Tittle: Whirlwind of Fate By: Silver Sun Rate: PG-13 Genre: Alternate reality E-mail: silversun80@hotmail.com Author's note: This is my first attempt at Fan fiction, well at least, this is the first fic that I posted on the net anyway. So be polite, don't you send any flames, though suggestions are greatly appreciated, please, please (the magic word + the puppy look). *look up hopefully* is it working? Disclaimer: All the wonderful characters belong to Naoko Takechi and DIC, they do not belong to me ( I wish), though some of them are based on my friends. My favourite authors: Crystal Heart, Lois Fogg, Alicia Blade, Karisma Sailor Jess, ect...u know, all the good ones. Anyway, enough babbles, let's get on with the story. Whirlwind of Fate Prologe:Introducing my sad life! By Silver Sun Sniff, sniff.... It wasn't my fault that I absolutely loved romance movies and books. They were the loves of my life. Not that I was idealistic or anything, but those types of movies just managed to stir up so many emotions in me, and, romance. It was what I'd always dreamt about since I was little. Every Christmas, I would sit around the fireplace, and listen to my mum's stories. They were always romantic, so romantic. Sometimes, I wondered if mum felt lonely, I wondered if her heart had ever yearned for something more. I never asked about dad. Not that she would get angry every time, she'd just become unusually quite, a far away look in her eyes. My Mum was a strong woman, a woman with courage. She was also a beautiful woman, she had long black hair, and dark, azure eyes, almost mesmerising. The day she died, the birds stopped singing, the sky cried for her, and me, well, I became a different story. Mum wasn't dead, she was just faraway, some place, baking her extraordinary cookies, watching over me. She left everything back for me, her scent, her laughter, her fairy tales. I've always known that one day, my dream man, a prince would come to me, would love me voluntarily, unconditionally, for who I was not for who he wanted me to be. He would be dashing, handsome, funny, incredibly romantic and he would sweep me off my feet. A pair of blue eyes came to my mind. His eyes, they reminded you of an endless ocean, you could easily drown yourself in them. He was quite, mysterious, and he held this aura around him that reminded you of a cold winter day. I would never forget the day our lives crossed paths. It was an light autumn day of May. I don't really remember the exact date, but it was rather a beautiful afternoon. Everything was perfect, nothing could seem to go wrong. How wrong I was. "Serena, come, Mrs.Crook wants us to come to the information board" I looked at Lita like she had grown an extra head. Mrs.Crook? Our Visual Literature teacher. She was one miserable teacher, and I'd bet you anything that she was miserable as a person, too. All she ever seemed to do was to make students miserable. Sometimes, we wondered how she got a teaching job in Havard. We often made bets about her dates. We tried matchmaking her with some other teachers, we tried to get her to gon on a blind date, and on our arranged blind date she went. It was a total disaster. We arranged it. She hated it. So she hated us. What did she want from us? We managed to get to the Information Board safely in less than 10 minutes. "Tell me again, why I took Visual Literature?" - I cursed myself loudly. Lita wasn't helping out much either. She stood there, mouth hanging open in shock. There I saw it. On the blue background, was Big, Bold Writing in red. ROMEO AND JULIET CAST LIST. We were both miserable, we were both bored and we were both idiots, why oh why couldn't we leave the Visual Literature class out of our timetables. So Mrs.Crook had finally thought of something to get us back, after all these pranks and rumours that the poor Lady had to suffer. We knew that we were doing a play, Romeo and Juliet, but who would have thought, she would do this to us. "Let's see, Lita Kino..........Great, I get to play the cousin, what about you." Lita seemed to take this in rather calmly. I looked at my own role. I wasn't really paying any attention to Lita at the moment, my eyes were caught up with something else. "Serena Tsukino.......My God, Serena, you're Juliet!! Isn't it great?" Or was it? I didn't have any reaction whatsoever, and then I looked at Romeo's role. "Let's see, who's got Romeo's part. Darien Chiba, who's he? Wait, isn't he that guy in our Geometry class, who got half of the class female population drool over? Serena, you're in luck!!!" I searched my mind, for the name. He was just a brief image that passed through my head, someone I shared