------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book Three, Chapter Seven - "War" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "Damn him." Serena cursed, as the council converged. "He had to bring the Alliance into this, didn't he?" The Council Room was in a flurry of movement, councilmen and women rushing around with papers, maps and books. "Only three countries from the Alliance have waged war against us. Sumark, Yamya, and Goldran. Goldran is the only one that touches one of our borders, and still, it's Portrai." "Portrai is still us, Councilman Pichant." Serena corrected. "We have Ielaque surrounded on all sides with, Erise, Curonth, and us, your highness, plus Deline. It won't be long before he runs out of supplies." Anthony said. "He's not totally surrounded, Ovcredai touches his south-eastern border." Serena pointed out. "And he has a port." "Which we can take." Said a councilman. "Do not be too hasty, my council. Ielaque might be a barbaric country, but that still doesn't mean they're stupid. They will fight to the very end. I want all of you on this at all times until you find the most promising way to defeat Endymion, and the one that won't kill everyone." Serena commanded, walking out of the room. "Is the ambassador from Curonth here yet?" "Not yet, your highness. He should be arriving before sunset, though." "Good, keep me posted." "Your highness, Empress Hotaru is here." A page announced. "Show me to her." Serena ended up in the Study, and found Hotaru looking out the window. "Leave us." She said to the page, getting Hotaru's attention. "Hotaru." "Serena!" The little empress was now twenty, two years younger than Serena, but at least two inches taller. Her straight black hair had grown to run over her shoulders, and her purple eyes were no longer cold, but shined with fulfilled-ness and wisdom. "It's been too long." "I know, and look at you, all grown up." Serena said, causing Hotaru to blush. "Yes well, let's not get on a discussion about me. What happened? I thought Endymion was your ally." "He was." Serena shrugged. "But he disgraced my family by disturbing their graves. And we have reason to believe he was plundering some of our villages. I need your help." "Well of course, you have it." Hotaru nodded. "But I hardly think you need my help to conquer Ielaque. You have enough power to take over this whole entire continent." "I know, but I don't have the power to beat Ielaque and three nations of the Alliance. You have artillery and special forces, Deline has its fleet, Curonth has, well, I don't know what they have exactly, and I have my man power. We can beat them together." Serena explained. "Mama." They turned to find Cairan walking towards them from the adjoining room. "Mama?" Hotaru repeated, and Serena gave her a guilty smile. "Hotaru," She picked him up, turning to her. "Meet my son, Cairan. He has a twin sister too, but I don't know where she is. And I don't know why you are alone little man." "Serena, but-" "Cairan and his sister Caitriona are Endymion and mine." "Wow, that just makes a lot of things easier doesn't it?" Hotaru shook her head. "Cairan!" Mina came in from the other room, and as soon as her and Serena caught eyes, the room became silent. The two women stared at each other, electricity dancing between them. "Where is Caitriona?" Serena said finally. "She's with Rei and Lita next door. Cairan escaped." "Take him." Serena handed him to her, and Mina crept back into the other room. "What's with you two?" Hotaru asked. "I seem to have wars within my own borders." Serena sighed, sitting down. "I would ask you to stay for dinner, but things are a little more than hectic around here." "I understand." Hotaru nodded. "I must get back to Erise and attend to the preparations. It was good to see you Serena, even under such circumstances." Serena nodded, giving her a hug. "The guard will you see you out. I'm sorry, I have things to do." Serena smiled, and watched as Hotaru walked out. Serena sighed, walking into the adjacent room. Lita, Rei and Mina sat playing with the children, Diavian and Cairan playing tug of war with a pen, while Rei watched Caitriona and Dyana play. They looked up, Mina immediately looking away. "Please leave Mina and I alone for a moment ladies. Take the children." Serena asked, and they nodded, scooping them up. The door clicked softly, and the two women looked at each other. Mina suddenly laughed, shaking her head. "You're going to make me stay here until this war is over, aren't you?" Mina asked. "Yes, maybe even longer." "So I'm going to have this child alone?" Mina cried. "You can't do this to me Serena! It's not my fault, it's not Kunzite's fault!" "Kunzite would've known about it, wouldn't he?!" Serena fought back. "I don't trust any of them, and I will not let you be used as a hostage against me." "Even though you're using me against Endymion right now?" Mina countered. "Better him than me." "Serena please! Just listen to yourself, this isn't you!" Mina pleaded. "You're not like this." "I have to be." Serena whispered. "I have to be strong for my family's honor, for my people who are threatened, for my children and for yours." "Endymion will stop the war, if he knows about his children." Mina said. "No, he will fight for them, for they are his heirs. And I won't give them to him." Serena shook her head. "He doesn't deserve them." "Your highness, the ambassador from Curonth is here." Said a page. Serena nodded, looking back at Mina for a moment, before disappearing out of the room. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The council of Ielaque converged as well, men shouting across the table. But two were silent, sitting at the far end of the table. Kunzite stared at the swirling patterns of the marble table, while Endymion played with the bandage on his arm. It had hurt to get it taken out, but not as much as the pain of what Serena had actually done. "Your highness." Nephlite called out, and Endymion snapped his head up. "What are we going to do?" Zoycite politely asked again. Endymion looked down the table at each one, before shaking his head. "We must fight this war, to protect our pride." He replied. "We cannot take her alone, that's why we're going to let the Alliance break her down before we make our full move." "Is that it?" A councilman asked. Endymion clasped his hands, looking down at them. "It's the only thing we can do." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The first battle started three weeks after that, but it wasn't even fought by me. Yamya was located by Curonth, which sat to the north-east of Ielaque. The two countries were enemies, and were glad to have a reason to fight. After that I was almost immediately attacked by Goldran at my Portraian border, which was located on the other continent and across a small straight. Sumark was located below Erise and I, on a continent separated by the Sea of Dortsk. For four years we fought back the Alliance, while Endymion practically sat back and watched. Of course we fought each other, but the battles were pointless and small. I knew what he was doing, hiding behind the Alliance and letting them fight his battle...Snake. Mina and Setsuna had their children, both girls. Setsuna's named Andelisa, and Mina's, Jocelyn. They were both beautiful little girls. Andelisa had her father's light hair and her mother's dark, magenta eyes. Jocelyn was fair colored, almost the exact copy of her mother, except her eyes had specks of green in them. It was two years into the war, and too far to turn back. Serena watched as Mina held her two-year old daughter, and played with her four-year old son. She wasn't happy, and that made Serena unhappy. She sighed, massaging her arm. 'What can I possibly do?' She thought, and after a moment was struck with an idea. "Guard," She called out, and he bowed to her. "I have a message for you to deliver to Sir Anthony." Anthony rode quickly, crossing the Wolf bridge. He didn't know what he was doing, but he knew to travel to Ielaque by himself was suicidal. But it was midnight, and the threat of rogue warriors was his main fear. There was a code to not kill officers, but the rogues had no such code. He passed into the Morte Forest, and knew he was too deep to get out now. Fifteen minutes later he reached the first base of the Ielaquian force, and pulled out his white flag. "Sire, there's an Alvediacian officer outside." Kunzite turned around, then looked out the window. "He bares a white flag." After a moment Kunzite nodded and the man disappeared. A minute later he reappeared with Anthony at his side. "Sir Anthony," Kunzite said, surprised. "What is Empress Serena's captain of the guard doing here?" "Well," Anthony cleared his throat, motioning his head to the guard. Kunzite waved his hand, and the guard disappeared once more. "Well what?" "It involves your wife." Anthony began, causing Kunzite to snap to attention. "What about Mina, is she alright?" Kunzite asked quickly. "She's perfect." Anthony nodded. "As are your children. Mina had a girl, she named her Jocelyn." Kunzite laughed ironically, leaning against his desk. "What does she look like?" He asked. "Like a copy of her mother. She even has little freckles." Anthony smirked. "Diavian is fine as well, he's asked about you frequently." "I wish I could see them." Kunzite sighed. "Well that's why I was sent on this suicide mission, so you could do just that. Her Highness has agreed to let you come and see them at the palace. But we have to leave right now and try to make it back before sunrise, where you'll be in danger. The people will kill you if they see you." Anthony announced. "Serena's