This is a story that I wrote a couple of years ago during the holiday season. I decided to revise it and re-release it at ASMR, being that now's the time to get into the Christmas spirit! :) I also decided to send it here. Hope you like it, and look for my newest story! I'm sending it real soon! :) Now for the disclaimer everyone hates... The eighth commandment says not to steal That sadly makes the truth very real So to keep the lawyers from suing me Here is a disclaimer for all to see Takeuchi Naoko owns our beloved Sailormoon And she won't give her up any time soon All I Want For Christmas is You: A SailorStars Special By: Masked Maiden December 14th, 1996 Dear Mamo-chan, I can't wait for Christmas to come. But it won't be the same without you. I hope you can make it home for Christmas. I miss you very much, and everyone would like to see you again. Even Papa mentioned something about you that wasn't so mean, so maybe he's getting used to you. My parents are holding a Christmas party this year at the house. Everyone is invited! That includes Rei-chan, Ami-chan, Mako-chan, Minako- chan, Haruka-san, Michiru-san, Setsuna-san, Hotaru-chan, and half the neighborhood. And the Three Lights might come if they can "fit it into their agenda" as they told me. (The Three Lights are the new students going to my school that happened to be a famous band.) I have no idea how we will hold all these people in our house. It's too cold to have it outside, and there's too much snow too. Anyway, you have an invitation to come. Mama said so, so it's okay to come! I'm looking forward to see you again. Please say you can come! I really want you home for Christmas. Love, Usako After reading over her letter to Mamoru, Usagi placed it inside an envelope and sealed it shut. Putting on the stamp, and kissing it with lipstick and perfume, Usagi walked down the stairs to the front of her house and walked outside to the mailbox. Giving it one more final glance, she placed it inside the snow-covered mailbox and lifted the tiny red flag at the side. Some of the snow trickled down to the snow covered ground, being camouflaged by the whiteness. Usagi went back inside the warm house, leaving a trail of footprints, and praying that her letter wouldn't get lost in the mail. Christmas was only a week away, and maybe Mamoru needed to be reminded on how much she wanted to see him again. But then again, maybe he knew. "Chibichibi!" Usagi looked up and saw the small toddler running out of the house with her winter gear on, ready to play in the white, fluffy snow on the frozen ground. Chibichibi jumped slightly into the air and fell into a nice pile of snow, enjoying every minute of it. Usagi sighed. "I guess Mama said you could play outside, ne?" A small, pintsize snowball hit her smack in the middle of her face. Wiping the now wet snow from her face, she saw the impish toddler smiling at her, trying to look an innocent as she could with the other snowball in her hand. She seemed to be enjoying it too. "And I see Shingo's been a bad influence." Another snowball hit in her the face, slightly bigger than the previous one. Usagi wiped the other snowball off her face with her now almost frozen fingers. This time the little squirt wouldn't get away with anything without payment. Usagi bent down and gathered a small amount of snow into her palm. Not too much. She didn't want to hurt her, just tease her some. Balling it her hands, she began to aim it at the laughing Chibichibi when... "Usagi, don't you dare throw that at your little sister!" She looked up and saw her mother in the doorway, with her arms folded and holding a spatula. "But... but she started it!" Usagi wailed. "Please, Usagi, how could a toddler start a snow fight?" Chibichibi nodded her head, agreeing with every word Ikuko was saying. It sounded right to her. "Anyway," Ikuko continued, "come inside and put on your coat. Chibichibi wanted to play outside and I don't have the time to keep on eye on her." Usagi saw she wasn't going to win this battle. She gave in and began to walk inside to put on her winter coat... when she felt another snowball, hitting her in the back of the head. She turned around and saw Chibichibi, laughing once again. The little girl fell back into the pile of snow, still laughing, and starting on a snow angel. "You little spore... . . ." Usagi muttered, remembering a certain someone else. ~*~*~ Seiya Kou dialed her phone number and waited for her to pick the phone up. He was hoping she would be home, and that she would say yes to his question. After having a busy schedule, filled with concerts, photo shootings, and studio recordings, spending some of his two-week holiday with her would really make his day. Her mother was to one to pick the phone up. "Hai, moshi moshi?" she sweetly said. Seiya cringed to himself. He was kind of hoping Usagi would pick up the phone. "Um, this is Seiya Kou, one of Usagi's friends. I was wondering if I could speak to her." "Sure, just let me get her for you." Ikuko