------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book One, Chapter Four - "Ascending" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- It was a bright, warm day as Serena sat outside. She sorted through the newly picked corn that she herself had helped plant. 'Life is much simpler here.' She thought, stopping in her work to look about the village. 'Everything here is so unadulterated. I never want to leave, although I know I have to someday. But what if I don't win against Rosmund, what if the people don't accept me?' Her thoughts were interrupted however, as a soldier came riding up the path. All movement stopped as he dismounted his horse. Slowly Serena stood up, letting the corn fall to the ground. Could it be Seiya? Her heart beat harder with the thought. He slowly walked up to the crowd, removing his helmet. Serena's heart sank, it wasn't him. "Is Broc Dunsterk present?" He asked and Serena gasped, moving closer. The crowd parted and Broc and Emily stepped forward. "I am he. What is it?" Broc asked, his voice breaking quietly. The solder reached into his sac and pulled out a sword and a soldier's badge. "Oh no." Emily moaned, putting her hand to her mouth as the soldier pushed the objects out to them. "I'm sorry to inform you, but your son Seiya died in battle." He delivered the news. Serena stood there breathless as Broc took the items, turning back to embrace his wife. Maxxel turned to walk toward Serena, but she saw nothing. Inside her something seemed to break, causing her to crash to her knees. She raised her hands in front of her, and they shook uncontrollably. Maxxel came and knelt down beside her, taking her in his arms. She suddenly began to weep uncontrollably, rocking back and forth on her legs. "Shh, Serena, it will be alright." Maxxel tried to sooth her. "He promised!" She screamed. "HE PROMISED! Oh, God Seiya NO, NO!!!" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The day came for Seiya's funeral, and for the funeral of the others who died in battle. It was a perfectly clear and warm night, the atmosphere betraying the feelings of the solemn people. The army had brought back most of their bodies, the ones that were fit to be looked upon again. Slowly Serena approached Seiya's body, which was wrapped in cloth. Hesitantly she reached up her hand, and pulled the fabric away from his face. Silent tears escaped her eyes as she gazed at his lovely face. "Oh Seiya.." Serena whispered painfully, as she touched his cold face. She kissed her finger tips and brought them down to his forehead. She re-wrapped his face, stepping back with Emily and Broc. Emily and Serena wrapped their arms around each other, taking comfort in one another. "Tonight we honor our dead, who bravely died in battle." The pastor of the village said, standing in the middle of the circle the bodies formed. "There is a time for mourning, but there is also a time to rejoice. They now exist in a place with no disease, no wars, no pain. They smile down upon us, wanting us to embrace their memories with joy. We must pray for their souls, and honor them with a song." Mina started to sing in the old language of the Song of the Dead. Her voice carried over the crowd in a haunting, melancholy tune. One member of the family was given a torch for each deceased man, and Serena watched as Broc reluctantly threw his upon Seiya. Flames reflected in Serena's eyes, as the circle erupted brilliantly. The rest of the crowd joined Mina, their voices drifting down the mountain. Serena looked up into the sky and blinked, causing her tears to fall. As I looked up into the sky, I realized one horrible event after another has inflicted such wounds upon my life. The deaths of so many I loved. And all because of one man, one man with only one purpose on this earth; to ruin my life. And in that moment I knew what must be done. I knew what my future held for me. I wanted nothing more than to see Rosmund dead, killed by my sword. The lust to kill him consumed my whole body, voiding out any other emotions. I trained harder, pushing myself to the limit. Until one day, I knew I was ready, ready to conquer. It was time Serena de la Teratariarc was introduced back into the world. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "How can this be?" Rosmund yelled, slamming his fist to the desk. "Well your highness, we never found her. We just assumed she would never survive." One of his council members said. Rosmund sighed, running his hands through his hair. Serena had announced to the whole country five weeks ago that she was alive and committed to restoring Alvediaca to its former glory. The people had rejoiced with these glad tidings, and she at once began to form an army. The war with Rubeus had ended and been won a year ago, but Rosmund's imperial army had suffered greatly. The people outnumbered them 2 to 1. "What are we going to do Sire?" Another asked. Rosmund straightened and looked out the window, not answering the question. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena sat high on her white horse, her light blue and silver cape covering her shoulders and the back of the horse. She wore a white outfit with a pointed blue and white hat with a long silver streamer sitting on top her head. Her long hair was braided, trailing behind her. She tightened her hold on the reigns, the rings on her fingers reflecting the setting sun. The royal rings of her family and hers rested on her right hand, while she had Seiya's ring fitted to fit the pinky on her left hand. She stared at them only for a moment, before lifting her eyes to the palace that sat in front of her. Home. It was exactly how she remembered it. The whole palace was made of white stone and golden trimming. The entrance was as of the Taj Mahal, and it was in the form of a very large pentagon, which the roof of the palace slanted upward like a pyramid with two tall towers beside it. The flat top of the roof was totally made of glass. Mirrors were placed stragetically all over the palace that reflected from the light of the sun, giving the palace natural light till the sun went down. It was a technilogical feat, and people from everywhere came to see the palace. Intricate golden designs danced their way around the walls of the palace, which shone back in the setting sun. Serena sighed, feeling butterflies dance in her stomach. The sound of two horses riding up to her came from behind and she waited to see Broc and Maxxel pull up to her sides. "The trap has been set. Rosmund has moved most of his army to intercept the others to the north, the palace is a sitting duck." Broc announced and Serena nodded. "Alright." She took a big breath and let it go. "It's time." She turned her horse and faced downhill, to the army assembled behind her. They had sent half of their men to distract the imperial army to the north. "Men, today is the day that will go down in our history, the day when the Teratariarc Dynasty was restored to its greatness! If you love me, fight for me! Fight for our future!" She yelled and they erupted into shouts. She turned her horse back around to face the palace. "Sound the horn Maxxel." She ordered and Maxxel nodded, bringing the horn to his lips. "Make sure they know not to touch Rosmund, he is mine." The horn resounded in the air as the men rushed over the hill and descended upon the palace. In about twenty minutes the palace was overtaken, and Rosmund was brought out to face his adversary. Serena watched with her nose pointed high as they brought Rosmund in front of her horse. Serena eyed him down and slowly got off her horse. "So, we finally meet." Rosmund said as Serena stood in front of him. "We have already met." Serena said and he cocked an eyebrow. "Do you remember that little blonde haired girl that defied you when you were chasing down those two innocent men? It wasn't that long ago." "That..was you?" Rosmund said amazed. "I thought you looked familiar." "Yes, you had a chance to kill me, to rid the world of the de la Teratariarc blood, like you were so keen on doing." Serena grabbed the sword from her side and held it to his throat. "You've taken away everything! My parents, my brothers, my love. My childhood, my position. But that will soon change. I'm going to take the very thing you need, your life!" She switched the sword's position, aiming the point directly to his throat. "No please, have mercy!" Rosmund said, dropping to the ground. "Just like you had mercy on my family, and all of *my* people? You don't deserve to live!" Serena yelled and then looked into his eyes to see terror. Something inside her clicked at that moment, something from her childhood. 'I'm not like this.' She thought, shaking her head. 