I don’t like to make the egotistical assumption that people have read the first two books in this trilogy. This synopsis will bring new readers up to date and act as a refresher for others. **If you don’t want a refresher course on Crystal Tokyo Trilogy 101, then please skip down the page right to the prologue!** <<<<<~The Story thus far~>>>>> Life had never been what you could call "normal" for Tsukino Usagi, her beloved and their friends. That said, for all the battles and all the pain, once the danger was past, life went on much as before. They graduated from High School (and Mamoru from college) and looked forward to better days. What they had learned from a trip to the future haunted them all, though. If what they had seen was correct, their world would end one day so that a paradise might rise. Their world did end, but in a way they never could have predicted. One unscrupulous man by the name of Kashu Hikaru uncovered the secret of Usagi's double life through a blood test she had taken to get into college. At first he wanted to do little more than gain notoriety, but instead became obsessed by the desire to possess Usagi's unearthly beauty and power for himself. Kashu Hikaru had been a pawn of dark forces that sought the ruin of the Moon Princess and her Prince. His lusts led him down a path that eventually killed him, but not before the world found out just who and what Tsukino Usagi was. One by one, most of the Senshi's private identities were ferreted out and made public. Much to the shock of everyone involved, the Senshi found out that they were not exactly "human" anymore – at least not Terran human, that is. Queen Serenity explained to her daughter (in a dream) that she had sent them along with everyone and everything she could into the future the night the Silver Millennium had fallen. They were who they had been a thousand years ago, right down to the last chromosome. If that knowledge was not enough to shock them, the old Queen told Usagi that she'd also sent as many as she could manage of the Moon Kingdom's people into the future as well. This, in the end, was how Usagi would know the reborn citizens of the Moon Kingdom. Each of them would have a small piece of the Silver Millennium sleeping inside them. The world has never been accepting of those who are different. The last heirs of the Silver Millennium endured fire, unwanted publicity and physical attacks. When a mob trapped Usagi and Mamoru in a church in which they had just exchanged wedding vows, the world watched as the two seemed to die to save the huge crowd from the deadly fury of a propane explosion. Usagi had learned through this time of trial to use the Ginzuishou in a new way. It was called "The Balance" and it increased the power she was capable of by a hundred-fold. The danger to her was also increased exponentially. That kind of power was euphoric, but deadly. All the Queens before Usagi who had gone into the Balance burned out, unable to resist the seductive call of the power that invariably consumed them. But the soul bond between the last Princess of the Moon Kingdom and her Prince was stronger than even the fatal bliss of the Balance. Usagi, Mamoru and the Senshi worked towards rebuilding a lost Kingdom and establishing peace with Earth. They couldn’t know that other ancient forces had also noted the reemergence of the Silver Millennium and worked to once more bring it down. Past, present and future were on a collision course that would end in death and ruin. In a battle for the future, Usagi aided by the unselfish love of her Prince and her friends, managed to seal the creature who now called himself Death Phantom away and bind him to the dark world of Nemesis. That battle claimed the life of Sailor Saturn, who brought her glaive down on Death Phantom and Nemesis in an effort to stop the rouge planet from colliding with Earth. Her sacrifice shattered Nemesis but in a last, desperate attempt to claim the future for himself, Death Phantom used his ebbing power to send three asteroids hurtling towards Earth. Their impact set off an ecological disaster the likes of which neither Earth or the Moon had endured. Those three asteroids slammed into Earth, causing tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on a scale never before seen by humanity. Millions died within hours. Millions more in the days that followed. The dirt, ash and water vapor propelled into the atmosphere combined to shroud the Earth in a blanket that cut off all sunlight. Every living creature would die in the frozen night that would take decades to pass. Unless a miracle occurred mankind was doomed. That miracle took the shape of the last Crown Prince of Earth and his beloved, the heir to the Moon Kingdom. The reasons behind the ancient taboo of contact between the two realms was revealed. The Ginzuishou could create and renew; the Golden Crystal shape and mold. By combining the two powers, Usagi and Mamoru could heal and renew a shattered world. It would take time however, to bring about this miracle. A healing spell of suspension was cast in Elysion by Helios. The power of it was increased by the Ginzuishou and directed by the Golden Crystal. Earth entered a state of suspended animation. Everything and everyone was covered by a thin layer of crystalline ice. Well, almost everyone. Two of the Outer Senshi, Uranus and Neptune were left untouched by the sleep that overtook the planet. Before they had time to do little more than wonder what was going on, a visitor arrived. A now teenaged Chibi-Usa announced that they were needed in the future. A portal to the Timegate held by Sailor Pluto opened and, unable to deny their destiny, they walked into it and onward to the future. ***************************** “The Quest” By Meara Prologue ***************************** They made their last stand in the formal gardens at the back of the estate. The lush beauty of the place was eerily at odds with the sounds of battle that were carried on the light breeze. The warriors at the front gates of the country house fought desperately, trying to give those in the garden a last chance for escape. The woman was only twenty-three and possessed of a delicate, almost ethereal beauty. Hair so blonde it was silver fell to her shoulders. It lifted like a silken veil in the light breeze. She watched her beloved as quietly as she could, not wanting to add to their troubles. He was so handsome, she thought while the wind ruffled his black hair. Her amethyst eyes were filled