placed the receiver on the counter and asked Shingo to tell Usagi. After his grumbling, he went to the front door. He saw Usagi and Chibichibi lying on the floor, creating a patch of snow angels in the snow. He almost gagged at the cuteness of the scene. "Baka Usagi, there's a phone call for you!" Shingo shouted. "Some guy named Seiya Kou-san!" Usagi shot up and ran into the house, almost knocking her mother down to the floor. Shingo just shook his head and turned to the small toddler. "Some things won't changed, ne?" Shingo said. Chibichibi nodded, agreeing with what Shingo had to say. Everyone is so truthful today was what Chibichibi could have been thinking. But she could have been thinking about playing in the snow. Usagi picked the phone up from the clean kitchen counter. She sat on the counter with her feet dangling, and cheerfully spoke to the patiently waiting Seiya. "Hi, Seiya-kun! Glad you called!" Seiya faintly smiled. How much he loved the sound of her voice. "Odango, do you have any plans for today?" She shook her head, and said, "No, I don't. Why?" That made him smile even more. She was free for today. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall or somewhere this afternoon." The word "mall" made her smile from ear to ear and her spirits rise to the heavens. "Shopping! I loved to! I have to pick up a couple of gifts anyway." And a few things for myself, she thought. "Great. I'll come around one o'clock." "Okay! Ja ne!" Usagi hung up the phone and slid off the counter until her feet touched the floor. It was a nice thing to have company when shopping. And she needed some advice on some of the presents she had picked off and wanted to get. Mostly a man's advice. Seiya didn't really have anytime to say "ja ne" back. Usagi had already hung up. It was a little rude, nonetheless, but it was just like Usagi to do that. He smiled as he hung up his phone. "Oh, look at Mr. Love over there," Yaten teased. He turned around and gave Yaten a cold glare. "Shut up, Yaten," he scowled. "Just leave him alone," Taiki called out from the other room. He was trying to de-tangle the long strands of Christmas lights that had somehow gotten jumbled together over the past eleven months. "He'll learn one day." Seiya looked at him quizzically. "Learn what?" ~*~*~ The mall was crowded with the bustling crowds of Christmas shoppers, trying to get all of their Christmas shopping done before the twenty-fourth of December. And then there was the husbands and boyfriends that were sitting down, waiting for the twenty-fourth of December to do their shopping. Shoppers fought over the last Furbies in the toy stores, and mobs of people ran from store to store to get the best sales. Little babies were crying, and small children cried out loud because they had to wait until Christmas to get something their parents had bought for them. Another year, another loud mess. And next year would probably be even worse. "I think the crowds get bigger every year," Usagi commented. Seiya nodded, and said, "I'm glad I got most of my shopping done in November." Seiya had dressed down, wearing shades and an old baseball cap, so not to be noticed by any fans that could possibly be shopping as well. But by the way the crowd looked, he probably had a good chance of not being noticed. Everyone seemed to be in his or her own world. A very hectic world at that. "So, where do you want to go first?" he asked. Usagi shrugged. "Don't know, there are a couple of places I need to go. Could we go to Fasshon Fukidemono (Fashion Eruption)?" "Sure." "Well then!" Usagi exclaimed cheerily. "Let's get going before everything's gone!" She pulled Seiya by the arm and began to drag him through the heavy crowd. Seiya didn't really mind it, but he thought of something that he thought would be funny. He jerked his hand from Usagi's grasp and ran in front of her. "Gotta catch me first," he teased. A look of pout fell on her face. She started running through the crowd trying to catch with Seiya. "Hey, I didn't agree to this!" They both gave up the chase when they realized it was almost impossible to run through the mall when it was almost filled to the able capacity of people. Seiya waited for Usagi to catch up with him before he started walking to the clothing store. Fasshon Fukidemono was a popular clothing store, one of the most popular clothing stores in Tokyo. It sold a vast range of clothing, from the basic jeans and T-shirts to most of the top designer clothes sold at all finer stores. The service was excellent, the quality is items were superior, and the prices were fair. Usagi and her friends went there quite often when they shopped, and each time they left broke. Usagi was sure it would happen again. What she wanted to buy could cost her all of her allowance left from Christmas shopping. "What are you planning to buy here?" Seiya asked, curiosity killing him. Usagi smiled. "I wanted to get something for Mamo-chan for Christmas. I saw this blazer in the window yesterday, and I kind of want your advice on it. Kinda want to break that habit of his of wearing that old, green one." Something inside of him died that moment. So that's why she agreed to come with me, he thought. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor. He felt a bit uneasy, but he wasn't about to say no to her. "I don't know that much about him," he commented, "but I'll try to help." "Good, what do you think about this one?" He looked at the blazer Usagi held up for him. It looked all right, except for the color. "Odango, I don't think aquamarine is an appropriate color for a blazer." Usagi at the blazer as a sweat bead hovered over her face. "Oh, wrong one!" she chimed, and laughed nervously at her mistake. What she had said was true, she had picked up the wrong one. This time she carefully looked this time, and held up another blazer. "This is the right one," she said, confident this time. He had to admit it was a very nice blazer. Usagi either had very excellent taste, or she knew Mamoru very well. Possibly both. It was a fashionable, gray blazer. On each sleeve were three, small golden color buttons, and two buttons in front. Not a thread out of place. Seiya was trying to figure out how she got the two mixed up the first place. "You would probably be safe to buy that one," he said. Usagi smiled. She had hoped Seiya said that. Now she wouldn't have to worry about picking out another blazer. Of course, she would have looked through the entire the mall just to find something from Mamoru. As long as it keeps him away from that green blazer he loves, she thought. Usagi paid for the blazer and had it wrapped in deep burgundy wrapping paper with shimmering gold ribbon tying it together, even though it did cost a little extra. In fact, she came out the way she expected to. Flat broke. "Seiya-kun, are you and Yaten-kun and Taiki-kun coming to the Christmas party next week?" Seiya nodded. "Hai, we have two weeks off for the holidays. Is Mamoru-san coming?" He saw her eyes sadden when he asked her. "I don't really know yet," she said. "I've written to him almost everyday since Christmas, reminding him about the party. And I sent another letter today. But I haven't heard anything from him, so I don't know." He couldn't stand to see her sad. He placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder and kindly said, "Don't worry about it. He's sure to make it. He probably misses you as much as you miss him." Usagi smiled, liking what Seiya said. At least she smiled. ~*~*~ December 23rd... Dear Usako, I'm sorry for not writing to you any sooner. Things at the college have been rather hectic, and I haven't had much time to myself the past couple of weeks. But as turns out, I won't be able to make it home for Christmas. And it means I can't make to the party. I know you're probably mad at me, but it's something that couldn't be helped. The snow here in Massachusetts has been falling rather heavily the past couple of weeks, and many flights have been canceled. I haven't forgotten about you. You're all I think about every day, and you're in my heart always. Love, Mamo-chan Inside the letter were red rose petals that fell on her bed when she opened the envelope. They had given the paper a rose-scented smell, a smell she missed. A few tears fell down her cheeks on the letter, smearing the ink. She wouldn't be able to see her Mamo-chan at Christmas. Mamoru had also sent her a Christmas present. It was neatly wrapped of shiny, silver foil that shimmered in the light, and was tied with thick, bright red ribbon, the same shade as the rose petals. And it was rather large. "Aren't you going to open it?" Luna asked, looking at Usagi with a touch of concern in her eyes. She jumped onto the bed and sat next to Usagi, allowing her to scratch her ears, making her purr. It wasn't that often when Luna let herself act like a normal cat. Usagi nodded and untied the thick red ribbon. She ripped the pretty silver foil that wrapped her present, and was confronted with a white box. She opened the lid and saw something was covered with brightly colored paper tissue. Throwing the tissue to the side, she found soft, cute, cuddly bunny rabbit. The bunny rabbit held six red roses and a note. Usagi took the note and read it. It said, "Six roses for my Usako now, and six roses for later. I'll see you as soon as I can. Love, Mamo-chan." Usagi smiled and held the bunny rabbit close to her. The roses had left its nice scent on the plush animal, like the petals did with letter. It was like having him close to her. Luna smiled. "You see, he didn't forget about you. Now, the guests are already starting to come through the door. And Ami-chan, Rei-chan, Mako-chan, and Minako-chan are already here. You should go downstairs, and have fun tonight. Okay?" Usagi agreed and walked to her doorway. She stopped and looked at the bunny rabbit sitting there forlorn, waiting to be hugged again very soon with the roses lying beside it. "Yeah, but it's not the same." Chibichibi came running down