Why a vampire? I’ve had a whole lot of people write and ask me that question since I posted chapter one of this story a few weeks ago. This is not a vampire story per say, but rather a story that has a vampire in it. More importantly, this is Rei’s story. She’s a character that’s ignored a lot of the time and I felt that she had a tale worth telling. There are other characters in this story; Usagi, Mamoru and even Motoki get some good air-time (he gets a chance to do something other than stand around in an apron!), but this is first and foremost a story that deals with abuse and overcoming it. If you think about it, what is a vampire other than the ultimate “user” of people? In the end Rei will discover that’s stronger than she thought she was and that not all monsters hide from the light of day. I mention the “World Scholar Athlete Games” in this chapter and I wanted to let everyone know that they are a real event. Every year young men and women who are gifted not only academically, but also physically come to my little home state of Rhode Island to participate in them. It’s nice to see intellectual excellence celebrated for a change. Many thanks go out to those who have written to me in support of this somewhat unusual story. Donna-I you were right. Some stories just have to be told. As always I want to thank the incomparable Masked Maiden for her willingness to read just about whatever I send her. This girl is saint! Standard Disclaimer – If I owned “Sailor Moon” and the attendant characters to which valid copyright law apply, would I have to go back to work in August when the schools open? I think not. You’ll never find Naoko Takeuchi serving mashed potatoes with an ice-cream scoop, now will you?! This story is rated “R” for violence and sexual situations! ************************ “Seduction” By Meara Chapter Two – “Masquerade” ************************ “Oh God,” Usagi said with real passion, “This feels so good! I could do this forever!” Hino Rei arched one elegant eyebrow, looking at the odongo haired blonde in the large wooden tub opposite her. “Long before ‘forever’ you’re going to turn into a giant prune, Usagi.” Usagi let herself slide down further into the tub of cool water until she was neck deep in it. “How about I do this just until I turn into a raisin?” “She’s right, though, Rei-chan,” Ami added with a decedent sigh. She floated serenely in the element she called her own. “I could stay like this for a very long time.” Makoto, who shared the over sized wooden tub with Ami, was lounging in a manner that left only her head and feet above the water. “The rest of the city is slowly broiling and here we sit in the lap of luxury. I’m surprise half of Tokyo hasn’t been beating down your door to do this.” Minako lay on her back in yet another giant tub, long blonde hair fanning out in the water around her. “Well I, for one, am not going to tell a soul about this, not even Artemis.” There was a devilish gleam in the eyes of Hino Rei. “When most people think of a bath, they assume the water has to be hot. Actually it saves the temple money when we don’t have to heat the water that comes up from the spring here.” “That wellspring goes very deep, Rei,” Ami commented in a dazed voice as she continued to float in the water around her. “I can barely hear its source.” That caused Usagi to sit up. “You can hear the water?” “Of course,” Ami replied. “I can always hear water when I try to. I have to admit it’s gotten stronger in the last few months, though. It used to be that I had to henshin to listen to the song, but now I can do it anytime I concentrate.” The luxury of having a bath tub long enough for her legs made Makoto quite happy. She nearly purred in contentment as she stretched out once more, the cool water lapping over the sides of the aged oaken tub. “Maybe that last battle with Galaxia caused our powers to increase. It happened that way after both the Black Moon Clan and the Death Busters.” “Well, I haven’t noticed any big changes,” Minako said. She took a mouthful of water and let it erupt as if she were a fountain. Her head leaning back against the side of the tub, Rei closed her violet eyes. “I don’t know about that. My visions in the Sacred Fire have been coming clearer and easier than before as of late.” “It could just mean that we’re maturing into the more elemental aspects of our powers,” Ami loved the feel of the water against her skin, like silk so smooth and clean. “Well this really sucks then,” Minako grumbled. “I’m supposed to be the Soldier of Love, so why aren’t the boys falling at feet ne?” A sly grin split the face of Kino Makoto. “What can I say, Minako- chan? Some people just mature faster than others.” “I am too mature!” The very adult soldier of love stuck her tongue out at Makoto, who laughed in reply. Ami sighed as she floated serenely. “I’m going to miss you guys. I know I’ll only be gone for a little over two weeks, but this is the first time we won’t spend summer break together.” “Being invited to the World Scholar Athlete games is great honor, Ami,” Usagi could see that Ami was nervous about going all the way to the United States. “And one you deserve. Relax and enjoy the trip. We’ll all be stuck here in sweaty Tokyo and you’ll be living the high life.” “Just think,” Makoto gave a sly wink as she looked at her shy friend. “Two weeks surrounded by buff and toned guys from all over the world. If I’d known about these Scholar Athlete games I’d have studied a lot harder.” “Well, I promise I’ll bring you all back something from America,” Ami replied. “Oh, oh,” Minako raised her hand, “make mine about six feet tall with dark hair and oh so mysterious green eyes like that new guy Motoki hired to work nights at the Crown.” “Kudoko Akuma,” Mako gave a long sigh. “What a jerk,” Rei grumbled. “Life is so unfair,” Minako brought her hand up to her brow in an over the top gesture. “We all want to get close to Akuma but he only has eyes for Rei. She however won’t give him the time of day.” Usagi let a sly and contented smile creep across her face. “Not me. I’m quite happy with Mamo-chan, thank you.” “So why don’t you like him, Rei-chan?” Minako asked with a glance at Usagi. She was fairly sure that Mamoru and Usagi relationship had taken a much more mature turn. She made a mental note to have a talk with Usagi about hiding it a little better. If she could figure it out, then so could other people. “He’s too good looking,” Rei replied as she cupped her hands to play with the water. “Too good looking?” Minako shot back, “Are you crazy? There’s no such thing as too good looking!” Rei’s eyes grew serious for a moment. “Yes there is. