Meara ********************************SilverCircle********************************** ******** Greeting to all! This is the first Sailor Moon Fanfic that I've had the intestinal fortitude to put out. I want to thank for all the encouragement she's given me. This is a story in something the Celts call a circle. This is part of the semi-autobiography of Neo-Queen Serenity. I invite all to come into the circle and go to the land between, where time is like a river. Ride the rapids with me and see where it takes us! Standard disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters therein. They are work of the gifted writer/artist Naoko Takeuchi and are owned by DIC in North America. I'm a simple storyteller and am not worth taking to court. I do, however, claim the S'Eyre and will put the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind orphan children on you if you attempt to use it without my permission. So there. You can write to me at Be kind and remember that the good you do comes back to you. The Captain of the Royal Guard pounded his silver staff on the floor three times. All in the great hall turned toward him, their conversation dwindling to a respectful hush. "Her Majesty, Neo-Queen Serenity, Holder of the Silver Imperium Crystal, Jewel of the Moon Kingdom, Protector of Innocent" he intoned in a baritone that carried across the great hall, "Champion of Justice!" Serenity and Endymion entered together, her hand on his arm. They were a striking couple. She was dressed in a flowing gown of silver brocade that fell in graceful folds around her visibly distended abdomen. The scalloped neckline was modest and her golden hair was done in the traditional style she favored. The Queen wore a simple coronet of white gold in honor of her rank. Endymion was in formal morning attire and carried a heavy oaken staff topped by a skull of the purest silver. He too wore the white gold coronet. Their only jewelry were the wedding bands they had given each other. Together they strode gracefully across the crowed room as the Captain continued his speech. "And His Dread Majesty, Endymion, King of Earth". The King turned his head ever so slightly toward his Queen. "Serenity the Wise, Serenity, the Graceful" he said in a whisper meant only for her ears. "Serenity the Pregnant." She replied to him, trying not laughing. Her many titles were a source of constant amusement to both of them. Try as she might, she could never seem to get her Major Domo to understand that she neither needed or wanted this kind of display when she entered a room. It all felt rather silly, especially now. The last stage of pregnancy was like having a zeppelin strapped to your hips that proceeded you into the room, she mused. Right now she felt about as graceful as the Goodyear blimp. Mamoru assisted his very pregnant wife into her chair. "Oh sure, you're the Jewel of the Moon Kingdom, and I'm just his dread Majesty". He took his place just behind her chair. As King, he could have also sat in a matching chair on the dais. With Usagi almost due with their second child, he felt better standing. It would be easier to defend her, if need be. Old habits die-hard. Usagi smiled as she attempted to find a comfortable position without appearing to squirm in her chair. "If you'd like I'll have the Major Domo come up with a suitable list of new titles. Just for you!" "I thought you promised you wouldn't say nasty things to me". He stood slightly to her right and put on his best You're-damn-right-I'm-his-dread- majesty-just try something-and-you'll-find -out- how- dread-I-can-be face. "Only during labor. The rest of the time you're fair game". Usagi sighed and gave up trying to be comfortable. At nine months, there was no such thing, she concluded. "Who comes before us today to have their grievances heard?" she intoned. This was usually one of her favorite duties as Queen. On the third Monday of every month she set aside an entire day to hear the problems of ordinary people over whom she and Mamoru reigned. The citizens were chosen by lottery, so no one could claim that only the powerful had the Monarch's ear. Today, however, she grimaced at the thought of having to spend the day in a chair. Her back hurt, her ankles were swollen, and the baby seemed to have settled directly on her bladder. As much as she and Mamo-chan loved their unborn child she looked forward to having her body to herself again. Mamoru smiled inwardly. It still amazed him that she could go from being his Osaku to the Queen in the blink of an eye. For all her power, she was still the same woman he had fallen in love those many years ago. Her kind heart had made the transition from absolute monarch to a semi-constitutional monarch much easier. When all was said and done He and Usagi had never been comfortable political power. They were much happier to leave the bulk of government policy making to the professionals. Oh technically