with tears and she gasped as a contraction took her once more, a hand going to her rounded abdomen. The handsome man opposite her looked up in alarm when she did so. “Are you all right?” he asked, sapphire blue eyes narrowing with concern. He was clearly torn, wanting nothing more than to take her in his arms and comfort her, but the urgency of his task prevented it. His hands went once again to the controls of the stolen proto- gate. “Hang on, I’m almost done. Once we get to Elysion you and the baby will be safe.” “I’m all right,” she lied. A thin sheen of perspiration on her face, she tried to smile convincingly. “This little one wants to fight, I think.” The double doors leading back into the house burst open, people flooding into the garden. They trampled the flowers and plantings in their panic. One of the armed men stayed by the door, looking back into the darkened room before slamming it shut. He began to pull a table to better block the doorway. “The gates have been breached. They’re coming,” his gaze was firmly on the pregnant woman. “That baby is the last hope of a thousand years. We can’t let them have the child or everything is lost!” The proto-gate erupted to life, but the portal flickered and wavered. It seemed to settle for a moment and the pastoral beauty of Earth’s hidden shrine was visible. The sight of it silenced the nervous whispers among the frightened refugees. “Elysion,” a single hushed and reverent voice spoke for them all. “It’s really Elysion!” With a shudder, the portal almost collapsed, the view changing from that of Elysion, to a dark and barren world. A voice came from the gate itself, howling like the frigid wind that blew across the ravaged planet. It was everywhere at once and all could hear it very clearly. “Young rebels, if you want power come to Nemesis.” There was the ghostly outline of a hand that reached out to them across the void of time and space. “To conquer all, first conquer the Black Poison Crystal.” The sound of fighting cut through the silent shock that had enveloped the crowd. The whole house shook as those pursuing the small band blew through the front doors of the mansion. Although his heart was beating a mile a minute as he did so, the man at the controls of the proto-gate grabbed the pregnant woman and pushed her into the portal. “Whereever it is, we have to go. We can’t let them have the baby!” “What are you waiting for?!” the man at the controls shouted to the people who looked nervously at the world on the other side of the portal. “Move!” Centuries of blind obedience to the Elders of their movement came into play, and like sheep the people did as they were bid. It all happened so fast that they never stopped to question why a device that should only be able to move two or three people at a time was suddenly capable of transporting them all. They ran, one on top of another, blindly seeking the promised safety of the world beyond the proto-gate. The man with the midnight hair waited until all the others had made it through before he grabbed the control box and moved towards the portal himself. Just as he reached the threshold, the glass doors to the house exploded open, sending the shattered remains of the table flying. He stopped, straddling the portal with a foot in each world and turned to look at those framed in the mangled doorway. Neo-King Endymion saw the frigid, desolate landscape on the other side of the portal. He’d seen it before, he somehow knew, but his memory refused to tell him when or where. Never the less, a chill ran through him at the sight. “No, stop!” Mamoru shouted, Jupiter and Mars on either side of him. “It doesn’t have to end this way. Surrender now and no one else will be hurt. The rest of the Sons have accepted that they were wrong about the Moon Kingdom…” A bark of laughter erupted from the man in the portal. “Wrong? Of course we were wrong. We thought that Serenity was the source of the evil but it was you – all along it was you! Serenity is just another one of your victims, a pawn for you to use. And don’t speak to me about those weak, traitorous fools who surrendered to you. You could have had it all Endymion, but you refused to let us guide you on the true path.” Mamoru felt more than saw Mercury come up in back of him. He heard the soft melodic tapping that meant she was using her hand held computer. “Keep him talking,” she whispered, making sure to stay behind Mamoru so that her activities couldn’t be seen. “I’m trying to tap into the proto-gate’s controls and get their coordinates.” These fanatics had never passed up a chance to expound on their view of the way the world should be before, and Mamoru used that knowledge now. “Your idea of guidance would have resulted in nothing more than a dictatorship, with me as the puppet and you and your ‘Elders’ pulling my strings.” “We were more right than we knew to keep ourselves pure and apart from the rest of mankind!” the man shouted. “Earth must be burned clean of the evil and corrupt people that now infest her. We will return this world to her rightful masters – to us and it will once again be a paradise.” “And you’re going to create this paradise by running away like cowards?” Mamoru taunted. He had to get the man to step back through the portal. “This exile is necessary. Our new Prince will need time to grow into his birthright,” a smile came to the man’s face and he finished stepping through the threshold and onto Nemesis. He took the control box and slammed it to the ground. The portal began to destabilize almost at once. “I’m not the fool you’d have me be. Without this control panel you can’t follow us.” The figure was swallowed up by the darkness. “Enjoy your victory today, Endymion. It won’t last.” The portal was gone and with it the last chance of finding the radicals who called themselves the Sons of the Golden Kingdom. The death and chaos of their short lived rebellion was over, at least for now. As the last of the portal dissolved into a mist that was carried away on the breeze, a voice lingered. It was faint and fading, but the hatred in it cut into Mamoru’s heart like a dagger. “Watch your back, King of Earth. Our Prince will come for you one day, and when he does he will have all that you now possess!” *************************************** “Evil forces wanting to take over this peaceful state appeared. We managed to suppress them, but many fled into space in fear of being cleaned up by the Ginzuishou.” - Neo-King Endymion, episode 83, Sailor Moon “R”