really going to let me do this? No tricks?" Kunzite asked skeptically, and Anthony nodded. "No tricks, or she wouldn't have sent someone like me." Anthony answered. "So are you ready to go?" "Yes." Kunzite nodded. "Davis, I'm going, you're in charge." Kunzite said on the way to their horses. "Going? Where?" "Confidential." "And you're going with him, an Alvediacian?" He scoffed. "Just-just make sure the fort is till here when I get back!" Kunzite sighed angrily, climbing on his horse. "Yah!" Mina stood over her daughter's crib, watching her sleep. She touched her soft hair, pushing back the blonde strands. The door opened behind her, but she didn't bother to turn around, thinking it Rei or Lita. "What's going on today?" She asked, but silence replied her. Confused, she turned around and dropped the rattle she'd be holding. Kunzite stood there, his hand on the doorknob. "Kunzite..." She breathed out, and burst into tears. At the same time they ran to each other, embracing tightly. "Oh Mina, I haven't known what to do without you." Kunzite cried, and kissed her frantically. Outside Serena smiled, shutting the door. "Thank you Anthony." She said to him, and he nodded. "My pleasure." "You know, I was thinking that you were needed in Deline, since Goldran's fleet is advancing to my northern ports. I was thinking Laramus could take your place here." Serena said, and he looked at her questionably. "But why would you want to send me?" He questioned. "Hmm," Serena smirked. "Think about it." "Oh," Anthony said after a moment. "Genevieve. As much as I'd like to see her, we are at war, and it's hardly anytime to pursue love interests." "So, you don't want to go then?" A moment of silence followed before, "No, I'd be honored." He replied, causing Serena to laugh. "That's what I thought." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- "Your highness, Sir Rosenburh has been killed." Broc announced, and Serena massaged the bridge on her nose. "Who's the next in command?" She sighed disheartenly. "Eifion D'Anouheu." Laramus Donatar spoke up. Laramus was a forty year old man, with grayish dark brown hair and brown eyes. He stood tall and proud, comparable to a wolf in Serena's eyes. He replaced Anthony, who was transferred to Deline. He introduced a twenty-six year old man, with dark blonde hair and dark turquoise eyes. He came up and bowed to Serena, who nodded her head in return. "D'Anouheu, that sounds awfully familiar." Serena said. "My father was Kieven D'Anouheu, a friend of Seiya Dunsterk." Eifion said. "Oh yes," Serena smiled. "The world is a small place, isn't it? It's good to have you, Sir Eifion." "Thank you, your highness." He bowed again. "Your family can move into the palace apartments if you wish, yours as well Laramus." They nodded, walking out of the room. "Oh, excuse me." Serena looked up to see Mina come ramming into the room. "Serena!" The empress stood up just in time to get tackled by her best friend. "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed. Serena laughed, pulling her back. "It was so good to see him!" "I'm sorry I had to do this Mina." Serena said. "Keep you locked up like you were in a prison. Please understand I don't mean to hurt you, but Kunzite must go back today." "I know, but it doesn't matter when he goes back." Mina shook her head. "It just matters he was here at all. Which is why I'm leaving right now to be with my family!" She practically skipped out of the room, leaving a smirking Serena behind. Her smile faded however, and she turned back to sit on her throne. "Yes, don't we all wish that." Plenty more battles were fought, but the battle of Furis Pass was a turning point against the Alliance. Goldran was a hilly country, a huge mountain range coursing through it, which was a disadvantage to Alvediaca. The only battles they could fight were against the shores, for the mountains were a treacherous enemy. With the help of Deline and Serena's own large fleet, they blocked off Goldran's shores, and their main port. The only way through the mountain range was Furis Pass, which Portrai had access to. Serena and Deline bombarded the shores with cannons, while thousands of soldiers made it through the pass and to Goldran's capital's gates. They surrendered, leaving only Sumark and Ielaque. So once again, Serena rose to the challenge, sick of fighting the Alliance. Erise and Alvediaca teamed up, battering the side of Sumark. But Sumark was powerful, and it took a whole month before the Ghaston Conflict ended, hundreds of soldiers and generals lost. Serena had to replace seven of her officers, four of them close friends. War is pain, war is loss, but war is also victory. Now Ielaque was alone, and cornered, and in debt to fees they could not repay. "I'm coming, Endymion." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-