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a handsome face means a good heart.” An unexpected knock on the door broke Rei’s train of thought. All five girls shrieked at once as the door cracked open. Makoto grabbed a nearby towel and pulled it into the water before she flung it as hard as she could. “I’m not coming in!” Yuuichirou, hand over his eyes, shouted as the sopping towel made a wet thunk on the wall near him. “Hold your fire!” “Yuuichirou, you eechi, what do you want?” Rei shouted back. “It’s your father, Rei-san. He’s here to see you.” *************************************** The late afternoon sun couldn’t break through the heavy, velvet draperies that shrouded the small windows in the place Kudoko Akuma was currently using as his base of operations. The darkness in the apartment was broken only by a single, small lamp that sat on a table near the couch. With the sultry weather most people would have found the cool darkness quite nice. Furuhata Motoki was not one of them. He wasn’t here because he wanted to be – he was here because he’d been forced to come. The call was one that Motoki fought every step of the way, but in the end was unable to resist. Ever since the stormy night the vampire had nearly killed him a little over a month ago, Motoki was unbreakably bound to his new master and he hated it with a burning passion than he hadn’t thought himself capable of. A part of Kudoko now lived inside him, controlling his movements when he wanted to and always trying to smother any sign of free will on Motoki’s part. While he couldn’t break the control Kudoko had on his body, Motoki had so far managed to keep a small corner of his mind his own. The now almost daily summons routinely came just as the vampire was rousing. Knowing what was expected of him Motoki took a bottle of out of the refrigerator, gingerly handling it with disgust. He grumbled to himself as he placed it in a pan of warm water, bringing the liquid up to body temperature. Like most creatures, Kudoko woke hungry. (And we all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,) Motoki thought sarcastically. Placing the warmed bottle and a wine glass on the coffee table, Motoki sat on the couch as far away from the bedroom door as he could manage. Kudoko had yet to emerge but this wasn’t unusual. He didn’t have long to wait. The door opened and Kudoko Akuma walked into the living room. “Motoki,” he smiled, “How good of you to come.” (Like I had a choice,) Motoki grumbled to himself. “You’re such an amusing toy. I can see how much you hate me in your eyes.” Kudoko took the first bottle and poured himself a glass. Taking a long drink, he watched Motoki shiver with revulsion. He could feel the young man chafing against his control, trying to at least look away. “Foolish boy, you can’t break the compulsion I’ve placed on you, but struggle all you want if it makes you feel any better.” “It doesn’t,” Motoki replied out loud. The compulsion prevented him from running up to people and shouting that Kudoko was a blood sucking monster, but he’d discovered recently that by choosing his words very carefully, he was occasionally able to get around the spell the vampire had him under. That small liberty gave him hope that eventually he’d find way to free himself. The vampire moved closer, his hand sliding to stroke Motoki’s neck. “Do you know why I chose you, toy? You’re the man in the middle, someone close to both Chiba Mamoru and Tsukino Usagi. Working at the Crown has given me the perfect opportunity to study her up close, find her weakness.” He casually began to unbutton the shirt the young man wore. “And she does have some wonderfully exploitable weaknesses. Usagi seems a little fragile to me right now. Why I don’t know and really don’t care. She’d be very open to something that would make her feel good and I’m sure you’ve noticed just how good I am at doing that.” Fear lanced through Motoki’s body at the vampire’s touch and he prayed that the monster would go back to drinking what was in the bottle. Each time Kudoko fed from him the mind numbing pleasure seemed to eat away at his will and it took longer and longer for Motoki to come back to himself. If this kept up then one day there would be nothing at all left of Furuhata Motoki, only an enslaved shell that lived to do his master’s bidding. “She has such a good heart, too,” Kudoko all but purred, “Usagi is so compassionate, so naïve, so willing to believe in the good in people.” (When Mamoru finds out what you plan to do to Usagi he’s going to drive a rose right through your black heart, you bastard,) Motoki seethed internally. (And when that happens I’m going to be right there cheering him on!) Kudoko failed to notice that Motoki seemed somewhat distracted. “It took me almost two years of quietly following Tuxedo Kamen for me to discover that he’s Chiba Mamoru. But from my study of Tuxedo Kamen it became clear that he was the one who’d lead me to what I seek, if I was patient enough. Now I will have control of the Moon Princess and through her, have access to the power of the White Moon.” (‘Moon Princess’, ‘Power of the White Moon’ - what is he talking about?) “I thought you were interested in Rei,” Motoki managed to turn his head away, cheered by the small rebellion. “Every time she’s around all you do stare at her.” (And please, do continue to hit on Rei the way you are. Right now all you’re doing is pissing her off and I definitely want that to continue!) “Oh, I am interested in Rei. She’s a rare prize that one, such an elegant beauty,” Kudoko’s eyes sifted from green to red, the pupils becoming slitted like a reptile. “But enough of that for now. I want to show you something, toy,” the vampire’s voice dropped to a commanding whisper. “Look at me, Motoki.” Trembling with protest, Motoki felt his head turning back to look at Kudoko as soon as the monster called his name. Those red eyes caught his gaze and the world started to fall away. His mind screamed in