serena squealed and turned around, only to be caught in the arms of someone else. "Aha! Got you!" "No fair Mina!" Serena pouted, as she looked up at her friend. From a distance you could very well confuse the one for the other. Mina had long blonde hair as Serena, although hers was tied half back with a large red bow. Her eyes were the color of a Robin's egg, and the slightest sign of freckles darted across her nose and under her eyes. Mina was the daughter of the blacksmith, Andrew Lophen, and lived next door to Seiya and Serena. "Nice try, Rena." Seiya said, calling her by the name she was now known by. Maxxel thought it too dangerous for her to be Serena, so a nickname was in order. Seiya was the first to call her it. "Now it's my turn!" "No way Seiya, it's mine! I technically caught her." Mina argued, waving her finger. "Mina, no way it's my tu-" "Why don't you both go hid okay?" Serena suggested. "ALRIGHT!" They said and bolted into the forest. She sighed and closed her eyes, counting to a hundred. "97, 98, 99, 100!" She opened her eyes and happily skipped into the forest. 40 minutes later Serena walked dazed and confused, turning around in circles with a frightened look upon her face, and fresh tears brimming her eyes. "SEIYA! MINA!" She called out, walking around in the unknown forest. "ANYONE! SEIYA!! MIN-AHHH!" She tripped on some roots, and went spiraling down a large hill. Stick and stones cut her flesh as she went tumbling down, but the worst was yet to come. She splashed head long into the water, knocking the wind out of her. She came up quickly for breath, and tried to fight against the strong current that pulled her down the river. "Help! Hel-" But her small cries were cut off by the raging waters that kept pulling her under. Suddenly her foot got caught in- between two rocks, keeping her submerged, her hands being the only thing above water. She struggled hard, but the burning sensation in her lungs took over, and slowly, slowly her hands dropped back into the water.... Suddenly from the shore someone jumped in, and swam quickly to her. She floated in the water, her hair floating around her head like a peacock's tail. He swam to her feet and pulled the rock away, then quickly dragged her to shore. When he saw that she was not breathing, he administered CPR. "Common." He coaxed quietly. "Breathe, little angel." Serena coughed up water, and he turned her over to her side, letting her spit it up. She opened her eyes sluggishly, faintly aware of the hand massaging her back. Slowly, as she regained her breath, she turned to look upon her savior. He was a mere boy, no older than fourteen. His black ebony hair stuck to his forehead and dripped into his startling deep blue eyes, that were filled with worry and concern. "Are you alright?" He asked. She stared at him a moment longer before shaking her head slightly. "I-I think so." She whispered, rubbing her eyes with her hand. "Where am I?" "You're in Ielaque, where are you supposed to be?" He said. "In Alvediaca, I think." She moaned. "Well all you have to do is cross the river again. Would you like to stand?" He asked. "Yes, please." She replied and slowly he helped her stand up. She sighed deeply and looked up at him, now being able to really see what he looked like. He was much taller than her, his body toned and sleek...and..soaked? "You..you saved me?" She asked, starting to piece together everything. "I almost died! You saved my life, thank you!" She said, giving him a brief hug and a light kiss on the cheek. He blushed slightly, looking down at the ground. "Think nothing of it." Suddenly from across the bank, two men rode out of the brush. "Broc, Maxxel!" Serena called, waving her hand at them. "Stay there, I'll come and get you!" Broc said as he dismounted his horse. Serena looked back at her savior and smiled. "Son!" Someone yelled on this side of the forest, and he looked back quickly. "That's my father, I must go." He said as he looked back at her. He took her hands and kissed both of them, causing Serena to blush a pretty rose. "I hope I will see you again someday. Goodbye maiden." "Yes.." Serena sighed, waving her hand weakly as he disappeared into the forest. "Goodbye." Suddenly someone grabbed her by her shoulders and yanked her around, causing her to gasp. She looked up into the big eyes of Broc and smirked. "Are you alright? Who was that?" Broc said, mentioning with his head into the forest. Serena looked back into the forest and sighed. "My hero." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "What were you thinking?!" Maxxel yelled again, flailing his arms into the air. Broc and Emily sat by the fire place, staring at the three children on the bed. Serena sat in the middle staring at her folded hands, and Seiya and Mina to her sides. "You could've been killed Serena, I thought you knew better than to run off into the forest." "I know Maxxel, it's just that-" "And this boy you talked to in Ielaque! You didn't tell him who you were did you?" "No, of course not! I almost just drowned, do you think I was in the mood to talk!" Serena exploded, standing up. "I'm ten years old Maxxel, I'm a child and you want me to act like an adult. I don't want your life and your responsibilities! I want to be a child still. Can't you understand that?!" "Yes Serena, but-" "Leave me alone!" She yelled and ran outside into the night. Later Emily found the young princess atop the stack of firewood by their house. Emily sighed and placed her hands on her hip, looking up at her. "Little bunny, come down." Emily pleaded lightly, tapping her foot. Serena looked down at her for a moment before shaking her head. "No." She said plainly, looking back over the horizon. Emily sighed again and shook her head. "Fine, I'll just have to come up there." She said and started to climb the pile. With a small heave she plopped down beside Serena and straightened her apron. "How'd you do that?" Serena asked surprised. "Why? Do you think I'm too old? Dear, I'm only 29." Emily chuckled. "Really? How old is Broc?" Serena asked. "Well, don't let him know I told you but-" Emily looked about and then leaned down to Serena's ear. "He'll be 36 next year." "Really? Wow, you married an old man." Serena said and Emily laughed. "Well, many farm women do. You see, families would rather have strong boys to carry on their name and help around the farm, then woman who just sit there and knit. So they give us away at an early age. They keep their sons a little longer so they have help around the farm. Do you see?" "Yes, and I guess they try to have as many boys as possibly?" "Precisely." Emily nodded. "So why do you only have one son?" Serena asked and Emily blushed. "Well..." Emily put her hand to her mouth and whispered to Serena, whose eyes went wide. "Really?" "Yes, but hush." Emily said and put her finger to her lips. "Okay." Serena smiled secretively. "It is time for dinner now Little Bunny, and Mina and her family are coming to join us all." Serena's eyes lit up at the mention of her friends. "So will you finally get off this pile of wood and come inside?" Serena's expression changed and she huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm still mad at Maxxel." She said. "He was only looking out for you. We all are looking out for you bunny. You are our hope for the future, one day you'll take over Alvediaca and right all the wrongs Rosmund has made. But for right now," Emily said and grabbed Serena by the shoulder. "Dinner is all you're going to conquer. Common." "Alright, as long as I don't have to sit by Maxxel." Serena said and Emily smiled. "Granted." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "You know Rena, it's kind of weird that you're a princess." Seiya said as they walked down the road. Seiya carried a sack of meat over his shoulder, while Serena carried a bushel of fruits and veggies and Mina, a basket of yarn. "And how is that?" Serena asked, turning towards him. "Well, I mean. You're our friend, and we're lowly peasants. You should be enjoying balls and taking math and English lessons in the comfort of a marble classroom with huge bookcases. Not going to market, and cleaning out horse stables." He replied. "I don't mind it that much." Serena shrugged. "And you don't act like a princess." Mina cut in. "You act like one of us." "Oh, so you want me to act like a princess." Serena raised an eyebrow. "Fine, I will." She shoved her bushel into Seiya's hand and jumped upon a rock on the side of the road. "Bow before me insolent peasants!" Seiya and Mina laughed, shaking their heads. "What!?" Serena huffed, placing her hands on her hips and making her voice deeper. "You will not bow? Then how does 40 lashes and the stocks sound to you." "Oh no!" Mina played along, dropping to her knees. Serena peered at Seiya, who shrugged innocently. "I would your highness, but I fear I would not be able to get up again." Seiya said, mentioning the heavy sack on his back. "You pompous child! I will make you bow!" Serena said and jumped from the rock onto Seiya. They both fell to the ground, Seiya on the meat and Serena on Seiya. Everyone laughed, and Serena looked up at Seiya with a smug look. "Do you surrender?" She asked. He put his hands on her shoulders, smirking at her. "Never!" He flipped her over so he was on top of her, and began to tickle her. "No! NONO! Stop!" Serena giggled. "Mina help me!" "Coming your majesty!" Mina declared and pulled on Seiya's shoulders. "Off her you beast!" She pulled so hard that she ended up on the ground, but successfully pulled Seiya off. They all sat up on the road, laughing. "Help us! He's mad!" Suddenly two men came from the forest in ragged, gray clothes. They ran down the hill and across the road. Suddenly an arrow went zooming through the air and into one of the men's shoulder. Mina and Serena screamed, as they all stood up and backed into the rock. The other man looked back and hesitated for a moment before he saw six men on horseback come from the direction he did. He screamed and disappeared into the forest on the other side of the road. Mina, Serena and Seiya watched as the men on horseback rode up to them and the man, laughing smugly as he writhed on the ground. "Nice shot your majesty." Serena looked up at them, and gasped at what she saw. It was Rosmund, riding upon a large brown horse. He slung his bow over his shoulder and laughed at the man. Anger and hate ran through her veins as she stared at him, hands clenched in tight fists at her