Author's Notes at bottom ---> PLEASE READ THIS <--- This story is a SERIES. If you are reading this without reading the chapters that come before it, I can promise you confusion, if nothing else ^^; The series, in order, consists of... Don't Let Me Go: Broken Promises Don't Let Me Go: Insanity Don't Let Me Go: Roses Don't Let Me Go: Apparitions and then continues with these sets of stories - Don't Let Me Go: Debauchery I hope none of you have taken a look at all the chapters and decided not to read. The first subtitles were merely sub-stories, very very short. ~Bethany & Patch ~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Debauchery Chapter: 3 By: Bethany & Patch Edited by: Meara Rated: PG13 for violence Please send us your comments, suggestions, Tiggers, cheese cubes and Sun chips to us at and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She gasped as she sat up in the bed, sweat running off her forehead in small streams. "No, it can't be. I watched them disappear before my eyes once - I can't do it again." Usagi buried her hands in her hands and wept; sobs shaking her body. Mika stood at the door, a sadness in her features. Why did this have to happen? And why... did she have to know more than she could let on? With slow, paced steps she returned to the living room of Mamoru's apartment where he was sleeping on the couch. The day had been a tiring one, indeed. Ami and Setsuna had spent all day on the computer, Mamoru trying to console Usagi and Michiru staring into space. Even the cats were depressed since the morning events that had seen Minako disappear in a ray of light. With cat-like silence, Mika picked up her guardian cat and went to the door, silently shutting it behind her. Galaxia had told her the God of Time was behind this, but not to tell the Senshi that. She fought against herself not to defy her guardian's orders and tell them anyways. "Don't even think about it, Mika-chan," the cat in her arms said softly, but firmly. "I know you want to tell what you know. But you can not." The teenager sighed heavily and kicked a rock. "It's hard to see the Princess in so much pain, and yet say nothing. Lynn, why am I here?" The calico cat purred softly, but did not answer. ~~~~~~~~~~ The fire flickered, showing off the polished marble throne in the center of the wall. The man sitting upon it ran his fingers through his beard; his white eyes looking straight ahead. "This is taking too long.." he mumbled, eyeing the finger with the missing ring. "I need the 10th ring! I need more power!" Everyone in the room stayed quiet, waiting for him to come to a decision. Finally one man, short and bald approached the throne. "Richie," Chronos spit, his hands gripping his robe. "What do you want? I have no use for you." The man wrung his hands before his round stomach and closed his eyes uncertainly. "I, eh.. wanted to know if I would get my end of the deal. I caught the mortal boy for you and you said I could be administrator of Harvard if I did an--" "Enough! I told you to bring me the Earth Prince and you bring me a mere mortal!" With a flick of his wrist, Richie flew across the room and hit the wall where four chains wrapped around his feet and hands. Chronos opened a box laying next to his throne and retrieved a hand of darts. "Practice time." Richie's eyes bulged out of his head at the sight of the sharp points gleaming in the firelight. "I.. I'm sorry man! Look, I'll do something else for you, anything! Just do--" "I hate beggars." Chronos pulled his arm back and let the dart fly, hitting Richie in the stomach. A small gleam of satisfaction flickered in his white eyes. "Jethro!" "Yes, your Greatness?" "I want the rest, now! And make sure that the Earth Prince is given my... best accommodations," Chronos ordered, rubbing the tips of his fingers together. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The quiet apartment was wearing on Usagi's nerves, slowly her socked feet padded to the living room where she found Mamoru asleep on the couch. Ami had fallen asleep beside her computer, various windows and numbers flashing on the screen. Luna looked up as Usagi came in the kitchen and yawned. "What are you doing up, Usagi-chan?" "Can't sleep," Usagi replied, mixing chocolate milk. "I keep having nightmares about Minako." Luna purred her understanding and left Artemis sleeping on the counter to sit next to Usagi. The Princess of the Moon looked worn to the bone, close to exhaustion. "Usagi-chan, you should get some sleep." Ignoring her, Usagi glanced around the apartment. "Where are Setsuna, Hotaru, Mika and Michiru?" "Mika went back to your house, Setsuna is in the spare room with Hotaru and Michiru is on the balcony." Usagi closed her eyes and crept past the sleeping Mamoru to the terrace. Her hands pushed the glass door open and she stepped out into the cool night air. Michiru sat in a chair to the right, her knees drawn up to her chest. Usagi sat carefully in a chair next to her; both sitting in silence for a long moment. "Who do you think will be next, Usagi-chan?" Michiru suddenly asked, her eyes watery. Usagi looked out at the Tokyo skyline and sighed. "I don't know, really. It could be any of us." "If it happens to me, I'm not going to fight it. That only