protest, but the allure in the vampire’s eyes was too strong to fight. Motoki felt a now familiar lassitude come over him and he sighed, leaning back against the couch in a daze. “That’s it toy, just relax. I told you that you would come to crave what I can do for you.” Kudoko pushed the shirt away from Motoki’s shoulders, exposing a bandaged wound at the base of his neck. The dressing was peeled off almost delicately and tossed aside. “Here’s something I learned a very long time ago. If you want to break someone, use pain. But if you want to bind someone to you, seduction is a much more effective weapon.” The vampire carefully took Motoki’s face in his hands. “Let me show you how it’s done.” Kudoko stroked the young man’s cheek before getting up to stand in front of him. A subtle glow encased the vampire’s body as Kudoko cast his spell. It was a simple but amazingly effective illusion enchantment, one that used the mind of the victim to project the person they most wanted to see. Kudoko had learned it sixty years ago in a small Russian village and had found it very useful. “Motoki,” he called at last in a low voice, “Motoki, it’s me.” He gestured with both hands and a wave of stardust flowed from him towards a dazed Motoki. A strangled gasp came from the young man leaning back against the cushions when the sparkling veil encompassed him. The world spun dizzily and he closed his eyes tightly with soft moan of discomfort. Motoki licked his dry lips, trying to remember where he was and how he’d gotten here. “Motoki,” Reika called to him, “Motoki it’s me.” He blinked, eyes cracking open at the sound of the voice he loved calling his name. She stood in front of him, arms open wide. “Motoki, come to me my love.” “R…Reika?” he whispered with shock. Everything had taken on a dream- like quality and the young blonde man stumbled to his feet. He gave a happy sigh at the sight his heart wanted most to see. “Reika, I thought you were on a dig in Turkey?” There was a coquettish smile on her face that was somehow vaguely out of place. “I’ve come back just to be with you. Aren’t you happy to see me?” Motoki fell into her arms with a groan, so glad and relieved to see her that it hurt. “Oh honey, I’ve missed you so much. I’ve been having the strangest dreams since you left.” “Reika” gave him a smile, reaching out to brush a lock of hair from his eyes. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here now and everything will be all right.” Arms enfolded him and Motoki didn’t protest when they pulled him close. He saw what Kudoko wanted him to see, never suspecting that it was only an illusion. Fangs jutted out from between curled lips and, giving a low bestial snarl, the vampire plunged down. Motoki jumped slightly when the sharp teeth broke the skin. But as Kudoko started to feed, the young man’s breathing grew ragged and his eyes slid closed. “Reika,” Motoki moaned her name weakly. “Oh, Reika that feels so good. I love you so much.” The pleasure swept through him like a raging river and he was drowning in it, unable to stop the wild ride. Kudoko pulled his head away when Motoki finally slumped against him, physically and emotionally spent. The image blurred, then shattered, falling away like the shards of a broken mirror. Kudoko Akuma held the shivering Motoki in his arms. He regarded the dazed young blonde with a smile. “Now, wasn’t that pleasant, toy? As much as I occasionally enjoy the taste of fear, passion is much sweeter as it runs through the blood.” He leaned down, running his tongue over the still oozing puncture wounds to stop the flow of blood. “And so very delicious.” *************************************** Usagi had a spare key to Mamoru’s apartment. He’d given it to her several years ago and she’d only used it handful of times until as of late. She loved to be able to come here for a number of reasons. The small apartment was air-conditioned and wonderfully cool even on the hottest of days. Mamoru had made it quite clear to her that she could come here anytime she needed to and Usagi was grateful for that sense of refuge. On the days when the memories were at their worst Usagi could come here and surround herself with him. That, in the end, was the main reason she loved this place. Even when Mamoru wasn’t home the small amounts of clutter in the apartment - the drying dishes in the sink, the clothes in the hamper waiting to be washed – were tangible proof that he really was with her. They sat together on the couch in his living room, music playing softly in the background. Usagi snuggled deeper into her beloved’s arms, the balm of his love soothing her worries away. The future could keep its crown and palace. All Usagi had ever wanted was right here, right now. “Rei’s father is in town?” Mamoru sounded surprised. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a picture of him. Rei certainly doesn’t talk about him much.” “Today was the first time I met him,” Usagi sighed. “He’s very handsome, I guess. Rei doesn’t look like him at all though.” “Handsome, eh? Should I be jealous?” Mamoru asked softly. Usagi gave a shiver of delight as his breath tickled her neck. “Maybe,” she teased. “I mean he is good looking, in a sort of game- show-host way.” She slapped Mamoru’s arm lightly when he laughed at the description. “You may get to meet him yourself later. He’s going to drop Rei at the Crown Parlor for Ami’s bon voyage party tonight.” Lifting his arm, Mamoru made a show of looking at his watch. “Hmmm, that’s three whole hours away. Any idea of how we could pass the time until then?” “Let’s see…” Usagi pretended to seriously consider her options. “We could watch the ‘Weather Channel’ or maybe that station that has golf on all the time. Do you have any suggestions, Mamo-chan?” Turning Usagi in his arms, Mamoru gave her a devilish smile. “As a matter of fact, yes I do.” He pulled her close and they kissed. Entwined they fell back onto the cushions of the sofa, the kiss deepening as their passion for each other rose. Usagi’s hands roamed over Mamoru in a way that made him moan in appreciation. “Mamo-chan you have the best ideas,” she whispered in his ear, then nibbled on it. Mamoru placed urgent kisses down her neck, his fingers nimbly opening the buttons on her blouse. She hummed in approval at what he was doing, eyes