the hallway towards the stairs in a mad frenzy. "Santa-san outside! Santa-san outside!" She ran down the stairway, tickle to death. Tsukino Kenji looked at Usagi from doorway of the bathroom, putting on his fake, white beard. "Is there someone outside that we don't know about?" he asked. Usagi walked to the end of the hallway and saw three figures waiting outside for someone to let them in. She saw a short, white haired elf, a tall, lanky reindeer with a bright red nose, and a rather thin Santa Claus. She could see a few strand of black hair coming off from under his snowy white wig. Usagi laughed hesitantly. She hadn't expected them to do anything like that. And now they had two Santas that were going to be in the house. Santa Kenji looked outside over Usagi's shoulders. "They must be some of your friends, right?" he asked. She sighed. "Hai . . . unfortunately." Yaten smiled devilishly at the scornful Taiki. "Come on, Taiki, where's your Christmas spirit." He took the small string dangling on Taiki's antlers and pulled it. The red bulb on the tip of Taiki's nose blinked. "It left when I put this stupid costume on!" Taiki growled. "Man, why did I have to be the stupid reindeer?!" Seiya teased, "Yaten's the only one short enough to be an elf." Yaten glared at him coldly. "Shut up, fatso." Usagi sighed and opened the door for the three "unexpected" guests of the night. She looked at them with a quizzical look, asking them, with just an expression, why they had decided to do such a thing. Taiki and Seiya each pointed at the short man sandwiched between them. "His idea!" they shouted. "Santa-san!" ChibiChibi ran between Usagi legs and hopped into Santa Seiya's arms. She hugged him as hard as her little arms could. She was so happy to see the "real life" Santa Claus, even though he was a little thin that year. But seeing him meant she had been a very good girl that year. Makoto and Rei saw through Seiya's disguise and threw themselves to him, each holding on to one of his arms. Their expressions were the same as Chibichibi; they knew they had been good girls that year to have their favorite singer dressed as Santa Claus, "just for them" "Awww... Kawaii..." Yaten teased. He laughed as he watched the two girls drag him into the living and Chibichibi still hugging his neck. But the humorous site didn't last long for him. A bubbling blonde ran past Usagi, squeezing through the doorway and literally jumped into Yaten's arms. She squeezed his neck tightly, hugging him with her might. "Hi, Yaten-kun!" Minako exclaimed! "I'm glad you made it tonight! I really love your costume! Can I war your hat?! Huh!? Can I, can I, can I, can I, can I!" "Minako-chan... can't breathe..." She let his neck go for only a moment so she could grab his arm and lead him into the fun happening in the living room. But Yaten took the advantage and ran into the living room, leaving a trail of dust, or snow, behind him. "Yaten-kun! Wait for me! I want you to tell Santa something for me!" Usagi sighed and welcomed the embarrassed Taiki into her home. It then when Ami noticed him. He was real easy to notice, though. She came over and pulled the small string on his antlers. The red light bulb blinked again. Taiki wasn't impressed at all, and Ami saw that in his face. But she couldn't help it but laugh out loud. "I'm sorry, Taiki-kun, but you look so silly." He just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Just shoot me," he muttered. The place was filled with close friends and family. The atmosphere was light and peppy, filled with the feeling of Christmas you felt as you walked through the sidewalks on a crispy cold day, smelling the scent of pine in the air. The tree was decorated with colorful ornaments and lit with strands of small, clear lights that blinked on and off at different times. The smell of cinnamon, fruitcake, and peppermint lingered in the air, creating a nice aroma, and the food from the kitchen made it ten times better. Laughter filled the room. Joy rang through. Christmas music could be heard in the background, being blared by the stereo. Everyone was having a good time. Rei, Ami, Makoto, and Minako had caught themselves a Three Light to share with each other and talked with such enthusiasm about their future Christmas plans. The Three Lights actually started having a good time themselves, and joined in with the girls' conversation, although it was mostly about the boys they hope to see during the holidays. Haruka and Michiru talked with some of the neighbors. Haruka talked about car racing with one of her fans. Unfortunately, the fan tried her best to get her attention. It was then when Michiru left her group of people and stood next to her partner, making the fan extremely disappointed, and green with envy. Setsuna mostly looked after her Hotaru and Chibichibi. She didn't mind though. She loved hanging with small children. The happy looks on their faces made her remember when she was a small child... before given the duty as time guardian. Those