------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book Two, Chapter Three - "New Friends, New Enemies?" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- My story shall continue on four months later, in the cold of our wet season. But I can't exactly say this is my story anymore. So many people have and will be introduced, so many new faces...so many chances for something to go wrong. Serena sat upon her throne going over some documents from the ambassador of Deline when the doors were opened. She looked up to see her announcer and a group of people behind him. Serena's eyes lit up as they stepped into the room. "Your majesty, the rulers of-" "Yes, yes, I know who they are!" Serena interrupted her announcer, and practically jumped down the steps. She ran down the hall and into Diamond's awaiting arms, while Sapphire and Emerald exchanged amused glances. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit?" Serena asked as she pulled away. "Why, I wanted it to be a surprise." Diamond smiled. "And we brought you something as well." He turned sideways, holding out his hand. In between Sapphire and Emerald were a band of ladies. They bowed politely at seeing her. "These were some of my ladies." Emerald explained. "Now they are yours. They have showed their loyalty to you by pledging their chastity to you." Serena, slightly shocked, smiled, and walked up to them. "Welcome to Alvediaca, rise." Serena said, and they did what they were told. "Setsuna, please show them to the rooms upstairs." "Yes, your majesty." Setsuna replied. Serena had made her Head of the Household, taking care of all the things Serena hated to. Serena watched as Setsuna led them upstairs, and smiled back at Diamond. "Thank you." She said. "You will stay another two days? I'm having a party for Maxxel's fiftieth birthday, although he outright opposes it." "We'd be delighted." Diamond answered, and the two disappeared up the secret steps to Serena's private chambers. Sapphire and Emerald exchanged silent glances and walked out the doors. "So how is everything going?" Diamond asked as they talked in Serena's study. Serena sat in the chair at her desk, while Diamond sat on the desk itself. "I haven't seen or heard from you in a couple of weeks." "Oh everything is fine I guess." Serena sighed, running her hand through her bangs. "Deline is offering trade, although I don't see what we need with animal furs here. Or snow, which they have a lot of. Have you ever seen snow?" "Yes I have." Diamond replied. "I haven't. It's something I've always wished to see." She sighed, standing up and walked in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling sweetly at him. "It's very beautiful, like the white clouds have been broken apart." Diamond explained. "And I bet it's as white as your hair." Serena giggled, wrapping a piece around her finger. "And how is it going with Rubeus?" Diamond asked, and her smile faded. She turned away from him and walked towards the fire place. "Oh, who's to say?" She sighed, rubbing her arm. "He's doing something behind those borders of his. I've sent spies in, as has Hotaru, but they either come back with nothing, or they don't come back at all. I really don't need this right now. Not with the Alliance on my back for causing some of its members to drop out, and the others I persuaded from not joining. And the negotiations with Deline...." Diamond came up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He placed his head on her shoulder, and slowly rocked her back and forth. Serena closed her eyes and leaned up against his, covering his hands with hers. "Don't worry, you're not alone." He whispered into her ear, tickling her skin. He kissed her neck softly, running kisses up and down her jaw. Serena turned around in his embrace and met his lips. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, while she ran a hand across his cheek. They pulled away and Diamond smiled dashingly down at her. "God, you're beautiful." He said and she blushed. "You're not too bad yourself." She said and he mocked like he was hurt. "Not so bad?" He shook his head. "You're going to regret that." "Oh?" Serena raised an eyebrow. "Oh ya." He said as he began to tickle her. Serena squealed and jumped away from him. Both of them laughed as Diamond chased her around the rooms upstairs, acting like the kids they should've been. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- After a meeting the next day, Serena walked into her chambers to find her new ladies, plus the old as well. They turned and bowed, Serena offering a gracious smile. "Welcome to Alvediaca, once again." Serena said. "Please, do tell me your names." "As you wish, your majesty." Said a tall brunette. "I'm Lady Lita Yalitouq, daughter of the royal guardsmen." "I'm Lady Rei Buerati, daughter of the royal priestess." Introduced a raven-haired beauty. "And I'm Lady Ami Jiay." Said a quiet voice, which belonged to a blue haired girl. "Daughter of the royal scholar." "It's a pleasure to meet you." Serena smiled. "I'm sure Mina and Setsuna have introduced themselves?" With a nod from the two she continued on. "But this is so unnecessary, Diamond out-does himself sometimes. You needn't give me your service, or your chastity. I wouldn't ask you of that." "Oh but we can't go back." Lita shook her head. "Our parents will loose their jobs." "And for chastity," Rei began. "Priestesses aren't allowed to get married." "But..isn't your mother a priestess?" Setsuna asked, confused. "Well, that's why I'm here." Rei looked out the window, distantly. "They were going to burn her, even though the people love my mother very much, it's the law. So Diamond sent me away to here, where I'd be safe, as well as my mother." "And it's an honor to serve you, your majesty. You've only been on the throne for almost of year, and already have done magnificent things." Ami pitched in. "Alright, if this is your wish. Don't say I didn't give you a chance." Serena winked. "Yes, you have no idea what she's like." Mina rolled her eyes. "Mina!" Serena giggled as she playfully punched her in the arm. "One of these days I'm going to whip you." Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Serena turned towards it. "Come in." A meek guard peeked his head in, and blushed at the sight of so many beautiful women. He stepped inside and bowed quickly. "Your majesty, your um, tiger is rampaging through the palace again." He announced and Serena sighed. She dismissed herself from the group and followed him down the halls. She was a room away, and Serena could hear the screaming already. She walked into the council room, to find her white tiger perched up on her throne. The cat was only six months old, and larger than a Great Dane. "Lady, what do you think you're doing?" Serena huffed, putting her hands on her hips. With a jerk of her head, the cat's blue eyes focused on Serena, and the ears flopped down dejectedly. "Get over here." Serena demanded, and slowly it crawled off the throne and to her feet. "Bad Lady, bad." Serena scolded, and it kept its head down submissively. "Oh, you know I only yell at you cause I don't want you eating the servants and guests." Serena bent down and wrapped her arms around Lady's neck. It purred loudly, rubbing its head up and down her side. Her ladies came in and Ami gasped at the large animal. "It's..it's a tiger!" She pointed and Serena turned, standing up. "Yes it is, how observant of our scholar." Serena said, and Ami blushed. "She's only six months old, she'll get a lot bigger." "Wow." Lita said impressed. "You tamed a tiger." "Serena has many hidden talents." Mina said. "But unfortunately they have yet to surface." "Mina!" Serena yelled, but smiled. "You're positively evil." "Yes, I know." Mina smirked. "One of these days you'll probably take my throne right from under me, and no one would notice since you look just like me." Serena said as they walked back up to her rooms. "Oh, I could never do that." Mina shook her head. "Never." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "Your highness, the Prime Minister is here to see you." Serena looked up and smiled to the announcer. "Alright, send him in." The announcer bowed and vanished out of the doors. Maxxel was the one to reappear through, with a man behind him. Serena recognized him from somewhere, but just couldn't place it. "Yes Maxxel?" "Your highness, I have come to the understanding that soon or a later, I'm going to be too old to remember my name and what in the world I'm even doing in a palace." Maxxel began. "Oh," Serena smiled, amused. "I wonder what brought this up. Really Maxxel, you're only going to be fifty, not a hundred." "No matter." Maxxel shook it off. "I thought I should have some one to replace me when it is my time to go. Someone I trust, and someone you know, and maybe will trust as well. So I took under my care about oh- a month ago, this young man." "You did something without consulting me?" Serena raised an eyebrow. "Yes well, I thought it best. You were a little detached and busy with the Alliance and so forth." Maxxel explained. "But anyways, I would like you to meet, or should I say meet again, Artemis LaVeal." As soon as he spoke the name Serena immediately recognized the face. He was much taller and more built, but with the same hair and same eyes, same face. Artemis smiled up at Serena and bowed low. "Artemis LaVeal." Serena said amazed and she hopped off the throne and down the steps. "I never thought I'd see you again." "And I never thought that that little country pumpkin I met long ago was the heir to the Alvediacian throne." Artemis said as he rose. "Now, with your permission I would like to continue to train Artemis as my apprentice. He has a great mind for politics, and went to Delanrose, the prestigious school in Vexon." "Yes, we should build one of those. Colleges or what not." Serena said. "There, that shall be your first project together. Start a schooling system! Get on it!" Maxxel chuckled, and they bowed before her again. "At once, your highness." He said and Serena laughed. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Artemis." She said. "As it is an honor to even be in your presence." Artemis flattered, kissing her hand. She pulled back and blushed. "Oh please." She rolled her eyes. "I'm just a country pumpkin remember? Do you have a room in the palace?" "No, highness." He answered. "Guard, call Lady Setsuna for me." Serena said and he scurried out the room. The three talked until Sestuna was brought in. Artemis turned around and smiled dashingly at Sestuna, who blushed and hid her face in return. "Setsuna, please show Lord Artemis to one of the rooms. He's going to be staying with us awhile, if not indefinitely." "Yes, your highness." Setsuna bowed and turned to Artemis. "Please, follow me." "With pleasure." Artemis smirked and they walked out the door. When they were gone Serena turned to Maxxel and shook her head, still not believing he didn't council her first on this matter. "I can't believe you went over my crown." Serena said. "Over your crown?" Maxxel smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "No, it was more to the side." "Oh, Maxxel." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The ballroom was once again alit and full of people, all invited to celebrate Prime Minister Maxxel Freccia's fiftieth birthday. Serena stood with Maxxel, Broc, and Artemis when Diamond and his family approached them. "Excuse me for interrupting." He said and bowed. "But good- evening. "Good evening." They all replied. "Beryl?" Lady Beryl looked up at Artemis and gasped. "Artemis!" She laughed, giving him a hug. "You two know each other?" Serena asked. "Obviously." Diamond shook his head, and when he got a cold stare added, "Your majesty." "Yes, we went to Delanrose together." Beryl answered. "I thought women weren't allowed." Serena said. "Oh, they're not." She smiled. "But I'm the cousin of a king, so they thought it an honor." "Yes, I pulled some strings. Threw my weight around." Diamond smirked and patted Beryl's back. "Nothing but the best for this family." Beryl and Artemis began to catch up, so Diamond touched Serena's elbow, getting her attention. "Let's go somewhere private." He proposed. "Alright." She said and turned back toward the group. "Please excuse us." They ended up in the Empress' private parlor, adjoined to the back of the public's one. It was designed in crimson red and gold, contrasting to Serena's pale orange gown and Diamond's outfit. The Jewels had dressed alike again, like the usual do at parties. Diamond was dress as a lion, with a tuff of hair for the collar that went around his head like a mane. His outfit was tan, swirled with brown and gold designs. Emerald was dressed as a peacock, with a big headdress and green glistening gown. Sapphire was dressed as a snake, with twisted armbands and a shirt resembling scales. Serena had to admit they were a bit dramatic and exquisite, but they made things much more interesting. "What is it?" She asked, and with a sigh Diamond sat down on the crimson couch. "I think I should inform you of this Artemis LaVeal." He said. "Artemis?" Serena raised a defined eyebrow. "Why?" "Well, Beryl came home with, colorful information. Artemis was involved in a scandal, causing him a expulsion. He didn't official graduate Delanrose. I don't know what he did, but obviously it wasn't good." Serena was surprised by the information, although she had to admit she didn't know Artemis well. She had just met him once, but he didn't seem the type. "Okay, I'll take this into consideration." Serena said, and Diamond looked at her surprised. "You're not going to do anything?" He asked, and Serena shook her head. "I'll keep him monitored. Everyone messes up Diamond, and everyone deserves a second chance." Diamond stared at her a long moment, before shaking his head and sighing. He got up at kissed her lightly on the forehead. "With every passing second I'm with you, you amaze me even more." He said, and Serena giggled. "I do love to keep people on their toes." She said, and tugged on his arm. "Common, I'm sure all the guests are here, it's time I made an entrance." Serena walked up to Maxxel and bowed before him, causing Maxxel to smile. "I was hoping that the birthday boy would dance with me?" She said, and held out her hand. Maxxel chuckled, grabbing her hand and twisting her into him. Serena gasped, looking up at his sly face. "Of course, I have some moves in me still." He said and Serena laughed. "There is something I have to tell you though." Maxxel said as they started to dance. "What is it?" Serena asked. "It's something Artemis said to me, after he was done talking to Beryl. He said Beryl has a, a history at Delanrose." Maxxel replied, and Serena's eyes widened slightly. "A history? How so?" "Well, it seems that a month before they were to graduate a man was found dead, and Beryl was last seen with him. They didn't have any clues or anything, but Beryl was released from Delanrose." Maxxel explained. Serena listened with mute surprise, as Maxxel explained. Now what was she to do? Believe Maxxel and Artemis, or Diamond? -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena plopped down on her bed, so tired from the party tonight. She pulled the pins out of her hair and it came toppling down. The door opened and Mina walked through. "Have fun?" She asked as she walked towards Serena. "Oh.." Serena sighed. Mina grabbed a brush from the vanity and jumped on the bed behind Serena and began to comb through her long hair. "Oh? What's 'Oh' supposed to mean?" Mina asked. "I've been told two different stories, and don't know which one to believe. Both could be dangerous if not pursued, but I don't want to do anything." She said, as Mina began to pull Serena's hair in the braid she wore to sleep. "Well," Mina said when she was finished. "I think you should do whatever your heart tells you." "Your heart can be misleading." Serena pointed out. Mina slid off the bed and kneeled before Serena. "But what better way to be misled?" She smiled. "Serena, I-I want to make the chastity vow like the others." "Mina-" Serena whined, but Mina silenced her. "You're more than my friend Serena, you're my sister, my empress. Please, don't deny me." Serena looked down at her and sighed, suddenly enveloping her in a hug. "Alright Mina, if that's what you want. Thank you, you're the best friend anyone could ask for." She said. "I know." Mina smiled and the girls laughed. Mina got up and bowed. "Now I will leave you to your rest, goodnight empress." "Goodnight Mina." Serena got undressed and dressed for bed. She lay awake for some time, staring out her open balcony doors, as it rained lightly outside. "Now what am I supposed to Father? Mother?" She sighed, closing her eyes. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-