closing in bliss. So lost in the joy of each other were the two neither of them noticed the soft ringing of the telephone. The machine clicked on at the fourth ring, the message audible even through the cheap, tinny speakers. “This is the Chiba residence and I’m not available right now. Please leave your name, number and a short message at the beep and I’ll get back to you.” The sound of it made Usagi involuntarily tense up in Mamoru’s arms. He felt it and stopped his sweet explorations. “What’s wrong?” Uncomfortable but unwilling to talk about it, Usagi shook her head. “It’s nothing,” she said a little too brightly. She kept trying to forget, but the memories of the awful days when the only time she could hear his voice was on his answering machine refused to go away easily. He wrapped his arms around Usagi. The sudden and unexpected anguish radiating from her hit Mamoru hard. “Usako, it’s okay. I’m with you.” Instead of reassuring Usagi, the remark made her start to shake. “Promise you won’t leave me again, Mamo-chan. Please don’t leave me again,” Usagi whispered. As much as she tried to hide it, Mamoru could sense the storm of anguish and anxiety that raged through Usagi. She was a hair away from emotional melt down and he had not the faintest idea of what was triggering it. He took her face in his hands and placed gentle kisses on her forehead, murmuring reassurances to her as he went. “I promise,” he told her over and over. “I promise I won’t ever leave you.” Usagi’s hands came up and grasped his, moving to kiss him with an urgency that boarded on desperation. Mamoru didn’t understand what was fueling these episodes but he intended to find out. That would have to wait, Mamoru knew. He couldn’t have stopped his response to Usagi’s passionate need for him even if he’d wanted to. Making love to her seemed to be what she needed most right now and he was more than content to oblige. *************************************** The apartment was amazingly luxurious. It sat high in one of Tokyo’s finest residence towers. Even through the afternoon haze Rei had a view of the ocean. She opened the double French doors, feeling a sea breeze sweeping up to met her as she did. The world below seemed very far away and Rei couldn’t help staring down. “So what do you think?” Hino Rokojou asked. He’d seen the utter wonder on Rei’s face and allowed himself a smug smile. He knew she’d go for this in a big way. “This is a rather nice way to live, ne?” Tearing herself from the views Rei moved back into the apartment. “You could say that. This place must cost a fortune!” “Never settle for second best,” Hino said. He pointed to one door. “That’s your bedroom, princess. I think you’ll like the furniture I’ve picked out for you…” That got Rei’s attention and she raised her hands in a gesture reminiscent of warding. “Whoa, wait a minute! You make it sound like I’ll be living with you.” “Well, of course,” Hino sounded surprised and slightly annoyed by his daughter’s tone. “I never said I’d come and live with you,” Rei shot at him. “I said I’d think about it.” “What is there to think about, princess? Look around you,” he opened his arms wide. “Hard wood floors, cut crystal chandelier, an indoor pool and exercise room right in the building – this so much better than the temple.” Her face was growing flushed by the conflicting emotions that vied for control inside Rei. (He wants me to live with him, a part of her cried happily – He loves me! I knew it)! (This is a gilded cage,) the other part of her shouted in response. (He magnanimously deigns to show up again and he expects you to leave the only real home you’ve ever known – what a jerk!) “I thought you said that this was my decision,” Rei said, choosing the middle ground between her warring halves. “And more expensive doesn’t make it better, daddy.” A long suffering sigh came from Hino Rokojou. He ran a hand through perfectly coiffed black hair. “That’s your grandfather I hear talking again, not you.” “Is that so awful,” anger was rising in her quickly. How dare he criticize the one person who had always been there for her?! “People come from all over to get the benefit of his wisdom.” “There are a lot of things going on here that you can’t begin to understand, princess. What would people think if you still lived with your grandfather? Do you know how that would look to the voters?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. Rei raised a single eyebrow as she began to sense an ulterior motive to the sudden interest in where she resided. “Voters? You’re in the diplomatic core, daddy. Why would you care about what the ‘voters’ would think?” “I was going to tell you later,” he flushed crimson, partly in frustration, partly in anger at letting his temper get the best of him. “There’s a Diet seat that’s coming open in the tenth district and I’ve been asked to run for it. I need you to be living with me, princess. It would raise too many questions if you didn’t.” Rei felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. She’d tried so hard not to let herself get her hopes up, but Rei had done just that and in that moment hated herself for it. Hot tears sprang up behind her eyes. Why did he only want her around when he needed something from her? What was wrong with her that her own father didn’t love her? Not noticing her reaction Hino continued to go on. “It’s not as if you’ll never see your Grandfather again. You can stay with him on the weekends if you want. I’ll probably be out of town then anyway.” Grinding her back teeth together, Rei maintained enough control not let those tears fall. “Like I said, I’ll think about it.” “Don’t make me force the issue. Just accept it and make the best of it. This is for your own good you know,” annoyance was creeping back into voice. He reached out and took her by the arm, squeezing as he spoke. “What is wrong with you? Look around, most people would do anything to live in a place like this! What more do you want?” The violet eyes were cold and hard as diamonds when he unknowingly paraphrased her self doubts. Rei jerked her arm free, “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m sixteen now and that means I don’t have to live where I don’t want to.” He had forgotten that salient fact and Rei enjoyed the look of dismay that crossed her father’s