Let’s try this again…. Welcome back to the new and revised version of “The Quest”. This is the last book in a trilogy that started with “Fatal Exposure” and continued into “Full Circle”. Although it would be nice if you’ve read those two stories, it isn’t totally necessary. That Crystal Tokyo will be founded by the end of this book is a given. What I’m also doing is setting up my next series of stories that will deal with the Black Moon Clan. I’ve always wondered just how and why Demando became so totally obsessed with Neo-Queen Serenity and this should provide those details. The White Prince of Nemesis is a fascinating character as he was done in the anime. Demando is an odd mixture of both villain and hero, a man who has the capability to be noble and ignoble at the same time. What can I say? I’m a sucker for tortured, angsty men! Many and effusive thanks go out to Donnar-I for her insights, pithy remarks and willingness to show me where I left a few plot holes big enough to drive a truck through. Everyone needs a good beta- reader and I am grateful that she took the time out her incredibly busy life to be mine. Mile buiochas leat go brach (A thousand thanks to you forever)! Standard Disclaimer: I don’t own “Sailor Moon” or any of the attendant characters to which valid copyright laws apply. I also don’t own “Doctor Who” so please don’t send stray Galifreans knocking on my door to extract compensation (and get that Tardis off my lawn, for pity’s sake. You’ll kill the grass!). The Sons of the Golden Kingdom and the S’Eyre are products of my warped and twisted little mind, so please ask permission if you’d like to borrow them for a story of your own. *************************************** “The Quest” By Meara Chapter One “King Endymion was saying that from now on we will face the real test.” Tuxedo Kamen, episode 83. *************************************** Elysion was a sacred, secret place that existed outside the boundaries of the normal world. Although Earth’s hidden shrine had always mimicked the pattern of night and day, the seasons had never changed in Elysion. It was always summer there, and the most perfect of summer days at that. Since the beginning of time it had never known a frost until the spell of crystal sleep was cast, and winter came to paradise. Elysion and those in it were locked in a frozen slumber that was the only hope of mankind. In a grove at the very center of the hidden shrine, Usagi and Mamoru stood together. Like everyone and everything else, they were encased inside a crystalline cocoon that suspended time. Their arms entwined about each other they used the powers of the Earth and the Moon in perfect harmony. The ultimate power of two-as-one came together to heal a world mortally wounded by the greatest cataclysm it had ever suffered. No winter, not even one engendered by magic, can last forever. There were signs that spring was finally ready to return to both Earth and Elysion. Pulses of silver and golden light would surround the slumbering bodies of the last Crown Prince of Earth and his beloved Princess with increasing frequency. That light was refracted by the crystal that enshrouded them, casting rainbows that danced around the frozen garden. It was a beacon of hope, a ray of light for a world that had endured winter for a thousand years. There were only two ways into this mystic realm. One was through a portal controlled by the Guardian Priest of Elysion, Helios. The other was by a device that was a curious blending of science and the arcane called, prosaically enough, a “Gate”. This piece of technology was controlled by an alien race known as the S’Eyre and they zealously guarded the secret of making and holding a Gate. The power of the S’Eyre Imperium was such that very few people were willing to take the risk of ticking them off. However, in every generation there will always be those people who figure that they have found a foolproof way to beat the odds. Happily, most of the time these people tend to die by their own misadventures before they can do any lasting damage either to the gene pool or those around them. Most of the time – but not always. A weak glow started in one corner of Elysion. Slowly, the feeble flicker of light grew. A blazing hole in the fabric of reality grudgingly formed and the shimmering veil of light pulled back. Two men stepped through the hole, the stamp of their mutual heritage evident on their faces. They were followed by a half dozen round, floating machines. “Yes,” Rory, a small, thin man hissed in triumph. He brushed his unruly chestnut hair out of his eyes. “I knew this would work, brother! My star is definitely on the rise!” He slipped the proto- gate control onto a hook on his belt. “You and your damned ‘stars’,” The second man, Dirk, was taller. He was lean with a face that had a perpetually nervous look about it. “How many years have I listened to you whine,” he mimicked the smaller man, “’the stars control everything’. What a pile of crap!” A misstep on the slick crystalline surface under his feet nearly made him fall. Rory was nearly giddy with a joy that was a complete mystery to the taller man. “Elysion, at last. I told you I could get us into here without any trouble, Dirk.” He walked carefully around, “This is just the way the stories tell of it. ‘A paradise sheltered from the winds of time’.” “I’ve got news for you. Your ‘paradise’ is a graveyard,” Dirk mumbled, looking at how everything was covered by a layer of impossibly thin crystal. “We stole the proto-gate, then spent three years avoiding the agents of the High King while you learned to use the damnable thing. I spent every last coin I ever saved to buy mining drones. All of that time, effort and expense just to come to this tomb?! How are we supposed to mine the crystal? It’s too damn thin! I’m ruined – ruined and it’s all your fault! Mother told me that I should have stayed an accountant instead of becoming an adventurer, but did I listen to her?” Rory waved away his concerns. He closed his dark eyes for a moment. “The size of the crystals isn’t as important as the kind of energy they hold and the mystic energy here is incredible! If we can harvest only a small fraction of it we’ll be set for life.” Dirk reached for the pack on his back and knelt down, rummaging through it. “Extract,” he said to the hovering drones, one hand waving at the ground. “Extract, extract, extract,” the beach ball sized robots whirred and clicked as the command was processed. A