'I can't do this!' "And for that reason, I'm going to let you live." Serena said, pulling the sword away from him and standing straight. "You will live in shame, for you will be known as the man who got his throne overtaken by a fifteen, soon to be sixteen, year old girl. Be gone, I never want to hear of you in Alvediaca again." Silently Rosmund nodded and gulped. He was given a horse and rode off in the direction of Ielaque. Serena watched him leave and sighed, shaking her head. Behind her, her men erupted into shouts of their victory and she smiled and turned to them, raising her sword in the air. "Alvediaca will be risen once again!" She shouted. "Serena? Little Serena?" Serena turned around, to meet the teary gaze of magenta eyes. She panned out, to find the woman had very tanned skin, and dark green hair. Serena's eyes widened, as she recognized the former fiancée of her older brother Natan. "Setsuna!" Serena gasped, embracing her. "Oh Serena, I thought you were gone!" Setsuna said as they pulled away. "But-but why are you here?" Serena asked. "Rosmund made me his mistress, since he couldn't have your mother." Setsuna said, bowing her head slightly. "Oh it was horrible! To even look upon the face of the man who killed your love. You would not have any idea." "Yes, yes I do." Serena smiled sadly, taking the older woman's hand. "Things will be okay now though, just like they were supposed to be." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- A month later, Serena sat at the huge bay window located in her parent's bedroom, which she now moved into when they took over the palace. The imperial army was stopped miraculously that day, and most defected to swear their allegiance to her. Today was the day of her coronation. She wore a long pure white silk gown, with a silver bodice that went to her waist in a V, and then spanned out down the skirt. Half of her hair was pulled back and wove in braids that twisted and twirled, while the rest was let free. Around her forehead wrapped a string tiara, with a diamond pendant dangling in the center of her forehead. Dazzling silver earrings shaped as teardrops with diamonds and swirly designs dangled from her ears. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and she sighed. "Come in." She said and the door opened to reveal Sestuna. She smiled and bowed to Serena. "It is time your highness." She announced and Serena sighed, standing up. "That it is." Serena said and followed her outside. They walked down the hallways and soon came upon two doors, which Serena slowed down a little bit at seeing. "Are you alright?" Setsuna asked and Serena turned to her, smiling. "I'm quite alright." She said and nodded to the guards. They pulled open the doors and Serena walked through, with Setsuna behind her. The room became silent as they watched their future empress walk into the room. Serena kept her eyes focused on the throne, not looking to her left or right. Slowly she walked up the steps and bowed slightly to the Primate Bishop, the head of the nation's church. He reached over and grabbed a large golden crown from one of the deacons. The crown had three peaks, the one in the middle larger than the others. Small diamonds and sapphires wrapped around it, with intricate engravings of leaves and roses dashing over and under and in between the jewels. Three large blue diamonds rested on the peaks, the one in the middle larger, all surrounded by smaller diamonds. Gently the Primate Bishop placed the crown on her head. He also handed her the Dynasty Sword. It was a magnificent sword, with a golden spiral hilt. Rubies accented it, with a large one at the bottom. The sword was gold platted, with swirly designs down the edges and the symbol of Alvediaca, an eagle holding a sword and an olive branch in it's talons, was located on either side of the base of the blade. "I give you your new ruler, Empress Serena de la Teratariarc!" He announced and the room erupted with cheers and applause. Serena turned around and bowed to her subjects. "Once, the sun set on the de la Teratariarc Dynasty, only to bring darkness to this nation. But the sun always rises again, bringing a new dawn, a new era. I am not my father, but I am his daughter. I am also one of you, I lived among you, realized how much better our nation could be. And I'll do anything in my power to bring glory to Alvediaca and its people!" Once again the crowd erupted and she smiled, raising the Dynasty Sword into the air. From that day on I pushed the last sixteen years of my life out of my mind. If I was going to be empress, I needed to concentrate not on myself, but on the people that I ruled and served. So I became something else, someone above all the pain. I became Imperial Empress Serena de la Teratariarc. I knew I had a duty and a destiny to fulfil, I just didn't realize how hard it would actually be. And how alone it would feel. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Well that's the end of book one! I hope you enjoyed it. Book two will be coming out God knows when, as this took me long enough to write, and the other books will be much longer! Oh well, I'm not the one reading it! Okay well, it's 12:15, I'm going to try to go to bed now! *Please* remember to email me okay? Thanks and God Bless! @-> Avanla Mireille Book One completed Sunday, July 29th, 2001