brings pain and doesn't help you anyway." Usagi wanted to protest, but knew she was right. Haruka had been in pain and Minako not. She didn't want any of them to disappear, but also didn't want them in pain. "I hope they are alright." Michiru pulled her hair back in a loose bun and nodded. "Hai, they are alive." Usagi stood and looked down at the petite Senshi of Neptune one last time before going back in the apart- ment. Mamoru had moved from the couch to the bed, and Usagi carefully crept in beside him. She cuddled up to his solid form and, closing her eyes, fell into another nightmare. ~~~~~~~~ Lynn stretched and yawned, extracting her claws as she did so. Her half open eyes surveyed the room slowly, searching for the source of what had awoken her. Nothing seemed amiss, and Mika slept on like the dead. But there was something.... almost like a dog whistle. It grew louder by the second. "Mika-chan! Mika-chan!" Lynn whispered, nuzzling the sleeping teenager's face. When she received no response, she done the next thing she could do; scratched her. "YEEEEEEEOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR LYNN?!" the now *very* awake teenager screamed, pulling her covers back and sending Lynn screeching across the room. The ball of brown, white and black fur managed to land on her feet (And Mika better thank her lucky stars for that, the cat thought bitterly) and turned to face her owner. "It isn't *my* fault you could sleep through an earth quake!" Mika pulled her fingers through her knotted hair and yawned. "Is there a reason you woke me up, so rudely I might add?" Lynn perked her ears up, but heard nothing. How very strange, she thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Usako. Usa - come on baby, wake up a second," Mamoru pleaded, knowing he had little time. Slowly the blonde crashed back into reality from her world of dreams. "Mamo-chan, what's going on?" She rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly; and screamed. "NO! You're, you're glowing! No Mamo-chan! You can't leave me!!" He placed a soothing hand over her face and kissed her deeply. "Usako, I love you - more than anything, remember that, ne?" "Mamo-chan," she sobbed, tears flowing from her azure eyes. "Please, no - don't leave me... please..." "Gomen ne, my beautiful Princess - I can't fight this, but I will come back to you. We will be together, I swear on my life. I will spend the rest of eternity with you." He pushed his words out quickly, afraid he may disappear before he finished all he needed to say. "No Mamo-chan, I'll get my crystal! I can fight this for you! Just.. please, please don't leave me again!" With glassy eyes, Mamoru leaned over her and kissed her one last time. He pulled back and looked deep in her eyes before he disappeared in thin air. "Mamo-chan?! Mamo-chan, no!" "Aishteru, Usako." His voice was the last thing she heard in the dark room. Usagi felt like she was dreaming, and almost convinced herself of the notion. "Dreaming... that's it, I'm dreaming." She leapt from the bed and rushed to the living room. "Ami-chan? Setsuna-chan? Is Mamo-chan with you?" The living room was empty. In a daze Usagi went in the kitchen. "Mamo-chan? Hotaru-chan?" Hotaru looked up from where her head was buried on the table. "They're gone," she whispered with such finality that Usagi started shaking. "Who?" she asked, hoping against all odds. "Setsuna, Ami, Mamoru - they're gone." Suddenly Hotaru jumped up and went to the balcony. She returned a moment later with Michiru. "We are the only one's left." Michiru nodded slowly, as though she has expected as much. Luna and Artemis came in the room, saying nothing. Luna jumped in Usagi's arms and started purring. The front door opened and Mika and Lynn came in. Mika didn't have to ask - the look on everyone's faces was enough to know what had happened. "Princess, are you alright?" Lynn asked, jumping from Mika's arms. Usagi shook her head and sat down on the couch, her eyes closed and tears streaming down her face. "Mamo-chan, Ami-chan, Setsuna-chan," she whispered in disbelief. Artemis jumped on the computer desk and placed his paw on the screen. After a moment a voice came over the speakers. "Welcome Artemis." Artemis cleared his throat and hit the enter key. Within a few seconds the computer shut down completely. "We have to go to central, they are not done, you can bet on that. It bothers me they have not attacked Usagi yet." With slow steps, the remaining four Senshi and three cats went to the Arcade. Mika stood on one side of Usagi, Michiru on the other. No matter what, they would not get the Princess - they vowed. Hotaru went ahead into the Arcade to be sure that no one would see them descend to the control room. Usagi went down the steps and stopped at the bottom. She had not been in this room in what seemed forever; but she remembered it well. After she had first found out her identity the girls had brought her here. On a table to the left is where she sat in her princess gown for the first time and cried for Mamoru when Beryl had taken him.