a couple of classes with, someone I sometimes saw around Havard. So, I was to play Juliet and he was to play Romeo. I didn't really mind playing Juliet, but him, someone I barely knew, the thought scared me. I'd have to kiss someone, and act like I was totally, insanely in love with someone, whom I knew next to nothing about. So, I spent all of the afternoon, wondering and listening to Lita and Raye drooling over Darien. "Darien this...and Darien that....And I wonder if he was a good kisser,....." I was so sick of his name, that if I heard it one more time, I would certainly throw up. Who could be that perfect? Apparently Darien could. Some how, the thought of meeting him face to face, had occupied me all day. His image was no longer someone with a name, he was this statue of perfection in my head. And he lived up to his reputation. He was good looking all right, but somehow our meeting wasn't the way that I'd picture in my head. 'Damn, where on Earth is this A8? Havard is worse than a labyrinth' I held up the map, more like clutching it in my sweaty palms, ok, so I was nervous, but why I wasn't sure. Darien Chiba had nothing to do with it. Or had he? The thought of him swam in my head, I wasn't really looking where I was going. So it was naturally that I bumped into a wall. All my books came tumbling down like waterfall, paper flew everywhere. My test, my Chemistry test flew near the balcony, as I reached down to get it... "Hmm, 75%, not bad...." I looked up, and greeting me was a pair of bluest eyes I've ever seen. I had a good look at the owner of the startling, deep voice. So I didn't bump into the wall, but rather someone, someone with the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life. There was only 1 word that could describe him. He was beautiful. Yes, beautiful, not just good looking or handsome. Beautiful was the only word that could describe him. I found myself staring at him for a long time, longer than necessary if you ask me. His eyes were a dark shade of blue, blue of an endless sky, the deepest ocean. They were mysterious, like they were holding some kind of secrets just ready to be unfolded. He caught me staring, he chuckled, but I had a feeling that he was quite used to have girls looking at him that way. Of course, he would, who wouldn't be hypnotised by his gaze, by his looks, by the aura that he had. He looked at my test, a mischievous glint appeared on his handsome features. "Serena Tsukino, well well well, what a coincidence, so Juliet lived up to her true reputation, she had quite a way to greet her Romeo" He spoke, but never the teasing tone left his voice. That was when I realised that he was Darien Chiba. Now, that wasn't what I had in mind. In a million years, I would never have thought that this is how we'd meet. This was Darien Chiba. He was Darien Chiba. My mind was screaming at me 'you utter hypocrite, and then you thought Lita and Raye were bad, and here you are staring at him...' "What, speechless, I'm too charming aren't I?" He continued. I blinked, I didn't know what came over me at that moment. But I calmly replied. "No, my love, I was just looking at something you got stuck between your teeth" He laughed his laugh rich and smooth. I'd never heard anything like his chuckle. Like it had some kind of strange power to make me chuckle back. "And you're wondering why I didn't share it with you sweetheart?" He said. Once again, chuckle slightly. What was it about this man, I asked myself. I just couldn't control my thoughts. How we were able to bicker like this, the first time we met, I didn't know. "Darien Chiba, Juliet, It's a pleasure to meet you" He said "Serena Tsukino, my Romeo, the pleasure is all mine" I reached out and yanked my test out of his hand, with one swift moment, I turned around and muttered in the most cheerful tone I could manage. "I've gotta go and feed Romeo junior, you know, nature call, so I'll see you around, love, preferably this afternoon in the Performing Art Room, first rehearsal". With all the courage that my 20 year-old mind could have, I blew him a kiss, and like the kiss itself I disappeared in a blink of an eye, not enough courage to even turn around and look at his reaction. Quite frankly I didn't care. How wrong I was. I cared. I worried. I thought of him all day. Damn him. That was the encounter of Romeo and Juliet, so brief but it had left so many traces deep inside of Juliet. Juliet thought that she'd never like to meet Romeo again. But she was wrong again. She did. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A.N: Feedbacks please? Please, please. Chapter 1 will come out as soon as I get my first e-mail.