they were still "their" ministers, but no one in the three tier system they had put into place could overrule the other two. They had the same power the legislature and the Judiciary did. What made their branch special was the stability the brought. Governments could rise and fall, but the Monarch was always there for the people. A system that made their lives much easier. Mamoru watched closely as a portly, middle aged man nervously stepped forward. The dread King of Earth had to stifle a laugh as he noticed that the obviously well fed fellow kept looking at him as if he was going to leap over Usagi's chair and ritually disembowel him. "Maybe I should look a little less intimidating " he thought, "I don't want to scare people - at least not too badly". He modified his facial expression to one of polite interest for the next 15 minutes. The man, whose name was Mr. C.M. Foley of Cleveland Ohio, droned on about how hard his life was and how unfair it was that he had to pay support to three different women. "I'm working myself to death, your Majesties" he whined as he came mercifully came to the end of his memorized speech, "I beg you to intercede with my ex- wives. They are bleeding me dry!" Usagi looked first at Mamoru who nodded slightly indicating his deference to her judgment, and then down at the sweaty little man. What a jerk, she thought. "All three of these women were married to you?" She asked in her "royal Serenity" voice. He blushed a beet red "Not at the same time, Majesty". There was a ripple of laughter in the court. "Of course" said Usagi , kindly. "Do you own a home?" "Well, two homes actually". He seemed surprised by the questions. This was not going as he's planned. Everyone said that the Queen was a soft touch. He was convinced that all he had to do was make his impassioned speech and look overworked (He knew he looked harried. He had made sure not to shave for the last 2 days!). Serenity would tell him what a grand fellow he was and lessen the amount he had to pay to his harridan ex-wives. "Two homes?" Usagi repeated trying not to let her dislike of the man creep into her voice. The steady pain in her back not helping matters. "Do you have any children?" "Umm, why yes, your Grace. I have three children." This was not going in the direction he wanted it to. "One by each of my ex-wives. But those wretched women are exaggerating the amount of support I should be paying them! They are forever coming at me with demands for more money!" As the man Foley began his litany of complaints, Usagi suddenly straightened in her chair. It was a small, subtle movement, but Mamoru had his hand on her shoulder before she had finished. "Usako?" "Ohh" she breathed, surprised. "Mamo-chan, I think I may be in labor". "Labor?" he thought to himself. Mamaoru could feel panic wanting to take hold of him. "Calm down" he told himself, "We've done this before". He had never told Usagi, but his greatest fear was not losing her in battle, but to something he couldn't defend her from. "Like giving birth" his conscience prompted him. "It's all your fault if she dies Mamoru". The man continued on, unaware. He nearly fell over in shock as the King stepped in front of his wife and helped her to her feet. "The audience is over!" he snapped "Captain, get these people out of here. The Queen is in labor". The Captain noted the distress in the King's voice and moved briskly to obey him. It was no secret that the King and Queen were deeply in love. Only a fool would get in their way at a time like this. "My Lord, the money…My ex-wives.." Foley sputtered. The Captain rolled his eyes at him. It looked like God had just provided that fool Endymion, King of Earth rounded on the man with a snarl. At that moment Foley would have gladly traded places with the damned to be just about anywhere else but where he was. "We can discuss this at another time, of course" he began. "You have two houses and no money? Well sell the damned houses!" roared the King. Foley blanched and, bowing, made his way to the exit as fast as his feet could carry him. At this point he was glad to escape with his life and his wallet more or less intact. Any doubt Usagi had about being in labor vanished as she slowed her forward progress slightly as a contraction gripped her. Mamoru felt her distress "Can you walk, beloved? Should I carry you?" "No my love," she replied " you know that the Queen must always appear strong." Mamoru opened his earth sense and gently let some of his strength flow into his beloved. Usagi hadn't used the Silver Imperium Crystal at all during her pregnancy. She feared that using that kind of raw energy would somehow damage the baby. Mamoru had learned, through careful practice, to use the earth's bountiful energy in a manner similar to her use of the Silver Crystal. By gently feeding her the tiniest portion of that power, he was able to boost her endurance. Even with the