------------------- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- -* T I T A N S *- -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -- ------------------- Written by Avanla Mireille Book Two, Chapter Seven - "The Rolling Sound of Thunder" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Early the next morning, Serena exited Diamond's quarters, walking quietly to the chambers her and ladies were assigned to. Her face was weary, making her look older than her years. Five guards were assigned to the door, and they turned to her as she neared. The bowed in unison, and one opened the door for her. Wordlessly she walked in, and the only ray of light was vanquished as the door was closed behind her. A small candle was lit by the bedside, but it wasn't enough to light the whole room, only offering Serena the profiles of the two women around the bed. Slowly she walked towards them, and stopped four feet away from the bed. Rei and Lita looked up at her, their eyes puffy with crying. Lita shook her head, trying to fight the tears that threatened to come as she looked at her mistress. "Ami was found dead in the dungeon, covered and laying in her own blood." She choked out, turning her head away. "Her throat was slit." No emotion flashed over Serena's features, instead she looked at Mina's lying form. "And Mina?" She asked. "She'll live." Rei answered. "As will her child. The metal plate we put on the inside of her clothes helped, it barely went through. Your majesty, where were you? We tried to come and find you but-" "Leave." Serena commanded loudly, stopping Rei from talking any further. The two ladies looked at each other a moment before wordlessly walking into their adjoining rooms. Serena walked closer to the bed, until her thighs were touching its soft surface. She stared at her best friend's sleeping face, and slowly but surely emotions started to rush back. Silent tears escaped her eyes, as she hugged herself tightly. "Oh Mina, you should've told me." Serena whispered. "Long before this day." Serena walked to the window, to see the morning sky clouded over with ugly gray clouds, swirling with anger and malice. "And now Ami..." She shook her head, covering her face with her hands. Serena turned around and gazed at Mina. Silently she quickly exited the room, to find Diamond waiting for her. After a moment of silence Serena burst into tears and ran into his arms. He held her close, kissing her hair. "Ssh, everything will be alright." He whispered. "Very soon." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The ride home was in uncomfortable silent. Serena sat staring out the window, while her ladies sat staring at her worriedly. Mina, when she was conscious, burned holes in the back of Serena's head, but the empress would not turn around. "Serena." Mina called out hopefully. But Serena remained a stone, ignoring her. "Oh Serena please! Just look at me!" A silent tear escaped Serena's eye, landing on her hand. Broc and Maxxel rushed to Serena, Maxxel taking her in his arms. Artemis and Setsuna greeted the remaining ladies, and helped support Mina. "What happened to you Mina?" Artemis asked. "Nothing." Serena snapped, turning to them. "No one is to speak with her, not one word until I tell you otherwise! NOT ONE WORD! Am I perfectly clear?" Serena yelled and they all shook their heads, surprised. Mina only hung her head in shame, fighting back her tears. "Take her to her room." Serena commanded and started walking. "I'm going to wait in the throne room, because Rubeus will no doubt attack again. Do not disturb me unless he does so." Serena sat on the floor against her throne, petting Lady, who was fully grown, and sat taller than Serena. The big cat purred its understanding, feeling something desperately wrong with her mistress. Serena's attentions were focused somewhere else, somewhere far away from her throne room. Suddenly the door was opened and Broc and Maxxel came storming in. She kept staring into the distance even as they were mere feet away. "I'm sorry, but you can't keep us locked out of your life." Maxxel said, stomping his foot. "Tell us what happened!" Serena finally looked down at Lady, sighing deeply. "Someone tried to assassinate me, but they failed." Serena said, and before they could say anything continued. "But I felt a foreboding shadow fall over me, and so I sent Mina in my place. So she was injured, not me. I wouldn't have done it if I knew, if I knew she was-" "Was what?" Broc asked. "Pregnant." Serena choked out, and the two looked at each other shocked. "I stayed with Diamond that night-" "You didn't-" "Sleep with him? No, I didn't." Serena shook her head, smiling as the two blushed. "We didn't that is. I fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up I went into Mina's room and found that Ami was killed as well, her throat cut." The two grunted, well Maxxel sighed, and shook their heads. "Who could be behind this? Rubeus most definitely." Maxxel said, and as he did Anthony walked in the doors to stand beside them. Serena