light in the center of the machines flashed red and slender appendages came from the metallic bodies, giving them the look of mechanical spiders. Mining tools were attached to the multiple arms, a high pitched whine filling the air as they all started up at once. Moving as one, the drones skimmed along the ground, trying to do as they were bid. Dirk, meanwhile, had pulled out several hammers and chisels. Cursing under his breath he started to chip away at the crystal that was everywhere. The ground was hard enough to make Dirk’s knees ache and it only added to his foul temper. “Don’t just stand there,” he growled at his brother, “Pick up a chisel and get to work.” “In a minute.” His eyes still closed, Rory suddenly cocked his head to one side as if listening to something only he could hear. He was a minor mage but, frustratingly enough, he could sense the major magics that his body was incapable of handling. That skill was what allowed him to “see” just where the wards that protected Elysion were the weakest. His gift of magic was very limited, but even a diamond could be broken if pressure was applied to the correct spot. The sense was fairly screaming at the skinny, little man right now and he let the pull of it guide him. He rounded a corner into a sheltered glen and gave a gasp. Arrayed in a circle were a series of what looked like crystal statues. At the center of the circle were two figures, holding each other close. Calling on the part of himself that could “see” magic, Rory perceived the ribbons of brightly colored power that flowed into the pair, like the spokes of a wheel. He spared only a furtive glance to the other crystalline figures that adorned the grove. There was power in one or two of the “statues”, but it didn’t compare to what was before him. They could wait for later, Rory decided. An interesting theory was formenting in his mind and all of his limited intellect was focused on it. There were shouts of outrage and anger behind him, but Rory ignored them. Every fiber of his being was focused on the man and woman who held each other in a loving embrace. A tentative hand caressed the crystal. “Master of Life have mercy,” he whispered, “Could this be Serenity and Endymion?” *************************************** When Dirk had purchased the mining drones, he’d been told that they were speedy, efficient and user friendly. The speedy part was evident as the busy little machines skimmed along the surface of Elysion, tools whirring away. The one word commands they were programmed to obey actually suited Dirk quite well. He’d never been the most technically adept man in the S’Eyre Imperium. As for efficient, well, that was another matter Dirk decided. For all the multitude of high tech tools the drones were equipped with, they was very little to show for it; nothing, to be exact. With mechanical precision they chipped, hacked and drilled away at the crystal that refused to be so much as scratched. The tall lean man was hunched over, hammer and chisel in hand. When gentle taps produced no results, the vigor of his efforts increased in direct proportion to how quickly his frustration level was rising. In a very short time he was pounding away the crystalline ground of Elysion, muttering darkly. A slip of the hand caused him to bring the thin hammer down smartly on his thumb. He bellowed out a curse that echoed across the still landscape. The cry had not even finished dying away when there was another flash of light, this time almost on top of the small band of drones. Dirk automatically brought one hand up to cover his eyes, whacking himself on the head with his tiny hammer. The light died away as quickly as it had appeared. The stars in Dirk’s head took a moment longer, but when they, too, finally faded what he saw made him gasp. Two women in odd uniforms stood in front of him. They seemed as surprised to see him as he was to see them. The one with the aqua hair shook her head almost regretfully. “You are trespassing but I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you didn’t know that,” Michiru said in a civilized fashion. “So if you take your toys and leave now then things won’t have to get rough.” “Who, by the freezing pits of hell, are you?” Dirk shouted on his knees, trying his best to sound tough. His day just kept getting worse. Going back to a career in accounting was sounding better by the moment. Neptune glanced briefly at her lifemate and partner. “Invited by the new age, I am Sailor Neptune, acting gracefully!” “Also invited by the new age I am Sailor Uranus, entering elegantly!” “I am Dirk, in charge of this expedition and I am not having a good day,” Dirk shouted, grasping his pickaxe in one hand, “Don’t just stand there you mechanical morons,” he shouted at the drones who were busily ignoring his plight, “Defend!” The command was processed and the buzzing, little beach-balls all chattered away at the same time, “Defend, defend, defend!” In a flash they zipped around Uranus and Neptune, forming a circle with the two Senshi at the center. There was a high pitched whine as energy weapons charged. Long cylinders were speedily deployed, the tools neatly retracted to the chant of “Defend, defend, defend.” They quivered with martial excitement when their charges built to maximum but nothing more than a puff of smoke came from them. “Conventional energy weapons don’t work within the confines of Elysion,” Neptune gave Dirk a look of utter scorn. She sighed dramatically, glancing at Uranus. “The caliber of our foes seems to have gone straight down hill. No one does their homework anymore.” In reply Uranus called on her talisman. It came to her hand and she gave the now profusely sweating Dirk a wolfish smile. “Conventional energy weapons may not work here, but magical ones will. Want to see what I can do with this one?” All the one word commands in the drones very limited vocabulary ran through Dirk’s mind. Usually used in deep mining, they did have one capability that just might prove useful. Various rodents and other pests loved to try and take over the neatly dug holes that the mining drones made. These robots had been built with pest control as one of their back-up functions. Desperate, Dirk used that function now. “Exterminate!” he shouted, pointing again at Uranus and Neptune. “Exterminate,” the command was repeated by all six. “Exterminate, exterminate.” The instruction processed, the hovering drones quickly redeployed their multiple appendages. All of the