additional help Mamoru was giving her, the slow, decorous pace protocol demanded they use made the great hall seem gigantic. It seemed to take forever to get across it. Waiting at the exit was Rei, as Senshi Mars. As she and her husband passed through the exit doors with relief, Mars closed it behind her. "Rei! I thought you were in Osaka! What are you doing here?" "And leave you and Mamoru at a time like this? No way Odanga for brains! You need us" Mars' smile took the bite out of her words. Mamoru shot her a grateful smile. He should have known that Rei, of all people, would have known about Usagi going into labor. He sent a prayer of thanks for the bond that the Senshi shared with his Princess. He turned his head to see the rest of the Inner Senshi coming down the hall leading to the family's private suites. Between Venus and Jupiter was Rini, a look for distress on her face. She ran to her mother. "Mama, are you okay? Does it hurt?". Trailing behind her was the rabbit they had given her when they had told her that she was going to have a brother or sister. Ami went to Serenity and put her hand on her abdomen. "How close are the contractions?" she asked in a sotto voice, then more quietly "We thought it best to bring Rini along. With all that's going on she needs some special attention." Usagi gratefully squeezed her friend's hand. She was blessed in having such caring friends. Mamoru knelt to hug his daughter. "Everything's okay, munchkin. We've talked about what would happen when the baby is ready to born, remember?" Rini picked up the little lop rabbit she had named Misty and held him close. Misty, sensing her distress, began to kiss her nose. "Mama has to work to help the baby push out "she replied softly, not at all reassured by her own words, "That's why they call it labor." She buried her face in the rabbit's soft grey and white fur so no one would see the tears that filled her eyes. Usagi smiled lovingly at her first born. She was trying so hard to be brave, poor little girl! "That's right my small lady. It hurts some, but I have your Daddy and Aunt Ami to help me. Everything will just fine. By this time tomorrow you'll be big sister!" Rini considered her mother's word's, her head tilting slightly as she thought. "Okay" she said, still not convinced. "Could Aunt Mako and Aunt Mina stay with me, mama? And Aunt Rei too?" Rei gave the little princess a hug. "And Aunt Rei too." "Stay with you? Just try to get rid of us you little spore!" teased Mako. "Do you think Misty would like to go into the garden?" said Mina "I hear the carrots you planted are coming up." "Or maybe we should go for a ride." Suggested Rei, "I know a good ride sometimes helps to work you problems out. Putting her arm around Rini shoulder, they started down the hall with the rest of the Senshi. "Do you think Windchaser would mind if I brought Misty with us?" Usagi heard her daughter's voice begin to fade as she moved away. Windchaser was Small Lady's pony and Misty's chief rival for her heart. "No one but pokey old Blacky for me" that was Mina's voice. As they turned the corner and out of sight she heard Mako's laughing voice "Blacky! That old bag of bones sleeps even when he's trotting". The sound of Rini's sweet giggle floated back to her as a contraction suddenly demanded her attention. She gasped slightly as Mamoru picked her up and started to head for their bedroom. "I'm all right Mamo-chan, really". She protested. "No arguing you two. Usagi, save your strength, you 're going to need it. This labor could take a while." Said Ami. Ami was right. Nine hours later, things were finally beginning to move toward a close. Ami had prohibited Mamoru from giving Usagi any more of the energy he was able to channel into her. They didn't know what that kind of prolonged exposure would do to their unborn child. Uasgi was exhausted all ready and her temper was beginning to fray at the edges. She's had huffed and breathed and made all the stupid little sounds that Ami had told her to. It didn't really help, but Mamoru was enthusiastically coaching her to try it again. "Come on, Usako, you can do it! Like this, hehehehe"he breathed baring his teeth like an annoyed dog. "Try it again, with me, hehehehe.." "I want to push" protested Usagi "No, Usako you can't yet. Come on, breath with me, hehehehe". "I want to push" said Usagi in a slightly louder voice. Ami bent over to check her cervix. "No, no, love…breathe, like this, hehehehe" replied Mamrou "To Hell with the damned breathing! I want to push Cape Boy!!!" So much for promising not yell nasty things at him during labor. "And I want to push now!" Finally she heard the words that were like music to her "Congratulations Usagi-Chan, you're at 10 centimeters dilated. Now you can go ahead and push!" Ami sounded so pleased with herself, as if she was having this baby, Usagi mused. It's so nice to have an doctor in the "family". Usagi took