------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book Three, Chapter Two - "Why Can't Anything Ever be Easy!" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena sat on the balcony which overlooked the courtyard, relaxing on a day that couldn't decide whether to be cold or warm. She wrapped the shawl around her tighter, sinking into the comfortable, plush chair. It started to rain lightly, raindrops dripping rythmatically onto the railing. She looked over the courtyard, and was suddenly struck with memories. She could hear the drums, the shouts, the soft weeping of Beryl. Diamond's eyes flashed before her, filled with longing and regret. 'My beautiful enchantress.' Serena shut her eyes tightly, turning her head away. She placed her hand on her heart, and felt the cross under her dress. She pulled it out slowly, looking over the intricate piece. "So many memories, so much pain." Serena sighed. 'You will, someday.' Endymion's words echoed back to her and she smiled. It had been over two weeks since they had last seen each other, and gradually Serena's health had been growing worse. It wasn't really a threat to her life, but everyday she felt pains, and almost once a week threw up. The doctor said she had some sort of flu, but she had her doubts. Genevieve approached her from behind and cleared her throat, letting Serena know she was there. Serena turned around and at recognizing her smiled friendly. "Good morning your majesty." Genevieve bowed politely. "And good morning majesty to you as well." Serena smiled again, and motioned to the seat in the corner. "Pull up a seat." When Genevieve was seating comfortably beside her, Serena resumed conversation. "It's a little chilly, is it not?" Serena said, and unconsciously tightened the shawl around her shoulders. "Well, when you grow up in a frigid climate, days like these feel like you're on the surface of the sun itself." Genevieve answered with a smirk. "Ah, yes, I forgot." Serena said. They were silent a moment, before Genevieve spoke up timidly. "If you don't mind me asking your majesty-" "Serena." "...Serena, how old are you?" Genevieve asked, and Serena sighed, resting her head back. "I don't remember. Sometimes, I think I'm 100, but I think I'm more around the age of nineteen now." Serena smirked playfully. "How old are you?" "Seventeen, but my brother makes me feel four." She sighed. "This is the first time I've ever been away from home. I'm the prince's little baby sister. I had to practically beg him to let me come here." "But I bet, as much as you want to get away, you're still homesick." "Terribly." Genevieve answered, and they laughed. "My brother treats me like I'm his daughter, and since my older sister, Jabel, is never home, he always wants me close for comfort. My sister travels the world, and hopes to become a great scholar. She drives my brother crazy. He always asked her to come home, but she refuses." "Has your brother found someone yet?" Serena asked. "I'm afraid not." Genevieve shook her head. "He says love cannot be rushed. He's so fantastical." Suddenly Serena's head began to swim, and her stomach turned. "Oh, not again!" Quickly she jumped from her seat and ran inside, Genevieve at her heels. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Four ladies waited outside Serena's door, along with Artemis, as they once again waited for the doctor. Mina had left to Ielaque, to be with Kunzite. Setsuna and Artemis stood off to the side going over papers, while Lita paced frantically, and Rei and Genevieve watched. Suddenly the door was opened, and they all jumped to attention. Doctor Davion Svair, a middle-aged man with silver-gray hair and gray- blue eyes quietly shut the door behind him. "Well?" "Uh yes, well, the empress wished me not to discuss it." He said. "She wishes for Lady Mina only at this time, and wants a messenger sent to bring her home immediately." "I'll see to it at once." Setsuna said without any questions, and she and Artemis quickly disappeared down the hall. "You mean, she won't let anyone in, not even us?" Lita said. "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "But she demands it. Good-day m'ladies." He said and walked away. "I wonder what could be wrong, that she wouldn't even see us?" Rei shook her head. "Well, we must respect her wishes." Genevieve started down the hall. "Let's go make ourselves useful in the meantime." The next day and many miles away, Mina was eating with the king and his generals, plus a general's wife. Mirthful laughter filled the