face. “I have to get going now,” she didn’t wait for him as she turned and headed for the door. “Ami’s party is at eight and I can just make it on time if I take the cross town bus.” I’ll drive you,” he needed to mend fences with his daughter. He couldn’t let it end this way. “We can discuss the situation on the way.” Rei accepted the ride with a nod. If her father thought he could change her mind, he really didn’t know her at all. And oddly enough, that idea hurt more than she thought it would. *************************************** She was so beautiful with her midnight hair flowing around her shoulders. He was sure that the long ebony tresses would be like silk to the touch and wanted to run his hands through it. Her porcelain skin had a fine blush that only served to show off delicate cheekbones. It was her eyes, though, that he found the most enchanting. They were purple, the color the clouds just before sunrise and he felt as if he could happily drown in their regard. Like two bright pieces of amethyst they sparkled with the force her personality. “I’m fine, grandpa,” Rei turned her back on the noise from the crowd in the Crown Fruit Parlor. She caught a glimpse of the guest of honor, Ami, surrounded by more friends than the shy genius thought she had. It was good to let Ami know just how much she meant to those who loved her, Rei thought. To be honest, it helped Rei to be around people who loved her for what she was; not for what she could do for them. Mamoru had been kind enough to let her use his cell phone and she wanted to keep the conversation short. “No, I don’t where Daddy went and frankly I couldn’t care less if you paid me to. Look, I just called to let you know that the party is breaking up and I’ll be home in a little while. No, it’s okay. I’m going to walk with friends but yes, I promise I’ll be careful.” Rei went to hang up the phone, but paused uncharacteristically, “Grandpa? I love you.” Kudoko Akuma waited only long enough for Rei to turn the device off, folding it into the closed position. He came up behind her, leaning forward ever so slightly to whisper in her ear. “She walks in beauty, like night. Of cloudless climes and starry skies and all that’s best of dark and bright meets in her aspect and in her eyes.” Rei didn’t even look at him. “Quoting Shelley won’t get you anywhere with me. Go away.” That she brushed him off so easily fascinated Kudoko to no end. “Actually it’s Byron, but it’s still true, you know. You are vision of beauty.” He stepped in front Rei, blocking her path. “You just can’t take a hint, can you?” Rei huffed when he slid in front of her. “Go away and leave me alone.” “Would it really be so terrible to spend a few minutes with me?” he said with a smile. Deliberately Kudoko sought her gaze and, using a tiny portion of the magic at his command, held it. He raised one hand in invitation. “Come walk with me, beautiful Rei,” he whispered in his most seductive voice. “My nights will be much too long without you.” Rei met his green eyes and something in them made her shiver. Oddly enough, she found herself considering going with him for an instant. He was handsome and charming, she allowed. There was also an arrogance in Kudoko’s gaze that reminded her too much of her father. She tilted her head in a display of annoyance. “Do you know what this is?” Rei asked rubbing the fingertips on her right hand together quickly. “It’s the world’s smallest violin and it’s playing a sad song just for you. Now what part of ‘go away’ didn’t you understand?” Brushing his hand aside Rei pushed past him. Kudoko let her go, a wry smile coming to his lips. She was magnificent. He’d only met a handful of people who could look him the eye and resist his charms. “Is she the one you’re after,” a female voice whispered petulantly in his ear, “That little girl? I know you’ve always liked them young, Akuma-sama, but she’d barely more than a child.” His green eyes were still riveted on Rei as she walked back to the three small tables that had been put together for Ami’s party. “She’s only a year or so younger than you were when I first took you, my dear. But no, she’s not the one I came here for.” His gestured with one hand to the odongo haired blonde that Rei now sat next to. “That’s her, with the blonde hair.” Kudoko gave a sideways glance at the female who moved slightly to get a better look. She had the appearance of young woman of no more than seventeen or eighteen. Her hair was black as night and had been caught up in a single long ponytail that fell to her hips. “A blonde?” she asked, slightly offended by the choice. “Since when have you ever gone for blondes? Especially ones who wear their hair in such a weird way…” Kudoko folded his arms against his chest. “That is none of your business, Yohko. I called for you because I need to do something for me.” Yohko smiled at him, turning to wrap her arms around his neck. “Do you now, and what’s in it for me?” “You have so many questions tonight, Yohko. That I tell you to do it has always been enough before.” He reached out and took her chin in one hand, slowly caressing her skin for an instant. “You’ve become quite independent these last few years, pet.” She purred with pleasure before he closed the hand tightly, threatening to crush her jaw. “So independent that you seem to forget who is master here,” he hissed, pulling her closer. “Who gave you the power you always wanted? Who made you what you are now?” Yohko whimpered, “You, Akuma-sama, you made me.” The fingers squeezed tighter. “And what would you do for me, pet?” “Anything…” she replied at once, fear in her voice. The hand released Yohko and she gasped, gently rubbing her sore jaw. “What do you want me to do?” “That’s much better, my dear,” Kudoko turned his attention back to the table where Rei and Usagi sat. “Do you see that man, the one with the dark hair? His name is Chiba Mamoru and he’s much too attached to my target. I want him removed from the picture.” Yohko nodded, giving a sensual growl when she got a good look at Mamoru. “He’s very handsome, Akuma-sama. Do I have kill him right away, or can I keep him for a while? I could have such fun playing with him.” “Amuse yourself with him all you’d like. But remember that he has to die when you tire of him,” Kudoko raised a single finger to catch