very sharp tools whirred to life at the same time. Uranus snorted disdainfully. “Exterminate? What are these things supposed to be – Daleks?” Back to back, Neptune began to power up her own attack, “Excuse me Doctor Who, but we have a slightly more pressing matter at hand.” The curved blade held by the Soldier of the Sky glowed. “Then let me take the first shot, ne? Space sword – blaster!” The sight of the energy from the curved blade plowing into the mining robot snapped Dirk out the stupor he’d been falling into. The drone exploded into a million very small bits of shrapnel that whistled by his head. Ever mindful of his own personal security, Dirk bolted in the general direction in which he’d seen Rory head off. With the rate at which his drones were falling, he had less than a minute to get out of here before the two Senshi finished blasting their way through the remaining machines and came looking for him. Sliding on the slick crystalline surface, Dirk rounded the corner to see Rory running his hands over some kind of statue. “Open the Gate,” Dirk shrieked with undisguised panic. “Open the Gate! We’ve got to go!” “Go?” Rory repeated dully, never even turning to look at his brother. “We can’t go now. Do you know who this is?” “I don’t care if it’s the High King of the S’Eyre Imperium,” Dirk retorted heading for Rory. “This place isn’t deserted. If we don’t leave right now, we’ll be spending the next twenty years in a penal colony so remote that they have to pipe in sunlight.” “This could be Serenity and Endymion!” Rory knew what this discovery meant. Before him might be the holders of the legendary Silver and Golden Crystals. The fable of those stones of power had been told and retold by every mage and mystic for a thousand years. The version of the tale of Elysion that he knew said that the Princess would bestow one wish to the person who could awaken her. Whether or not that was true, Rory could sense the incredible energies that flowed from and through the man and woman in the shining chrysalis. If he could access that power and control it… Rory channeled every ounce of power he had into his hands, pushing them against the crystalline barrier that encased the lovers. “This is my chance to shine, Dirk. Once I have the power here I’ll be the biggest star this galaxy has ever seen. I can’t let this chance pass me by!” “What are you doing, you idiot,” Dirk made a grab for proto-gate’s key where it lay hooked on the smaller man’s belt. “Open the damned Gate!” He didn’t have enough power to break the spell, Rory knew in a moment of maddening frustration. There was only a millimeter thin layer of crystal separating him from gaining the means to the power and respect he had craved all his life. Avarice and desperation made him throw caution to the wind and Rory grabbed greedily at the forces he could sense, but had never been able to control. He could “see” that the flow of power into the center of the wheel was fluctuating because of his interference, but Rory misinterpreted that as a good sign. If he could affect the power, he reasoned, he could channel it into himself. That mistake was a small one, but like a single snowflake, it started to roll together a series of events that would cause an avalanche. The pain began as a slight twinge, then quickly started to mount. Rory knew that pain was the body’s way of saying, “don’t do that!” but like most warnings that had come his way, Rory found an excuse to ignore it. The healing properties of both crystals were well known. If he could manage to survive long enough to take one, he’d be able to reverse whatever damage was done. Dirk had the key and with the flick of a switch, opened the portal of the proto-gate. The doorway seemed unstable, snapping open and closed in a pulsing beat that the tall, wiry man could feel echo through his body. He took the key and began to bang it against one hand. “Come on, come on – work!” The small war was now spilling ever closer. Desperation crept into Dirk’s voice. “What’s wrong with this thing, Rory?” Rory was beyond hearing his partner’s frantic cries. A mystic wild fire filled Rory and any attempt at control was lost in a fraction of a second. His body was unable to handle the forces he had tapped into and they began to take control of him, instead. The Proto-gate’s portal shuddered and convulsed. Tendrils of wild energy snaked out to strike at the spot where Mamoru and Usagi were cocooned together. The added power made the air around them shriek in a tone that caused the faceted chrysalis to vibrate. The small, thin man started to glow. His hands merged with the crystal encasing Mamoru and Usagi. Acting as a conduit for the power raging through him, Rory was able to touch them. A third party abruptly intruding on the endless circle of power between the two soul-mates ruptured the delicate balance maintained for a thousand years. For a brief nano-second Rory’s dream was realized. He became a star that outshone all others - just before he and those around him vanished in a blazing pillar of light. *************************************** It was the sound of a heart rending wailing that made Uranus crack open her eyes. Confused, Haruka slowly brought a hand to her forehead and took a slow, deep breath. She remembered fighting, then a bright flash that hit her like a cement truck. Uranus shook her head, trying to clear the fog out of her mind. She got to her hands and knees looking around her. Neptune was down but moving, Haruka saw to her great relief, attempting to roll over onto her back. The wordless wailing behind her changed in tone, anger flaring hotly. Haruka knew that voice and her head snapped around to see Mamoru in the black armor of the last Prince of Earth. He had his sword out and was advancing on the last of the mining drones. The floating beach ball of death, the very last of the half dozen mining drones Haruka noted, made a wide swipe at Mamoru with a buzzing saw-like tool. For all his manic state, the armor clad man was still remarkably agile. He danced out of the way of the blade attempting to gut him. Mamoru used the momentum he had built. In a graceful arc he spun and the blade neatly sliced through the machine at an angle. The two separate and now smoking pieces fell back to the ground in a shower of sparks. “Mamoru,” Haruka began getting to her feet. She used the Space Sword as a crutch to help her up and grimaced at the undignified use of the sacred talisman. He swung his whole body towards her and Haruka got her first good look at him. Mamoru’s eyes were wild and the light of insanity in them gave even the Soldier of the Sky pause. He brought his broad sword up, taking on a classic posture of aggression. “Mamoru, it’s okay. It’s us,” Uranus said, beginning to wonder if he could even hear her. “Where’s Usagi?” The sound of his beloved’s name had an effect on the Prince of Earth all right, but not the one Haruka had been going for. His breath came in loud, ragged gasps and a look of intense pain flickered across his face. Mamoru staggered for an instant as if he’d been struck. An animal moan of despair ripped out of him. Gripping the deadly blade tighter, he launched himself at Uranus. “Uranus, drop the sword!” Michiru shouted. “Drop the sword?” Uranus called out as she barely managed to deflect a blow intended to cut her in half. “Are you crazy?! He’ll kill me!” “Take a good look at him, Haruka. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Mamoru is acting on instinct right now,” Neptune said, getting to her feet. “And his instincts, which are pretty damn good I might add, seems to be to hack me into Senshi-kabobs!” She cursed loudly, bringing up her talisman in an attempt to ward off the death that was coming at her. The savage fury of Mamoru’s attack knocked both of them to the ground. Pushing with all the strength she had, Uranus managed to shove Mamoru away, rolling to her feet. Neptune was back on her feet. A gesture called her talisman, the aqua mirror to her hand. “Mamoru’s first instinct is to protect. If you get rid of the sword you won’t be a threat anymore and I think he’ll stop attacking you.” “You think?” Haruka spared Michiru a glance of pure annoyance. “I am not about to put this sword down until you’re a bit more sure that Mamoru won’t slice me into julienne fries !” A slip on the crystalline grass took Haruka’s feet out from under her and she went down hard. Mamoru brought his long sword over his head, the arc of descent plain to see. Neptune screamed her lifemate’s name, and raised the Mirror to attack, but knew with sick certainty that she’d never be able to stop Mamoru in time. “Endymion, stop!” The voice was hoarse, but there was an undeniable authority to it. Out of the corner of her eye, Neptune saw a young man with shoulder length hair the color of moonlight, trying to come up beside her. He was shaking badly, each small step harder for him than the last. Helios, guardian priest of Elysion, ignored the fact that his legs wanted to buckle and thrust a hand at the man in the black armor. “Endymion, you don’t want to hurt her,” he coaxed gently. “This is one of the Soldier’s of the White Moon Kingdom, remember? This is Sailor Uranus of the Outer Senshi.” He paused, arms still shaking with pent up rage and terror. S…senshi?” The wild eyes blinked, as if trying to wake from a nightmare. He took a deep, shuddering breath and there was a flicker of recognition in Mamoru’s eyes. The blade was slowly lowered, then finally dropped altogether. Black armor melted away, a tuxedo replacing it. The insane light in his eyes faded thought and will returning to them. “Usako,” he moaned, the desperation in his voice breaking Neptune’s heart. Mamoru’s knees buckled and he started to fall. Uranus lurched forward to try and catch him when he toppled to the ground. The Prince was shaking violently, shock taking over. “Usako,” he rasped, eyes rolling up into the back of his head, “Usako…” “Please, help me,” Helios staggered, nearly falling himself, “I have to get to Endymion.” His face was bleak and haggard, and he swayed on his feet as though totally exhausted. “Please, if I don’t help him, he could die.” Neptune quickly slipped a supportive arm around Helios and nearly dragged him to where Mamoru lay on the ground. The last Crown Prince of Earth was in deep shock, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his body starting to convulse. Helios fell to his knees and, his own hands shaking badly, reached out for his prince. Eyes closed in concentration and a warm, golden glow filled him. Placing a gentle hand on Mamoru, he let the aura flow into the prince. The convulsive shaking slowed, then finally stopped. Midnight blue eyes cracked open for an instant, terrible loss in them. “Usako,” Mamoru called softly. His eyes slid shut once more and he lost consciousness. “He’s in a healing trance right now,” Helios said. He still seemed somewhat dazed himself and slowly shook his head back and forth in an effort to clear it. “The Prince and Princess were in deep rapport. The shock of the sudden separation…” “Separation?” Neptune said, trepidation creeping into her voice. Uranus caught her eye as they both had the same thought at the same instant. “Where’s Usagi?” She started to turn, preparing to make a mad dash for the grove where they had last seen Usagi and Mamoru cocooned together. Helios reached out and grabbed her by the arm, stopping her. “She’s gone,” he said sadly. “The Princess is gone and so are most of the Senshi.” *************************************** Rory wasn’t exactly sure just where it had all gone wrong. Dirk, he was quite certain, would be more than happy to explore that particular topic with him at length. That would have to wait, however, as they were both rather busy at the moment. The two dozen well armed men around them seemed to be equally as unhappy as the two would-be crystal miners on the floor. “Have we come at a bad time?” Rory said in his most polite voice. It was never a good idea to be rude to burly men who looked as if they wanted to use you for target practice. Dirk slapped his hand to his forehead at Rory’s remark. “This is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into!” he hissed at his partner. “Well, what do we have here?” came a voice from in back of the large, well armed guards. The soldiers parted ranks and a young man walked towards them, arrogance written in every line of his body. From his blazing red hair to his cold eyes, he gave the overall impression of a man who enjoyed pulling the wings off of flies. “We get so few visitors here on our little world,” he said, staring down at the hapless pair. I am Crimson Rubeus. Welcome to Nemesis.” *************************************** “Usagi and the others are alive. They’ve been scattered across time and space by the Proto-Gate,” Setsuna said looking at Mamoru. The future Pluto’s body kept fading in and out like a candle in a breeze. She held her staff in both