hall, accompanied by the soft clang of silverware. "So what are you going to name your child?" Moleara asked. "Well," Mina put her fork down, casting a smile at Kunzite. "We haven't quite agreed on anything yet." "And what do you think is shall be?" "Kunzite is convinced it's a girl, but I believe it's a boy." Mina answered. "Yes well, this mother's intuition worked, so we shall see." Moleara smiled. "How is your son, by the way?" "Growing like a weed with thorns on it." Jedeite grumbled. "One cannot go anywhere without watching where he steps." "Do you think you'll ever be a decent human being Jedeite?" Endymion said with a playful smile. "Not on my watch." Jedeite smirked, raising his cup to his lips. Suddenly the doors were pushed open, and a page and a rider came through. Endymion stood up, looking questionably at the Alvediacian uniform. "What is it?" He asked. The rider bowed, and turned to Mina. "Her highness, Imperial Empress Serena de la Teratariarc, wishes you to immediately return to Alvediaca." He said, and Mina and Kunzite stood up as well. Mina came forward and shook her head. "But why?" "I don't know, my lady." He answered. "She won't let anyone see her, except for you. So please, your ladyship, we must hurry." "Yes, yes." Mina said and turned back to the group. "Please have my things sent after me, and may I borrow a horse?" "Yes, of course." Endymion said, his voice filled with caution and worry. Mina returned to Kunzite and gave him a quick kiss, before saying goodbye, and following the rider quickly outside. Kunzite turned to Endymion, and the two stared at each other, uncertain. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Mina burst through the palace, running the best she could up the steps to Serena's quarters. Along the way she passed her fellow ladies, and they filled her in on the latest news. Mina nodded and slowly opened the door to Serena's bedroom, to reveal a room clouded with darkness. She closed the door, and let her eyes adjust for a moment. Serena sat on her bed, her legs folded under her. Her hair was let free, and tumbled down her. In her lap she held a white candle, and it shined through her hair, making it look as if it was on fire. Mina approached quietly until she was in front of the bed, looking at Serena from the front. "Serena?" She called. "I'm here." "I know, I heard you outside." Serena replied, distantly. "What's wrong? What did the doctor say?" Mina asked, sitting down on the bed sideways. Serena sniffed, looking up at her for a second, before breaking out in a shuddering cry. She threw the candle against the wall and it broke in half, blowing out harmlessly. "Why can't anything ever be easy!?!" Serena screamed, and Mina enclosed her in a hug quickly. Serena clung to her like her life depended on it, painfully releasing everything she had. Mina waited till she calmed down before pulling her away. "Serena, what's wrong?" Mina asked. Serena sniffed, wiping away her tears quickly. "Serena?" Serena put her head down, mumbling incoherently. "What?" "I'm pregnant!!" She yelled, lifting her head up to meet Mina's dumbfounded face. "You're...you're.." Serena shook her head, and Mina placed her hand over her mouth. "But-" "Endymion." "Ahh..." Mina sighed, collecting her thoughts. "Well, what are you going to do-" "I'm not going to do anything." Serena cut in. "But you must tell him, eventually." "No!" Serena shook her head fervently. "I can't, I just can't. He, he mustn't ever know! He can't!" "Serena, you're in the same boat as I was." Mina reminded. Serena sighed, shaking her head in her hands. "I'm nineteen-" "Yes, and so am I." "But it's enough I'm an empress at nineteen! How am I supposed to be a mother as well?" Serena asked desperately. "What am I supposed to do?" After a moment of consideration, Mina came up with an idea. "Endymion is holding a festival in three days, come with me, and tell him." Mina said, and Serena snapped her head up. "You're craz-" "No Serena, Endymion has a right to know, now. You know I'm right. Besides, Endymion will understand. He loves you Serena, he won't shun you. I promise." Mina grabbed her hands, giving them a tight squeeze. "Alright?" After a long, silent moment, Serena nodded her head. "Alright." She sighed. "But, I feel so, so dirty Mina. I don't know, what would my mother and father say? Getting pregnant without being married. I made a mistake." "Yes, we both did." Mina smiled, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. "But the great part about life Serena, sometimes mistakes turn into miracles." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena and her ladies approached the festival, which was held in a large field. A huge bon fire danced its way up into the sky, people dancing around it, casting moving shadows around. Large tents were set up around it in a semi circle, and a fighting ring was located to the right of the last tent. At the bottom of the hill Endymion and the generals met them. Endymion approached Serena, holding out his hands to her. She took them hesitantly, and Endymion kissed her knuckles. Inside Serena was a nervous wreck, feeling like she was being stretched in two. "I was worried about you when you called so suddenly for Mina. What happened?" Endymion asked, and she gave him one of her 'later' looks. Endymion took the hint very well. "Ah, I see. Well common, let's go have some fun." "Fun, that still exists?" Serena said, and Endymion chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Serena laughed heartily, as she danced around the fire with Rei, Lita, and Genevieve. Her long hair now reached her calves, flowing around her like golden wings. And from Endymion's perspective, she looked like the angel she was, the fire and her dancing in his eyes. Nephlite smirked at his friend, patting him on the back. "Why don't you just ask for her hand?" Nephlite said as he sat down. Endymion shook his head, turning to him. "It is not that simple, I'm afraid." Endymion said. "My friend," Nephlite said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Yes it is." Endymion smiled ruefully, turning back towards Serena. Serena twirled Genevieve around her, and the two laughed like little children. Serena twirled herself, raising her hands above her head. 'I haven't felt this free in so long!' Serena thought to herself, as she stopped to look over the crowd. Suddenly she came across a face, dark cold eyes, and a merciless countenance. Serena gasped as everything seemed to slow down. The fire danced across half his face, casting dark shadows across his evil grin. He laughed at her, and everything seemed to come upon her at once. Lightening, thunder, a cold laugh...blood. "NO!" Serena screamed suddenly, and everyone shot their head up to look at her. Endymion stood up immediately, and looked in the direction she was, but found nothing of alarm. "Serena?" He called out questionably. "NO!!" She screamed again, and fled up the hill to the palace. Endymion let out a gasp of surprise, before running after her. "Serena!" He yelled to her. It wasn't until Serena collapsed at the top of the hill did he finally catch her. For a moment he caught his breath, and reached for her. But when he touched her she screamed a high pitched yell, flinging herself away from him. "Get away!" She yelled. Endymion shook his head, and grabbed her by the shoulders tightly, not letting go even as she thrashed around. After a couple minutes she settled down, not being able to struggle anymore. By this time the generals and the ladies had reached them, but Endymion held out a hand to keep them at bay. He turned back towards Serena and made her look up at him. "Serena, what happened? What did you see?" He asked, and Serena panted, trying to regain her breath. "I saw, I saw HIM!" She breathed, her trembling hands covering her eyes. "Serena, who did you see?" He said. Serena looked him in the eyes, and he was startled by the actual fear present in them. "Rosmund, I saw ROSMUND!!" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- I collapsed into a heap of meaningless nothingness after that, only to awake back into this lunatic world again, but under much more comfortable circumstances. I was in Endymion's room again, but this time on his bed. I remember just lying there, wishing my breath to stop, wishing my heart to stop its incessant beating. 'This isn't happening.' I thought, closing my eyes tightly. I don't know what I was doing, probably wishing that when I opened my eyes again, I'd be a nine year old child, playing with her parents again. But all I saw when I opened my eyes was the cold hearted truth. Rosmund was alive... Rosmund was alive... Rosmund was alive... ...Rosmund was here! Serena shot out of bed, looking around her closely. The only sound and movement was from the fire place, which danced slowly in the hearth. Serena looked into it, and saw Rosmund's face reflecting in the flames. She turned away, burrowing her face in her hands with a sob. "Serena?" Somewhere, someone called out her name, and Serena opened her eyes. First everything was foggy for a second, but after a moment Endymion's face came into focus. They stared at each other for a confused moment, before Serena flung herself his arms. Endymion sighed, bringing her up to stand with him beside the bed. He ran his hand through her hair as she cried silently into his chest. 