sides. "He gave us a good run." Rosmund smirked, pulling his musket from his belt. "But now it's over for him." "No please, have mercy!" The injured man pleaded, raising his hand. "Mercy? What's mercy?" Rosmund shrugged, as the gun clicked into place. "No!" Serena yelled, stepping in front of the man. "Rena!" Seiya said through clenched teeth. But she ignored him, looking Rosmund straight in the eye. He was shocked at her sudden entrance, and the familiar face of this young child. He lifted the gun, curious as to what the child had to say. "What charges does this man have against him that you would hunt him so?" Serena asked. "Nothing, I was just in the mood for some entertainment. A random peasant picked out of a crowd." Rosmund answered, making Serena even more furious. "Then you can't just kill him like this!" "And why not?" Rosmund challenged. "Why? Because he is a human being, a subject under your, might I say, *pathetic* rule. The people are what you stand on, your footstool. Without them you would have nothing, you wouldn't be a king or an emperor, you would just be a man with an inflated ego. Much like you are now, just without the crown which you stole mind you." Serena lectured and the whole time Rosmund sat there with a shocked expression on his face. 'She sounds so much like that flabber mouth Dios.' Rosmund thought. Mina and Seiya watched on, jaws dropped. Mina suddenly moaned, banging her head against Seiya's shoulder. "She's dead, we're dead. It's all over." She muttered. Rosmund suddenly leaned down and pressed the gun to her forehead, causing Seiya to gasp and take an involuntary step forward. "If you were that king or emperor, would you die for that low life right behind you?" He questioned. Serena hadn't moved, hadn't showed any emotion whatsoever to the man in front of her, and continued to stare at him. "Absolutely." She stated, catching Rosmund off guard. He stared harder into her eyes, seeing the steel placed in them. "You don't fear me at all do you?" He shook his head amazed. "No, sire." She said. Rosmund suddenly laughed, leaning back on his horse. He replaced his gun and stared behind her to the man. "This little girl has saved your life. I wish some of my council men had such spirit and wisdom as she does." Rosmund said. "Let's go and catch up with that other peasant. Sorry little maiden, but you're not going to spoil all my fun. Let's go!" They rode off into the forest, following the tracks of the other man. Serena turned back to her friends and the man, to see them gaping at her. "Rena, you just, that was, how-" Mina stuttered. Serena looked down at the man to see that he was still young, maybe twenty-three or twenty-four, with long white hair and denim blue eyes. His gray top was covered in red at his one shoulder, where the arrow stuck out. "Common, we must get him back home." Serena said and helped the man up. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "There you go." Emily smiled as she finished wrapping the young man's arm. "Thank you so much." He said and looked down at Serena. "And thank you so very much little lady, you saved my life." "My pleasure." Serena smiled. "What is your name sir?" Mina asked. "You don't look like you come from around here." "That I don't." He said. "My name is Artemis LaVeal, my family is of noble blood. I was just walking in the market, minding my own business when I was pulled out of the crowd and put in these disgusting rags." "That horrible man. First he raises all our taxes, then hunts the people who can't pay down like foxes. There must have not been enough tax payers for his enjoyment, so he just chose you." Emily shook her head as suddenly crying was heard from the other room. "Oh dear, there they go again." She rolled her eyes and went into the other room. She came back with two twin babies, both boys. The little secret she had told Serena a year ago was she was pregnant with twins, and now was well on her way in her third month for another pregnancy. She sat down on the rocking chair and soon they began to burble happily. "Well I should be going now, my father will wonder where I am." Artemis said as he stood up. "Thank you again kind lady." He nodded towards Emily and then bent to Serena's level. "And thank you my brave heroine. I shall always be in your debt." He ruffled her hair a bit before walking out the door. "Goodbye." "Goodbye Artemis." Four sets of different voices echoed. Serena looked out the door, a determined look upon her face. "Emily, I'm going to go find Maxxel." She said and didn't wait for a reply. She found him helping lift rocks to make a wall around someone's garden. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, wiping his brow. "May I help you?" He asked. "I want to start learning now." Serena stated and he stared at her confused. "Learning what?" "Learning how to be a princess." She replied and he smiled down at her. "I met Rosmund today, and no I didn't tell him who I was or anything. But I understood that I'm the only one that can rid this country of him, and to be properly prepared I need yours and Broc's help." "Well then." Maxxel smiled, throwing down his gloves. "Let's get you started shall we?" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-