------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book Two, Chapter Eight - "The Storm Arives" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "Serena?" Broc asked again, following her gaze. Serena stared up incomprehensively, her heart breaking into a thousand pieces. "Your majesty?" "Send them back." Serena said, and the two stared at each other. "Excuse me?" Broc asked. "Send the army back as quickly as possible. This is a trap." Serena turned around, and they gasped at the tears collected in her eyes. "SEND THEM BACK! NOW!" Broc nodded dumbly, turning his horse around. He motioned for a retreat, and the men stared at each other dumbfoundedly, before Anthony horded them away. Serena waited till they had disappeared into the foliage before turning back around. "And I want you and Maxxel to leave as well, Broc." She said, but this time he disagreed. "We will most definitely not. Now tell us what is going on!" Broc demanded. Serena looked down at her hands, twisting the reigns once again. "Why did you make me send the men back?" "Because all they want is me." She said. "Serena I don't underst-" "It doesn't matter." She shook her head, turning around to face them. "I'm thankful that you've stayed, I don't wish to go out there by myself. But promise me, when they come to take me, you will not resist." "But-" "Just promise me!" She shouted. The two looked at each other and nodded unwillingly. "Alright, let's go." Slowly they came out of the forest, and Rubeus smiled. "It looks like your plan has worked, Diamond." He turned to his companion, who stared down at the woman he loved painfully. And in turned, Serena stared up at him heartbrokenly. "Is that, yes, it's the Jewels!" Maxxel exclaimed as they were close enough to see. Serena stopped halfway up, placing a good distance between them. "Do you surrender?" Rubeus called out haughtily. "I would never surrender to you, Rubeus." She called back. "You're beneath me!" His eyes blazed with hatred as he grabbed for his bow. "We shall see!" He sheathed the bow and aimed it at Maxxel, and let it fly. "NO!" Serena and Diamond yelled together, but it was too late. The arrow went through Maxxel's torso, and he slumped over his horse. "MAXXEL!" Serena cried painfully. Diamond came over and grabbed the bow from Rubeus, staring daggers at him. "You moron, I am in control here, not you." Diamond said. "Are you really?" Rubeus challenged. He turned to his men and said, "Go get her highness, she shall be our prisoner." "What's going on-" "Shut up Diamond." Emerald cut him off, riding beside Rubeus. She smiled evilly, and Diamond realized the truth. "You've betrayed me!" "As you have betrayed your love." She spat back. "Now both of you shall die together." Back down at the bottom of the hill Broc was helping support Maxxel, who had blacked out. "Go back Broc." He looked up at her and shook his head. "I can't leave you-" "If you don't, then you have sealed Maxxel's fate!" She interrupted. "Just go Broc, I must face this alone. YA!" She kicked Claudissa, and the white horse sped up the hill. Broc shook his head as he grabbed Maxxel off his horse and disappeared into the forest. Serena met the guards, and they led her up to Rubeus. He sneered at her, laughing. She ignored him however, concentrating all her attention on Diamond. "We shall see who is beneath who, when it comes to the matter of your grave." Rubeus said, and motioned for his commander. He hit Serena in the back of the head with his sword butt, and everything went black, except for Diamond's face, which stayed with her even in unconsciousness. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena woke up before her eyes opened, and the rush of the events of today came rushing upon her like a tidal wave. She snapped her eyes open and sat up, darting them around the room. She was sitting on a plush bed, inside a small room with tables and chairs. A large window was located in front of her, and looked out over a hill. She put her trembling hands to her face, massaging it. Silent tears sprung to her eyes, but she wiped them away. She suddenly felt like she was being watched and slowly took her hands away from her face, looking around more slowly. She found Diamond sitting in a dark corner, staring back at her with painful eyes. The two looked at each before Serena turned away. "Stop looking at me." She said. "You have no right anymore." Diamond sighed disheartenly, stood up and slowly walked towards her. "How could you do this to me?" "Maybe I got what I deserved for betraying you Serena. For I have been betrayed myself." He said, and sat down on the bed. She turned to him, but avoided his eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked. "The original plan was to get you to marry me, so Portrai would be in charge of everything. But Rubeus could no longer wait, and said we should take action now, and force you to marry me. But it seems my family has been keeping secrets from me. Emerald and Rubeus are the real criminal masterminds. They now plan to kill us and take over Alvediaca and Portrai, and eventually conquer Ielaque and Erise." Diamond explained. "I see." Serena smiled sarcastically. "Beryl was your spy, where you could watch everything I did. And she's the one that's been taking our maps and charts." "Yes." Serena laughed, but it was an ugly laugh filled with pain and hatred. She looked into his eyes then, and he could feel every emotion coming from them. "Serena, I..I'm sorry." "It's a little too late for that." She shook her head. "We're both