hands, a soft ruby glow encasing her. “What do you mean, ‘scattered across time and space’?” Mamoru asked, trying not to let the desperation creep into his voice. He looked only marginally better, pale and haggard. “When the proto-gate those fools were trying to use overloaded, it grabbed at a superior power source; Usagi and the Ginzuishou. My own Gate was partially formed by the power of the silver crystal and it started to react to those energies. The resulting release of wild power damaged the fabric of the fourth dimension around Elysion. That’s why I had Small Lady find Uranus and Neptune and drop them here. With the way things are now, I don’t want to chance having both my past and future selves in anything remotely close to the same moment in time,” she paused, trying to find a way to explain the complicated temporal physics. “Bad things can happen when two Gates try to occupy the same space at the same time – really bad things.” “Is that what happened?” Mamoru asked. There were too many questions and not enough answers. “You were lucky in that the two Gates tried, but failed, to open in the same place at the same time. It was a close enough call that the temporal matrix of the proto-gate was shattered.” Pluto replied, strain evident on her face. “The other Senshi were sharing their power with Usagi as they’ve done in the past and they ended up being sucked in as well. By all rights they should be dead, but the Ginzuishou kept the proto-gate operating long enough to deposit the Inner Senshi in their own pasts. ” Uranus had her chin on her folded hands, trying to make sense of the situation. “Mamoru and Usagi are linked. Why wasn’t he taken with her as well?” Helios spoke up from where he sat on one side of Mamoru. “The Prince is bound to the Earth as the Princess is to the Moon. Here in Elysion that bond is at its strongest.” “And it’s because his power is strongest here that you may be able to break the spell of crystal sleep for those within Elysion. Please,” Pluto said, her eyes closing in concentration. “Neptune, Uranus, you were brought forward to help awaken Sailor Pluto of this time. My talisman will act in concert with yours. By accessing that power, it’ll awaken me. Once awake, I should be able to use the Timegate to track down the others.” Mamoru narrowed his eyes at the tone of Setsuna’s voice. “Wait a minute, ‘should’? Don’t you know?” Her body was becoming less tangible with each passing second. “No, I don’t. None of us do. We’ve all suffered various amounts of damage to our memories due to the spell of crystal sleep. Some of those missing memories eventually returned and some didn’t, but none of us have any recollection of waking in Elysion as you just have. With the current chaos in the fabric of the fourth dimension, I fear a warp in the timeline is trying to occur.” Her body was fading out again, the look of strain on Setsuna’s face becoming one of pain. “I can’t stay here long, even in this astral form. This whole area…dangerously unstable…because of the proto- gate accident. You must find Usagi and the Inner Senshi or Earth… never awaken…! Usagi holds the key to that awakening within her.” Pluto was losing the battle to stay connected to Elysion. “Only when …all eight soldiers together…the seal be broken!” “I don’t understand,” Neptune asked, her voice growing louder as Pluto’s shadowy body was being pulled apart by the temporal winds. “Pluto – what seal!” “…to keep it safe…the nine soldiers hold the key…” Setsuna was almost gone, but with a last flicker of ruby power, her voice rang true, even as she disappeared. “Only when the nine act with one heart can the Seal be broken and the world awakened!” *************************************** He was called the “White Prince” for many reasons. His fine hair was more silver than white, positively glowing where it fell against the shoulders of the white outfits he favored. He was also the direct opposite of his father, who had come to be known as the “Black Prince”. Groomed for his position since birth, Demando knew what was expected of him. He was the last, true prince; the ultimate product of a thousand years of waiting and planning. His step-father had been regent for him until the day Demando turned sixteen. The regent had been a good leader but the years took their toll on the man. In the end he’d become as dark and cold as the planet he presided over. After a decade long descent into madness, his step-father had finally died by his own hand six years ago. The White Prince then ascended the throne and became Demando, Prince of Nemesis and absolute ruler of the Black Moon Clan. With the regal disdain that was one of his trademarks, Demando sipped slowly on a snifter of a blood red wine that he favored and watched the drama that played out for his benefit. His younger brother, Saffir, was a capable man, but he had no interest in political power. Sensitive, with a keen and inquisitive mind, Saffir was well suited to his role as chief advisor. He was the conscience that Demando was no longer allowed the luxury of having, the voice of reason in an unreasoning universe. “No, no, no,” Saffir said to Rubeus as if talking to a mentally deficient child, “We shouldn’t just kill them.” Demando sat quietly on his carved throne, watching Rubeus. He knew that the man was ambitious, but had always had lingering doubts about the extent of his talents. Casual ruthlessness was an admirable quality in a warrior. It was less so in a man who wished to command others. Rubeus glanced at Saffir, but could sense that he was being sized up by his Prince. This was his chance to impress Demando and, perhaps, acquire more power for himself. “These two are most likely spies; perhaps even from Earth. Dead men tell no tales,” Rubeus quoted with a bit too much glee. A long suffering sigh came from Saffir. “And dead men will give you no information either.” Folding his arms across his chest, Rubeus struggled to keep his temper under control. He couldn’t quite understand all the fuss. “If it’ll make you happy I’ll be glad to torture them first. That should get you all the information you could possibly want. Then I’ll kill them.” Bringing his hand to his mouth the White Prince managed to keep from laughing out loud at the expression on his brother’s face. “Rubeus, I commend your quick action in capturing the two intruders. Keep them under close guard for now. I’ll decide their fate later.” Knowing a dismissal when he heard it, Rubeus gave his Prince a bow of proper respect. Saffir was graced with a look that plainly indicated that Rubeus thought himself the victor in the small conflict. The large double doors to the great hall had barely closed, the sharp sound of the jackboots the redhead liked to wear receding quickly when Saffir moaned, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Moron,” Saffir sighed, rolling his eyes again. “That man’s solution to every problem is force.” “That’s not a bad thing in a soldier, Saffir,” Demando responded, but not harshly. “If I want someone dead, then Crimson Rubeus is the right man for the job.” The White Prince finished his drink and stood, turning to contemplate the dark inferno that raged behind his throne. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the power of the Jakozusho echo inside him. He wondered, and not for the first time, if it was the power of this Black Crystal that had drawn his people to Nemesis. To be honest, Demando had always had doubts about the tale of the “voice” that called to the refugees from across time and space. Still, the White Prince mused, the myth of a voice calling them to their special destiny was very popular among the common people. There were times when he could swear that there was a sentience to the giant crystal. He could sense that strange intelligence stirring, struggling to awaken and it called to him. Saffir watched his brother place a tentative hand on the column of dark energy. Once again Demando seemed to be lost in the spell of the Jakozusho and that was more than a little troubling. Demando was supposed to control the power, not the other way around. “Demando…” Saffir started, worried. Pulling himself away from the alluring song of the Black Crystal, the White Prince smiled at Saffir. “I know that look, little brother. What is it?” he asked in a surprisingly gentle voice. “As you know, the power of the Jakozusho tends to distort the space around us,” Saffir began. He started to pace restlessly back and forth as he spoke. “That distortion is the reason we’ve been effectively trapped here on Nemesis since our parents’ exile about a quarter of a century ago. The power of the Jakozusho allows us to survive on this inhospitable world, but it’s also our jailor.” “True enough,” Demando allowed. A grim smile came to his lips. “But our generation has adapted, learned to use the power of the Black Crystal.” He opened himself to the dark mystic energies, enjoying the sensual thrill that always came with the power. “I’m more attuned to the Jakozusho than any other of our Clan. I will be the one to find a way to free our people. And when I do we will have vengeance for all our ancestors suffered.” For a moment Saffir looked like a child, his hands rubbing together in an unsettled yet excited manner. “Do you realize what the appearance of those two strangers means?” He nervously brushed a lock of his raven hair from his eyes. “That device the two intruders used to get here may be the way to that freedom.” That got the attention of the White Prince. “How so?” Looking around to make sure they were quite alone, Saffir moved close enough so that his words were soft, almost whispered. “It’s very similar to the machine that brought our people here in the first place. With some tinkering, I think I may be able to adapt it for our use. I suspect it uses a path of travel through the fourth dimension – outside the boundaries of space and time as we know it. Think about it! We could go any where we chose to, get through any defenses without detection.” “We would be unstoppable,” The implications were not lost on Demando. “Have you told anyone else about this?” “Of course not,” Saffir snorted. “Do I look like an idiot? Do you know what this power could do in the hands of our enemies?” That made Demando smile. “Or in the hands of people like Rubeus?” he teased. “Do what you have to but very quietly. When you are ready, come to me and we’ll test this interesting theory of yours, brother.” *************************************** Helios remembered the first time he’d come face to face with his Prince. It was during the struggle to save Elysion and Earth from the insane greed of Nephelenia, Queen of the Dead Moon. Suffering the pain of this world’s invasion, Mamoru had, nevertheless, tried to console Helios when the Guardian had despaired of defeating such a powerful enemy. There had been the promise of greatness in the young Prince, a promise that Helios now saw fulfilled. There had been few physical changes over the handful of years. Mamoru’s profile was more finely chiseled now, and there was more muscle on the lean body. But it was the quiet strength he unconsciously radiated that showed that Chiba Mamoru had finally come into the heritage that had waited a thousand years for him to claim. He was Endymion, Master of the Golden Crystal and the True King of Earth. There was a look of intense concentration on Mamoru’s face and Helios found himself wondering just what the man was thinking. The future Pluto was very right when she’d commented that their memories were “damaged”. Mamoru knew what the power of the Golden Crystal was, but couldn’t remember just how he’d discovered that little secret. Things were jumbled in his mind and he wasn’t at all sure of just how they’d come to be here in Elysion. The one thing he was very sure of was that they’d had no choice. If Earth hadn’t gone into suspension, mankind would have become extinct. Those questions would have to wait and Mamoru pushed them aside with iron discipline. Neptune and Uranus had their talismans out. They stood at attention, eyes closed. The Deep Aqua Mirror and the Space Sword glowed, a thin line of fire dancing between the two. Opening themselves, Uranus and Neptune gathered their power and called for the third mystic tool. That line headed unerringly for the last sacred object in the triumvirate that was the base of their power as Outer Senshi From within the faceted crystal that held Setsuna, Sailor Pluto and her twin, Lorilei cocooned a ruby light sparked. It was small, at first, a dim glow from the garnet orb on the Timestaff. That flicker grew quickly, a burst of crimson fire exploding brightly enough to make Mamoru want to shield his eyes. He called on the power of Earth and the Golden Crystal came to his cupped hands. It floated between them like a small sun, and a ray of that power shot towards the now shining chrysalis. It shattered in a heartbeat sending rainbow shards in all directions. The stone