'I have to tell her.' He thought, and pulled her away slightly. "Serena, there's something I need to tell you." Endymion said aloud. "Something I should've told you along time ago." "Yes?" Serena sniffed, wiping away her tears. "Sit down please." Endymion staled. They sat down, and a few moments of uncomfortable silence followed. "Maybe, maybe you should say what you're trying so hard not to." Serena repeated Diamond's words, causing Endymion to smirk. "Did you ever notice what Rosmund's full name was?" Endymion asked. "No, I'm sorry, I really never took the time to care." Serena replied stubbornly. "It's Rosmund D'Odiaramar." Endymion answered, and Serena raised an eyebrow. "Why does that sound familiar?" She said, more to herself. "Serena," Endymion sighed. "What's my full name?" "Why, it's-" Serena stopped, slowly looking up at him with widened, frightened eyes. "Endymion..D'Odiaramar...You're, you're-" "Rosmund is my cousin, Serena." Serena gasped painfully, jumping up, and walking away from him. "No.." Serena shook her head. "When you retook your country, Rosmund came to me for sanctuary. How was I to say no to my own blood? I gave him a small castle on the other side of our borders, far away from you, and far away from people. But Serena, he died three years ago when he was in a stable accident. Rosmund is dead." "No, I saw him tonight! I did!" Serena demanded, throwing her hands down. Endymion stood up quickly and grabbed her by the shoulders. "No Serena, you didn't!" Endymion looked her straight in the eye. "He's dead Serena, trust me." "How do you expect me to trust you, after you've kept something like this a secret? Rosmund ruined my life, and now you've done the same!" Serena wretched herself free of his grasp, turning away from him. "Serena please! I-I didn't want you to hate me for something I didn't do. I knew if I told you, you would never even talk to me!" Endymion explained, and Serena raised her eyes skyward, wiping away her tears. "You know I speak the truth!" With a sigh, Serena turned around to see his honest face. "Please, Serena." Serena looked down at her stomach, placing a hand over it. 'I can't tell him now.' She looked back up at him, laughing ruefully. "I came here with a surprise and instead got one for myself." She said quietly. "What?" Endymion asked. "Nothing." She shook her head. "This is-this is too much for me Endymion. I have to go." "Wait." He grabbed her arm gently, but this time she didn't shrug him away. "You do believe me though, that Rosmund is dead?" "I don't know what I believe anymore, Endymion." Serena sighed, and pulled out of his grip. She walked to the door and opened it, but hesitated a moment. Without even turning around she whispered, "Good bye Endymion," and quickly shut the door behind her. A door opened from the adjoining room, and closed quietly in the darkness. Endymion sighed, turning away from the door and to the shadows. "What did you tell her?" "I told her Rosmund was dead." He replied, running a hand through his hair. The shadows laughed ironically, and a figure moved among them. Rosmund stepped out of the darkness, a sly grin on his features. "And trust me cousin," Endymion came up to him, pointing a finger at his ugly mug. "If you ever come near her again you shall be, do you understand? I love her Rosmund, and I will not let you hurt her, even if I have to kill you myself!" Rosmund raised his hands in defeat, laughing again. "I didn't mean to cause such a scene." Rosmund said. "I'm sure you didn't." Endymion rolled his eyes. "I only wanted to see the empress again." Rosmund continued. "Yes, and now you've seen her, and now you'll never see her again!" Endymion said, inching closer to him. "Go back to your castle cousin, I don't want to see you on this side of Ielaque again. It's out of my good grace that I'm letting you go back instead of letting you rot away in the dungeon. Do not test me again." "As you wish, dear cousin. You shall never see me, alive, again." Rosmund bowed, a smirk dancing across his lips. "Good, now get the hell out of here." Endymion demanded, pointing towards the door. Without a word Rosmund nodded, and disappeared down the hall. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-