Yohko’s attention. “Oh, I want you to cut the blonde anywhere but on her face. A nice, deep cut, please – something that’s easy to see. I need to test a theory.” Curiosity flickered briefly across Yohko’s beautiful face, but having learned her lesson for the night, she remained silent. Her cold eyes looked once at Usagi then drifted towards Rei. She didn’t really care what plans Akuma had for the blonde. From the tone of his voice he had no lasting interest in her, but the girl with the dark hair was another matter. She’d seen that look in Kudoko Akuma’s eyes before. He meant to have that girl, Yohko was sure of it. In his over one hundred and fifty years of life that as not truly life Kudoko Akuma had brought across only a handful women. Yohko was the youngest member of that elite group and she didn’t care to share Akuma with this potential rival. Once she was back in Kudoko’s good graces she was going to have to take care of that dark haired girl. “Of course I’ll do what you ask, Akuma-sama.” She leaned over, giving him a deep kiss. “I’d be more than happy to.” *************************************** Okibi Souji hung up the old fashioned rotary dial telephone with a sigh. Rei sounded very edgy, not that he was all that surprised. Spending time with her father usually did that to her. Souji had managed to keep Rei’s father away from her for most of the years she’d lived with him. But each time Hino Rokojou blew into town and his daughter’s life for a few days, she paid a terrible price. The emotional turmoil he left in his wake was never easy to deal with. In the past his son-in-law would show up for a day or two then leave as suddenly as he’d shown up. That he should be back for an extended stay after only a month’s absence was not a good sign. Okibi Souji was, like many men of his generation, not very tall and some people made the mistake of underestimating him because of that. The gnome like Shinto priest had the soul of a warrior and the heart of lion when it came to his family. Rei was all the family he had left now and he was not about to let her come to harm. In the very center of the Hikawa Shrine was the prayer room that contained the sacred fire. The elderly priest entered to room and, removing his wooden sandals, went to a small altar in one corner. It was dedicated to the deceased members of his family and foremost on it was a picture of his late wife. He bowed gravely, then picked the picture up, his hands shaking as he did so. “Yuriko,” he whispered, tracing the line of her face. Theirs had been an old fashioned arranged marriage and Souji liked to say that he’d gotten the best part of the deal. He’d spent each day of the fifty-three years they had together head over heels in love with her. “He’s back, Yuriko,” he said to the picture. “And this time I’m afraid he wants to stay. The day I’ve prayed would never come is here and I’m not sure if I have strength left to do what I have to. What if the pictures alone aren’t enough?” Tears ran down the old man’s face and splashed onto the glass covered portrait. “I wish you were here to help me with this, my beloved,” he said in a soft voice filled with pain. “I may have no choice but to tell Rei the truth, but I’m afraid it will hurt her more than the lie she’s live with all these years, Yuriko. How do I find the words? How can I tell her?” He put the picture back on the altar and knelt in prayer. “How do I tell Rei that her father is responsible for her mother’s death?” *************************************** The small group of women clung to each other, weeping piteously. They stopped for a moment, looked at each other and then broke into loud tears once more. To make it even more confusing, they all spoke at once in snippets of conversation broken up by the sobbing that had stated again. “…going to miss you so much…” “…think of you guys everyday…” “…don’t know what I’ll do without you…” Chiba Mamoru shook his head in confusion. A hand patted him on the shoulder and he turned to see Motoki with a vaguely amused look on his face. “I thought everyone was happy for Ami,” he said with a shrug, “So why are they all crying?” “I haven’t the slightest clue,” Mamoru made a motion of exasperation with his hands. “And I am not about to make the mistake of asking, either.” Ami’s mother had just arrived and gave a sage chuckle. “Get used to it, boys. This kind of behavior only gets better as we women grow older. There are all sorts of wonderful things to cry over – engagements, weddings, finding out you’re pregnant. The list just goes on and on.” “Thank you so much, Mizuno-san,” Motoki sighed trying to cover the bout of dizziness that suddenly overtook him. “I can’t tell you how much better that makes me feel.” “Are you okay, Motoki-kun?” Mamoru asked. “You don’t look good.” “Just a little tried,” Motoki heard himself say. He hadn’t even thought about that reply, it seemed to spill out of his mouth of its own accord. It was one of the convenient lies his “master” had implanted in his head. Damn, there had to be a way around this compulsion! “You shouldn’t be coming back to work so soon,” Mamoru cautioned. A vague feeling that Motoki was hiding something tickled at the back of his mind. “The man you hired, Kudoko Akuma, seems competent enough. Let him run the place for a few nights.” “Akuma is a…” he paused trying to shout, (A vampire - a blood sucking, undead, vampire! I’ll hold him down and you stake him!) “…a very nice guy, but I’d get too bored if I couldn’t come to work. Besides, I wanted to see Ami off and wish her good luck.” “Speaking of which,” Dr. Mizuno sighed. “Ami, dear, we really need to get going if we’re going to get you on your flight.” Five pairs of eyes, all with tears flowing from then, turned at the same time to look at Ami’s mother. Moments like this, when the five girls acted in perfect synch, had always given Mamoru the creeps and he gave an involuntary shudder. How did they do that? “Now?” they all said at once. Maybe he didn’t really want to know, Mamoru decided. Some mysteries were better left unsolved. “I’m afraid so,” Dr. Mizuno smiled. She motioned for Ami to come with her used the other hand to open the car door. Before she climbed into the car, she reached down and picked up a small book that was on the front seat. “I believe this is the book Ami