going to be killed, and all our people enslaved by Rubeus and your sister. And Maxxel...oh, I hope he is well." "I promise Serena, I didn't-" "Ha," She laughed again. "You and your promises, there as good as nothing." After that silence reigned in the room, almost to a deafening level. Suddenly the sound of a key in the lock got their attention, and a moment later Emerald and Sapphire came through accompanied by two guards. Emerald smirked at Serena, who looked away. "How could you do this to me?" Diamond stood up, walking till they were inches apart. "How could you betray Serena?" She countered, and he stepped back defeated. Emerald turned back towards Serena, holding out a piece of paper. Serena took it numbly, and lightly looked over the beautiful hand writing, which sealed her ugly fate. "It's an agreement to hand Alvediaca over to us. If you won't sign it, then we'll be forced to kill you and all your council, taking it by force. This way, for my brother's sake, you'll get to live, supervised by us of course." Without a second thought Serena flung it back at her. Emerald huffed, ripping it apart. "Fine, have it your way Serena." Emerald said, and walked back towards the door. She turned and looked in between her brother and Serena. "You shall be burned Serena, and Diamond will watch and then be hanged himself." The two brothers looked at each other, and for a moment it looked like Sapphire was going to oppose. "Come, and bring Diamond with us." The two guards grabbed a hold of Diamond, but he did not resist. He stopped them at the door however, and looked back at Serena. "I'm sorry Serena!" He yelled, as they pulled on him. "I'm sorry!" Serena looked in the opposite direction, and waited till they locked the door before she collapsed onto the bed, and cried her heart away. "Oh fate, why must you be so cruel?" She asked, burrowing her head in the fluffy pillows. Serena awoke again to a noise, and looked up to see it was pitch black outside. Well, it would've been if not for the torches that danced outside. She stood up and went to the window, to see that the courtyard was located beneath her. There below stood the platform for which she would burn, and the platform for where Diamond would hang. But something else caught her eyes. Men ran around the courtyard, screaming and shooting over the wall to her right. 'So that's what woke me up.' She concluded. 'They're fighting, but fighting who?' Suddenly there was a huge bang at the door, and Serena jumped around. She backed towards the windows as something, and someone, fought to break down the door. Finally the door came crashing down with a puff off smoke and debris. Two figures stepped inside, and Serena squinted, trying to make them out. "Serena?" Serena gasped, recognizing the voice. King Endymion and Kunzite stepped out into the light and at once Serena let out a cry and flung herself into his arms. He was taken aback for a moment, but finally held her close. "It's alright Serena, we're here to rescue you. But we must be quick, common." Endymion said as he pried her away. He then grabbed her hand and quickly made an exit out of the castle. "How did you find me?" Serena asked finally, as they were safely away from the castle. "Broc went back to the palace and called upon me, and we dragged the information out of Beryl." Endymion explained. "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?" "No, I'll live." Serena said, and added under her breath, "Maybe." "Excuse me?" "Nothing." They rode to Ielaque, because Endymion got wind of some of Rubeus' soldiers advancing towards the palace. So they thought it best for Serena to stay at Endymion's for awhile, just to be safe. Serena was too distraught and tired for the ride there, and soon she was fast asleep against Endymion as they rode through the fields. They reached the palace by sunrise, and Endymion carried her into his private chambers, which was located far in the palace. Gently he placed her down onto the mound of furs which was used as his lounge. He looked at her a moment before sighing and throwing his jacket onto the bed. He walked into another room and changed quickly into a loose white shirt which tied in the front, but was left untied, and black pants. He sat down beside Serena and stared at her for a long moment. Slowly he reached out and touched her hair, then her warm face. She moaned quietly, turning closer to him. He smiled and chuckled quietly, running his hand through her hair again. "Do you know how truly beautiful you are Serena?" He whispered. "How could Diamond do this to you? How could he even imagine hurting you?" He then noticed Seiya's necklace and gently picked it up to look at it. Serena moaned again, and stretched her arms above her head. Endymion recoiled his hand just as she opened her eyes lazily. She looked around for a moment confused, and finally her eyes rested on Endymion. "Endymion?" She said uncertainly, and blinked a few times before sitting up. "Where am I?" She began to rubbed her eyes and yawned widely as Endymion answered, "You're at my palace, Serena." He said, and Serena stiffened, remembering the last twenty-four hours again. "Oh, no..." She whispered painfully, and started to breathe heavily. "Serena?" Tears sprung from her eyes, and Endymion caught her before she fell back. "Serena!" "He..he..." She stuttered, as she felt like everything was being taken away from her. 'He betrayed me!' She thought. 