between Mamoru’s hands still glowed as he tried to mold the power generated by the talismans. He only caught hold of a fragment of it, but it would be enough for the purpose he intended. A wave of golden light filled the dark haired prince of Earth, then moved outwards. In its wake the crystal cocoons that covered those still sleeping began to fracture. Sweat ran down Mamoru’s face, but he pushed on. Behind him Helios bent his head and added his fervent prayers. Prince, priest and planet acted as one, and in a burst of power that drove Mamoru to his knees, he broke the spell that held Elysion in suspension. A breeze sprang up, the sweet smell of sun warmed grass and flowers carried on it. Life was returning to Earth’s hidden shrine. With an eerie harmony the twins fell to their knees in perfect synch, hands still touching and fingers entwined. All around them people tumbled to the lush earth. Luna and Artemis, Rei’s grandfather, Yuuichirou, Dr. Mizuno and even Goruden Kobushi stirred and slowly began to rise. Setsuna was blinking owlishly, trying to clear her mind of the chaotic jumble of thoughts and images that made no sense to her. She gently disengaged her hand from Lorilei’s, letting the fingertips brush against her twin’s in a gesture of silent comfort. “Lady Pluto, are you all right?” Helios put healing hands on the Senshi of Time, helping her to shake off the effects of suspension. The voice caused Setsuna’s head to snap up and her eyes widened in shocked recognition. “Helios?” She shook her head as the warm, healing light filled her and memory started to return. “Elysion, we’re in Elysion…” Pluto glanced quickly around and took in the fact that the grove was not the pastoral and eminently tidy place she remembered. The ground was torn up in places and bits of crystal lay all around her. All in all, it looked like someone had fought a war in here – and lost. Pluto quickly spotted Luna and Artemis shaking bits of crystal from their coats. She just as quickly noticed that still others seemed to be missing. “What happened here? Where is everyone?” Setsuna asked cautiously. “We don’t know,” Mamoru said. Setsuna almost flinched at the look of pain that haunted his eyes. “But we’re hoping that you can help us change that.” *************************************** While Demando was the absolute ruler of Nemesis, there was one place where even his authority had no influence whatsoever. Saffir’s private sanctuary was a combination of things; library, workshop and ad hoc laboratory. The White Prince stood quietly in one corner of the room, a small smile on his face as he watched his brother tinker carefully with the alien device the two strangers had brought. “You shouldn’t be here, onii-san,” Saffir glanced at Demando once while he scrutinized the control box. “I think I’ve figured out how to trigger the portal. If something goes wrong when I activate it…” “If something goes wrong then I definitely should be here. I’m the only one with enough power to contain an ‘accident’.” Demando replied amused by his brother’s concern for him. “You are much too confident for your own good,” Saffir sighed. This was a never ending topic between the two. “That’s going to get you in serious trouble someday.” “But I have you to keep me humble, Saffir,” Demando laughed softly. “As if anything could,” grumbled the younger man. He picked up a small scanner and ran it over the device. It began to vibrate in his hand. The vibration became a humming that rapidly grew louder. “Got it. I’m going to try and open the portal.” The control panel nearly leapt out of Saffir’s hands. A brilliant, silver light filled the room accompanied by a burst of melodic sound. A shining, silver arch formed, rainbow light swirling across its surface. “Yes!” Saffir hissed in triumph. “It works! It really…” he stopped when the control panel beeped at him. A puzzled look came over the young man’s face. “That’s strange. The power source for the portal is coming from inside the fourth dimension.” “And it’s not supposed to?” Demando enjoyed seeing Saffir so excited when one of his pet projects worked the way it was intended to. A lock of raven hair fell into Saffir’s eyes, and he pushed it away irritably. He fiddled with the control panel. “Let me see if I can get a picture of where the power is coming from.” Slowly, very slowly, the multi-colored mists pulled back. On the other side of the portal was a roiling mass of darkness. In the center of the storm of shadows was a single point of light. There was a figure in the light, Saffir saw, and it moved closer. “Demando, something’s coming through,” Saffir called out. “It could be an attack. Teleport out of here!” “Not without you!” the White Prince called back. He reached for his brother just as the portal seemed to explode. The hastily erected shield of dark energy kept the two from being seriously hurt, but both were caught up in the wake of the blast and tossed across the large room. The White Prince shook his head, rising to his knees. Saffir was in back of him, moaning softly, dazed but relatively unscathed. Stars, the stunned Demando thought, why is the room filled with stars? And then he saw her. The angel floated in the light, great, silver wings extended. She rode the wave of power that flowed around and through her as if she had been born to do it. The gown of stardust the woman in the light wore moved in response to the unseen mystic winds. Between cupped hands was a tiny crystal and even though her face looked only at the stone that shone so brightly, Demando could see that there was the sigil of a crescent moon on her forehead. It burned with the same light that came from the crystal. “So beautiful,” Demando murmured. When his eye fell on the crescent moon that adorned her brow and he inhaled sharply. “Could it be…?” All other thoughts were banished when that silver energy lapped at the edges of the dark shield he’d erected. The part of Demando irrevocably linked to the Black Poison Crystal awakened inside of him, reacting to the eldritch energies of that now filled the room. The mystic wildfire unleashed around him was day to the night of the great power of Nemesis, the light that gave the shadows life. The beast that was the Black Poison Crystal inside him howled greedily. The ravening hunger, the need to possess and consume that silver light hit him with a strength and will the likes of which Demando never felt from the crystal before. Wings, such a brilliant and pure silver