were the golden days to her. It always brought a smile to her face, and right then she was smiling from ear to ear. Usagi decided to join her friends and the Three Lights. It wasn't the perfect time to sit and the foot the stairs moping. That reminded her of something. Usagi looked at the top of the stairs and began to out loudly. A booming, loud, jolly voice came from the top of the stairs. "Ho, ho, ho! Meri Kurisumasu, minna-san! (Merry Christmas, Everyone!)" Santa Kenji came walking down the stairs, with a raggedy white beard and his padding a bit crooked. Chibichibi eyes lit up once again, the same way they did when she saw Seiya standing in the doorway with his costume on. She must have been a really, really good girl that year; two Santa Clauses had come to see her. "Santa-san!" she exclaimed. She ran up the stairs. Santa Kenji scooped the small child into his arms and allowed her to ride piggyback style. "I'd be embarrassed if I were you," Rei said to Usagi. Usagi just shrugged her shoulders, knowing that she had no control over such matters. There was another knock at the door. Usagi's brow rose slightly. There wasn't anyone else to be expected. Haruka and Michiru were the last ones to come. Everyone that was coming was already inside, having a nice time. Still, she went over to the door to answer. "Coming," she said. She opened the door, only to be more surprised and more confused than she already was. Because standing in the doorway, was yet another Santa Claus. Or rather, someone in a Santa Claus suit. Usagi wondered who it could be, but she had no clue. "May I come in?" he asked. He had such a deep, rich, joyful voice, like all the Santa Clauses in the room. But his was more convincing, and to Usagi, more familiar. So were his deep, blue eyes. Usagi let the Santa in, still unsure about who he was. Ikuko came over and asked Usagi, whispering, "Who's he?" She just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but he looks familiar." Once again, Chibichibi felt she was on the top of the world. Now they were three Santa Clauses in the room. She must have been a really, really, really good girl this year; she was the only girl in Japan that was being visited by three of the "real" Santas, possibly in the whole world. "Santa-san!" Chibichibi wanted so bad to go over there and hug his neck like she with the other two previous Santa Clauses. But she was getting so sleepy, and Santa Kenji's beard was so soft and warm. She fell asleep right then and there, dreaming about how such a good girl she was. "Hey, Usagi-chan, that Santa over there is motioning you to go over there," Makoto said. She was right. The unknown Santa was standing by the kitchen door, motioning Usagi to go over to where he stood. Usagi walked over there, still a bit unsure who he was. "You seem a bit unhappy tonight," he said. "Didn't you get what you wanted for Christmas?" Usagi's eyes sadden a tad. "Actually no," she confessed to the Santa, not knowing why she was. It didn't feel weird for some reason, like she knew him. "My boyfriend was supposed to come home for Christmas, but he's stuck in America because of the snow storms." "So you wish that your boyfriend would come home for Christmas?" "Technically, yes." "Done." She laughed. Sure, Mamoru was going to magically appear at her front door with open arms and hug her tightly. She wasn't stupid. She had read the letter. Either she was in the dark about something, or this was a cute, silly trick. The Santa opened the kitchen door and motioned for Usagi to follow him. For a few seconds, she really thought she would see Mamoru in the kitchen, but the little ray of hope inside of her went out when all she saw was extra turkey and pitchers full of punch. "All right, I've put up with this silly game long enough," she said, getting a little irritated. "Just who are you and what are you up to?" Magically from inside his red suit, six roses appeared in his hands with a little note attached to them. He gave her the roses and watched her read the note tied with red ribbon around the stems of the roses. It read, "Later is now." Usagi looked up at the Santa and looked at him closely. He had the same deep blue eyes, the same deep voice as... She took the fake, white beard off his face, as well as the fury, red cap off his head. What she then saw nearly floored her. She saw her Mamo-chan, staring at her with his kind eyes. "Mamo-chan?" Mamoru bent down close to her and whispered gently into her ear, "Merry Christmas, Usako." They kissed, the first time they had since he left that autumn. Tears of joy fell down her cheeks. No one knew how delighted Usagi was to see him again. It had been so long since she saw him, almost four months. Now he was here, holding her close to him, the way she remembered. It was almost like she was in a dream and what was happening was real. But the scent of roses and his warmth convinced her it was real. Nothing could have made her happier. Usagi got what she wanted for Christmas. ====== Fin.