'I--I can't even..think-" "NO!" She screamed, and threw herself into Endymion. "HE-HE BETRAYED ME!!" She cried uncontrollably for a few minutes, while Endymion just held her helplessly. "Endymion, I'm, I'm so sorr-" "Ssh, it's okay." Endymion whispered. "It's okay, Serena." He looked down at her, their faces inches apart, and found himself lost in her tear-filled eyes. He grabbed her chin and slowly, without even knowing what he was doing, touched his lips to hers. He pulled back just a breath away, and when she made no opposition, brought his lips down onto hers once again. This time, however, Serena responded. She stiffened slightly, and so Endymion deepened the kiss, and soon found her relaxing into him. He moved his hand to the side of her face and pushed her back down onto the furs. Serena breathed in quickly as he placed himself on top of her, but didn't do anything to stop him. With every passing second Endymion deepened the kiss to a passionate level. His hands danced up and down her sides, tugging at the material of her dress. She was lost, falling faster and faster... spinning into oblivion. Suddenly, however, with abrupt realization, Endymion remembered where he was. "No." He pulled away, and Serena's mind halted back into reality. "Serena, this isn't right. I'm sorry-" "Endymion." "..Yes?" "Shut up, just shut up." Serena whispered, pulling him back to her with little resistance. Endymion pulled her up to him in a steamy kiss. Serena moaned as he kissed down her neck and up to her mouth again. They both pulled off his shirt, and then he worked on the tie on the back of her dress, quickly undoing it. "Serena I-" "Ssh," She placed a finger to hips lips. "No words, no words." He nodded understandingly and grabbed her finger, kissing it gently. He brought her back down to the furs once again, and the two started the dance as ageless as time, becoming one under a blood red harvest moon. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena woke up the next morning, yawning tiredly, and stretching dramatically. She sat up slowly on her elbows, and went to rub her eyes but stopped short. Slowly she looked down at her naked body and made a silent scream. She looked over quickly to find Endymion sleeping beside her, his back turned to her. With wide eyes she remembered last night and blushed extravagantly. She made a mad dash to find her clothes and dressed quickly. She bent down to pick up her cloak, and came face to face with Endymion's sleeping face. Momentarily she left the cloak forgotten, and sighed. Endymion had been her friend over these past few months, and she had used him because she was upset. He was so innocent, sleeping or no, and she felt older than him in this moment. "I'm sorry Endymion." She whispered, pushing a peice of beautiful hair behind his ears. He moaned lightly, his breath tickling her skin. She kissed his forehead, and quickly, without a sound, exited the room. It took her awhile to find her way out of the palace again, but when she did the sun was shinning brilliantly, not a cloud in the sky. She asked for a horse and rode non-stop to the palace. However, as she crossed the Golden Bridge, she stopped and turned around, staring back at Ielaque. With a sigh she kicked the horse, and it ran up the hill. She arrived as the sun was dipping into the horizon, and flung open the doors to her throne room. Artemis stopped mid-sentence and looked up at his empress from her throne. Movement and murmurs at once rose, as did Artemis from her throne. Broc got up from his seat as well and walked quickly towards her. "Your highness, you weren't supposed to come back till tomorrow. What's happened?" Broc asked. "Where's Maxxel? Is he alright?" She asked, and Broc sighed. "Show me to him." "As you wish, your highness." They said, and led her to the doctor's quarters. She raced to the bed, and found Maxxel's beaten, slim form. His eyes were closed, and his body shivering. Serena shook her head painfully, rushing to his bed side. She grabbed his hand, which was stone cold. "Maxxel?" Serena called quietly and after the third time the battered man replied. He slowly opened his eyes, ever painfully, and turned his head, ever slowly, to face her. "...Serena.." He breathed, and Serena sniffed back her tears. "Oh, I'm so sorry Maxxel." Serena began, but he shook his head. "It's-it's not your fault my dear." He said with great effort. "It's my ti-time to go." "No," Serena shook her head violently. "Don't say that!" "I'm old, whether you believe it or not." He smiled. "And I have no regrets. I'd give my life for you-for this country time and time again. You've-you've been like a daughter to me, the family I've never had." "Oh Maxxel...." Serena whined quietly, and he touched her cheek. "I leave you in Artemis' hands, but I'll always be with you in spirit, young princess." He said, and smiled, placing his hand over hers. "Goodbye...father." Serena said, and he smiled. Slowly, his smiled faded, and his eyes closed softly. Serena felt his hand fall from her cheek, and watched it fall to the bed. She choked, quickly placing her hand over her mouth. Fresh tears flowed from her eyes, and she softly placed a kiss on his forehead. "Goodbye.." She collapsed onto his chest and cried heartily, shaking her head. "Why," She whispered. "Why must everyone I love leave me?" Broc wiped away his own tears, and placed his big hand on her quivering shoulder. He looked his old friend in the face and sighed. "See you later my old friend." He whispered. Serena cried on for sometime, as it rained loudly outside. Big, murky, endless drops... -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-