* She would not sit down and cry this time, she had to find her friends - no time to give in to her emotions. Hotaru and Michiru sat down in front of the computer and started it up. The red headed teenager looked disturbed about something and kept biting her lip. Suddenly she stood. "Gomen nasai, Lynn," she whispered. "Minna, I know who is behind this." ~~~~~~~~~~~ A howl of pain rang through the halls, followed shortly by another. Even the minions flinched as Chronos threw darts at Richie. Blood ran down his stomach and chest from the wounds. At some point, Chronos had ran out of darts - therefore he pulled the thrown ones from Richie's stomach and proceeded to thrown them again. The fat, bald man hung from the chains - slipping in and out of consciousness. The pain was horrible, the torture - God, let me die now, he begged as another dart embedded it's self in his neck. Chronos yawned and chuckled. "I grow tired of this," he declared as he put the darts down. He walked out of the room, at least four of his men in tow. A dark hallway, lit only by a torch here or there - slowly wound its way downward. The further down the path went, the more the stifling heat increased. After twenty minutes of walking, Chronos stopped in front of a large metal door. "We have her?" "Yes," Jethro answered promptly. "And the Earth Prince?" "Yes." Chronos smiled gleefully and entered the room. It was a large room, easily seventy feet square. Large tubs of burning flames scattered here and there, giving an eerie glow to the black walls. Six bodies lined the left wall, each cuffed four feet above the floor by chains wound around their arms and ankles. Chronos walked slowly down the length of the wall. "Sailor Senshi; Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus. Prince of Earth," he listed as he went. Finally he came to a table to which a woman with long green hair was strapped, her eyes boring into him. "Ahh, Pluto. Or should I call you Setsuna?" He chuckled lightly. "It's been years since I laid eyes on you. More than years, centuries. If I remember correctly, we were four when Queen Serenity appointed you Guardian of the Time Gate. Such a pity, really. The weaker of the two of us, chosen to be the holder of the Time Key. Father wanted me to be Guardian, but alas - you were chosen. Only females can be Senshi, she said, or some such Bull shit. Now I will rule all; time, space, Earth and the universe. Along with your precious Prince and Princess' powers - Chronos will rule! I will have the 10 Rings and the Golden and Silver Crystals." Slowly he came around to the other side of the table and removed the gag from Setsuna's mouth. "Come now, you have nothing to say? Don't tell me you have forgotten me, my dear sister." ~~~~~~~~~~~ After what felt like hours of searching, Motoki found something that seemed to be a door. Once again, he pushed on it - hoping to open it and at least let Reika escape. "What is it they want, Motoki?" Reika asked as she bit her nails. "He calls it the 10th ring. It seems that when I asked Mamoru to look for you a wedding ring in America, he found a very rare one. Before sending it to me, he done some research on it. Mr. Looney Bin found out he was investigating it and tried to kill him. But Mamoru had already sent me the ring by that time. Now this Chronos guy wants it, 'one way or the other' he said." Reika forced the lump from her throat and forced out her next words. "'One way or the other'? Motoki, give it to him." Motoki sat down and buried his head in his hands. "I can't just do that. He talks of a Prince of Earth and I've heard them talk about the Senshi. They are after Usagi and her friends.** But I don't know who this Prince of Earth is. But from what this mad man has told me, when he gets this final ring he will be very powerful - enough to take over the world." The hopelessness of the situation was settling in. Would they ever get out alive? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Usagi sat straight up and watched Mika carefully pace in front of her."Galaxia told me that the God of Time, Chronos - is behind this. He wants his son, Chronos to take over everything; Earth, the universe." "Then that his how he has such powers," Michiru commented quietly. "Hai, but there is more," Mika threw another apologetic look to her guardian cat. "The God of Time is Setsuna's father also." ~~~~~~ End Chapter 3 * this refers to the manga when Mamoru is taken by Beryl - the girls take Usagi to the control room and she sits in her princess gown, crying for him. ** this also refers to the manga. The girls tell Motoki that the control room is under the arcade and about who they are. SO there is chapter 3 - I'm sooo sorry that chapter 4 is not out this week, we have been slacking, but I promise to work harder. Email us!!!!! HUGE thanks to everyone who writes us about this story - but certainly I haven't been recieveing as much mail from this story as my others and I'm wondering just how many people are actually reading this. ^^;; HUGE thanks to Meara, our editor **HUGS** ***takes this moment to recommend you go read Meara's story, "Fatal Exposure" and WRITE her about how great it is! ^_^ Email! Email!! Email!!! Email!!!! Email!!!! PLEASE!! Email is good, email is our friend! It doesn't bite! ^.~ luva! Bethany - (insert email hint here) Patch - (insert another hint here) Moon Bunny's Closet owned and operated by Bethany and Serenity Raye - come visit ^_^