didn't see him however, because she was lost, deep in thought. "My lady." Anthony called, and Serena snapped to attention. "Yes?" "I..I don't know how it's possible, but Rubeus is attacking us from both sides." "Both sides..." Serena breathed, her eyes becoming far away again. "Yes, somehow he got past our armies and is attacking on our east border, while at the same time on our northwest border." "How is that possible? We have patrols everywhere, how could they get past us?" Maxxel said. "Even if they traveled by boat they would run into our fleet. Obviously they didn't go through Erise, or Ielaque, or we would've heard about it." Broc said, his eyebrows crinkled in frustration. "Where are they going?" "The two groups seem to be moving towards each other, and will most likely meet at the Star Valley." Anthony answered. "What should we do, your highness?" Serena sighed, rising slowly. She put a hand to her throbbing forehead and massaged it. "What do you think?" She said, flinging her arm down. "Ready the army, we'll intercept and finish this all." "As you wish." Broc bowed, and moved to leave. "And I'm coming with you." "No you're not!" Broc said as he made an abrupt turn about. Serena looked down at him with an air of superiority. "Yes, I am." She insisted. "And that's final." All three men sighed, shaking their heads. "Then I shall come as well." Maxxel said. "I'm not letting you go out there by yourself." "Do as you please." Serena said and brushed past them and out the door, Lady following at her heels. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena and Lady reached Mina's room just as Ami and Lita were leaving. "Your highness." The bowed respectfully, a little frightened at Serena's new dark side. "You didn't talk to her did you?" Serena demanded. "No your majesty." Lita answered. "And what did she say to you?" Serena asked next. "Just how you were." Rei answered, and sighed indignantly. "Serena, you've got to stop ignoring her. She made a mistake, everyone does. Can't you just for-" "Enough." Serena's cold voice echoed through the corridor. "Go." She waited till they turned the bend before opening the door. Lady jumped in first, and like a snake made her way quietly up to the chair in which Mina sat. She was faced looking out the window, but had her attention elsewhere. She looked down at her still flat stomach, which she held in both hands. Serena stayed at the door and watched as Lady nuzzled her great big head into Mina's leg. The woman jumped momentarily, before smiling and petting the big cat. Realizing the big cat hardly went anywhere without her mistress, she slowly turned her head to find Serena. "Serena?" She called out unsteadily. Slowly Serena walked out of the shadows and stood beside Mina. The two women stared at each other along moment, before Mina broke down into tears. "Oh please Serena, forgive me! I didn't mean to betray you, I thought I was doing the right thing when I made the vow. I didn't think- I didn't think I'd fall in love..." Mina cried out. "Who's the father? Did he know about your chastity vow?" Serena asked. "Yes..he knew." Mina said. "Who, Mina, WHO!" "Kunzite!" Mina yelled back, surprising Serena. She regained her physique, numbly nodding her head. She turned to leave but stopped at the gently whining of Lady. She rubbed her head against her knee, causing Serena to sigh. "I'm going into battle with Broc and Maxxel, and I have a feeling that I might not come back." Serena said quietly, and Mina quickly stood up. "And if I know your feelings lately, then that will be true." She shook her head. "You can't go Serena." "I have to!" Serena whipped around. "Someone else is behind this madness, I must know!" "Serena, then let me-" "No Mina," Serena interrupted. "You shall not come." She walked up to her best friend and touched her cheek. "You have someone to take care of now, someone that I almost had killed." "It wasn't in any way your fault Serena, and you know that." Mina insisted. "I didn't tell you." "Now I must make things right." Serena said determinedly. "Goodbye Mina." "Yes, goodbye. I'll see you when you return." Serena turned around and smiled sadly, not replying. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Serena's army sat in the shadows of the forest's trees, hiding and waiting for Rubeus' army to come over the crest of the hill. Serena tightened her hold on the reigns, sighing deeply. Suddenly a spot of red came over the horizon, and after a moment a flying flag came into view. They all watched as men came pilling over the hill, and four men, obviously the leaders, directing them. Serena rode a little closer, trying to make out Rubeus and his commanders. She looked around at the men, and realized that there were two different uniforms. One red, one whitish-gray. Suddenly a flash of blue caught her eyes, and they widened, realization dawning on her. "Serena, what is it?" Broc asked, seeing her stiffen up. "It can't be..." She breathed. "It can't!" -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-