said you wanted to borrow, Motoki,” Dr. Mizuno said handing it to him. Motoki took it with a delighted smile. “Thank you very much Mizuno -sensei! This is just what I was looking for.” Ami was in the car now and her mother got in also. “Well, enjoy it and don’t worry, there’s no rush in getting it back to me.” Mamoru had his arm around Usagi’s shoulders and she gave a watery hiccup, waving along with the other girls as the car drove away. He glanced at Motoki, “Thanks for the use of the hall, Motoki-kun. I’d better get Usako home before her father sends out the police to look for us.” Tucking the hard cover book under his arm, Motoki quietly stared after them as they left. He lingered in the street, watching the group until they entered Juban Park. Unable to avoid it any longer, he went back inside the now closed Crown Parlor. He glanced around, hoping he really was alone and clicked off about half of the lights. “Did they go into the park,” a voice asked from a dark corner. Kudoko emerged from the shadows and walked towards Motoki. “Yes,” Motoki answered, hating the fact that he couldn’t stop the need to reply to the question – but he could keep his forced answer as short as possible. Kudoko nodded his head, “Good.” He took the book that Motoki had under one arm. “What’s this, toy, a book? ‘American Sign’?” “I’m taking a course in it this fall,” Motoki replied evenly. He held out a hand. “You told me to continue on as normal and not attract attention. I always try to get a jump on my classes if I can. May I please have it back?” Kudoko tossed it back. He walked for the front door, not even bothering to look back at Motoki. “Very well. I’ll be going now, so you can close up for the night.” The young looking man with the raven hair stepped outside. Before the door to the restaurant had finished closing behind him he was swallowed up by a fog that materialized out of nowhere. Motoki shivered at that display of arcane power, quickly moving to lock the door after Kudoko. He knew something as small as a lock wouldn’t keep the vampire out, but the gesture still made him feel a little better. Picking up the book Motoki looked carefully at it. Then turning out the rest of the lights he walked towards the back room. *************************************** Aino Minako was between Rei and Makoto as they strolled at a leisurely pace through the all but deserted park. Mamoru and Usagi walked behind the trio, arm in arm Minako saw. Mamoru was much more openly affectionate than he used to be, she noted. She wondered if any of the others had figured out what their Prince and Princess were up to these days? That mystery would have to wait. Right now another and much more interesting twist grabbed her attention. “Akuma what?” Minako all but shouted. Hino Rei snorted with distain, rolling her eyes. “He quoted some poem by Byron and asked me to walk in the night with him. Can you believe that he thought I’d go of that kind of line?” “Oh my God,” Makoto sighed, “That is so romantic.” The blonde soldier of love leaned over as she walked beside her friend. “And you told him no? How long are you going to keep him hanging Rei?” “Forever,” Rei grumbled. “He’s so smooth, so damned sure of himself that it makes my teeth soft! Why would I want a guy like him anyway?” Throwing up her hands in disgust Minako managed to whack Rei on the side of her head. “Let’s see, he’s incredibly handsome, thinks you’re the most desirable creatures in the whole universe and quotes poetry at you. Oh yeah, he’s an insensitive jerk all right.” “And because he deigns to look in my direction I should roll over and give him what he wants?” Rei snapped, boiling mad. “Excuse me, but what gives the almighty Kudoko Akuma the bloody right to drop into my world and expect me to change my life around to include him?! Who does he think he is?” “Is it my imagination,” Makoto called back to where Usagi walked with her prince, “Or is Rei-chan a little crankier than usual tonight?” “I’m sorry, it’s just…” Rei sighed. She knew she shouldn’t take her bad mood out on her friends. She stopped her apology when she felt a strange coldness run through her. Looking down at her feet, she saw a thick fog starting to form at the ground level. “Un oh.” “Sweet mother of pearl; what is this stuff?” Minako looked down to her own ankles rapidly disappearing into an icy mist. There was the eerie sound of a woman laughing within the fog that was rapidly rising to knee level. “Call me crazy,” Makoto said, watching the mist slither in from all around, “But when the fog laugh at you it is not a good sign, is it?” In a heartbeat the unnatural fog enshrouded the small group, cutting them off from the rest of the world – and from each other. The few feet of ground that separated them may have as well been miles. Visibility was zero and if not for the feeling of Usagi’s arm on his Mamoru wouldn’t have known where even she was. Out of the damp, cold mist the sound of female laughter came again. “I don’t like the looks of this,” Mamoru said, his hand slipping inside his jacket to pull out a rose. He never got the chance. “Oh, but I do so like the looks of you, my soon-to-be toy.” There was a blur of motion in the haze and Usagi caught a glimpse of something rushing at her. She had time to do no more than give a short yelp of pain as a razor-sharp finger nail opened a single, deep cut high up on her arm. A lightening fast blow to the back of her head made Usagi jerk forward, then fall to the ground without another sound. “Usako!” he shouted reaching for her as her now insensible body disappeared into the mist. The fog slithered around Mamoru’s arms and legs, pulling him away from where Usagi lay. The mist quickly coalesced into a female body. Mamoru was slammed against a nearby tree, the sudden and unexpected impact knocking him out cold. Yohko had one arm pinning a now limp Mamoru against the trunk. Her free hand came up to rip at his collar. “In fact, you look good enough to eat, handsome. So I think I will,” she laughed. Her red eyes glowed and fangs nudged out from between her lips. She tipped her head back and prepared to strike, not noticing the small piece of paper that floated out of the fog at her. “Aku Ryo Tai San!” Yohko gave a screech of pain when the mystic ward hit her and she almost lost her hold