that they actually appeared to have a blue tinge to them, cupped Usagi’s body for an instant before snapping open. She threw her arms wide open, as if to embrace the power around her. With one last flash so dazzling that everyone and everything in the room was washed by it, Usagi was gone. The portal collapsed in on itself with a rush until the only sound left in the laboratory was the pounding of the White Prince’s heart. “Onii-san,” Saffir anxious voice cut through the fog in his mind. “Are you all right?” Demando was still staring at the place where Usagi had appeared. “Get her back.” “Get her back?” Saffir stumbled over the words. “She nearly blew you, me and the workroom to bits and you want me to get her back?” “She also has the power we need to control this device,” Demando snapped at his younger brother more sharply than he’d intended to. “We have to have that power,” he said in a more even tone. “And that means we need to find her again.” A part of the White Prince could still feel the rush that went through him as the silver light touched him. The memory of the exquisite woman with the golden crescent moon riding the power around her was sweet beyond measure. There was something about her that was eerily, impossibly familiar. Could the Angel in the light possibly be who he thought she was? That idea, and the thought of controlling the power the woman had, was irresistible. “Find her Saffir,” Demando still stared at the spot where Usagi had disappeared from. “Use whatever resources you have to, but find her.” *************************************** Elysion, its guardian priest and prince were all connected. That’s why Helios had been freed from suspension at the same instant as Mamoru. Those in the world above still slept on, oblivious to the fact that their only hope of ever awakening had vanished. Without Usagi and the power of the Ginzuishou, the spell of crystal sleep could not be broken on a planetary scale. Although Elysion was a place between places, some of the patterns of life that ruled Earth also held sway here. There was day and night, sun and moon, but no change of seasons. It was always summer in Elysion and the most perfect of summer days at that. As night drew near, the sound of birdsong slowed and gave way to the nocturnal chorus of insects. Utterly exhausted by the day’s events, Mamoru had still wanted to press on and attempt to find Usagi. It was Setsuna who at last convinced him that they couldn’t just open her Gate and pop off after the missing Senshi. It was true that the Timegate should be able to follow the trail left by the proto-gate, Setsuna had said, but that didn’t mean it was an easy task. The Keeper of the Timegate needed time to sort it all out. The bedroom Mamoru was in seemed vaguely familiar to him. Helios had explained that it was his back when his family had lived in Elysion. He stretched out on the large bed, staring at the ceiling. His last, clear, linear memory was being at the hospital. It was the end of his shift and he was looking forward to the evening he had planned. Tonight he was taking Usagi to one of Tokyo’s finest restaurants and there he was going to suggest that they finally set a date for their wedding. After that everything was a jumble of maddeningly sharp images mixed in with feelings and words that made no sense to him. He could see Usagi, radiant with the light of the Ginzuishou that transfigured her into an angel. Mamoru knew she was fighting and that the battle was going to probably cost both of them their lives. But who they were fighting and, most importantly, why was a complete mystery. He could hear his own voice saying a phrase that made a multitude of conflicting emotions surge through him. “Together,” he mumbled aloud, the sound of the words giving him a strange comfort, “together whatever happens.” There was a gentle bump on his leg and he almost jumped in surprise. Lifting his head from the pillow Mamoru saw two round blue eyes staring at him. It was a small gray and white rabbit, looking at Mamoru as if he owned the place and the Prince was the intruder. “What the hell…? Wait a minute, I know you,” Mamoru started slowly. The gray and white creature with the long, floppy ears sat up on his hind legs, looking around the room. He tilted his head up, the large ears threatening to pull him over backwards for an instant. The mini-lop settled back down on all four feet, then moved up the bed until he was face to face with Mamoru. Mamoru looked at the rabbit and the rabbit, unimpressed with the Prince of Earth, looked back at Mamoru. Disjointed images flooded Mamoru’s mind. He saw Usagi giving a squeal of delight as she picked up a tiny, baby rabbit. He saw himself scolding both Usagi and her pet as the smug, little beast cuddled in bed with his beloved. He could hear her voice telling him not to tease…not to tease… “Moochi,” Mamoru whispered. “I gave you to Usako. Your name is Moochi.” The ears rotated slightly forward as the little lop heard his name called. “And I don’t think I like you very much,” Mamoru added. He had the distinct impression that he regarded Moochi as six and a half pounds of furry annoyance. The look Moochi gave him said that the feeling was mutual. He pushed at Mamoru with his head, then under a pillow, trying to see if perhaps his rival was hiding Usagi there. Not finding her, he turned his attentions once more to Mamoru, moving closer until he was only inches from the Prince’s face. I want Usagi, the blue eyes glared reproachfully at him, where is she? Without quite knowing why, Mamoru reached out and stroked Moochi’s head, letting his hand run down the rabbit’s back. “I want her too,” he said. “Setsuna said she’s alive wherever she is. I have to believe that.” It was oddly comforting for Mamoru to talk to the creature. Moochi settled down next to him. The tiny nose twitched as he picked up lingering traces of Usagi’s scent on the Prince. It would have to do for now. “I’ll find her, I promise,” Mamoru said more to himself than the rabbit. “Wherever she is, I’ll find her.” *************************************** Next – Usagi is lost and alone in Tokyo of the past. Two sets of travelers are looking for her, but who will find her first? Mamoru learns more about the Sons of the Golden Kingdom, while Goruden Kobushi learns the uncomfortable lesson that “history” can be a matter of perspective. All this and Sailor Pluto explains why time travel is like “Star Wars”. Be here in three weeks for chapter two.