a deep breath and screamed at the top of her lungs as she pushed. "Again" ordered Ami. Once more Usagi screamed and pushed as hard as possible. "One more time, Usagi-chan, the baby's head is crowning!" Filling her lungs to capacity and with her Mamo-chan supporting her back and shoulders she gave a scream that would have frightened Metallia. She felt the child slip from her body in rush. After a nano second of complete silence, the joyful sound of a baby's wail filled her ears. "It's a boy!" exclaimed Ami "A prince for Earth!". Moving with practiced skill, the Senshi of Mercury cleaned the birthing blood from the child, then suctioned about the baby's nose and mouth. Wrapping him in a soft blanket she handed him the proud father. "Mamoru, may I present your son." Endymion, Dread King of Earth took his newborn son and his arms and looked down at the tiny bundle in his arms. "Welcome" he whispered "Your mother I have waited a long time for you". With infinite care, Mamoru handed the quiet baby to his mother. Usagi cooed and held him gently. Mamoru sat beside his wife and new son. Reaching over he put his arm around his beloved's shoulders. As the three came into contact Usagi and Mamoru felt a great welling up of power, as if an iron bell has peeled a perfect note. "He's got the earth sense" said Usagi "Mamo-chan he's got your earth gift!" The baby, not at all impressed, began to cry loudly. "He's got your lungs, though Usako" smiled Mamoru. Ami stepped softly aside to allow the new parents a few quiet minutes together with their son. She smiled to herself as she heard them talk of the wonders the new prince presented them. How tiny his fingernails were, how small his feet, how beautiful he was! As the Senshi of Mercury Ami has enormous power at her disposal. It all seemed to pale in comparison the strength of the love in the room. She sometimes wondered if her role as a doctor wasn't more important in the end than her place as Senshi. It certainly tended to be much more satisfying. After a few minutes there was a soft knock at the door. Usagi and Mamoru looked up to see their daughter come in with Rei, Mina and Makoto close on her heels. Makoto helped little Rini up on the bed so she could get a good look at her new sibling. "Small Lady, this is your new baby brother, Darien". Rini hardly dared to breathe as she gently touched the infant with one tentative finger. "He's so small!" she whispered. "Welcome little brother. I love you!" Usagi's eyes began to fill with tears. Her eldest had such a good heart. Ami touched her hand and she looked up to see the Senshi in a circle around her bed. Mamoru saw them and smiled. The inner Senshi began to softly glow and power flowed around them like gossamer veils. Mars began, "As Senshi of Mars" she intoned, her voice had a strange, almost fey quality to it, "I bless you, Darien, Prince of Earth, and do promise to protect you all the days I shall live. In the name of Mars, may the fire of truth light your way." Mina took up the chant, "As Senshi of Venus I bless you Darien, Prince of Earth, and do promise to protect you all the days I shall live. In the name of Venus, may the power of love lead your heart." Ami chimed in with her soft, high voice. "As Senshi of Mercury I bless you Darien, Prince of Earth, and do promise to protect you all the days I shall live. In the name of Mercury, may the cold light of justice temper your soul." Makoto, last but never least, said "As Senshi of Jupiter I bless you Darien, Prince of Earth, and promise to protect you all the days I shall live. In the name of Jupiter, may you be strike swift as the storm to defend the helpless." Rini got down from the bed. She entered the circle and closed her eyes. At her silent command, the Imperium Silver Crystal appeared. Usagi began to sit fully upright in alarm, when Mamoru's gentle hand restrained her. "It's all right" he said with a smile. "This is a surprise Rini has been working for you and the baby." Rini looked to her Father and, at his nod of approval, began to summon the energy of the great crystal. She opened herself slowly, as she had been taught, and tried to use only a fraction of it's power. With a murmur she directed the power into the room. A small, bright blue star appeared and settled over the baby's head. With a grunt she raised her arms high and sent the energy out the room and into the sky. A great blue star appeared above the palace for a minute, then exploded into a million smaller stars that fell like fireworks. The Princess Royal of Earth made a smaller motion and the Silver Crystal disappeared. "See Moma!" she said in delight, "A blue star for a boy!" Now everyone knows that I have a baby brother!" Usagi, smiled as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. This circle of life, this blessed silver circle, is forged by love, she thought, and love is never ends. That was the true meaning of immortality.