on Mamoru. The mist cleared as quickly as it had appeared and the demon found herself facing three young women. Rei was in front, another ward in her hand. Yohko snarled at them, lips curling back to reveal her fangs. “Kyuuketsuki…” Rei said with shocked recognition, “Vampire.” Yohko ripped the ward from her body and it disintegrated into dust between her fingers. Demonic eyes glared at Rei when she recognized her as the dark haired girl Akuma had shown such interest in. “Stupid girl, do you really think small magics like this can stop someone as powerful as me?” “Then how about we show you something a bit stronger?” Minako replied with a glance at Rei and Mako, henshin wand in hand. “Let‘s do it!” “Mars crystal power…” “Venus crystal power…” “Jupiter crystal power…” “…Make up!” “Sailor Senshi,” Yohko hissed, recoiling in pain from the purity of the light from their henshin. Two unpleasant thoughts ran through her head at the same time. First was that if the light from their transformations alone had caused her pain, then they were more than capable of putting a quick end to her. The second was even more chilling. Akuma had set her up. Her one time lover had sent her on an errand that he knew would prove fatal. Venus pointed at Yohko, launching into her speech. “We are the Sailor Senshi and we will not allow…” That was as far as Venus got. The vampire grabbed Mamoru with both hands and in blatant violation of the unwritten time-out-for- soliloquies rule, tossed his unresisting body at the Senshi. Yohko glanced once at Usagi who was moaning softly now, starting to regain consciousness. She would make Akuma pay for this deception, Yohko vowed. She would deny Kudoko his target and take for herself whatever power he thought this girl possessed. “Fools,” she shouted at them, “I don’t ‘allow’ anyone to give me permission to do anything!” Mars was the only one able to dive clear. Mamoru, Venus and Jupiter went down in a confusing jumble of arms and legs. By the time Rei had rolled to her feet, Yohko had all ready gotten to Usagi. The semi-conscious Princess of the Moon had been hauled up in front of the vampire. Yohko gave a wicked smile, never taking her red eyes from Mars even when she lowered her head to lick at the weeping cut high on Usagi’s arm. She could taste a hint of the power that ran in this girl’s blood. “I take what I want, when I want. Because I can – because I have the power!” “Let Usagi go!” Mars shouted, desperation creeping into her voice. She called her flame sniper attack and stood with the flaming bow drawn. Usagi was too close the thing that had her, Rei knew, to let loose her attack without hitting her friend. “I said let her go!” “Make me,” Yohko laughed confidently. “There are only two types of creatures in this world, the strong and the weak.” One arm held Usagi tightly against her; the other pushed the blonde head to one side so that the neck was better exposed. “Those who use people and those who are used!” Her head tilted back and she prepared to strike. There was no time to think, no planned move or deed, just the unstoppable and overwhelming the need to act. The flaming bow disappeared and with a cry of rage Rei launched herself at Yohko. Grabbing the surprised vampire, Mars tore her away from Usagi. The two of them tumbled end over end in the damp grass, the wild ride ending with Yohko on top. The vampire slammed Rei to the ground, holding her down by the shoulders. “As I said, I take what I want, use who I want to” Yohko leaned down intending to tear out Rei’s throat with her fangs in payment for the unforgivable sin of attracting Akuma’s attention. “And weak little girls like you beg to be used.” Something burst inside Rei at Yohko’s words. “No!” She screamed, filled to bursting with a terrible, burning anger that overtook her. “No one uses me!” The fires of anger and vengeance raged inside Rei and she channeled it into her hands. Wrenching one arm free she grabbed the shocked Yohko by the arm. The words exploded from Rei in scream that tore at her throat. “FIRE SOUL!” From his vantage point deep in the sheltering canopy of a massive tree, Kudoko Akuma watched with amusement. Yohko had become much too independent in these last few years and he couldn’t tolerate that. He knew that she’d never survive the encounter he’d set up with the Sailor Senshi. That his one-time paramour could remove Chiba Mamoru from the equation was the best Kudoko hoped for. The man was a potential problem when his plans for Tsukino Usagi unfolded and if he could be removed in a fashion that held no connection to Kudoko, all the better. A sigh of regret came from Kudoko Akuma when Chiba managed to get free. A growl of anger came next when Yohko grabbed Usagi. He’d been about to intervene when the most remarkable thing happened. Hino Rei, Sailor Mars, tackled the surprised Yohko. Words were exchanged, too soft for Kudoko to hear clearly, but the results of those words riveted his attention firmly on Rei. The young women with the midnight hair shouted an attack phrase and in a flash Yohko exploded into flame. The female vampire didn’t as much as moan, just fell away from Sailor Mars in an incendiary heap. The Solider of Fire got to her feet and, hands balled into fists at her side, watched without pity as Yohko quickly burned to ash. Kudoko knew that Rei was beautiful, intelligent and a Shinto Miko. Those three things alone had piqued his interest in her. Her casual and utter refusal of his advances only whetted his appetite further, but in the moment when he saw her immolate Yohko, playful interest changed into passion. The rage she had just displayed, the burning anger spoke of a spark of darkness in her that he found irresistible. He smiled at the thought of how he could stroke that ember of darkness into an inferno that would consume her. Now that Yohko was gone Kudoko would need another suitable companion to share his eternal nights. And as he watched Sailor Mars, Kudoko Akuma vowed that Hino Rei would be that woman. NEXT – While Rei resists being drawn further into her father’s world, her Grandfather comes to a decision that will have consequences no one can foresee. Mamoru asks for some help and Usagi is pulled into the trap Kudoko Akuma plans for her. Be here in three weeks for chapter three, “Subtle Persuasion.”